blackbriarsparrow · 7 days
Sakura stood in the doorway of the armory, biting her lip as she gazed at the gleaming weaponry neatly arranged on the wall. There were shelves of shuriken, rows of kunai, boxes full of sharp senbon, another shelf with carefully arranged explosive tags. Short swords and long swords, chains, and ropes, and so much more. She took a step forward, palm sliding over the rack of gray armor vests that were custom among the ANBU. She was already wearing a slim pair of black leggings, and the same single-sleeved black shirt that showed off the ANBU sigil on her right bicep. She still hadn’t reversed the jutsu, and absently touched the mark she had given herself as she contemplated her next move. The armory was quiet, tucked within the mountain walls, and lit only by lanterns that threw a blue-colored light against the weapons. She half expected something to leap from the shadows.
She startled at the irony, but only a little, and turned to see Riku standing behind her in the hallway. He was wearing his lab coat, and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “What are you doing down here?”
“I could ask you the same,” he said. Riku was not an intimidating man judging by looks alone; she surmised he had been drafted into ANBU on account of his laboratory and medical experience. He’d told her the ANBU handled their own medical needs (unless they were severely injured,) but Sakura rarely saw any of them in the hospital.
Sakura balled her hands into determined fists and squared her shoulders. “I’m going to Rain.”
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blackbriarsparrow · 10 days
A Call to Ops - Chapter 19 Teaser
Kakashi wondered how many missions he’d served as an ANBU operative. Wearing the uniform dredged memories he thought he’d buried long ago, but somehow always came unbidden to the surface. Kakashi might as well have been a shadow back then – a shell for a soul that had shriveled up and tucked itself away somewhere in the cavernous abyss inside him. How many years had he gone through the mechanics of life that way? How long before his soul had grown exhausted from the dormancy and began clawing its way back to the surface of his being? How long before he considered himself human again?
Kakashi supposed in the grand scheme of things, it did little good to dwell on the past. There was no re-writing the history, no undoing the damage that had been done. He had regrets of course, but he was wise enough to know that he would not be the person he was today without having gone through and enduring those hardships. Every step, predestined or not, had led him to where he was now, and Kakashi had seen the light at the end of the tunnel. That light took the shape of a certain pink-haired kunoichi, and even though she’d told him to wait, he was kicking himself mentally for not having said those three little words before exiting the armory.
He'd felt it for a while now, long before they crossed the line of friendship. If he had said it – it wouldn’t have been a decision made in haste because he was going off to battle. It would have been the honest to gods truth. And he wanted to say it to her every day for the rest of his life because he didn’t want to live with anymore regrets.
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blackbriarsparrow · 15 days
Sakura looked up at Kakashi and attempted to smile for his sake. “Stay safe out there, elite. I need you to report back safe and sound in a timely manner.” She knew there would be no grand send off. That wasn’t the ANBU way, and she wasn’t a love-stricken civilian watching her husband go off to war while she stayed at home, distraught and helpless, forced to look after her family. Sakura had never wanted that life. The way of the ninja was inviolable within her blood. The desire to make a difference and protect those she cared about was rooted deeply within her. She could no more stop Kakashi from going on a mission than she could stop herself.  
But the idea of losing him…
Sakura shivered from head to toe, forcing the wave of anxiety to stay in the pit of her gut.   
Kakashi pulled her into his arms, his fingertips sliding through her hair as he tilted her face towards his. “If I don’t tell you now and something were to happen…”
“Tell me when you get back,” Sakura said, knowing full well what was on his mind. She wanted nothing more than to hear him say it, but not because he was rushed, or because she might not get to see him again…
Kakashi dropped his forehead to hers. “Then tell me you know.”
“I know,” she said, pushing up on the tips of her toes and kissing him to prove it. She yanked his fabric mask out of the way quickly and pressed her lips to his – savoring the moment of warmth and the complete feeling of home. “I know,” she breathed against his mouth.
