healthy foods, healthy choices
For most of my life, I treated life choices the same way I treat food.
I eat a lot foods that I don’t like, because others say I should, because I hear it’s good for me, or I know that I need to in order to be healthy. We each only get one body, so it’s important to take good care of it.
Such a philosophy is logical, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized this way of thinking may be healthy for the body, but it is not healthy for the mind or the soul.
I should be a doctor; it’s a prestigious occupation and pays well.
I should be a lawyer; I’ll make lots of money, and I could easily support a family.
I should pursue a steady, six-figure salary; I’ll want for nothing,
but happiness.
What makes sense to other people, what looks good on paper, what is logical, what seems rational, what appears to be the only answer, what everyone else says is the best answer is not always the right answer.
Spinach is good for me, but I think it tastes bitter.
Giving up on my dreams is something others tell me is good for me, but it’s a bitter taste I can no longer tolerate.
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anxiety attack vs. panic attack
anxiety attack:
•builds up slowly and gradually
•caused by intense worry over a specific event or occurrence in time
•can be caused by rational or irrational worry
•can last a hella long time
-longest record of a continuous anxiety attack was over 5 hours
-if my heart were a sewn quilt, anxiety attacks would be as if someone were pulling the quilt from all four corners, and the seams holding the individual squares of fabric together were slowly unraveling thread by thread over an infinite amount of time.
panick attack:
•is like getting hit by a truck
•comes of out the left fucking field
•can be triggered, but does not NEED a trigger
•is pretty much completely irrational
•has PHYSICAL symptoms which may include but are not limited to:
-accelerated heart rate
-hot/cold flashes
-shaking limbs and extremities
-chest pains
-head aches
•also has mental symptoms which may include but are not limited to:
-racing thoughts
-inability to string together coherent sentences
-extreme difficulty focusing
•feels like death. literally, your body belives you are dying, and people experiencing a panic attack for the first time often mistake them for heart attacks. that’s how fucking serious these things are.
now, you are somewhat educated.
so if something mildly surprises you in a displeasing way, please refrain from telling others you “had an anxiety attack” or “almost had a panic attack” because it sorely misrepresents the population of those who ACTUALLY have anxiety and panic attacks. it encourages the rest of society to admonish those with mental health issues for attempting to get help or to take the steps necessary to get better. it encourages a culture of belittlement and invalidation.
please. stop that.
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Maybe I’m an Angsty Teen, but
How am I supposed to sleep when my skin is burning with the heat of my cold sweat drying and my heart is a bandaid slowly being peeled from my body in the slowest, most agonizing eternity possible.
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I won’t ask if you’ve ever had a secret. We all have them. I won’t pretend to sprout some mind-blowing bits of crappy, unsolicited, uncertified wisdom. I’m simply gonna write words, because I was reading Eleanor and Park about twenty minutes ago when I remembered that I used to write Shugo Chara fanfiction in the seventh grade, and how much I LOVED it— how ALIVE it made me feel. Also, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve used tumblr, and if anybody ends up reading this and knows how to italicize words on here, let ya girl know; it feels so EXTRA having to capitalize the whole word, and quite honestly I am a little annoyed about it.
Perhaps, I should have introduced myself sooner.
Hi, I’m a banana and this is me butt naked, stripped down with no barriers.
Cue the irony. Fake name, real thoughts. Real, uninhibited thoughts.
This is my secret. My regular mask comes down, and I’m putting on a different one. This mask is for a new audience, though. I have a new crowd to entertain, but maybe that crowd is just me.
I would say I’m writing for a crowd with no expectations, with whom I can write to freely, but I am in that audience, too.
I set the highest expectations for myself, and as cliche as it is, I am by biggest critic.
As I sit crouched on my bed, telling myself that literally, this is TUMBLR, I find myself scrolling back through what I’ve typed so far, looking for errors—for reasons to kick myself and rip me a new one.
Everyone thinks I’m perfect.
Funniest shit I ever heard.
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