bnjyfnwckd · 1 year
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Benjy Fenwick + Sun Sign
This zodiac sign is represented by Athena, the goddess of War, being the strategic and logical part of it, and it is ruled by reason. Sun Virgos are always looking for perfection, with an exceptional attention to the tiniest detail possible. They have the gift of discernment, being able to overpower skepticism and rise above it.  Very methodical and organized, they have a systematic and practical way of living, always finding how to simplify intricate problems. It is important for this zodiac sign not to forget their emotions and learn how to cope with them, diving into the complex world of feelings.
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
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don’t you forget about me, a benviva moment {benjy & aviva}
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
i found an island in your arms {bei-ja-min, dezembro 1971}
Aquele ambiente era muito familiar, as pessoas conversando alto e a música ressoando pelo recinto preenchendo todo o restante do espaço de uma forma tão natural. Benjamin crescera sem magia, então até certa idade as facilidades obtidas pelo mundo bruxo não lhe eram comum, e atmosferas como aquela lhe traziam um certo conforto. Agradeceu à reposição das bebidas e deu um novo gole da cerveja, que desceu por sua garganta com um amargor delicioso e gelado. Apesar de ter apreço pelo firewhiskey normalmente servido nos bares bruxos, havia algo de especial em pubs trouxas que o faziam sempre voltar. Talvez fosse um escape de uma realidade, ou apenas o fato de estar entre pessoas sabendo que tinha um segredo a guardar. De qualquer jeito, era uma sensação boa.
— I’m thrilled. — Respondeu, fitando o mais velho. — Who knows what I’ll face? I’ve only ever known the spirits from Hogwarts, there’s a whole new world to discover. — Olhou para cima, esperançoso. Havia pensado sobre todas as possibilidades do que encontraria em seu trabalho, e tudo o animava. Tinha muito mais no mundo além do Barão Sangrento e fantasmas, espíritos eram toda uma categoria de criaturas, e aquilo o fascinava. Mal poderia esperar o que iria encontrar. Estava prestes a dar mais um gole de sua cerveja quando percebeu Stairway to Heaven começar a tocar outra vez. — No way. — Disse. — I mean, I like Led Zeppelin, but that’s too much even for me. — Levantou-se e caminhou até a jukebox que ficava no canto do ambiente. Tateou o bolso e tirou algumas moedas dali, encontrando apenas alguns sicles. Frustrado, virou-se para um homem que estava parado apreciando uma cerveja. Explicou que estava sem trocados e ele pareceu compadecer-se com Gore, que conseguiu algumas moedas trouxas. Inseriu o dinheiro na máquina e selecionou a música Break on Through, de The Doors, voltando ao lado de Benjy logo em seguida. — Soon it will be over. — Lançou-lhe um sorriso. 
O sorriso de Benjy se alargou ao ouvir a resposta do rapaz. Havia pouco tempo que conhecia Ben, mas nunca o tinha visto daquela maneira, como se mal pudesse (ou quisesse) conter o seu próprio entusiasmo. Naquela noite, Gore parecia pouco do jovem que o mais velho começara a aconselhar havia algumas semanas  – parecia mais leve, talvez porque livre de preocupações com a sua permanência no mundo bruxo e com seu próprio futuro. Fenwick não podia deixar de se identificar com aquele sentimento, tendo ele mesmo trilhado um caminho parecido há apenas um par de anos. – I hope it’s everything you wished for and more, mate. You deserve it – pontuou, erguendo a caneca como em um brinde e sorvendo a cerveja em seguida. 
O obliviador não pôde deixar de se surpreender à reação alheia sobre o replay de Stairway to Heaven, soltando uma risada leve. Enquanto o mais novo se levantava e partia em direção à jukebox, Benjy o observou com o rabicho do olho, demorando-se um segundo ou dois na figura esguia antes de voltar-se para frente novamente. Havia curiosidade em seu olhar quando Ben voltou a sentar-se, e suas sobrancelhas se arquearam diante da promessa do rapaz. Fenwick reconheceu a melodia assim que as primeiras notas ecoaram das caixas de som. – You have pretty good taste. – admitiu, tamborilando os dedos sobre a superfície de madeira, como se emulasse o ritmo da música.  – I got this record when I left Hogwarts. Quite a debut, innit? 
