brumestar-blog · 9 years
Death is always easier than life, but nothing worth having comes easy, and death has no worth whatsoever.
Joakim Hellstrand (via brumestar)
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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Energy: Receptive
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Associated herbs: Rose, nettle, rue, cumin
Powers: Divination, protection, defensive magic
Magical uses: Lead is a heavy metal that causes death when it is absorbed by the body. The ancient Romans discovered this by using lead dishes and cooking utensils. 
A curious divination, recorded in the 1800’s in Italy by Charles Godfrey Leland, uses lead. Take three rose seeds, three nettle leaves, two rue leaves and three cumin seeds. Put these on a metal plate along with a small quantity of lead. 
At midnight, while clearing your mind of needless mental clutter, burn two yellow candles and light a fire. Place the metal plate over the fire. Then fill a large basin with water. Once the lead has melted, pour it, along with the herb ashes, into the water. 
When the lead nodule has cooled, remove it from the water and gaze at its shape. The ritual and the lead itself should allow access into your psychic mind. If nothing comes to you, place the nodule beneath your pillow and let your dreams guide you. 
Lead is worn or used in protective spells and also plays its part in defensive magic. It can be placed near the entrance of the house to prevent negativity from gaining access. 
(Source: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic)
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
Herb of the Week-Bethroot
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American Ground Lily Bethroot Birthroot Coughroot Ground Lily Indian Balm Indian Shamrock Jew’s-harp Plant Milk Ipecac Nodding Wakerobin Pariswort Red Trillium Snakebite Stinking Benjamin Three-leaved Nightshade Trillium Wake Robin Trillium (botanical name Trillium erectum) is a perennial herb that usually grows up to a height of 16 inches and bears three wide leaves and a single flower, whose color may vary - white, yellow or red. The rhizome of trillium is about the length of a thumb and its color varies from yellowish to reddish brown.
During the early phase of spring, while nature lovers walking in the woods are likely to be lured to collect the attractive, low-growing trillium. It is true that the appeal of trillium is reverberated in one more of its names, for instance, wake-robin, a cue that this plant is one of the early offerings of the spring. Nevertheless, people who collect flowers ought to be cautioned that this is a rare plant and also endangered in a number of states. In fact, there is one more reason why the flowers of trillium ought to be left alone - they are visible quite easily owing to their moniker ‘Stinking Benjamin’. A number of herbal experts have discovered that the smell of the plant has a very close resemblance to the disgusting odour of decomposing flesh that they prepare a lotion using the roots and rhizomes of trillium to treat gangrene founded on the formerly-regarded principles of signatures, consistent with the characteristics of a plant are indicates its consequent usefulness for the human body.
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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LOOK AT THESE. 100% handmade grimoires from Period Fine Bindings. As the maker (Paul Tronson) states, “the creation and blessing of each sigil is performed in the day and hour of its planet thus ensuring its empowerment.” If you happen to have a few stacks of extra cash lying around, you can commission a custom grimoire from Paul Tronson at http://periodfinebindings.typepad.com/
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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Catnip (nepeta cataria)
Folk names: Cat, Catmint, Catnep, Catrup, Cat’s Wort, Field Balm, Nepeta, Nip
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Bast
Powers: Cat magic, love, beauty, happiness
Magical uses: Given to your cat, catnip creates a psychic bond between the two of you. 
Catnip is used in love sachets, usually in conjunction with rose petals. If you hold catnip in your hand until it is warm, then hold anyone else’s hand, they will forever be your friend, as long as you keep the catnip you used for the spell in some safe place.
Grown near the home or hung over the door, catnip attracts good spirits and great luck. 
Catnip is used in spells designed to enhance beauty and happiness. 
Large catnip leaves are pressed and used as bookmarks in magical texts.
(Source: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs)
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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The Holy Death shrine in Mexico City - La Santa Muerte de Tultitlán - by Toni François
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
Scents for the Cottage Witch
I have an unhealthy obsession with collecting wax melts since I cannot safely burn candles around my animals. I wanted to do something with them, so I’ve separated them out into categories based on some of the types of craft I practice.
Better Homes: “Soft Cashmere Amber”
Better Homes: “Sun Dried Linen”
Better Homes: “Honey Crisp Apples”
Better Homes: “Pinecones and Lime”
Scent Sationals: “Simple Romance”
Scent Sationals: “Vintage Lace”
Scent Sationals: “Porch Swing Breeze”
Others in the “Scents For” series:
Scents for the Storm Witch
Scents for the Sea Witch
Scents for the Water Witch
Scents for the Forest Witch
Scents for the Green Witch
Scents for the Kitchen Witch
Scents for the Hearth Witch
Scents for the Death Witch
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
Esbat Incense
4 parts Frankincense
3 parts Myrrh
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Sandalwood
a part Gardenia petals
1/2 part Orris
1/2 part Thyme
1/2 part Poppy seed
1/2 part Rose petals
Burn during rituals and spells on the Full Moon, or at any Wiccan gathering other than the Sabbats. 
