bloodontap-blog · 5 years
|| OOC ||
Hey guys, I’m still here. Uh... well I’m not having much success starting this blog up. I might end up packing it in :/
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
The Last Unicorn (1982) starters.
❛  I dislike the feel of these woods.  ❜
❛  Unicorns? I thought they only existed in fairytales.  ❜
❛  This is a forest like any other. Isn’t it ?  ❜
❛  Let’s turn around. Hunt somewhere else.  ❜
❛  This is no world for you.  ❜
❛  Good luck to you, for you are the last.  ❜
❛  What do men know ?  ❜
❛  We are as old as the sky, old as the moon.  ❜
❛  We can be hunted, we can be trapped, we can even be killed but we do not vanish !  ❜
❛  Have you traveled very far ?  ❜
❛  Be a little respectful, do you know who I am ?  ❜
❛  Your name is a golden bell, hung in my heart.  ❜
❛  I would break my body to pieces to call you once by your name.  ❜
❛  In all your wanderings, have you seen others like me ?  ❜
❛  Have you seen the others? Where have they gone? Tell me which way I must go to find them.  ❜
❛  No, no, listen ! Don’t listen to me, listen !  ❜
❛  You can find the others if you are brave.  ❜
❛  What if they’re waiting for me ? In need of my help ?  ❜
❛  Well hello there little one !  ❜
❛  And just who might you belong to ? a pretty little thing like you ?  ❜
❛  In my heart I carry such a heavy load.  ❜
❛  And here I thought I’d seen the last of them !  ❜
❛  I know you. If I were blind I would know what you are.  ❜
❛  You wouldn’t have heard of me.  ❜
❛  It’s not much of a job for a real magician, but I’ve had worse.  ❜
❛  You’re mine. If you kill me, you’re still mine.  ❜
❛  Your death sits in that cage and she hears you.  ❜
❛  She’ll kill me one day or another, but she will remember forever that I caught her, that I held her prisoner. So there’s my immortality.  ❜
❛  You were out on the road hunting for your own death !  ❜
❛  He’ll not have you ! You belong to me.  ❜
❛  We are two sides of the same magic.  ❜
❛  You are safer here. You should thank me for protecting you.  ❜
❛  There has never been a spell on me before.  ❜
❛  It’s a very rare person who is taken for what he truly is.  ❜
❛  Will you help me ?  ❜
❛  You’re my last chance.  ❜
❛  Can you truly set me free ?  ❜
❛  I asked him a riddle and it always takes that lout all night to solve riddles.  ❜
❛  the spell was wrong but there was true magic in it ! try again.  ❜
❛  My dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but I’m afraid you’ll have to be glad of the aide of a second rate pickpocket.  ❜
❛  Okay, (name), I give up. Why is a raven like a writing desk ?  ❜
❛  She’ll kill you if you set her free !  ❜
❛  Don’t look back, and don’t run.  ❜
❛  You must never run from anything immortal, it attracts their attention.  ❜
❛  She chose her death long ago. It was the fate she wanted.  ❜
❛  You have no regrets as I do ?  ❜
❛  I’ve never seen anyone like you. Not while I was awake, anyway.  ❜
❛  I’m going where they are, to learn whatever they know.  ❜
❛  Take me with you ! for luck, for laughs, for the unknown.  ❜
❛  You could never have granted my true wish.  ❜
❛  I cannot turn you into something you are not.  ❜
❛  Hide yourself ! We’ll find each other later.  ❜
❛  Mind your heads now, it’s raining ninnies !  ❜
❛  Put me down you fool !  ❜
❛  I don’t like the look of him.  ❜
❛  That’s only (name)’s way, but she has a good heart.  ❜
❛  This is not happening.  ❜
❛  We’ll both be gentlemen of leisure in a months time.  ❜
❛  Oh, I love you.  ❜
❛  She shall never have you !  ❜
❛  We will perish together.  ❜
❛  Did you see me ? Were you watching ?  ❜
❛  Did you see what I made ?  ❜
❛  It’s gone now, but I had it !  ❜
❛  Where have you been ? Where have you been ! ?  ❜
❛  Where were you when I was new ?  ❜
❛  How dare you come to me now when I am this !  ❜
❛  It’s alright, I forgive you.  ❜
❛  You can’t come with us ! we’re on a quest !  ❜
❛  Well, you’re going the wrong way.  ❜
❛  You have all the power you need if you dare to look for it.  ❜
❛  What have you done ! ?  ❜
❛  The power will come to me whenever I need it, and one day! One day it will come to me when I call !  ❜
❛  You are an idiot !  ❜
❛  Don’t ! Don’t you hurt yourself !  ❜
❛  I can feel this body dying all around me !  ❜
❛  You are losing my interest, and that is very dangerous.  ❜
❛  I will keep nothing near me that does not make me happy.  ❜
❛  How would you know ?  ❜
❛  Well, just look at you !  ❜
❛  Come on, I’ll write you a reference.  ❜
❛  You have let your doom in by the front door !  ❜
❛  What are you looking at ?  ❜
❛  What is the matter with your eyes ?  ❜
❛  You may come and go as you please.  ❜
❛  My secrets guard themselves, may yours do the same.  ❜
❛  Please, let me help you. What can I do for you ?  ❜
❛  And then she looked at me and I was sorry I had killed the thing.  ❜
❛  For her sake I’ve become a hero but my great deeds mean nothing to her !  ❜
❛  I wish to be whatever she has most need of.  ❜
❛  You are cruel to him.  ❜
❛  He only wishes you to think of him.  ❜
❛  Who am I ? Why am I here ?  ❜
❛  I knew a moment ago, but I have forgotten.  ❜
❛  I was innocent and wise and full of pain.  ❜
❛  Now that I’m a woman, everything has changed.  ❜
❛  Why won’t you help me ? Why must you always speak in riddles ?  ❜
❛  I would tell you what you want to know if I could.  ❜
❛  I am always dreaming, even when I am awake. It is never finished.  ❜
❛  I would court you with more grace if I knew how.  ❜
❛  Drown out my dreams. Keep me from remembering whatever wants me to remember it.  ❜
❛  Words are always getting in my way.  ❜
