blue-winner-winner · 10 years
"What, no! I mean... I was offering you some. I've always got some with me. Consider it a thanks for not getting testy with me an kicking me out, yeah?" Smokescreen said, pulling a cube from his subspace. There was no way Hotshot was showing signs of being low and wasn't running out, and he didn't plan on making his twin feed him. The offer was completely genuine and Smokescreen's smile looked softly hopeful.
Smokescreen reset his optics once, not sure if he was really seeing this or not but... he wasn't sure he wanted to disbelieve it either. "Hotshot? Is that you?" He asked, moving closer to the other mech, his face lighting up with recognition. "Hotshot!"
Looking up from the piece he was working on, the blue and yellow mech tilted his helm curiously. “Yeah? That’s my designation, says it on the door.” He motioned to the ship’s entrance. “Can I help you?”
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blue-winner-winner · 10 years
When Hotshot started to laugh Smokescreen felt like he was waiting for his twin to announce he had 'got' Smokescreen, his expression lifting... And then he had to turn his helm and hide behind a feigned 'embarrassed' gesture... to hide the way his expression fell, along with his spark. Still he'd made Hotshot smile... that had to be worth something, even if the sound of his laughter had twisted Smokescreen's spark tighter. "I.. ah... tend to try and liven things up." He said, smile back in place when he looked at Hotshot again. He wasn't being pushed away... and Smokescreen was willing to take what he could, and hopefully his twin would recognize him again. He saw those dim biolights and it worried him, he wanted to stick near Hotshot, and make sure he was taken care of. "Why don't we split some energon and chat about it... I've honestly never really thought much on all 'this'." He gestured, making the work area seem very grandiose with the arm movement. 
Smokescreen reset his optics once, not sure if he was really seeing this or not but... he wasn't sure he wanted to disbelieve it either. "Hotshot? Is that you?" He asked, moving closer to the other mech, his face lighting up with recognition. "Hotshot!"
Looking up from the piece he was working on, the blue and yellow mech tilted his helm curiously. “Yeah? That’s my designation, says it on the door.” He motioned to the ship’s entrance. “Can I help you?”
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blue-winner-winner · 10 years
Smokescreen shifted on his feet, trying to fight a frown. "Ah... no I haven't but.... You don't remember me? You don't remember your own twin?" He asked, wishing he could believe he kept a tone of pleading out of his voice but not certain that he had. This was some kind of cruel joke, it had to be... he finally found Hotshot and his twin didn't even recognize or remember him.
Smokescreen reset his optics once, not sure if he was really seeing this or not but... he wasn't sure he wanted to disbelieve it either. "Hotshot? Is that you?" He asked, moving closer to the other mech, his face lighting up with recognition. "Hotshot!"
Looking up from the piece he was working on, the blue and yellow mech tilted his helm curiously. “Yeah? That’s my designation, says it on the door.” He motioned to the ship’s entrance. “Can I help you?”
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blue-winner-winner · 10 years
As soon as Hotshot looked up at Smokescreen the mech's spark did a flipflop and started to try and draw towards the other. Soon... soon it would be right again. "I know but I couldn't believe it at first, I mean, I've been looking for you for... forever." He seemed to realize that Hotshot wasn't... really that excited, or that acting like he new Smokescreen at all. "You do remember me... don't you? Smokescreen?" He asked, looking for recognition in the other.
Smokescreen reset his optics once, not sure if he was really seeing this or not but... he wasn't sure he wanted to disbelieve it either. "Hotshot? Is that you?" He asked, moving closer to the other mech, his face lighting up with recognition. "Hotshot!"
Looking up from the piece he was working on, the blue and yellow mech tilted his helm curiously. “Yeah? That’s my designation, says it on the door.” He motioned to the ship’s entrance. “Can I help you?”