Thanks for reading! XOXO, Sparrow
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blackbriarsparrow · 29 days
Ignoring him, Sakura took off her mask and set it aside, pulling the length of pink hair up into a ponytail as she turned from Tenzo and looked at Aoto, checking over Kakashi’s work. (Not that she needed to. If Kakashi had the patience for it, he would’ve made a good doctor.) “We’re all Konoha,” Sakura said, burning a hole in Sasuke’s mask with her pointed gaze. “I understand that times have changed and you wish to run things differently, but you wanted me for this mission, and I swear on my life that I will never betray my Konoha brethren.” She remembered a time, long ago, when the Konoha elite were only sanctioned to wear their masks while on a mission. She respected Sasuke’s decisions as Baku to change that, but wearing a mask while working to save lives among her own men (most of whom she’d grown up with) was too outlandish for her.
Sasuke squared his shoulders, rolling his hands into tight fists at his sides. Power, like threatening black tides from a storm-promised ocean, radiated from his skin. Sakura could feel the depth of it standing several paces away, but it was nothing new to her. She wouldn’t cower, not in front of him, not ever again. “The rules are there to keep you safe,” he bit out. “If you belonged to the ANBU elite, you would be free to discard your mask among your brethren, but I think you and I both know that you aren’t cut out for this life, Sakura.”
The air froze between them. His words meant to bruise and sting.
Kakashi stood behind Sakura, silent as a wraith, hands clenched at his sides in a stance that mirrored Sasuke’s. Every line of his body pulled taut, as if he were a cobra – coiled, and ready to strike.  
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blackbriarsparrow · 1 month
I cannot, in good consciousness, leave you with a long teaser for chapter 16 because... the content would not be allowed to Tumblr. ;)
Sakura tangled her arms around his neck, shifting in his arms until her legs were hooked around his hips and locked at her ankles. She arched into his body, pressing her chest against him. “Take me home, Kakashi,” Sakura had murmured. Her words equal parts demand and plea.
Kakashi would not deny her.
New Chapter Drops Wednesday!
XOXO, ~Sparrow
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blackbriarsparrow · 1 month
“Relax your facial expression, Sakura,” Kakashi said in his instructing tone; a tone, she noted, that was now doing funny things to her insides. She’d always been fond of his voice, admired the way it shifted depending on the circumstance. Like his voice was a weapon, crafted to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, or desire into the heart of a pink-haired woman… “Feel the flow of chakra naturally from everything around you and pull it into yourself. Become one with it.”
What she wanted was to become one with him. “This is harder than I thought it would be,” Sakura admitted.
“You’re not used to the meditation part of it, that’s all. Your natural chakra powers are large and in-charge and used to being an outward force of presence. It’s always harder to work from within – to pull on those outward energies and absorb them.”
She knew he had a point, but it wasn’t making the lesson any easier. It also wasn’t helping that Kakashi was walking in slow circles around her, and when the breeze caught him just right, it carried the delectable scent of his essence straight to her nose. “You’re distracting me.”
“How so?”
“Your voice. Your scent,” she said.
Kakashi’s laughter was a husky rumble in his throat. Also not helping. Ever since that night in River Country, when Kakashi had pulled her into his arms to save her from the snake that frightened her, and the morning after, when he’d cuddled with her in bed for a few, tender (albeit electrically charged) moments – to the night he’d blindfolded her so he could pull his mask down and kiss her neck – to the intoxicating moment that happened in her kitchen before Ino interrupted them – Sakura had been a livewire, completely consumed by her need for Kakashi to put an end to her misery… She didn’t even know it was possible to ache for a person the way she was aching for him – to touch her, to kiss her, to perform acts of service in her bedroom…
NEW Chapter drops on Wednesday!
Thanks for reading!
XOXO, ~Sparrow
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blackbriarsparrow · 2 months
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Wow!! 🥹🥹 Feeling pretty elated and humbled to have reached 400. Thank you for helping me get there!
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blackbriarsparrow · 2 months
When she hit the bottom landing, the smell of eggs and bacon engulfed her senses. She rounded the corner into her kitchen to find that Kakashi (still shirtless) was busy at the stove. “Mm, breakfast smells really good,” Sakura said.
Kakashi cast a glance over his shoulder and nearly fumbled the entire skillet of bacon. He steadied it, placing it on the back burner before adjusting the knob on the stove. “Now who’s not playing fair?”