(Source: The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham) 
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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Dan McPharlin.
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
Believe in the unnatural
Science will tell you that fey creatures cannot exist, have never stalked your path, gulping when your heart contracts, exhaling when it expands.
Science learns new things about itself daily, and will be the first to say, “Look at this math, it proves a thing. We don’t know why or how just yet. But we will. Isn’t that beautiful?”
And it is beautiful.
Do not blame science for it’s sharp teeth — science is not the opposite of the fey, of the arcane, of the eldritch. It is young and still finding it’s way. There are enemies that pounced upon it continuously, that still yet lurk in it’s wake.
Science is not our enemy.
Believe in the unnatural world and explore it. Believe in the physical world and explore it, too. 
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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Folk names: Magnetite, magnet, waystone, Magnetis (ancient Greek), loadstone, Shadanu Sabitu (ancient Assyrian), Heraclean stone, piedra iman (contemporary Spanish)
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Associated herbs: Sandalwood, rose, yarrow, lavender
Associated star: Polaris (the North Star)
Associated stone: Coral
Associated metals: Iron, copper, silver, gold
Powers: Power, healing, attraction, friendship, love, fidelity, male sexual dysfunction, will, protection, business, money, games of chance 
Magical uses: The lodestone is a power stone used to strengthen spells. It is added to sachets or herbal amulets, placed on the altar, or worn to increase the magician’s ability to rouse and release energy.
In ceremonial magic of the Middle Ages, the lodestone was engraved with the figure of an armored man. This stone was utilized during rituals to empower magic. 
The larger the stone, the more inherent power within it. While this is true of all stones, it is especially important with the lodestone, for the greater its size, the stronger its magnetic force.
Lodestone’s basic use in magic is attraction. Because the stone is a natural magnet, it is manipulated in ritual to draw objects or energies to its user. This, it can be used in any type of spell. 
The lodestone, owing to its magnetic powers, is used to draw out disease and pain from the body. True healers, who send energy into a sick person to speed up the body’s natural healing powers, may use the lodestone as a focusing device for their energies. 
The stone can be passed over or placed directly on the afflicted part of the body. This is particularly true of pain in the hands or feet. It is also carried, often anointed first with a healing-type oil such as sandalwood. Any lodestone used in healing rituals to absorb disease should be cleansed after each use. 
A small lodestone set in silver was thought to sharpen the sight. Set in gold, the lodestone strengthens the heart. 
A folk spell designed to heal the body of any illness is quite simple: hold the lodestone in your hands, then shake it vigorously while visualizing your illness draining from you and going into the stone. Bury the stone in the earth for a week following the ritual.
The lodestone is also carried to attract friendship. If you’ve just moved to a new city or have started a job among unknown people, wear or carry a lodestone to meet new friends. 
The lodestone is also utilized to attract love. It is thought to magnetic for hearts as well as for iron, especially when worn in a ring. Place a pair of the stones within a circle of pink or red candles while visualizing yourself involved in a relationship. Feel the strong contact, the mingling of energies that come with love. Visualize as well. 
The lodestone is also worn to smooth over troubles in a relationship, especially arguing. Its basic function is to cool tempers and allow true communication. 
A coral necklace with a lodestone suspended from it was worn to facilitate easy childbirth. 
The lodestone has also been utilized as a protective amulet, being worn, placed in the home, or carried. A large lodestone surrounded by flaming white candles emits guarding energies throughout the house. It absorbs negativity but does not return it. Because of this, such stones should be cleansed in salt water every Full Moon.
Some carry two lodestones at all times- one to protect, the other to bring good luck. In ancient Spain carrying a lodestone was thought to guard against all dangers from steel, lead, fire and water. 
Because it is an attracting stone, the lodestone is used to draw money or business success. Place a lodestone in a green bag with a silver coin, a bit of gold, or money attracting herbs. Business people may place an empowered lodestone in the cash register or cash box, or burn green candles around a lodestone to bring in customers. 
Finally, the lodestone is considered by some to be a potent gambling talisman. It is worn or carried for luck during betting. 
(Source: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic)
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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Mary Katrantzou S/S 2011
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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Cat Tail (Typha spp.)
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Lust
Magical uses: If a woman doesn’t enjoy sex, but wishes to, should carry some cat tail with her at all times. 
(Source: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs)
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
Fire Incense (Elemental)
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon Blood
1 part Red Sandalwood
1 pinch Saffron
a few drops Musk oil
Smolder for summoning the powers and beings of fire, and also for success, strength, protection, health, passion and other similar goals. Genuine saffron is prohibitively expensive; hence, the smallest pinch will suffice. If you have none in stock, substitute orange peel. 
(Source: The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham)
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brumestar-blog · 10 years
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rain appreciation post
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