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
i found an island in your arms {bei-ja-min, dezembro 1971}
Se alguns meses atrás alguém dissesse para Benjamin Gore que ele estaria trabalhando para o Ministério da Magia em uma posição que ele realmente apreciava, ele teria soltado uma risada incrédula, no mínimo. Tudo acontecera tão rapidamente: ele estava buscando um emprego estável desesperadamente para bancar o novo apartamento que encontrara, sem muitas esperanças de que iria achar algo que lhe agradasse, quando em uma conversa de bar acabou tomando conhecimento de um departamento completamente inexplorado por ele. Havia pessoas que trabalhavam com Regulamentação e Controle de Criaturas Mágicas, mais especificamente, com espíritos, pelos quais ele sempre fora fascinado. Não pensou muito antes de ir atrás e se candidatar para uma posição de treinamento no departamento, repleto de entusiasmo, e felizmente foi aceito.
Era isso que o trazia àquela noite levemente fria de dezembro para dentro de um bar trouxa, acompanhado do homem que o ajudara de tantas maneiras até então. Nada mais justo do que comemorar junto com ele uma conquista tão feliz, e assim o fazia. Estava terminando sua cerveja, e por mais que não fosse uma pessoa muito sorridente, não conseguia deixar de ter seus lábios curvados em satisfação mesmo que sutilmente com a promessa de uma nova jornada. — So I guess we’ll be running into each other at the Ministry now and then, right? — Disse, pedindo mais uma rodada para o bartender.
Era uma sensação engraçada estar em um pub trouxa. Uma jukebox entoava a melodia familiar de Starway to Heaven pela terceira vez desde que chegaram ali, os acordes de Jimmy Page e a voz Robert Plant afogados sob o ruído das vozes dos frequentadores do bar e do tilintar de vidros e cadeiras arrastando aqui e ali. Diferente dos pubs bruxos, ali não havia bandejas voando aqui e acolá, ou copos que aparentemente se lavavam sozinhos. Também não havia a oferta de bebidas que aumentavam a coragem ou algum outro atributo da personalidade de alguém, embora o álcool parecesse ter essa capacidade mesmo entre os trouxas. Benjy não costumava prestar visitas a estabelecimentos como aquele, pois, embora houvesse nascido num mundo sem magia, a sua vida adulta estava muito mais ligada ao mundo bruxo. Ben Gore, no entanto, sugerira o lugar, e o obliviador aceitara prontamente. Era a noite dele, afinal.
Observando o rapaz por sobre a borda de sua caneca, Fenwick não poderia deixar de sorrir. A satisfação do outro era visível, e Benjy sabia estar pelo menos parcialmente envolvido nela. Mais do que sua responsabilidade e missão como um membro do M.A.N.D.R.A.K.E., no entanto, havia também uma realização pessoal em ter ajudado Gore. – We probably will, yeah. – disse em resposta à indagação alheia, pontuando a frase com uma risada rouca. – Are you excited for your first day? – perguntou, lançando-lhe um olhar de soslaio enquanto acenava em agradecimento ao bartender que repousva outra caneca de cerveja diante de si.
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
E o que me roubou da sua companhia até a hora de acordar? Coisas secretas do Ministério? Ou algo que posso saber?
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Then prepare yourself for the best fried matzo you’ll ever have. It was a pretty good dream, indeed. You were there for a big part of it, the good part
Sem coisas secretas do Ministério, só... preocupações. I’m sure you don’t wanna hear about it.
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Was I, huh? I’m happy to hear about that. I wish I could’ve actually been there to remember it too.
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
Good morning… or morning-ish? It’s, like, not even five. Eu te chutei para fora da cama?
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Thank you. Do you want something to eat? I dreamed that I was eating some fried matzo and now I really want some.
Não chutou não, não se preocupe. Só fiquei sem sono mesmo, então aproveitei pra... Espairecer, I guess.
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Hmm, that sounds good. Sounds like a good dream too, huh?
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
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Hey, beautiful. Sorry, I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I just got up... There’s coffee on the kettle if you’d like some.
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
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feels like home, a 90s playlist for benjy and aviva
With a little love and some tenderness, we'll walk upon the water, we'll rise above the mess. With a little peace and some harmony, we'll take the world together, we'll take 'em by the hand. 'Cause I've got a hand for you, oh, 'cause I wanna run with you
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
That’s great, working for the man but in a role fit for me. 
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Thank you, again.
Consider it historical contribution. 
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No problem, Ben. Cheers.
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
Oh, really? I haven’t heard of that. Definitely something I’ll look into, then. Yeah, they’re very… mysterious. If even you who works at the Ministry doesn’t know much about what goes on there, I can only imagine. 
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Thanks for the insight, I’ve been dropping my resumé for some pretty unexciting jobs, to be honest. It would be nice if I could work with something I like.
