buns-with-a-book · 1 month
Chapter 22, the final chapter, of The Iron Briar is up! This completes the series, but who knows what lies in the future?
See you next time!
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buns-with-a-book · 2 months
Chapter 21 of The Iron Briar is up!
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buns-with-a-book · 2 months
Chapter 20 of The Iron Briar is up!
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buns-with-a-book · 2 months
Chapter 19 of The Iron Briar is up!
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buns-with-a-book · 2 months
A cold wind was blowing. As Ethan made his way around the altar behind her (at least from the footsteps she heard), Kasandra was standing at the iron fence, overlooking the snow-coated lands of Lord Heisenberg. His factory stood tall and proud, despite being under the shadow of Castle Dimitrescu (by virtue of said castle being built into a mountain). The factory, despite everything, was home, the closest she had to one compared to the cottage of her parents, and…she never would admit this aloud, she had a reputation to maintain in front of Ethan, but she was actually looking forward to reuniting with Karl since this whole affair began. It had been a long and cold day since Kasandra first met Ethan, first spied upon him, and here they were, just a few steps away from the factory where everything would…happen. Whether it would be what she worked for or not, she would just have to wait. She could wait. Whether or not Miranda would let her wait for her plans of assassination and rebellion to come to fruition, she couldn’t say. She had a sneaking suspicion that the answer was going to be no.
Chapter 18 of The Iron Briar is up!
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buns-with-a-book · 2 months
The huntress and her avian ally bring two together. Chapter 17 of The Iron Briar is up!
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buns-with-a-book · 3 months
The morning was cold, clouds choking the sky and the sun struggling to peer through the cloud cover. A faint snowfall fluttered through the air. Nestled in the shadow of Castle Dimitrescu, huddled by a small fire for warmth, was Kasandra, garbed in her black leather now covered with fur. Her gaze, covered by her mask, was upon the Castle, watching the location. Ovid was settled next to her, picking at an unfortunate Lycan corpse for sustenance.   Kasandra’s mind, however, was far and away, back to the Factory. So much had happened in such a short time…
Chapter 16 of the Iron Briar is up!
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buns-with-a-book · 3 months
Credo is the appointed guardian to Dante, son of the Dragonqueen Eva and inheritor of her title and power. He vowed to be chaste, to be naught more than the Dragonqueen’s silent shield. And yet…he wants more. What he wants is something he has resolved himself to never have.
For @furyeclipse's birthday! Happy birthday!
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buns-with-a-book · 3 months
He never thought his heart, the heart of an umbral demon king, would be moved. He was wrong.
Based on @furyeclipse's DMC/Van Helsing AU!
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buns-with-a-book · 4 months
Night had long fallen by the time Kasandra reached his factory. The huntress slipped into the factory, climbing careful pockmarks of the walls that she made to always have an entrance into the factory’s second floor. She had taken the living space Karl made and turned it into a home for both of them. As the autumnal harvest gave way to winter’s chill, the warmth was all the more appreciated, the two free from Miranda’s gaze from her lack of presence in the village.  But Kasandra was too cautious. Miranda wasn’t dead, just absent, and her absences were never long.
Chapter 15 is avaliable!
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buns-with-a-book · 5 months
Miranda was missing.  While Karl was more than happy with this development, as it meant no monthly meetings to distract and frustrate him, Kasandra found it suspicious. When autumn’s chill gave way to winter’s ice without a sighting, Kasandra’s suspicion only intensified. Every few days, she would leave Karl’s side to go farther and farther afield, to find where Miranda was hiding or whatever she was plotting. The snow did not stop her, nor did the lycans lurking in the woods. She was clever, she could hide and sneak her way past lycans, and Ovid’s eyes in the sky meant he could dive-bomb whatever stood in her way and have a nice snack. She had to find Miranda, no matter how far she hid from the village, to keep tabs on her so Karl could prepare for any of her plans.  One frosty late afternoon, Kasandra was walking along the ridge separating the village from the world beyond.
Chapter 14 for the Iron Briar is available now!
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buns-with-a-book · 9 months
The leaves were changing.  The brisk autumnal air heralded the harvest time, where the grain was brought in from the fields to be stored for the winter. Most of the villagers, no matter the age, were out in the fields gathering the grain they had planted in the spring. Only the youngest and the oldest were excluded, along with a few of their family members to make sure they were OK.  Because of the harvest, Karl found himself with a lot less workers in his factory. Fine by him, he had things to do that didn’t involve them. They were primarily reinforcing the undead soldiers of his army, they were still partially made of flesh after all. As he worked, gloves dirtied by the hard labor of keeping his army in shape for the eventual surprise attack, his mind drifted to the recent changes to his day to day life.  Those changes being Kasandra (a welcome change) and Ovid (a change he could live without, if they weren’t attached to Kasandra).
