No not even a Diet Coke, he asked for alcohol
Finally sitting down and watching the pjo show and I love Percy and Dionysius’s introductions
“You’re my dad?”
“Yes Peter”
“It’s Percy”
“Exactly, now go get me a Diet Coke”
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Finally sitting down and watching the pjo show and I love Percy and Dionysius’s introductions
“You’re my dad?”
“Yes Peter”
“It’s Percy”
“Exactly, now go get me a Diet Coke”
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It hurts how so many fanartists forget that when annabeth fell into Tartarus she had a splint on her ankle made of bubble wrap, wood, and leather straps and (unless rick said otherwise and I just forgot) she likely had it on for most if not her entire trip through Tatarus
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5 pages into the hidden oracle and I love it already Apollo is so goofy
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Blood of Olympus spoilers
I find it hilarious how confident all the monsters, giants, etc were that gaea would take over the earth just for her to not only get her ass kicked but get her ass KILLED by some twink and his metal dragon the moment she rose out of the ground, like girl got less than a minute of having a humanoid form before Festus snatched her up and fucking incinerated her
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So many people are mad at Rick for how he portrayed the Aphrodite cabin and I feel like I’m missing something. Cus like I see a lot of people claiming he made them all rude and entitled and stuff but when I read the lost hero, they weren’t rude? Drew was an asshole who was abusing her power as the cabin leader yeah but everyone else in the cabin seemed like nice people? Like the two kids (I forgot their names) who gave piper some clothes and stuff for her quest, the kids who helped that one girl after she was kicked out of the bathroom in the middle of her shower by drew, silena and piper were straight up hero’s? I just started reading blood of Olympus (like I haven’t even gotten 5 pages in) so there might be stuff later on abt the Aphrodite kids being rude but when I read it it just seemed like drew was a shitty person and the rest of the cabin was alright but had just been taught the wrongs things, like how they had to break someone’s heart as a right of passage, there was also a scene with Aphrodite and piper about this where Aphrodite was like “yeah Drew’s kinda shitty but the rest of my kids really aren’t that bad” (not her exact words but that was the gist of the conversation). The only other thing I remember the poses the Aphrodite kids are entitled/rude is one scene from pjo (forgot which book) where it mentions that the Aphrodite kids prefer to sit out from capture the flag bc they’d rather look at their reflections in the water and stuff, and even then I might be remembering thst wrong cus it’s been a while since I read it.
All in all it really just seems like the Aphrodite kids are alright people who happen to be especially interested in love and beauty which makes sense bc their mom’s whole thing is love and beauty, so like what am I missing here and why do people claim Rick “made Aphrodite kids look bad”??
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We as a fandom moved on from the fact that camp halfblood has GUNS WITH CELESTIAL BRONZE BULLETS way too fast
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*Nico drinking water*
Percy: and yet I’M not your type?
Nico: oh my gods Percy.
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nobody talk to me i just remembered josh and timmy from jollys carnival
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might have a a nipple infection but its ok because i have fanfics to read
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just had a meowing contest with my cat immediately after watching a man be cut in half while still alive and screaming has his intestines fell out of his body on WPD
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stabbing my ramen 23 times for Julius Ceasar
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