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blue-winner-winner · 10 years
There are some matters of importance for this blog under the read moar, please give it a look.  Please note, there will be a soft reboot
Hi everyone, I am here to let you know that this particular Smokescreen blog is under new managment/playership.  As a result of this I am doing a soft reboot for this blog. What that means is, I won't be deleting any past posts or conversations, but I will be editing them with a #prereboot tag. Everything from this point forward is intended to be post reboot. There will, probably, be some difference in how Smokescreen did things before and does things now, due to player style. Also Smokescreen will not be remembering anything from the pre-reboot.  The plot with talentandlooks will be rehashed and replayed. Please let me know if you had plots with this Smokescreen before and I will consider/see what I can do about rehashing those as well, but I make no promises on this. Some things may change, more or possible alters to some headcanon, as well as some new pages being added to the blog in the future. Thank you all for understanding.
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
Eh, your voice is fine. Don't you be whiny about it. It could be worse, your voice could be gone completely. /chuckles and gives a kiss to Hotshot's cheek/
Ooh, don’t be upset. I think you’re beautiful. I mean, you were always beautiful, and you’re just as now. /chuckles and hugs Hotshot tightly, kissing at ‘her’ cheeks./
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
Oh, shut up. You're my twin. Half of me. Of course you're beautiful. /chuckles and lightly gives his brother- sister? a pet on the top of the helm and hugs 'her' tighter/ Don't worry. I think you're attractive in this shape just as much as the other one.
Ooh, don’t be upset. I think you’re beautiful. I mean, you were always beautiful, and you’re just as now. /chuckles and hugs Hotshot tightly, kissing at ‘her’ cheeks./
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
Ooh, don't be upset. I think you're beautiful. I mean, you were always beautiful, and you're just as now. /chuckles and hugs Hotshot tightly, kissing at 'her' cheeks./
blue-winner-winnerreplied to yourpost:….FFFBAHAHA. Hi there, bro! AH! You’re so… C-cute!
AAHAHAH! Why don’t you make me, pretty mech?
Why you little— 
.//charges at him and attempts to tackle him to the ground with his(her) now smaller frame.//
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
/Opens his arms and hugs his brother around the waist, skidding backwards but not tipping over/ Fraggin' Pit, Hotshot. You were cute before, but now...
blue-winner-winnerreplied to yourpost:….FFFBAHAHA. Hi there, bro! AH! You’re so… C-cute!
AAHAHAH! Why don’t you make me, pretty mech?
Why you little— 
.//charges at him and attempts to tackle him to the ground with his(her) now smaller frame.//
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
On sunday. Don't ya worry, i might come here for few moments even when i'm there.
Oh! Cool! Uh... Here's a cool emoticon I just learned. 8=D
Someone on the internet told me it means I'm "super excited"! 8=D!
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
England. Few days, relaxation, shopping, you know~
Cool! Uh-- maybe... When you get back, then?
0 notes
blue-winner-winner · 11 years
Well i'm leaving this country anyway. Tag along, might be an interesting trip then~ But now i'm not going anywhere
Really? Where you going? We can take the ground bridge! 8D 
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
Dude, we can sneak out together! It's a lovely thought but i'm so busy i probably can't. Bomer. But we can talk, let's sneak out some other time ok~
Sure! Hey, we should plan ahead to sneak out. Yeah. It'll be a lot more, uh... Legit that way. Heheh!
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
Aww, party pooper. Did you ever like sneak out or something? To do something fun~
Oh heck yes I do! I should sneak out tonight. But I have no one to meet. Hmph…
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
"Optimus Prime... Our leader." The mech whispered softly, not even offended that his brother had forgotten. With how badly the damage sounded, he was amazed he could recall his own name. He pulled the mech nearer with a soft sigh, settling on his knees. 
His optics halved and he leaned back enough to give Hotshot a long look. "It doesn't matter. You're my brother. And... And you believe me now, right? That's... that's more than enough for me." It was only partially a lie. Just knowing that his twin wasn't entirely apart from him helped. But it didn't mean he wasn't determined to get him fixed. "What... What if we merged Sparks again?" He asked, suddenly.
