bonwictech · 3 months
Creative Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi NCR - Bonwic Technology
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Do you want to enhance your business sales or want to increase the business revenue, and looking for a result-driven Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi? Then you are at the right platform - Bonwic Technology - A creative Marketing Agency, that provides a wide range of digital marketing services. The agency helps to design and implement digital marketing strategies after an in-depth analysis of your business needs.
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bonwictech · 1 year
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bonwictech · 1 year
How Digital Marketing Has Reinvented Branding
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Branding has been an imperative part of businesses right from the beginning. With the onset of the new media age, it has become even more vital. For businesses to ensure they stand out in a crowd, they need to go the extra mile. That extra leverage is achieved by keeping abreast of the drift which today is unanimously towards Digital marketing.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is a form of marketing that allows you to advertise to your audience digitally. Also called as online marketing, it leverages different online channels like search engines, websites, social media platforms, emails, and mobile applications. Statistics show that 90% of consumers use digital channels in one or the other way. Not only that, 43% use the internet more than once a day and 26% are online “almost always” hence it is the best and most affordable way to connect with potential customers. Businesses use various forms of digital marketing like Content marketing, search engine optimization, pay-per-click, social media marketing, email marketing, and affiliate marketing to engage their target audience based on their actions and preferences on the internet.
How Digital marketing helps in building brands?
Better visibility and deeper reach:
Digital media has a far wider reach than any other traditional form of media. Because of the global reach of the internet, the visibility of a brand witnesses a quantum jump and pulls a larger audience than what its sales team or store visits could have brought. Simply speaking, digital marketing is helping big as well as small brands to survive, advertise and create awareness of their products across online platforms.
Targeting the right audience:
Digital marketing has completely changed the game for many by its ability to monitor targeted potential customers and customize ads according to their demographics and inclinations.  With the advent of digital marketing, it’s now easier than ever to segment audiences. Not only that, it also offers businesses the flexibility to change and modify their advertisement according to customer feedback and preferences. With the traditional marketing methods, you couldn’t have even dreamt of doing this.
Cost efficiency:
Digital marketing has brought a revolutionary change in the field of marketing. Apart from reaching a larger audience, it is affordable and much more cost-effective than traditional marketing. Digital marketing is benefitting businesses across the industry, especially small businesses. It has given small businesses the leverage that has made it possible for them to not only compete competitively with large businesses but win against them. In a way, it has brought in more competition in the market, and the greater the competition among products the better chances of improvement.
Gives quantifiable results:
Digital marketing is not only targeted but also helps one know whether the marketing strategies are working or not. Unlike traditional marketing techniques, digital marketing offers credible ways to find out how many customers are getting attracted by an advertisement and whether it is generating any revenue. It also allows businesses to first do a trial with a small investment and analyse the results before deciding to invest big.
Builds lasting connection with customers:
The best part of digital marketing is that it does not end with the closure of a sale, instead, it goes beyond and helps change a customer into a brand ambassador. Unlike in-store buying experience, digital marketing keeps the communication open. It not only lets a brand communicate with the customer in real-time, but it also lets the customers communicate with the brand. Customers can freely express their views, feedback, and experiences and business can respond the correct way. A greater level of engagement brings in a stronger sense of brand loyalty making them active participants of a brand’s story.
Digital Marketing Company in Delhi has opened doors for business owners to build their brands by forming real connections with their customers. In the coming years, brands are going to have power more than ever and it’s going to be all about the integration of digital marketing in branding.
To Know More, Visit :    https://www.bonwic.com
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bonwictech · 1 year
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bonwictech · 1 year
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bonwictech · 1 year
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bonwictech · 1 year
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How Can Digital Marketing Services for Real Estate Businesses Help You Grow?
The internet, search engines to be more precise, has become the go-to place for people to look for anything and everything. Starting from finding the best stationary kit, to planning their holidays and making heavy investments, the internet is where they find their answers. For businesses, harnessing this power of the internet for their benefit is without doubt, crucial.
Every industry and business today seeks to find its share of the digital space. This stays true for the real estate business as well. Investors and buyers conduct intensive online research before zeroing in on a property. This opens up an opportunity for realtors to utilize digital marketing tools and techniques to draw prospective buyers to their websites and seal the deal. Using digital marketing services for real estate can help them boost their sales and business. Read More…
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bonwictech · 2 years
What's Instagram's Trick to Going Viral?
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If you want your business to gain popularity, an online presence is a must. Different online platforms and tools have become immensely popular and important to promote businesses these days. One such platform is Instagram, and Instagram reels have become the apostle for promotion and brand building nowadays. Instagram reels can take your brand to the next level, but to make it work, you need to implement unique ideas and solid storylines. Knowing how to post reels with well-planned strategies can boost your business visibility dynamically.
Therefore, we have compiled the ultimate guide to Instagram reels with everything you need to know about Reels and how they can help your business grow. Read More.....
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bonwictech · 2 years
FIFA fever is on🔥⚽️
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bonwictech · 2 years
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bonwictech · 2 years
5 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Travel Business
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Today, the travel and tourism industry are one of the most influenced industries by digital development. The Travel Business is a competitive field and players are always looking for ways to make sure their clients have the best possible getaways. They are always striving to come up with unique methods to understand their client’s inclinations and offer them the best-tailored trips.
Digital marketing techniques have offered them various tools to influence and engage with customers. With the help of multiple channels and online marketing techniques, one can make their Travel Business a favorite for any given audience. 
Here are 5 successful ways for travel marketing that can help your business grow by leaps and bounds.
Build an online office for your clients. Having a well-built website is the first step toward a successful digital marketing strategy. Most clients these days prefer to book their tours and trips online from the comfort of their homes. Therefore, an eye-catching website with relevant and high-quality images and videos can give potential customers a peek into the grand gateway being offered to them.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization):
A successful SEO technique that drives a considerable amount of traffic to your travel website is one of the best possible ways of making your online business surge towards success. For better visibility, the travel website needs to be first optimized for search engines. Most search engines like Google and Bing alter their algorithms from time to time to push sites with relevant data to the top of the result page. Search engines also rank the web pages based on user experience. User indulgence and SEO ranking go hand in hand. Therefore, one must make sure that their site is regularly updated with relevant content. 
Paid Ads:
Paid ads are a good way of informing your clients about everything that they need to know about the services being offered. One can also highlight the services vacationers are looking for and persuade them to take forth their travel plans. An attractive and well-placed ad can utilize the social media channel and search engine platforms to optimize marketing and help a travel business stand unique from its competitors.
Social Media: 
Be visible where your Potential Customer Spend Time. Statistics show that 60 % of users take inspiration from social media for their travel plans. Lately, the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have emerged as powerful marketing platforms for many small and medium scale businesses. Hence one should make the best of it for their travel business. One can also take the help of paid ads, influencers, YouTube videos, and blogs for social media marketing.
Email Marketing:
Many industries are enhancing their growth by making the best use of email marketing. Email marketing is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to retain current customers as well as attract new ones. Email marketing has proved to be a powerful marketing technique with a high reach around the world.
This digital age of laptops, mobiles, and various online platforms has made access to information a lot simpler and easier. Starting right from accommodation to food to activities, customers have access to all. Marketing your travel business in an effective digital way is the best way to reach a larger audience quickly and at a lower cost.
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