bluepurple09 Ā· 1 year
i love heartbreak high and it's possible to not know about asexuality because it's still very erased but like... at least ONE of those characters HAS to know, and I hope that person talks to ca$h in s2 and tells him it's okay
honestly the most unbelievable part of heartbreak high is that not one of the MULTITUDES of queer characters around ca$h heard what he feels about sex and didn't immediately call asexuality. like darren of all people is a non-binary queer person. quinni's an autistic lesbian. sasha is a lesbianbwho literally runs a queer environmentalist club. when i was twelve asexuality was one of the first labels i learned like guys can we please be serious they all have phones why don't they know anything
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bluepurple09 Ā· 1 year
ā€œIā€™m not flaunting anything. Iā€™m just existing. This is me. I canā€™t hide myself. I canā€™t disappear. And even if I could, I donā€™t fucking want to. I have the same right to be here. I have the same right to exist.ā€
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bluepurple09 Ā· 1 year
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bluepurple09 Ā· 1 year
i will NEVER get over this scene!!! although they had literally slept in the same bed and were clearly acting like a couple, wilhelm was still embarassed but simon made him feel safe and happy!! i love them
no actually I will not shut up about wilhelm almost jumping out of his skin and getting all red and embarrassed and nervous when simon asks him if he remembers telling him he loves him when he was high, simon recognizing his avoidant behaviour (instead of misinterpreting it) and reassuring him, and the fear quite literally melting off wilhelm's face into the cutest grin
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bluepurple09 Ā· 1 year
the scene where kristina and ludvig laugh about how she used to have parties at palatset when she was at hillerska feels like a quiet breaking point. wilhelm is sitting there listening to them, feeling betrayed and alone after everything that happened earlier that day. he's been frustrated that traditions are passed down without question, that he was sent to this school just to repeat the education of the royals before him. he holds the conflict quietly, but hearing his mom nostalgically talk about how she went to palateset parties just like him is probably what seals the fate of the speech. he sees how time is just repeating, the same people at the same school going to the same parties with the same secrets. he can tell it doesn't work and how nothing changes, so wilhelm decides to speak out and take the first step towards a future that doesn't just reenact the past
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bluepurple09 Ā· 1 year
One thing about young royals that I haven't seen a lot of people talk about is how it portrays heteronormativity and systemic homophobia. I have seen posts about how there isn't really any open homophobia because Sweden is a very cool and open-minded country (and that's SOOO refreshing) but that doesn't mean there's no kind of discrimination at all.
If we look at heartstopper (the TV series) for example. It's kind of an "if the bullies are gone it's all good" story (oversimplifying a bit). I'm not saying that's bad. Sometimes you need that fluff.
But so many (straight) people act like it's all fine because gay people can get married. I know straight people who think gay people aren't adequate parents but they would get super defensive if I called them homophobic because they wouldn't actively hurt them. Young Royals is the only show I can think of that explicitly talks about this. (A lot of media suffers itself from heteronormativity but that's different). It's the Queen saying she'll support him but also calling queer relationships unconventional. It's the implications of a gay king, which isn't bad in and on itself, but then it is because he couldn't have kids and our society still sees any family that isn't from a 60s commercial as "lesser". It's how the students make each other stand on the desk when they make out with someone (from another house because houses are single gender) but the concept falls apart when they're gay.
There are a lot more that I can't think of right now. In general I feel like while the monarchy and Wilhelm being a prince is obviously a huge thing on its own, it also acts like somewhat of a mirror of society.
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
simon: weā€™re not together itā€™s none of ur business who iā€™m dating
wille: ok ur right iā€™ll be nice to ur boyfriend and leave you alone
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
Anyways, this is fucking disgusting.
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^ Becky Albertalli author of Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda
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^ Dove Cameron
Listen, I understand being curious about celebrities' lives. If you see a celebrity doing a bunch of gay things you might think "hey, maybe that artist is queer" but that's as far as it should go. You should never harass, or threaten, or force anyone to come out. That is fucking disrespectful and wrong. Queerness is about including anyone who feels that they do not fit into normal society, there is no one way of being queer. It's not a box, it's free and open and that's the beauty of it, so how about we fucking stop forcing queer people to come out, or label themselves, it's none of your business.
This has become a pattern and it needs to STOP
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
today has been shit both irl and online so i feel like talking about what forcing someone to out themselves by making them feel like a bad person does to them as someone who's been through it myself
when i was in 8th grade, i was experimenting with my gender. i was going by a masculine name and was known as a "boy" by some ppl irl
however my best friend didnt really get it. she saw it as me "catfishing" ppl. and for the longest time i saw it that way too...i still sometimes do tbh...its hard to stop believing all the hate you've been fed you know?
my bff got close to a girl that knew the masculine me and as time went on she started being "uncomfortable" about "lying" to her about who i "truly" was.
she started intentionally or unintentionally slipping up and using my deadname or just acting like i was hiding something that the other girl Deservedā„¢ to know. we had many fights over it and i felt horrible. i didnt understand why it was such a big deal for them to know my "real" gender but i felt like a liar and a terrible person
it got to a point where the friend demanded to know the secret by publicly making a scene and almost putting her life in danger. and my friend telling me that if i dont tell her, she will.
