bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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Westworld (2016 - present)
These violent delights have violent ends.
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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Legend (2015)
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
What would you do if choosing Riley meant ending your career?
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She pauses, looks down because it’s simpler than meeting the question head on. The truth is that she knows the answer the minute she’s asked, but somehow saying it out loud is so much harder. She swallows, biding her time and dragging out the inevitable. 
“One thing I’ve learned is that ambitions feel hollow without someone to share them with. Choosing my career over Riley might feel noble, like it’s the honourable, proper thing to do. But it would quickly feel like a mistake... probably the biggest mistake of my life.” 
A pause. An admission of just how much she’s changed. He’s never once pushed, but the love she feels has left a lasting imprint on her life, one that’s changed her perspective for the better. She’s thankful. 
“Me and Riley are in it for the long haul. Keeping my career isn’t worth losing him.” 
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
If it was possible for you to get into the SAS, would you try?
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“I used to dream of absolutely nothing more than making it into the SAS. Getting into the Paras was the dream for a long time, but when I got there... it was like this drug? I wanted to keep on moving up, keep on challenging myself. I wanted to know just exactly what my limits were. 
The SAS was the pinnacle of all that. I had no idea how I was going to get there, only that I desperately wanted to. 
Nowadays it’s a bit trickier. I’m with the 141, which is elite but in a less storied way. Leaving behind the team here would be beyond painful and I’m not entirely sure that I could do it. But if the SAS did come knocking? I’m not so sure I’d be able to say no either. Let’s hope it just doesn’t come to that, eh?” 
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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“It could be my arse on the line on a mission just as much as it could be anyone else’s. Not sure who is going to be around to stitch me up if I end up being the one to take a bullet.” She shrugs, worrying her bottom lip. “I’ll talk to Ghost one on one, make him aware of the issue. Then the way he handles it is still his perogative, I guess?” 
❛ Why don’t you say what’s really on your mind? ❜
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“Because the chain of command exists for a reason, mate.” She hesitates, her hands fidgeting in her lap in an attempt to gesticulate what she can’t say. 
“It doesn’t matter if I think that some of the younger lads are cutting corners by slacking off in training. That’s MacTavish and Riley’s problem. It’s not my business to go in there all guns blazing trying to fix everything.” 
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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“I probably shouldn’t have outed myself as a sci-fi nerd so soon, eh?” She jokes, clearing the clutter on her desk a little so that he can sit down comfortably opposite her without being forced to stare over her piles of paper. 
“I suppose Lampshade wouldn’t be as cool a call sign anyway?” She teases, unable to stop herself from laughing at his story. It’s a hell of a lot more entertaining than her own origins story, for sure. “I would have loved to be a fly on the wall to see your CO’s reaction? I take it he took it badly?” 
“Excuse me, ma’am, but I have instructions to report for my initial medical,” He shuffled a little awkwardly, his discomfort mostly masked but still evident to the trained eye, “Sergeant Tom Williams, though I go by Shade.” [First time RP blogger, but long time reader of CitS and your other works (one of the inspirations to write myself). Don’t take this the wrong way, but you come across as the least intimidating person to introduce myself to.]
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Lara hated standing on ceremony. Despite being an commissioned officer, she’d never had all that much interest in being referred to as m’am. Even Dr felt too cold and clinical, especially within the 141 when there small, albeit elite group felt more like a family than anything else. 
It’s for this reason that she immediately smiles at the young sergeant, her face as friendly as she can muster despite the sleep deprivation headache currently raging in her skull. She stands from her desk, extending out a hand for the man to shake. 
“A pleasure to meet you, Shade. Welcome to the 141.” She grins. “Although please, call me either Lara or Bones. Whichever makes you the most comfortable?” 
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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Lara smiles, ducking her head to hide the slight blush that tinges her cheeks and the tips of her ears. Her poor attempt at humour had been an attempt to reassure her patient and instead she somehow ended up receiving a compliment she hadn’t expected to hear. It’s a nice feeling and certainly a change from the usual jokes or sarcastic comments that she gets from the other men. 
“Hey...” She reaches out, a genuine smile across her features and gives the other woman’s forearm a gentle squeeze of reassurance. “We’re teammates. It’s my job to patch you up, but it’s also my job to take care of you. No one makes it out of situations alive unless we work together, right?” 
Noting Cobra’s reply, she checks her wristwatch and makes another note in her notebook. With the keys around her neck, she unlocks her medical cupboard, reaching for a sterile syringe and a medicine bottle. 
“One quick injection and your shoulder will feel a million times better, I swear.” 
" I guess I owe you one, doctor"
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“Owing your life to your medical officer is just an occupational hazard.” Lara smiles, looking up from the bandages that she has just finished securing to Cobra’s body. She reaches for her notebook and jots down a quick note for her records. 
“But seriously… don’t worry about it. They would have no reason to pay me if I didn’t patch you guys up every once in a while. How’s the pain? I can give you more medication if you need it.” 