The beauty about the Ministry is that there are so many departments and divisions that it’s quite likely there’s something for everyone.
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Well, I’m happy if you’re able to find something a little more exciting than some dull job.
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
That’s just nonsense, nazi bullshit. 
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I’m just spilling the facts, Benjy. Well, I don’t think I could handle such a job, I’d probably get too pissed off. Spirits are very fascinating to me, so it would be nice to have a field of work that envolves them… though I think it would be mostly research on my own, and that doesn’t pay any bills. 
Indeed. I think nazis and purists have quite a lot in common, to be honest. Same eugenics shit.
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Actually, if I’m not mistaken, there is a spirit division at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures... And maybe even the Department of Mysteries deals with stuff like that - I mean, one can’t never be entirely sure when they don’t disclose their business to everyone. Regardless, there are people at the Ministry that do work with that, although I’m not entirely sure about what they do.
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
I agree with you. There’s no real norm, though most pureblood wizards try to push down their beliefs down everyone’s throat. I believe our kind of worldview helps keep the magic alive, though, and I think it’s quite beautiful. To take some time and just appreciate this world we get to be a part of.
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Yeah, I can picture it, quite the dilemma. And if you weren’t doing it, probably someone less empathetic would and it would be worse.
Keeping the magic alive... Yeah, it’s a nice way to put it. It’s funny how we are sometimes persecuted under allegations of the exact opposite of that, but I digress. 
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You’re yet again very kind. But, now I’m thinking... did you consider such a career? Of an obliviator? Or maybe to persue one of your interests, say the spirit-related matters?
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
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benjy fenwick as tumblr text posts
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
He for sure is something.
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I get it. It’s so extraordinary, right? When I first saw aquamenti at use it blew my mind, I kept wondering how could water be conjured out of thin air. Then I spent the next few days thinking about it while my classmates were out and about, living their lives normally. Sometimes I think people take magic for granted, when it’s something so… special. 
To obliviate must be a tough task, I mean, so much detail and loose ends. Dealing with the mind is very delicate, comforting to know you’re a sensible person.
Exactly, I believe most wizards never actually stop to think about any of that. For them, it’s just how things are and have always been. I think that’s also why they struggle to understand what people like you and I have been through. That doesn’t make us or them any less or more normal, though. If anything, it might make us prize what we have, to see the extraordinary in their ordinary world, huh?
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It’s not easy, that’s for certain. But the mind is quite elusive as well, specially when it comes to memories. And I’d like to think I’m sensible enough to be dealing with that, although changing memories from unsuspecting muggles doesn’t always seem so rightful, if I’m being honest. It pays the bills, though.
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
There is no one to go for help, they are very busy with other problems. I mean, i get it, it’s only one muggle family but it is my family, I cannot ignore that so easily. Thank you, Benjy. It’s good to know that we are not so helpless after all.
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Your guess is as good as mine, Benjy. I’m not special, in any way. Yeah, I was a straight A student at Hogwarts and got a good job but so many others, I can’t see a reason why me. Maybe they just need a scapegoat? Someone irrelevant to try something, I really don’t know.
Unfortunately, the wizarding community has always turned a blind eye to muggle affairs. As an obliviator, I can tell you that the Ministry’s main concern is concealing magic from muggles, and that’s it. And I know that it musn’t be very assuring to hear it, but that’s why people like me and the others started doing this. There are many of us, way more than of the people coming after us. If we look out for each other, we’ll already be doing plenty.
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That sounds quite special to me, actually, and I know it’d be enough to displease some. But yes, it’s also possible that this unusual attention might be a diversion to throw us off somehow and just terrorize innocent people. Just to be sure though... Did you have any fallouts back in Hogwarts? With pureblood children, perhpas? 
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bnjyfnwckd · 2 years
You having a good sense of humor would be a fact, and being charming as well, if I dare to say.
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Yeah, he saw some things. It was funny how he had power over Peeves, though. I can see why, I mean, talking continuously with someone headless might drive one out of their mind. 
And what have you developed interest in then? Besides helping muggleborns establish themselves at the wizarding world.
As much as it is a fact that you are very kind.
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Having power over Peeves is quite the feat. He could be a bit... unruly. Actually, thinking about it, I’m grateful that I never crossed Peeves back in Hogwarts. I think he’s the one with the most potential to drive someone crazy.
Well, I think magic itself fascinated me. The idea of waving a wand and having something happen... It just seemed straight ouf of a novel. I think that’s why I got so much into Charms back in Hogwarts, and I believe it ultimately led me to becoming an obliviator.
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