Chapter 13 of The Iron Briar is up!
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buns-with-a-book · 10 months
Meanwhile…at Castle Dimitrescu… Alcina could only stare, wide-eyed, at Mother Miranda’s masked gaze. She wasn’t sure if she heard her correctly, perhaps the hunger for blood got to her ears, or perhaps it was the distant thunder roll in the mountains beyond the village, or perhaps it was the faintest sense of being watched from the darkness outside, or…or… “Kasandra must die?”
Chapter 12 of The Iron Briar is up!
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buns-with-a-book · 10 months
Knives and swords were simple, compared to the complicated work that was his army, his grand plan of vengeance against Miranda. Compared to the stitched together nature of his Soldats, made of wire and preserved flesh and machine, a knife was just so mundane. But Kasandra…she was nothing but mundane. A simple little knife simply wouldn’t do, not for her.  The knife in question, the one Ovid claimed she had named Crin, clearly held some sort of attachment to her. Karl mused at its current state in one of his many forges in the factory. It was that attachment that made him put it aside, debating between remaking it anew or merely sharpening it. She had connections to her past, things she could remember, things that, if he wanted to dare to admit it, he was jealous that she had.  Now, the tall bitch’s falchion? Karl hungered to just rip it apart, make it anew, in the image of the iron steed. Kasandra didn’t belong to her, hell she didn’t belong to Miranda either. Her freedom, relative to him, was so damn enviable. She, in theory, could just get up and leave.  Leave him behind.  
Chapter 11 of the Iron Briar is up!
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buns-with-a-book · 1 year
There’s times where Nero is conscious and his adopted mother Cassandra is visiting him. Nero asks a simple question and gains a story.
Set before The Edge of Dawn, it’s time for some mother/son bonding!
Tags: @furyeclipse @queenmuzz @astral-space-dragon @blooddrop-palace
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buns-with-a-book · 1 year
mistakes can happen and if youre not poc  you might not see the way you describe poc as harmful or insulting, which is why im making this smallish psa. now before we start this is NOT an exhaustive list of things that people need to be aware of.
please, please, PLEASE put the same effort into describing brown eyes as you do blue and green. i have literally seen people with charas that have blue / green eyes go ON AND ON about how they are like sapphires / emeralds etc and then turn around and describe brown eyes simply as “dark”. why can you suddenly not be poetic with brown eyes ? are they not as beautiful and worthy of attention and effort ? there are LOTS of ways to describe brown eyes ( note: there are some food words here, which i will get to in my next point. i am in no way saying EVERY word on this list is great, but there are a lot of good descriptors.  ) they can be a feeling, a place, a memory– they can also be gemstones believe it or not. ( brown / black stones exist ?!?! wild ! ) 
do not ONLY romanticize light brown eyes. some people have black eyes, and they are just as beautiful. brown eyes are not only lovely when they have gold in them, or when the sun shines on them. black eyes are beautiful in every lighting, not just when they look lighter.
another thing i see people do that needs to STOP is describing poc skin tones with food. now, i know a lot of people are like ‘???? how is that insulting’ but you can read a good reason why not to do that HERE. not all poc feel this way, but if you are not poc it is important to consider this perspective and how people feel. HERE and HERE you can also find other ways to describe skin tones.
lastly, if you are going to describe poc skin tones you also need to acknowledge when a character is white. when you only describe darker skinned poc, you are feeding the tired ass pattern of a character is white unless described otherwise. assume we know nothing, cant see your icon/fc. also, a lot of us here are writing books and this happens in novels a lot– it needs to stop. if you are going to describe skin color, it cant just been when someone has dark skin.
thanks have a good one
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buns-with-a-book · 1 year
working on a vampire!Ardyn/dhamphir!OC fic. I got a lil preview for you.
“I remember you asking me if I wanted to join the night, all those years ago.” She began, soft as her gaze returned to the city below them. “I said no at the time. If that thought remains in your head, the answer remains the same.” Ardyn let out a sigh.
“You think I can’t take no for an answer?”
“The vampire lords who pursued me didn’t.” She rubbed her wrists, a nervous tic, something that couldn’t have escaped Ardyn’s notice. His steps heralded his approach, slow and methodical, a patience that the others could never cultivate, despite all their assurances (lies) they were so very patient.
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