Sakura pulled herself up on the counter, crossing her ankles as she swept an apple out of the fruit bowl and bit into the red, juicy flesh. “Just think of it as graduating to the next level in the kunai game. You can look but you can’t touch.” She winked.  
Kakashi stood in front of the stove, curling his fingers into his palms as he openly gazed at her – the look in his eye the equivalent of hunger – of a man starved for far too long. He inhaled, and Sakura watched the muscles in his chest expanding as he took in the sight of her toned legs, from ankle to hip, and then stepped towards her. His palms, warm and rough from calluses, pressed into her knees, gently but firmly pulling until he’d spread her legs just wide enough for him to step between her thighs. Sakura dropped the apple as Kakashi grabbed her hips and hauled her to the ledge of the counter, his fingertips pressing into her skin. “I never said anything about not touching,” he said, his tone low and husky.
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blackbriarsparrow · 2 months
Sakura beamed up at him, and kicked a stepping stool across the floor – it came to a complete stop at Kakashi’s boots where he stood in the middle of the room. Sakura strode over to him, stepped up onto the stool at his feet, and then threw her arms around his neck as she lifted the ANBU mask from his face.
“Hi,” she said, still grinning at him.
Kakashi returned her smile even though she couldn’t see it, and tightened his arms around her waist. The height of the stool had put her at face level with him. “Aren’t you worried someone will see?”
“No,” she said, toying with the hair at his nape, “and besides, Sasuke gave everyone strict orders to stay out of the laboratory quadrant while I was working.”
Kakashi frowned. “I didn’t get the memo.”
“I made him leave you out of the equation,” she assured him.
“Oh, well now I feel special.” His tone was light and playful.
“You are special.” Sakura tipped her forehead to his, her hand sliding across his chest and resting over his heart. “Especially to me.”
_____________________________________________ NEW CHAPTER DROPS ON WEDNESDAY! THANKS FOR READING! ~SPARROW
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blackbriarsparrow · 2 months
“Kakashi…” she tested his name in a quiet tone but the man didn’t budge. She sat up, carefully removing his hand from a near-dangerous location on her legs, and finally, the Copy-nin came to life. His hand locked around Sakura’s wrist and he tugged her forward. In a quick series of carefully skilled movements, Sakura’s head was tucked under Kakashi’s chin, his arm was draped over her side, and his left leg was folded over hers so that she was pinned against him.
“Go back to sleep,” he told her in that deliciously-gruff morning tone of his.
For a moment, Sakura couldn’t even find it within her to breathe… She was all too aware of the lack of space between their two bodies, all too aware of his rock-solid torso because her breasts were pushing into his sternum… Sakura swallowed. She felt Kakashi’s warm breath on the top of her head, and when she finally remembered how to breathe, inhaled the heady scent of his skin, and felt a spark of electricity warming her veins as if she’d been kissed by the sun. “About that,” Sakura managed to say, aware that she sounded breathy, “we sort of have a mission we need to get back to.”  
“Mm,” Kakashi murmured into her hair. The grumble his only indication that he’d heard but was choosing to ignore her.
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blackbriarsparrow · 2 months
She unzipped her backpack and took out a pair of shorts and a plain, white T-shirt. “I get the bathroom first.”
“Help yourself.” Kakashi was busy digging through his own pack, presumably for a dry set of clothing as Sakura slipped into the bathroom.
The shower, much to her dismay was on the antiquated side. A large faucet hung above her head, jutting out from the wall along with a pull handle, and by the looks of it, one had to hold it if they wanted to produce water… Sakura sighed and began peeling out of her damp clothing. She draped her things over the curtain rod, hoping they’d be dry by the time morning rolled around, and stepped onto the cool tile flooring with her bare feet. She pulled the handle on the shower, the pipes gurgled before sputtering to life, and blasted Sakura with a downpour of icy water. She screeched, jumping out of the spray, and grinding her teeth together against a chatter.
She heard the door open. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” she gasped. “The water is just really, really cold.”
“Need me to warm it up?” Kakashi’s tone was dripping with sarcasm, but Sakura could hear the seduction of it in the underlying low timbre he’d chosen to use, and nearly pulled the shower curtain off its rod.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” she quipped, hoping she managed to keep her voice neutral.
