bluespace-baby · 2 months
waz scareddis mornibm thatvpokie orbbaba were gona do wat resl mommy dos allnday..sleeps cuz she drinked so much adulyt juce.. it mad me scared n upset but pokie n baba r ups n ibfeel bettr but..stil wan paci and tomme bear.. i don feel little enuff ijn tha body righ now..
i miss my chubbie too... wobwobeobeobwubwubwubwub wubwubwubwubwub
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
I'm not sure if it's weird to say but, ever since I got my paci, things feel easier?
I've been in blue space more and I'm don't have the constant triggering memories in the back of my mind when I'm there too.
I plan on getting a onesie soon since wearing a hoodie and boxers still feels too much like big/normal me..
But yeah.. It's been nice since I've gotten the paci. I use it even when I'm not in bluespace since it works as a stim toy sometimes. Last night I had it in and I don't even remember falling asleep. It really does help a lot
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
My stomach does hurt which go makes me feel a little bluespacey because no one is here to help but I'm sure it'll go away soon..
If not.. Well.
I'm happy and gotten comfy with regressing around them but my issue now is being in bluespace too much.. Which is hard because I'm always reminded of trauma throughout my day
I don't want to burden them with having to be around me when I'm in bluespace so often..
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
It's been making me really happy how my partners have been accepting my bluespace and helping me so much.. I haven't self harmed in weeks
It's also just.. really nice to have gear for when I'm in bluespace now. It really helps me go into it and stay in it. It helps me feel more small which is something I've always struggled with
It's also just really nice to pop in my paci and feel comforted even when I'm not in bluespace. Like right now, I'm just writing this with my paci in my mouth, clipped onto Ringo. It's nice..
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
I'm so happy that my paci finally came in! I made it all today too
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It's so cute and it makes me feel so small when I'm in bluespace. I had so much fun putting it together!! The nip fits perfectly in my mouth and feels really nice. It's not too big or small and just feels really good-
This sounds like a review, it isn't. I'm just very happy to have gotten a paci finally!
I plan on getting an agere mystery box soon. Themed one maybe? Pokemon or Pompompurin or just bear themed.. I really want more stuff for when I'm in bluespace. The paci already helps so much. Hopefully one day soon I'll be able to get myself a tomee bear
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
Caregiving 101
Hello all! This is now a new series that I will ~hopefully~ get to do once a week called Caregiving 101
This is to help inform new caregivers how to handle a little!
Please keep in mind the disclaimer:
Disclaimer: everything here is SFW! If you think I mean something nsfw I do not lol!
Okay and with that let’s talk about our first topic:
Now the reason I wanted to start with this is because it is the most ‘controversial’ in the age regression community. 
There are many ways to do this correctly but some incorrect ways of punishing your little is:
Ignoring them
Telling them to hurt themself
Taking a comfort object away or saying they can’t sleep with the comfort object
Gaslighting them
Refusing to listen to them
Calling them names
Yelling at them
Breaking there things
Too long time outs (as in leaving then alone with there thoughts for 30-40+ mins)
And a lot of others 
The reason why these are big no no’s is because regression comes from a place of trauma, these so called ‘punishments’ will NOT help and instead only cause your little to develop more trauma from the fear of being hurt or ignored. Especially with the physical ones.
Personally I don’t think you should ever lay your hands on a little so instead here are some ways to get your little to behave without causing actual harm
pushing bedtime a bit closer 
Lines - (like writing on a piece of paper 5 times a certain sentence - I do this one when I say curse words when small!)
No sweets for a day
No new stuffies for a month
Limited game time (depends ofc!)
Or even better just talk to them about what happened when there big. Not everything needs to be solved with punishments. Speaking of which you may be asking how do I know when I can and can’t give a punishment?
Well a few reasons to not give a punishment is:
they failed a test/failed a class/etc
They hurt themselves
They didn’t eat
They didn’t brush there teeth
They didn’t drink water
And a whole lot more.
There should NEVER be a punishment for things like this. It is important to understand the littles mental health.
Also know to Talk about it with ur little!! Not every caregiver has to have punishments! Sometimes we just need to give them a gentle nudge! It’s all about consent in the caregiving little friendship/relationship 
With that said, again punishment can be helpful if you do them correctly, reminder everything here is SFW only!
Thank you <3
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
how to keep a little regressed !
꒰ 🩰 ꒱ call them cute pet names !
these can be whichever names you and your little have agreed on and are okay with, or you can try out a few of the ones below and see if those are a good fit, or brainstorm some ideas !
little one
꒰ 🩰 ꒱ refer to yourself in third person !
idk why,, but smth abt my dada referring to himself as dada just helps me stay teenie !
꒰ 🩰 ꒱ ask your little questions !
things like “can you hold up how tinie you are on your fingies ?” and “do you want a fun coloring page to do?” can help keep your little entertained n regressed !
