bonesandcacti · 8 days
to be honest it would make me a lot more comfortable if you guys would show a little concern about trump running for president again. Do not inbox me and say you don’t like joe biden omg i already know. but can we show a little concern. about donald trump. being the republican candidate for president. for the third election in a row.
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bonesandcacti · 9 days
ok but we're all missing the important question here... WHO in the vatican has taught the spanish-speaking pope how to say faggotry in italian. how on earth did it come up. was it a prank. was it political sabotage. is there homosexual tomfoolery afoot in santa marta. I need to know more
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bonesandcacti · 9 days
calling all authors!!
i have just stumbled upon the most beautiful public document i have ever laid eyes on. this also goes for anyone whose pastimes include any sort of character creation. may i present, the HOLY GRAIL:
this wonderful 88-page piece has step by step breakdowns of how names work in different cultures! i needed to know how to name a Muslim character it has already helped me SO MUCH and i’ve known about it for all of 15 minutes!! i am thoroughly amazed and i just needed to share with you guys 
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bonesandcacti · 9 days
I would still use my turn signals in the Mad Max Wasteland. They'd call me "Signal" because I'd hit my blinker before ramming the enemy hot rods into the side of a desert ravine. I'd use my turn signal every time. They would respect me for this.
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bonesandcacti · 11 days
David's dance practice tapes, 1983
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bonesandcacti · 12 days
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I’ll say it again, please just grit your teeth and vote for Biden…
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bonesandcacti · 13 days
some of my favourite spongebob moments are when they accentuate the gag w/ a live-action punchline
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bonesandcacti · 14 days
Being a young adult is so strange. You enter a coffee shop. The 20 year old girl waiting behind you cried all night because she just came to a new city for university and she feels so alone. That 27 year old guy over there works a job he is overqualified for, he lives with his parents and wants to move out but doesn't know what to do about it. That one 24 year old dude already has a car, a house, and a job waiting for him once he graduates thanks to his dad's connections. The 26 year old barista couldn't complete his higher education because he has to work and take care of his family. The 28 year old girl sitting next to you has no friends to go out with so she is texting her mother. That couple (both 25 years old) are married and the girl is pregnant. The 29 year old writing something on her laptop has realized that she chose the wrong major so she is trying to start all over. We are not alone in this, but we are actually so alone. Do you feel me
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bonesandcacti · 15 days
slow cooking a lighthearted modern au where esen and baoxiang are pining after their friends ouyang and ma, respectively. but due to a ~wacky misunderstanding~ (read: chronic heteronormativity) they think ouyang and ma are dating each other—obviously that’s why ouyang is always going over to her place, right?
esen is in denial about his feelings and extremely supportive of ouyang’s relationship (he avoids talking about it or thinking about it—out of respect to ouyang’s privacy ofc). baoxiang thinks ouyang is in denial about his own sexuality and using ma (he has formulated a 12-step plan to Remove Ouyang that he will enact When The Time Comes).
then one day: baoxiang and ma are hanging out (spa day), esen and ouyang are also hanging out (sporting event(?)) and they all decide to meet up at that new restaurant afterwards. as they arrive, ma and ouyang are texting, they tell baoxiang and esen “hey my partner got us a table.” so baoxiang and esen follow them to the table expecting to see the other couple already seated there. but it’s just zhu.
(they both have met zhu—they thought she was just ma’s roommate. in reality she’s ma’s fiancée and ouyang’s queerplatonic d/s situationship.) (they also realize neither of them has ever actually seen ma and ouyang interact for an extended period of time. it becomes immediately apparent that ma dislikes ouyang and ouyang doesn’t even know her name.)
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bonesandcacti · 19 days
in case you haven't thought about switching to firefox yet, here's an extension that will...
Notify you if a website you're on has employees that are on strike
Bypass paywalls for major news outlets like the New York Times
Change the browser theme based on the time of day
Directly install third party non-extension scripts
Save individual browser sessions to be reopened at any time
Use the TV format of YouTube in-browser
Make all chrome extensions compatible with Firefox
Turn YouTube dislikes back on
Fix Twitter and make it way less fucked up
Automatically remove trackers from URLs
And many more!
Feel free to add any other firefox extensions you think are slept on.
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bonesandcacti · 19 days
curious with USAmericans in mind but feel free to answer regardless: what’s ur go to supermarket chain
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bonesandcacti · 20 days
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Perhaps they are enjoying themselves. But how will they know each other if they do not speak?
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bonesandcacti · 20 days
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BRIDGERTON 3x02 — How Bright the Moon (2024)
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bonesandcacti · 20 days
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first man to win the wanting to fuck her so bad he looks stupid olympics
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bonesandcacti · 20 days
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These past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings. Feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you. About that kiss. Feelings like dreaming of you when I'm asleep. And in fact preferring sleep because that is where I might find you. A feeling that is like torture. But one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up.
Literally one hot carriage hookup and five minutes later:
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bonesandcacti · 20 days
people who ship asuka and rei don't ship them because they actually believe that the narrative is inviting a romantic reading of them or that they have any real chemistry within the show, it's about exploring the fact that the two of them are foils who are continually pitted against each other in every possible way. it's about the fact that they actively hate each other because in the other person they see the parts of themselves they resent the most. it's about considering the ways in which their relationship could be different if they didn't find themselves in the situation they're in, if they had had the space to be normal teenagers. it's about unpacking each of their relationships to their sexuality: it's about reading asuka as a queer girl who lashes out at other girls and instead pursues an adult man and a boy she hates as a way to repress her sexuality because she hates everything about who she truly is, and it's about reading rei as a girl who has never even had the opportunity to know what true reciprocal love and attraction feel like because she's been groomed her entire life and feels a disconnect from her physical body in a way that is very familiar to survivors of sexual abuse, especially queer ones.
people who ship misato and ritsuko ship them because they have clearly had actual sex in canon.
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bonesandcacti · 21 days
If your art requests are still open, will you be willing to draw sansa and bran together. i never see fan content together even when both of are represented by birds (raven and dove)
I wasn’t actually planning on drawing full pieces for requests, but this one interested me so I went ahead and did it anyways !
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