so i had to out myself as "a girl" just to escape this guilt i was feeling. the guilt of lying to ppl, putting their life in danger bc it was Obviously my fault (it wasnt), and being a "catfish"
i never recovered from that. i shelved my gender questions after that until i was 19. and even then i didnt come out to anyone irl until i was 20 bc i was scared that i was lying to them somehow and "what if im not actually nonbinary and am making it up?" but also "they deserve to know bc if i dont tell them then im a bad person and catfishing them"
i was always comfortable with experimenting with my gender, after that, i wasnt. and its still a process to unpack all of the guilt i carry with me to this day.
i didnt get to experiment in peace, or just be who felt like being in that moment without labeling myself. i felt forced to come out bc i felt guilty and ppl made me feel like they Deserved to know "the truth"... a truth i myself didnt even understand at the time...
i dont think being angry at the people who forced kit to come out is gonna change anything. they are absolutely horrible people for doing it yes, but i dont think they r mature enough to understand why it was the wrong thing to do in the first place tbh. if they were they wouldn't demand him to come out
but i hope that for the rest of us, it can serve as a reminder to not judge people based on stereotypes and force them to share information they dont want to or arent ready to do so yet.
i hope everyone including kit and the bi/pan ppl in the fandom feel better soon. i love you guys a lot and please take care šŸ’š
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
how in the fuck do yall expect to get more queer content when every time a queer show or movie comes out you harass everyone involved like i dont give a shit how self-righteous you think youā€™re being by forcing this ā€œqueer content should be made by queer peopleā€ bullshit all youā€™re doing is fucking the whole community over. youā€™re literally harassing our own people and giving them reasons NOT to keep creating queer stuff
the more you harass creators and actors of queer content into coming out of the closet when they donā€™t want to, the less queer people are going to want to make queer things
youā€™re all fucking idiots on top of being giant assholes
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
real people cant queerbait. queerbaiting is the practice done by media creators, usually showrunners, of making what is essentially a couple of two people of the same gender but never confirming it, usually to keep viewership in less accepting places and at the same time keeping the viewership of those who love watching that couple, rooting for them to get together.
real people dont owe us their sexuality. they dont owe us anything, actually. especially not celebrities who are strangers to us.
"b-but theyre appropriating queer culture!" not really? men being feminine is typically in queer spaces, but i thought we wanted that to be normalized, for everyone to be allowed to express themselves however they please as long as no one gets hurt. i thought we wanted clothes and makeup and hair to be genderless, as they shouldve always been.
do we want cishet people to stop playing us in media? yeah, sure, but theyre still allowed to, its not illegal and they can still give decent performances. they dont have to match up to their identity on screen to play a role, even though it would be better for quite a few reasons. id prefer if they did but im not going to grab a pitchfork if they dont.
hell, even if someone was kissing people of the same gender in public but not confirming their sexuality, they still dont owe it to us. its their life, and literally if they are not hurting anyone, which they arent, then its not our business.
real people cant queerbait, they are not characters in a show, theyre not there for you to change and use as entertainment. theyre just as real as you and me and you need to consider real hard how it would feel to be on the recieving end of your behavior before you do something awful. hell, not even just in this situation of insisting people give their lives to us, but in any situation.
celebrities are still people, whether we like it or not. treat them like human beings, you weirdos. theyre not your friend, theyre not a character, theyre not there for you. theyre not a doll that youre playing with.
words have meanings. queerbaiting is a word for media discussion. it was made for that and it should stay for that. stop being cruel to real people because you think youre the center of the universe.
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
Heā€™s 18. Maybe he didnā€™t want the whole world knowing his sexuality. Maybe there are people in his life that he didnā€™t feel comfortable knowing that. He owes fans nothing.
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
kit conner isnā€™t queerbaiting you.
billie ellish isnā€™t queerbaiting you.
taylor swift isnā€™t queerbaiting you.
harry styles isnā€™t queerbaiting you.
REAL PEOPLE ARENT QUEERBAITING YOU!! itā€™s a term used in media literacy. no one owes you an explanation about their sexuality.
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
hey, i know people typically dislike seeing posts like these but PLEASE pay attention to whatā€™s happening in brazil right now. the federal police are conducting various unauthorized operations with the sole intention of blocking the roads and keeping people from voting, specially in places where people mostly vote for the opposing candidate to the current president. you can probably guess that this is a pretty illegal attempt to keep the current president in power.
i am asking you to talk about this, to spread the word, to not let this happen in silence because we cannot let our country receive such shameless attacks to our democracy like this.
here is a link to twitter also where i've shared one of the many videos circulating showing this happening:
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
quinniā€˜s single-handedly been inspiring me to put more effort into my outfits lmao
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
"just because you're a man, it doesn't mean you have to become a monster."
this quote is said by emily in episode 10, season 1 of dickinson. i don't even have words to describe how perfect it is. when austin started screaming at sue, i was dissapointed, because he hadn't done anything especially sexist until then, but i still didn't think he would go so far as to seriously tell emily to lock herself in her room. this quote just summed up what these scenes make the viewer think, and it is very powerful to hear from a woman. even austin, who seems nice, uses his position as the oppressor to get what he wants when things don't go his way. and many men are like this nowadays, pretending to be feminists or whatever and then talking shit about women who reject them or are in higher positions than them.
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bluepurple09 Ā· 2 years
i love celebrating my birthday
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