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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She’s not sure what has her opening up about this, whether it is the soft light of understanding in his eyes or the fact that she is unable to stop the words spilling past her lips. Either way, it’s a comfort, even if when her words are unmistakably dark in their quality.
“I did everything a soldier should do. But sometimes that doesn’t comfort the side of me that still thinks like a medic. I’m a walking contradiction.” She swirls the scotch within the glass, her hand still shaking but slowly returning to her control. “Do you think there will ever be a time where we’re able to kill entirely without conscience?” 
@bonesofthe141 continued from x. 
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His expression softens, pale eyes dropping from her face to the glass in her shaking hands. A kid, he thinks. There is screaming in his ears, and the sicking feeling of blood on his hands. 
“Some would say you did not have a choice,” he says, voice as soft as his accent will allow it. “That you did the right thing.” 
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
@simonfuckingriley​ continued from [x]
The sun is only beginning its journey into the sky, throwing out bright orange rays across the canyon that forms a backdrop to her property. 
The sight always makes her heart swell, the dusty plains her ancestral home. She’s lived on this ranch her entire life, was taught to tend and herd cattle as soon as she was old enough to sit in a saddle. Her home is generations old, carved with memories of those who came before her, the wood beams themselves etched with familiarity. Since they day her father died and left the ranch in her keeping, she’s been fighting. Fighting to protect her land from bandits, from horse thieves and even from the Mayor who seems so desperate to call her land his own.
She’d rather die than give it up. 
She lives here alone for the most part, aside from her childhood friend Andy, a soldier injured in duty who now works the farm and is an extra pair of hands around a rifle when it’s needed. In truth, Lara doesn’t want to contemplate life on the ranch without him, her heart never truly cut out to be alone. She’s not the solitary type, has never truly been one to live in complete isolation, however at odds that might be with her chosen occupation and lifestyle. 
She’s a contradiction, but she refuses to change, even in the face of a world that seems unable to truly accept her. Perhaps that’s why she finds so much solace in the arms of an outlaw, condemned by society and by her friends. A man Andy has threatened so many times to report to the sheriff, and yet never does out of his love for her. 
Today she’s setting out to ride the perimeter of her property, to test the fences and count her herd. It’s farm hand work, but in reality Lara needs the distraction, her body feeling heavy within the saddle of her horse. She doesn’t sleep well, never has for as long as she can remember. Her dreams are always nightmares, plagued with flashing memories that don’t make sense. There are always faces of people she doesn’t remember come morning, nonsensical words thrown at her in anger. There’s often violence, pain, sometimes even torture. Sometimes she sees the people she cares for die, helpless and grounded to the spot whilst the phantom faces loom over them. 
The dreams almost always end in her own death. The images are always so real in her minds eye, often places around her home and property. Sometimes it’s a quick gunshot by the perimeter fence, sending the world hurtling into black and her mind back into consciousness. Other times it’s a sharp stab to her gut, a tormenting shrill laugh as she slips on her own blood, crawling helplessly across the bare floorboards of her sitting room. 
The dreams always feel hauntingly real... until they’re not. Somehow, in the light of day the phantom fade and she can forget. Until the night comes and the ghosts return. 
She hasn’t got far until she sees him, riding onto her land like he owns it. It’s the confidence and swagger of a man who knows that he’s wanted, even when she sees Andy unceremoniously greet him at the fence. Unable to stop a smile spreading across her features, Lara spurs her horse into action, riding out to meet him and not entirely caring if she seems eager. It’s been months, too long even by their standards. She isn’t afraid to show him that she’s missed him, if only a little. 
It’s the smirk that gets her, followed by the deep, husky voice that has been her undoing so many times before. She pulls her horse to a stop, the animal letting out a soft huff in what could almost sound like disapproval. In the background Lara can see Andy shaking his head and returning to work, but she ignores him, instead pushing an easy smile across her features. 
“Mayor is just trying to squirrel away all the land he can, but apparently telling him ‘no’ isn’t exactly something he’s used to.” She shrugs, giving him a knowing smirk. “I may or may not have been holding my pistol at the time. Y’know, for emphasis.” Leaning back in her own saddle, she tries her hardest to appear nonchalant, although the flirty undertone in her voice gives her away. “Besides, you’re the one who keeps on disappearing to play outlaw. I have to fuck with someone while you’re gone.”
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
“We’re going deep and we’re going hard.”
[Hi Nonny, 
Thanks very much for sending me a MW sentence starter! Unfortunately this is a RP thread blog and I use the starters to start threads with characters, but I can’t really do that with it being an ask on anon.
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
Dating your lieutenant is unethical?
Ask my muse anything!
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“Yes. What’s your point? 