꒰ 🩰 ꒱ helping them with self care !
if you’re irl,, this is easier since you can help them brush their teeth or help change your little into pjs,, but if you’re long distance you can still help out ! giving your little reminders on when to brush their teeth, drink water, and do other things is a great help and motivation to take care of ourselves !
꒰ 🩰 ꒱ praising them !
telling them that you think they did such a good job and that you’re so proud of them always makes a little squeal with joy !
꒰ 🩰 ꒱ have them introduce you to their stuffies !
i lav doing this one with my cg whenever i get a new one ^_^ he likes to know all about them ! ask for their names,, how long your little has had them for,, and what their stuffie likes !
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
ii miss when she would pick me up.. help me get to my room to sleep. even though she just let things happen,, she would brush my hair and be gentle with it since she loves how long my hair is..
i know she wasn't all good,, i know she made things harder,, i know she neglected and ignored me and wanted me to be a doll for her when she did care,, but i still miss her,, I miss my mom..
i miss the way that her hair would feel when she let me fix it before she left for work,, i miss the voice she used when i was doing what she wanted,, i miss seeing her smile at me.. as if she actually was happy with my existence.. like she wanted me there..
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
fel so lone..
don wana wake dem up ..
tto litl t take care of..
jjus be strng.. try t b big..
ppepl lov you still.. not unwanted.. smone wants you ..
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
ts k.. juds needslep..
forgt abu mama .. forgt dadxdy ..... 2s big nuf ta b own parent..
ts k if nno one can care of m.. bbabies r yucky.. never sposed t be born anywas.. csn care of mself...
evn f it relly realy hurts...
jus gota b strng.. don bther dem.. ddon cry,, don cri.. cant3ccri..
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
feeling mself get morelittle..words extremely hard,, feel.. verylittle... wanna cry.. shouldnt belike thisd,,
rudde.. rudeof me,, stupiddumb.. ttoo littletto take careof.. canteven communicate needs properlyu.. scaredf to ssleep... ddintwant him bback,,
feelsso embarrassed,, feel likeoneoftthose bbabies throwninto rubbish bins outsside.. ddontdesrve acaregiver..
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
bad dream.. bad bad dream..
need baba n pokie soon as posibl
feel soyucky.. soso yucky.. yuckyhands on me..
cant be big rite now.. too upset.. jus need ta hold blankie until deyr here..
too litll.. too littl..
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
got so happie with all m new things dat m brsin said t be smal.. so happie wit all m new gifts n snackies!!
so so so very happie i feel like dis
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all cuddly in blankie!!! so happie.. tail waggy
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
Smoothly coming out of bluespace without forcing myself out of it by some triggering means and actually feeling better and.. Genuinely happy
This is something completely new to me. I've never gone out of bluespace involuntarily but my brain decided that it feels safe and secure.. It makes me feel happy that it's happened. I felt so safe and cared for in the mindset of someone so vulnerable that my brain decided that it's ok to come out of it- I'm kinda shocked and really happy that it happened so smoothly.. I hope it continues to happen when I am in bluespace
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
Supporting Non-Voluntary Age Regression
Non-voluntary age regression can be a challenging experience for both the little one and their caregiver. As a caregiver, it's important to provide understanding, support, and a nurturing environment for your non-voluntary regressed little.
Create a Safe and Comforting Space: Establishing a safe and comforting environment is crucial for a non-voluntary regressed little. Ensure their physical surroundings are calming, free from stress triggers, and filled with familiar items that provide comfort and security. Soft blankets, stuffed animals, and soothing music can help create a peaceful atmosphere that promotes relaxation.
Offer Gentle Reassurance: Non-voluntary regression can be confusing and distressing for your little one. Offer gentle reassurance through kind words, soothing tones, and physical touch. Let them know that you are there for them, providing unwavering support and understanding. Validate their feelings and emotions, reminding them that it is okay to experience involuntary regression and that you are there to help them navigate through it.
Establish Predictable Routines: Structure and routine can provide a sense of stability for a non-voluntary regressed little. Establish predictable daily routines that include meal times, playtimes, and quiet times. Consistency in activities and schedules can help your little one feel secure and develop a sense of control amidst the involuntary regression.
Engage in Soothing Activities: Engaging in soothing activities can help distress and anxiety during non-voluntary regression episodes. Explore activities that promote relaxation and comfort, such as gentle sensory play, reading calming stories, or engaging in creative arts and crafts.
Encourage Self-expression: Non-voluntary regressed littles may have difficulty expressing their emotions and needs. Encourage them to communicate through various means, such as drawing, writing, or using visual aids. Be patient and understanding, providing gentle guidance to help them express themselves effectively.
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bluespace-baby · 8 months
reelly want m paci to come in soon... so sleepy.. m miss tomee bear,,
they all asleep now.. haveta suck on my tumb or leaf chewie for bedtimes
m miss baba.. m miss pokie,, m wanna make m paci soon.. need paci
m wantmy blankie.. baba and pokie..
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