blockbourne · 9 months
@championofdarkland cont. [BI i can't find the replyyy-]
"Yrhrbh?" [...n-nothing? Are sure? But...] He blinks, vision still hazy from the lingering fever. He's not sure he believes the sentiment...if only because he's been employed into all manner of situations that further the employer's goals. Even if he's happy to oblige them. No one just helped and hung around a yoshi for no reason, right? At least, Gadd's species outlines spoke of yoshis being kept around for their strength in lugging around heavy loads - including, but not limited to riders of varying shapes and sizes. Such was one reason why he vehemently fought against any outside interference...no telling who might try to draft him into some contract he might not be able to return to his work from. And his work was very important at the moment. If only because it helped guise his true purpose.
"Y-rrh!? Ysha!...yawwr-..." The yoshi squirmed weakly, though he'd not yet napped enough power to flip out of the armored koopa's grip as they dove deeper into town. [N-..not a child!] He protests, though a show of strength can't be mustered over a flushed snout and eyes squeezed shut. Wiith a shudder or two as the sickness gave him a fresh wave of shivers, Transit twisted in and tucked himself against the armor warmed by his feverish scales. "Yrh-...yawsha, yiii-..." [C-cold...hot, but cold.] And blankets there were a the inn- as strange of a place to be brought... his lectures often indicated that yoshi were no better than stable animals for other species. Though he had grown accustomed to furniture living with Gadd.
After a moment of shifting uncertainly on a softer surface than the ground, the yoshi peeked out to regard the koopa as the fresh herby smell of ointment slathered across his cheeks. "Yarr-...awsrsh." [Help koopas...help yoshi-... you keep all safe? Thanking...]
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"Yrr...hrrhaba-buh. Awohoa-?" [Never met someone ... like you.]
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blockbourne · 9 months
My muse is dozing off. Send me  “CARRY”  for my muse’s reaction to yours picking them up and carrying them to bed. 
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blockbourne · 9 months
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Quick doodle to test a tablet I just got
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blockbourne · 9 months
But I ignore things and I move sideways
'Til I forget what I felt in the first place
At the end of the day, I know there are worse ways to stay alive
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blockbourne · 9 months
@koopzilla cont.
There's a brief lapse in judgement between when he spots the flopping fish and the sentencing swallow - gills and all. Clarity dawns on him once more and he's back to pushing forward, set on at least getting his boots out of the wet sand before it can start to suck him under. Rubber slapped the wet grounds as he moved to the firmer rocky terrain where only a few tufts of grass emerged. Given the depth of the Darklands they'd pierced, he doubted he'd see more further on. Coming to a stop near the resting end of Bowser's tail, Transit shifts the pack straps around on his back until he feels its balanced enough for a good push forward on land. Though the water droplets from the other's shaking and 'freshening up' earn a light squawk from the yoshi who follows suit and shakes furiously in place to rid his scales of the river's remains.
Tipping his head back to regard the sole mountain (gold scales and all) on the flat terrain, Transit frowns...not one to change destination points mid-journey. Still... the memory of foot pinning him like a grape to be squashed reminded him he had little choice in the matter. Didn't mean he couldn't offer up a formal complaint, right? With another shake that had his tail taking the form of a drill at the end of the gesture, he huffs upwards. "Yrrhrrshi! Buh-aowhshi..." [Can hope deliveries are meant for fish...with this route.]
Shoulders slumping at the beckon, he squeezes his pack's straps before trudging ahead, movement reminiscent of a large tortoise with a shell too heavy that it encouraged an unnatural stride. The tower they passed caused the yoshi to falter, head on a swivel to observe the odd burned out structure. The smell that wafted from it-...he couldn't quite place it despite it smelling oddly...familiar? A harsh snuffle or two confirmed his hunch, and as Bowser pressed ahead, he lagged by clambering over the harder rubble along the path if only to prolong his observation of the area.
His curiosity gets the better of him after a moment, and he turns away from the koopa who'd made it farther ahead with his larger gait. Clambering with the great weight on his back over the rubble, Transit paused at the foot of the tower to peer up at it with a dubious squint. This pit stop turned into his eyes forced closed and teeth grit as he felt the lost energy of the place exhale against him like a sour breath.
||A red yoshi attempted to flee the premises once the guards were busy restraining the more aggressive ones - eventually succeeding in silencing them to a block cell. But when the hulking shadow swallowed the runaway while creeping ahead while craning their head back to watch for koopa troops, and their tail was yanked and they were carelessly carried back to their entombing appointment.||
Another blink has Transit realizing the sun didn't have a cloud over it, but Bowser had come back to hover and cast him - even with the bulk of his pack- into the shadows of shade. "Yrsha...yrrr..." [Haunted...] He would know...living with Gadd for as long as he did. [Bad place.]
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blockbourne · 9 months
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Wow, it sure was nice of someone leave all this food out! His rump is planted squarely in the middle of a fruit pile piled atop a net that has yet to jerk him up into the trees. Maybe a few more bites would have him heavy enough to trigger it-
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blockbourne · 9 months
What kind of warmth are you?