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blackbriarsparrow · 2 months
Kakashi’s whole body went still at once. He was hunched in the water, his arms hidden beneath the surface. Sakura saw the light from his flashlight click on, and felt her lips parting as her stomach bottomed out in anticipation. Slowly, Kakashi began to remove the tongs from his pocket, and when he emerged from the water, he held a violet-spotted salamander between the two spatula-like ends.
The salamander was about as long as Sakura’s forearm, black in color, and covered in small violet spots containing the creature’s poison. It squirmed halfheartedly in capture, still half-stunned from the light Kakashi was shining on it. “Well,” he said, “guess we don’t have to turn over every rock after all.”
“I could kiss you right now!” A rush of dopamine ignited Sakura’s system, flushing her body with a burst of adrenaline. “I was beginning to lose hope. Kakashi, you’re the most wonderful human on the whole continent!” She danced in the water, squealing in excitement.
Kakashi was laughing as he waded towards the bank. “Well if I’d known catching a salamander was going to make you this happy…” he trailed off, grinning, as he placed the salamander on the scroll that Sakura had already prepared along with special handling instructions.
Sakura weaved the proper hand-signals that would send the scroll straight to the ANBU Headquarters laboratory, and promptly screamed at a pitch she didn’t know she was even capable of when the scroll vanished in a cloud of smoke. An enormous water snake had curled up beneath it, lunging at Sakura with a hiss that had her jumping backwards! She crashed into Kakashi with enough force to knock the air from his lungs, and the two nin fell backwards into the deeper part of the river.
“IS IT IN THE WATER!?” Sakura began flailing, her toes unable to reach the bottom of the riverbed. Kakashi recovered in an instant, scooping the pink-haired woman up out of the water, and hoisting her into his arms. She locked her legs around his waist, half climbing him like a tree to put as much space between herself and the snake she’d lost track of.   
“Shh, Sakura, hold still,” Kakashi braced a solid arm around her back, pinning her to his chest in attempt to keep her from panicking. “It’s okay, it’s gone. The snake is gone.”
“What do you mean gone?!”
“It swam down the river.” Kakashi jerked his chin in the direction of the current, away from where they were standing in the water. “I think it was afraid of you.” Kakashi chuckled.
There was something about his laughter that brought Sakura back to the moment at present. Sakura’s hands were clutching the fabric of Kakashi’s sleeveless shirt, her legs were wrapped tightly around his hips and were locked at the ankles. The gentle current pushed at their twined bodies, the water lapping around them like a cold caress.
“Since when are you terrified of snakes?” Kakashi’s arms were buttoned around her waist, pressing her flush against his chest.
“You mean nope ropes?” Sakura released the death grip on his vest, relaxing her hands and letting them go around his neck for better purchase.
Kakashi laughed, his thumb sweeping along the side of her ribs.
“I haven’t liked them since Orochimaru,” Sakura admitted, shivering a little, but not because she was cold. Kakashi could have walked them back to the bank, but he seemed to be in no particular hurry to release her from his arms. She felt weightless in the water, aware of her body in only the places it was touching Kakashi’s. Aware that she could feel his heartbeat through the thin, soaked material of his shirt. That was a really nice feeling… The moment seemed amplified somehow, slowed by the all-encompassing cadence of the lifeforce between them. It was a gift, Sakura realized, to feel the pulse of someone else’s heartbeat – if only because of the exchange in vulnerability.
Sakura arched in his arms, just a little – just enough to sweep her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. Kakashi closed his eye at her touch, tipping his head until their faces were touching at the temples. Sakura pushed her fingers further into his hair, gently dragging her nails across his scalp. Her breath quickened, spurred by the acceleration of her pulse.
Sakura’s eyebrows furrowed as she closed her eyes, pressing her face against Kakashi’s masked cheekbone. Gods it felt good to be this close…   
What was happening here? Did she dare to name it?
She could easily see herself letting go and giving in to the desire that was sparking in her veins, but Sakura was not a heedless woman. If she let go… it would change her friendship with Kakashi forever… and she wasn’t sure she could handle losing him if… if whatever was happening turned out to be a mistake. He was too important to her.
