butterfly-bede-blog · 3 years
ftm reasons to get skinnier
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★彡 my binder will fit better
★彡 my chest will be smaller
★彡 my ass will be smaller
★彡 my hips will be less prominent
★彡 i'll look better in baggy clothes
★彡 my chest will be so fucking easy to hide
★彡 my face will look more structured and carved out
★彡 my neck and collarbones will be more prominent
★彡 i'll look more grunge
★彡 i'll just look better in masc clothes
★彡 it'll be easier to do masc makeup
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butterfly-bede-blog · 3 years
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three months of my progress. also dont tell me to straighten my back i have a literal condition w my ribs and stuff that also causes my back to b really arched
Feel free to give me meanspo ;)
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butterfly-bede-blog · 3 years
meanspo literally the funniest shit ever lmfaooo call me a pig again and i will beat you the fuck up
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butterfly-bede-blog · 3 years
i love how no one in my family has noticed my disorder yet 😭😭 its so funny to me im constantly like “no i dont want dinner” and “oh i just prefer zero cal soda” and theyre like “mm yes this is normal behavior for a 14 year old child” they literally ENCOURAGE my ED its great
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butterfly-bede-blog · 3 years
Hey! im Bede! im 14, and ive got 4n4, m1a and pica!
current weight unknown, most likely around 135-145 lbs
goal weight is 120
ultimate goal weight is 95
Some facts about me are:
Im a fictive in a polyfragmented OSDD-1b system
pronouns r he/it/fairy
i live in a hotel room with 3 other people /neg
im autistic, psychotic, and a bunch of other stuff
I will allow other alters to post sometimes since almost all of us are disordered in some way, they will sign off with their name when they do.
Hope you enjoy my blog!
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