❛  That’s all I have to tell you. That’s all I’ve got to say.  ❜
❛  I’m not a man of poetry. Music isn’t one with me.  ❜
❛  As if I didn’t have enough troubles.  ❜
❛  Well of course you’re of noble birth, anyone could see that.  ❜
❛  Love is slowing you down, my lady.  ❜
❛  It was pleasant enough at first, but it died quickly.  ❜
❛  There is nothing of yours that I desire.  ❜
❛  There is no movement of yours that has not betrayed you.  ❜
❛  I like to watch them. They fill me with joy.  ❜
❛  The first time I felt it, I thought I was going to die.  ❜
❛  Do you dare still pretend to be human ?  ❜
❛  It makes no difference. The end will be the same. I can wait.  ❜
❛  Shut up you pretentious kneecap !  ❜
❛  How would you like a punch in the eye ?  ❜
❛  It’s so nice to have someone to play with.  ❜
❛  Try me tomorrow. Maybe I’ll tell you tomorrow.  ❜
❛  Give it to me if you don’t want it but don’t throw it away !  ❜
❛  Give me the wine !  ❜
❛  You would have gone without me ?  ❜
❛  No name you could give her would surprise or frighten me.  ❜
❛  I love whom I love.  ❜
❛  I will go no further.  ❜
❛  Everything dies. I want to die when you die.  ❜
❛  Yes, that is my wish.  ❜
❛  I am a hero, and heroes know that things must happen when it is time for them to happen.  ❜
❛  A quest may not simply be abandoned.  ❜
❛  A happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story.  ❜
❛  What if there isn’t a happy ending at all ?  ❜
❛  There are no happy endings, because nothing ends.  ❜
❛  Do something ! You have the power ! I will kill you if you don’t do something !  ❜
❛  That’s what heroes are for.  ❜
❛  I’ve never had any friends before.  ❜
❛  Men don’t always know when they’re happy.  ❜
❛  I’m sorry. I have done you evil and I cannot undo it.  ❜
❛  No sorrow will live in me as long as that joy.  ❜
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
* : like or reblog if you're a roleplayer 20 yrs or older.
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
||Ahhh I was so busy the last few days. ArtFight has started and I’m a little more focused on that. I’ll do more soon!
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
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+ @greatgrunkle
Aderyn’s fingers were careful not to scratch the wood of the desk. She was watching the computer screen with a keen interest. Someone had left areview on one of the booking websites that seemed to have generated an influx of customers. This wasn’t bad- that’s what reviews are meant for- however, she did not anticipate the hotel being known as a hot spot for weird happenings.
The place is haunted! As are most old buildings if you looked hard enough at the shadow in your peripheral vision... I saw a monster during breakfast! No, that was the day shift. He just looks funny. I floated off my bed! Okay, she couldn’t reason that one out.
People apparently loved this.
The bell on the door rang and Aderyn stood to attention, smiling happily- or as much as she could working this late. “Welcome to the Jones Estate Hotel. Do you have a reservation?”
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
||I’ll be posting Aderyn’s full bio here sometime as a text post since it’s currently part of the code of my theme rn. Same for rules. Just so mobile users can look for them
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
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+ @bachelorbrucewayne
The night shift at the Jones Estate Hotel had just begun and Aderyn did not want to work the counter tonight. Of course, what person of sound mind wanted to work the dull night shifts? The only reason she did this was to maintain some sort of illusion that she was normal.
She kept an eye on the front doors and almost slipped into unconsciousness. Sweet dreamless existence- plucked away by the doors opening. She immediately stood up straight and plastered on her best customer service smile.
“Welcome to the Jones Estate Hotel. How can I help you today?”
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
||I’m working on some things to make the blog look pretty when I post and honestly, I realised that whilst I used to RP all the time, I’m suddenly scared of talking to other muns xD
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
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+ @quiinnsanity
It wasn’t often Aderyn felt the need to stray away from Bludhaven these days. Since arriving back in the US, her hunting ground of badly lit clubs was never-ending. Bludhaven was currently akin to when you open the fridge that’s been freshly stocked and think that there’s absolutely nothing to eat!
Aderyn had yet to get to the second club of the night and was wondering where to go when she heard it. Footsteps and a giggle not too far away. Tales of Joker Gas filled thoughts.
“Hello?” she asked, loudly. Her voice echoed on the empty street as she waited.
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
Reblog if you are a DC/ Marvel OC roleplay blog!
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
| Open Starter |
The doors of the hotel lobby swung open and Aderyn didn’t bother to look up from her game of Mine Field on the computer. “Welcome to the Jones Estate Hotel. Do you have a reservation?”
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bloodontap-blog · 5 years
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“Shall I get some rooms prepared?”
We’re open for business! Be sure to read my guidelines and muse sections!
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