“Sakura.” Her name left the back of Kakashi’s throat like a raw plea, and the sound of it nearly broke her… She shifted her grip, her hand skating down his ribs and tracing a path towards his thigh… Kakashi groaned when her hand came between them, the tip of a kunai pressed to the tender skin of his jugular. “You don’t fight fair,” he said, tipping his chin up to avoid the sharp bite of the blade.
“Ninja,” Sakura replied, and pressed her lips to the underside of his masked jaw, right where the kunai had been.
I loved writing the end of this chapter. <3
Sakura and Kakashi and the real VIP in the story. 😉
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blackbriarsparrow · 3 months
Kakashi pulled the sleeveless shirt over his head, removed his boots and pants, and waded out into the creek. The water wasn’t deep – maybe reaching his hips in height, but he sank down low enough to let the water wash over the rounds of his shoulders.
Sakura nearly nicked her finger on the kunai she was rinsing and mentally scolded herself for not paying closer attention to the weapons. “Cold?” she called out to him.
“It’s a little chilly.” Kakashi scrubbed at the blood that had dried on his arm, and Sakura watched as a wound reopened and fresh blood began to seep down his arm.
“You are positively hopeless Kakashi,” Sakura chastised in a teasing tone. “Get over here and let me heal that before you attract a river purana.” She was making that last part up, but giggled when Kakashi put a little more pep in his step and nearly tripped over a rock in the creek bed.
“There’s not really puranas in here… right?” he asked when he reached her. Water dripped from his lean body, and tiny goosebumps rose on his flesh from the cold.
“Maybe.” Sakura shrugged. She finished rinsing off the last weapon before rising to meet him. She called healing chakra into her palm and laid it flat over the curve of his bicep. “How’d you get this one?”
“Oh, that little thing? Couldn’t tell ya’.”
Sakura giggled. “You really are getting slow.”
“Hey…” she felt him go rigid under her hand.
“I’m kidding.” Sakura swept her fingertips over his bicep in a placating sort of manner. The cut was suturing under the guidance of her ninjutsu, allowing Sakura a moment to become distracted by a pearl of water that trickled off the side of Kakashi’s neck and dripped over the curve of his collarbone. She rolled her lips between her teeth, and had the strangest feeling that Kakashi was watching her… She looked up on impulse, immediately feeling a wash of color dust her cheekbones. “Stop staring at me Kakashi, or I’ll poke your good eye out.”
Kakashi chuckled. “Come on. Let’s go find your purple salamanders.”
“Okay, now I know you’re just saying it to get under my skin… Violet, Kakashi, violet-spotted salamanders.”
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blackbriarsparrow · 3 months
Kakashi said as he stepped up to the counter and reached for the cupboard handles. “Tea?”
“As long as there’s caffeine in it,” Sakura said.
Kakashi pulled two porcelain cups down from his cupboard and set to work on filling the teakettle with water at the sink.
Sakura pulled herself up on his counter, reaching for the box of pre-packaged teabags. “Your ancestors might come back from the grave to haunt you for this,” she teased him.
“We don’t have time for loose-leaf.”
“I bet you don’t even own a loose-leaf infuser.”
Kakashi only gave her an eye-creasing smile as an answer. He set the kettle on the stove, adjusted the knobs, and then leaned against the countertop next to Sakura in a position that looked like a standing pushup. Sakura tried not to ogle the cut of muscle that was his triceps. “So,” he said, “what’s the plan, Mission Leader?”
“Mission Leader?”
“We’re hunting your poisonous purple-spotted–”
“–Violet,” Sakura corrected.
Kakashi gave her a look that desperately made her wish she could see the rest of the expression hidden under his mask. “Purple rolls off the tongue better.”
“Oh, well if it makes you feel better to call it by something other than its name, by all means…”
Kakashi’s visible eye was a thin slit. “Purple,” he said again, mostly to be a pain in the ass.
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blackbriarsparrow · 3 months
“It’ll be fun,” she said.
Kakashi shot her a suspecting glance but chose not to remark. Fun wasn’t the exact word he had in mind. It was still a serious mission, but he was looking forward to his assignment because it would give him an opportunity to spend some time with Sakura, selfish as his reasons might have been… The challenge was going to be behaving himself.