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sun shining on your face
you're encouraging, brave in your kindness, and intentional about bringing healing to all those you love. your warmth is obvious, but commonly misunderstood. at first glance, people may take your positivity as naivety; it is the opposite. you have seen the cruelty of this world, and that's why you choose to be recklessly warm. you find comfort in nature and love random acts of kindness. you probably remember one specific stranger really well, even though you never saw them again. but they gave you a bit of warmth that you carry with you everywhere you go. i hope you know you are that stranger for others. the kindness you give out is helping others be kind in ways you may never see. i see you, and i'm proud of you. i hope you're proud of yourself too.
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blockbourne · 9 months
What is a "block yoshi"?
A distant look settles across his scales, pinned on the horizon as the search for distant power-up blocks continued. Though there were plenty of miles logged in his gps over the months spent trekking from one kingdom to the next, delivering supplies and stocking emptied block caches, he had the feeling he'd have to travel to the very corners of the earth to find a block he'd yet to tick off on his list.
It didn't make sense to him how Gadd had even happened upon the flickering cube at the outskirts of Evershade that, upon further inspection and dissection by the curious professor, produced not a damaged hardware system within - but a coiled up Yoshi hatchling that appeared to have just awoken from a light nap.
Granted, once he'd grew into his scales and served his youth as a field assistant in toting around various equipment the scientist needed on his traveling research, Transit figured that a light nap could have very well been a decade after Gadd's insistence that he could be one of the Vanished - a term the other used while investigating a curious case of a sudden dip in the wild yoshi population that had relatively no explanation and no bones to dig up for answers. It was as if the collection of dinos had simply vanished - a prospect that, while excited a ghost enthusiast, had to have a scientific answer that eluded the many that studied the wild life of Yoshi Isle.
If they still were out there, then perhaps they too were sealed away in the mysterious sky-hung cubes? That was the most Transit made of the theory, and his enthusiasm to take the research on the road gave Gadd more time and opportunity to branch off on a more haunted research venture back at the old Evershade mansions while his eager assistant pushed ahead of his mysterious circumstances.
Disparaging thoughts on if the yoshi were even still in blocks - if they ever had been taxed his mind with every block he ticked off his maintenance list. The only other clue to the potential whereabouts lay stamped on the yoshi's hip - a warped brand of teeth and horns. A symbol of the Darklands which he had yet to thoroughly search thanks to the hostilities around the border.
Perhaps that would all change soon...
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blockbourne · 9 months
Ah. Transit had likely hatched from an actual egg, but had been placed in a power block to be unleashed again at a later date as if he were no more than a useful item. At least, that's was Luigi's theory. The look Transit gave him only helped solidify the idea in his mind. "Bowser is a very bad koopa," Luigi explained. "He exploits others for his own gain. He wants to take things that don't belong to him with force, and he'll do that any way he can. Including capturing your kind and putting them into power blocks."
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Once Transit settled down next to him, Luigi put a hand on the yoshi's head. Jeez the poor thing was sad now. That wouldn't do at all. "No. It's not your fault that the mark is there. You've had it since you were a baby. I just hope that Bowser didn't do anything else to you and the others that hurt you or could hurt you in the future. But... I guess if he had, Gadd would've found out, right?" Maybe. If he were a smart man, and wasn't working for Bowser himself. But then- what human in their right mind would, unless forced to do so? "Maybe one of Princess Peach's scientists or doctors can make sure you're ok. And maybe they can do something about that mark on your flank too."
With his chin in the dirt, Transit's jaw quivers slightly, his glassy eyes rolled up to regard his company with a mix of confusion and self-doubt. The weight from his back, though placed aside for his camping venture, suddenly felt like it was back on him and pushing him further into the ground than he'd like. "Brrrshhrswr...awahah- yrsh." [-but...packages-...going Bowser? Is name on address.] And 'evil' or not, his drive to complete his worth-proving task is more important than what is possibly a bad situation to wander into.
With a frown, the yoshi, sat up, though his haunches remained curled up under him. The mark...this 'Bowser', and 'blocks... were they at all connected like Luigi claimed? He shakes his head, confused and snout pursed. "Yrshi-yrshi-! Awawahah. Aowh!" [Can't be sure why was in block for start. Why am investigating-...] He assures the other, expression softening in mild defeat. He'd been on his investigation for a while now with hardly anything to show for it except a map with marked areas and blank areas yet to investigate. To see if those yoshi Gadd said disappeared from the fossil record really were stuck in the power blocks. Why that is...he'd have to investigate later. After he found proof of it all being real, of course.
"Hrrh? Yawsh?" [Don't know why mark there...but can't be bad after so long, right?] It's not like he'd combusted from a youngling to now, so he's skeptical on even probing the matter. There were far more important things at stake-...and he expresses so with scooting his shoulder pack around until the satchel itself laid over the mark, masking it from view. "Yrsha, yosh-yosh, iiiishii." [Camp here for strength back. Tomorrow need take supplies to Darklands. You stay?]