Y’know, I’ve played by the rules my entire life. I was a straight A student in school and college, I got a first class degree at University and went on to become a commissioned officer straight out of Sandhurst. From then on, I was a bloody picture perfect career soldier who followed orders, respected the chain of command and gave everything to her job. Genuinely everything. I missed my brother’s wedding for the job, my niece’s first birthday. Hell, my fiance left me because the Her Majesty’s Armed Forces had become my life. 
 The 141 should be no different. Fraternisation is still wrong at this level, hell maybe with stakes this high it is even worse than before. The chain of command is still integral to who we are and sleeping with my superior officer is an offence that would likely see us both discredited professionally. 
I know all of that. I’ve spent too many nights agonising over my choices, punishing myself for stumbling over so large a hurdle. I’ve tortured myself over my decision to cross that line with him, because even if at the time I didn’t think that I would ever... fall for Riley, I should have still appreciated that a physical relationship would change our professional dynamic forever. 
But now that I’m here, now that I love him... That isn’t something I can give up for this job. I sacrificed everything for the military, my family, my personal life, my best friend. I’ve given every inch of myself to the 141, to a point where I’m pretty sure that with the risks that I take, this job will kill me someday. And I’m prepared to give all of that with no complaints. But Riley? I can’t give that man up. I won’t. 
I nearly lost him once and it felt like I’d lost a part of myself. Sometimes he’s the one person who makes me feel human, who keeps me grounded. He’s the man I can turn to when it’s all too much, my safe space when I feel like this soldiering is tearing me apart. He’s my weakness, yes, but he’s also my strength. I’m not sure if I could do half of what I do these days without him. 
If that makes me unethical, then so be it.”
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
" I guess I owe you one, doctor"
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“Owing your life to your medical officer is just an occupational hazard.” Lara smiles, looking up from the bandages that she has just finished securing to Cobra’s body. She reaches for her notebook and jots down a quick note for her records. 
“But seriously... don’t worry about it. They would have no reason to pay me if I didn’t patch you guys up every once in a while. How’s the pain? I can give you more medication if you need it.” 
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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“It’s a Star Trek reference actually.” She smiles, returning his hand shake and withdrawing her hand. “At Uni my mates thought it was hilarious that I was L.McCoy and studying medicine, so they used to call me Bones. I guess it kinda stuck with me when I joined the military.” 
She laughs at his joke, appreciating his good humour. “Hazard is hardly going to fill anyone with confidence in their medic. But then again, we pick up callsigns in some pretty crazy places. Where’d you end up with a name like Shade?” 
“Excuse me, ma’am, but I have instructions to report for my initial medical,” He shuffled a little awkwardly, his discomfort mostly masked but still evident to the trained eye, “Sergeant Tom Williams, though I go by Shade.” [First time RP blogger, but long time reader of CitS and your other works (one of the inspirations to write myself). Don’t take this the wrong way, but you come across as the least intimidating person to introduce myself to.]
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Lara hated standing on ceremony. Despite being an commissioned officer, she’d never had all that much interest in being referred to as m’am. Even Dr felt too cold and clinical, especially within the 141 when there small, albeit elite group felt more like a family than anything else. 
It’s for this reason that she immediately smiles at the young sergeant, her face as friendly as she can muster despite the sleep deprivation headache currently raging in her skull. She stands from her desk, extending out a hand for the man to shake. 
“A pleasure to meet you, Shade. Welcome to the 141.” She grins. “Although please, call me either Lara or Bones. Whichever makes you the most comfortable?” 
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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Lara sees the brief flicker of sadness in the eyes of a man who has far too much time to think. She doesn’t try to hold his gaze, acutely aware that despite their close working proximity, Jay deserves his privacy. Instead she nods slowly, staring ahead at her computer monitor rather than anything else. 
“I’ve held a lot of men and women as they’ve died. The things you hear... I guess what I’m trying to say is that they stay with me too.” She pauses, pushing away thoughts of her best friend before they can truly manifest. 
“What matters is that you were there, y’know? Even if we can’t save everyone... at least there was someone with them. Someone to listen. No one should ever have to go through the alternative.” 
“When you care about people, hurt is kind of part of the package.” [Aaangsst :D]
TWD Starter Sentences 
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“Curse of being a medic, huh?” Lara smiles, but the action is marred in sadness. She rocks back in her office chair and looks to Jay, her face a question. She isn’t sure what’s made him suddenly open up out of nowhere, but she has absolutely no desire to dissuade him either. 
“What’s got you so torn up this evening, mate?”
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
❛ Why don’t you say what’s really on your mind? ❜
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“Because the chain of command exists for a reason, mate.” She hesitates, her hands fidgeting in her lap in an attempt to gesticulate what she can’t say. 
“It doesn’t matter if I think that some of the younger lads are cutting corners by slacking off in training. That’s MacTavish and Riley’s problem. It’s not my business to go in there all guns blazing trying to fix everything.” 
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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Brooke Williams
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bonesofthe141 · 6 years
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I hate publicists and publicity. But I love the people.
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