bxbies-blog · 10 years
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
everywhere i go i get shit I'm fucking sick of this
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
zoe saldana's on my dash :(
this blog will be shutting down later tonight after daniel leaves.
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
so it actually didn't take me very long to come to the decision to move again. i'm not going to explain why i'm getting rid of all but three muses but i am, and if you care or want to you can follow the new blog here.
have a nice day!
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
thecloudsmove awh well thank you babe
inyourocean sigh thank you though
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
tbh the only reason she's saying that is because they're new, they're the next big thing, but 1D still has a bigger following. and their net worth is still bigger
this white ass news lady was talking about how 5sos is bigger than 1d, they’re close but 1d is bigger
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
For a few seconds, he doesn't answer, because he doesn't really know what's wrong with here. He's quickly searching through his mind and that's when he figures it out. It's Mason. But not just Mason. It's Mason and everybody else. "Being here hurts too badly."
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"What’s wrong with here?" A small sigh is given as he watches the other male carefully, eyes falling shut after he’s moving in once again, resting his head against the boy’s shoulder.
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
inyourocean yeah it's just shitty so idk what i'm gonna do. i might keep ezra for you and the other person but idk i have to take a couple hours to decide what i'm gonna do. i just need to keep my muse count low i think maybe just 4
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
"Dunno. Anywhere but here," he's beginning to zone out again, and it's quite obvious when he does. Friends and lovers are dropping like flies again, either dying or ceasing to give a shit and even disliking him for no reason other than the fact that he exists. 
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Through the brief space of silence he keeps his head down because it’s insanely awkward. He considered leaving a few times, especially when the other male flinches, but that may have made things worse. He’s glad he stayed once Daniel speaks, head lifting slightly as a single brow is raised. “Moving where?” 
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
i know i know you give a shit, you're literally one of two people who give a shit about ezra and that's kinda heartbreaking because i worked so hard on him and he's been through so much and for there to be only two people who care just because i moved him to another blog ugh it's so shitty ezra just feels so so so unloved it's ridiculous
but it's not just ezra it's daniel too, and august's ship has tanked after so much development and aurora only has one ship/friend because nobody wants to rp with her and don't even get me started on renata and justice people don't even ask for them and they ask for starters and when i use the randomizer and give renata or justice people don't even reply it's like wtf I'm not gonna use my harry's all the time uGH
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
inyourocean i don't even know what I'm doing there's just too many muses and not enough people who give a shit, so.
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
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If Disney Princesses Were Actually Sloths by Jen Lewis Previously: Nicolas Cage as Disney Princesses
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
It's a long time before he actually says, "Nothing is wrong." He winces when Mason touches him, mostly because the last thing he wants to do is be touched by somebody who probably doesn't give a shit about him anymore. But that's not what's been bothering him. "I'm moving, I think. Taking the twins with me, and Kieran if he would like to come."
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He sighs lightly, reaching out to set a hand against his lower thigh, squeezing just above his knee. “Daniel, hey.” His nose nudges against his shoulder as if to catch his attention, cheek resting against the area as he gives a small sigh before he’s pulling away, putting a distance between them. “What’s wrong?”
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bxbies-blog · 10 years
okay so i'm definitely making a new multi one of these days because i just don't know about this one. i'm probably getting rid of everybody but aiden and justice
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