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blockbourne · 9 months
What is your favorite family memory?
"Hrrh-...yrhrshi. Awsh awah-whoah. Rrgh-awrh!" [Not much family...just Gadd. When cold come, he shows place. Place we get... 'cocoa'? Burns tongue- but warm. Tasty!]
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blockbourne · 9 months
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i saw the two yoshis in the mario wonder direct and i had a vision
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blockbourne · 9 months
Trying to stay on Transit's back was akin to riding a mechanical bull. Luigi clung on for dear life each and every time the yoshi decided to make big, sudden moves. Somehow, he came out just fine, though his brain felt like it had been scrambled in all of the bucking and spinning around. After Transit replied to his inquiry, he slid off the yoshi's back and wobbled as he regained his sense of balance. "Came with? Transit... I thought Gadd raised you from an egg when he found you in the block? Did he not?" If he hadn't, well, that was his bad for presuming as much. "I wonder if all yoshi trapped in blocks have this..." Luigi leaned in closer to look at the marking better. How awful. Transit and who knew how many others like him had been marked as Bowser's property.
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"This looks like Bowser's insignia branded on you," he explained. " Running around with this on your flank makes you a target. Others are going to think you work for Bowser... Which might be why other yoshi avoid you." Luigi looked off to the fields beyond. There were wild yoshi in the distance, gazing at them with caution. "If only they'd listen to an explanation, maybe they'd accept you given time."
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An awkward blink and a shuffle from one leg to the other prompts his tail to swing up between his legs and curl up around the front of his thigh at the question. It's not like he has to explain any of this often...if ever. So far it's just been another burden to add to the luggage on his back. "Yrsha...yrhirrrshi." [Not egg...block was egg. Was baby from block.] He adds, once his sheepish gaze meets Luigi's, it falls in something akin to shame. He was nothing like the other yoshi, and he knew deep down that was why they didn't accept him.
Blinking curiously at the explanation, he nuzzles the spot briefly before straightening back up to tower over the other with a curious tilt of his head. "Yrrawh? Rrrgahah... bbrrruhauwser awaushh?" [Why that? Why 'Bowser' keep them away?] With a defeated shake, he stomps over only to plop down beside his company on the ground, his chin soon joining the dirt as he observes the other with a side-cast glance. "Hrrrsh..yrha-buh?" [...mark mean-...you not accept too?]
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blockbourne · 9 months
How many yoshi can you support on your back?
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"...!?" He looks nervous, sweating slightly. A paw wipes the glistening free before he can flick it off with a shimmy of spine and tail. "...yrrrsh. Awa-...hrr. Ashawa- buh, warsh." [Well. Can lift many block at time. From ground to ceiling many. So...if ever had to - would be many.]
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blockbourne · 9 months
Do you have any yoshi friends?
He frowns, scuffing the dirt around with his boots and evenually rubs behind his head with an uncertain paw.
"Yrshh-....abada-ahh buh." [No, they... don't seem like me.]
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blockbourne · 9 months
With only his snout and his tail sticking out from under the covers, he'd found himself a rather cozy position to drift into a dozing state. That is until lights pop on and covers shift away from his squinty eyes.
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"HrrR?" Giving Luigi the most disgruntled expression possible, he rises onto his elbows briefly only to flop backwards towards the wall side of the mattress, knocking some plaster free with his tail upon impact as he takes up a snoozing position on his back with his nubby paws resting upward on his chest. A squawky yawn follows soon after as his hips jerk to the side to fling his tail up and curl around himself in a self soothing position. There may have been a few inches on the side of the bed for someone else to balances on if they wanted to.
"Hrrfshhh! Mah?" The squeak after an extended yawn has him moving to pat the spot next to him with a paw before flipping again to fully lay on his back and let his limbs rest upward as if he were playing dead, sans the occasional sleepy snuffle he expels.
Hope Luigi doesn't need to go to bed any time soon. There's a large yoshi under the covers coiled up and taking up the whole bed with his nose poked out from under the covers.
"Hrrf." @blockbourne
Of all the places a giant dinosaur could reside in one's house, Transit had chosen his bed to occupy. He couldn't fault the yoshi for it; his bed was very comfortable. But he needed it to sleep in!
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"Transit... It's almost time for me to go to bed too," he said, lifting the covers off Transit's nose. "You've gotta at least take up less room if this is where you're parking until morning."
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blockbourne · 9 months
'let me take care of you'
"Meh?" A puzzled tilt of the yoshi's head in Karik's direction ends in a confused smile. He'd hunkered down close to a campfire earlier to work on snoozing off his remaining head cold. If the koopa thought he was going to take more of that off-tasting medicine, the hint of 'try me and find out' is threaded lightly into Transit's otherwise pleasant expression, though it's further betrayed with an agitated flick or two of the tail.
"Hyhhhsh-shi." [...feel fine. A-all better.]
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blockbourne · 9 months
send 'let me take care of you' for my muse's reaction.
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