"M...Maybe it could help... I can feel your Spark is damaged... M-Maybe-" He sighed and placed a hand flat against his own chest, feeling his Spark beat firmly. "Mine always was bigger... M-Maybe..."
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
Smokescreen struggled with his twin, optics clenched as if he were afraid to see the mech's pained expression then they finally fell still facing one another. He placed his hands onto Hotshot's elbows and held him tightly, sinking down to the floor when he finally broke down. 
Brother. Smokey. Hearing these from the mech filled him with emotion, it made his systems hiccup. He pressed closer, shifting his grasp to hold his brother by the shoulders, dragging him against himself with a tense mechanical sob. "It's okay, it's--" He couldn't lie to him, it wasn't okay. He let out a hiss and slowly helped his twin sink down to his knees, pulling him near. "We'll fix this... N-No, you'll never... Never really be the same. But we'll get your memories back. All of them.." He felt ill, but at the same time elated. His brother felt him, called him by an old name...
Smokescreen lifted his hands and cupped Hotshot's helm tenderly. He pressed their foreheads together and looked into his pale, fear-filled optics. "I know... I felt it. That. That kind of fear... Someone did this to you. But it wasn't Ratchet. Ratchet serves Prime, remember? Prime... We looked up to Prime when we were little. Worshiped him... You've got to believe me. Ratchet wants to help you.. But if you're too afraid, we can stop. We don't have to go back in there. We can-- You can show me your home, and we can move you in with us. You'll be safe..."
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blue-winner-winner · 11 years
Suddenly, everything went cold. Smokescreen felt deep, terrible fear coil in his very Spark at the exact moment it's other half did. He realized that he was feeding off the fear of his twin, even though he didn't understand it. He actually recoiled from Ratchet in tandem with his brother, almost blinded by the fear and the pain the trigger words had caused. "H--Hotshot--" He tried, and once his brother was far enough away he felt the fear release him. 
"Wait! Wait, Hotshot," He said, his tone firm as he moved forward. He didn't care if he was going to get shot, he bolted after his twin and rushed to grasp his door wings. "Hotshot-! It's okay. Ratchet isn't whoever did this to you!" He shouted, pulling him back and snatching his arms, twisting them so that the cannons were facing away from the both. He grasped the slightly smaller mech tightly, feeling his Spark hammer in his chest. 
It called out for it's other half, wantonly keening silently, zapping forth a spark of energy that coiled through Hotshot's plating, aiming for his Spark. He whimpered from it and ducked his helm against the mech's door hinge. "Hotshot, listen to me. It's okay. I know you're afraid. I feel it too... I felt how scared those words made you... But you don't know why, do you?" He added faintly, drawing himself ever nearer and letting out a whimper as he felt his chest become tighter. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you... Not ever again."
  A soft hum was all that left Ratchet as he finished the scans. He kept his optics locked onto the informational panel in his other hand, and as he did his last round with the scanner wand, he put it down to fully hold the panel between his servos. Not once did his optics leave it. “You did very good,” He said gently, voice dripping with legitimate sincerity even though he didn’t look up from his results. He wasn’t sure how to say this, as the mech was very obviously sensitive and scared. 
“It appears as though someone, long ago, broke into your memory core and altered it drastically.” He finally said. “I feel as though this may be hard to hear, but please understand it’s not hopeless.” He added, flicking through the results before finally looking Hotshot right in the optics. “Your short-term memory is utterly destroyed. It can be rebuilt, but it’s protected within a powerful firewall. Someone locked you out of your own memories, Hotshot. That’s why it hurts when you try to remember; the firewall is recoiling against you.”
He placed a dark hand onto the mech’s shoulder. “But it can be fixed. Your memories can be repaired and the firewall removed. You just need to be professionally examined. I know I’m not an expert in memory core coding, but I know enough to figure out how to map it. It will take a while… But I can make everything go back to normal.” He nodded, a faint smile creasing his features. “Hotshot, everything will be fine. I can help you. You’re a very brave mech for going this long with such a severe handicap.”
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