“What, no comment?”
“Retrieving a poisonous purple-spotted salamander – sure, what’s not fun about that?”
“Violet,” Sakura corrected him. “Violet-spotted salamander.” She walked her fingers up his shoulder and then playfully flicked his mask. “With your favorite teammate no less.”
“Who said anything about you being my favorite?” Kakashi’s tone was entirely playful.
Sakura laughed. “It’s okay, you’re not exactly my favorite sensei, either…”
Kakashi feigned being crushed and cupped a palm over his plated armor vest. “Don’t tell me it’s Gai?”
“Well, who else would it be?”
Kakashi chuckled as they exited the depot, barely acknowledging the two guards standing post at the door as they left. It wasn’t long before they were in the small expanse of woods, ensconced within the moonlight. Sakura walked beside him, her footsteps matching his as he walked with his hands nested in the pockets of his uniform pants. Kakashi was in no particular hurry to get back to his empty apartment, and Sakura seemed content to keep with his leisurely pace. When the path narrowed, her shoulder brushed against his arm, but Kakashi didn’t pull away. In fact, he was rather enjoying her subtle flirtations, wondering, all the while, how long she could maintain keeping it subtle.
“You’re quiet,” Sakura noted.
“I’m always quiet.”
“Ryo for your thoughts anyway,” she countered.
Kakashi tightened his grip on the kunai in his pocket, giving his hand something to do in place of what he was thinking about doing. There were a number of good trees in this little patch of woods that would serve nice to push her up against and act out a couple of scenes from his Icha Icha books, but he certainly wasn’t going to share that with her…  “Ice water,” he said.
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blackbriarsparrow · 3 months
A CALL TO OPS - Chapter 7 Teaser!
Downstairs, Sakura scooped her notebook off the counter and stepped out into the morning sunlight. Birds were chirping in the branches, and distantly, Sakura could hear children laughing in the merchant district. She began her walk towards the Hokage Tower, and nearly tripped over her own ankles when a figure leapt down from the trees beside her.
“What in the actual fu–” 
“–Now, now, Sakura-chan, it isn’t becoming when a lady uses such strong profanity,” Kakashi teased her.
“Kakashi!” Sakura finished, and smacked his bicep with her notebook. Kakashi chuckled in response. “I swear you do this crap just to annoy me.”
“Ah, but you’re so fun to annoy.”
“I think maybe you just have a fetish for pain and enjoy it when I beat you up for scaring me half to death,” the pink-haired nin said.
“That’s it,” Kakashi said. “You totally found me out.”
“Next you’ll tell me you have a secret kink for BDSM.”
Kakashi turned his head so he could see her better, and lowered his voice into that practiced timbre that made Sakura’s blood freeze and flame all at once. “That’s not much of a secret.”
Sakura found the only rock in her path and stumbled over it.
Kakashi was chuckling again. “I’m kidding, Sakura.” 
A rush of heat fanned up the back of her neck and singed the tips of her ears. “Well, it wouldn’t surprise me considering the books you read are just chockfull of wicked little delights.”
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blackbriarsparrow · 3 months
A CALL TO OPS - Chapter 6 Teaser
There was a two-beat knock on her front door, followed by the sound of squealing hinges as Kakashi stepped into her foyer. “I don’t get an invite to your ice cream party?”
Naruto snorted. “Clearly you got the note we left on your counter, so don’t even try that feeling-left-out bullshit with us Kakashi-senpai.”
Kakashi chuckled and walked over to the kitchen table, peering at the options before him. He took a minute to scan each of them before reaching over Sakura’s shoulder to pluck a spoon from the table and then reached for the carton in Sakura’s hand. Years of what had become something akin to sibling-rivalry with her team had Sakura instinctively tightening her grip on the carton. She wasn’t giving it up without a fight. “Sakura…” Kakashi said her name in a low-warning timbre, close enough to her ear that even through his mask, she felt the warmth of his breath on her skin. A zing of excitement pierced right through her core.
“There are six other options on the table, Kakashi. Why do you want mine?”
“Peaches n’ cream is my favorite.”
Sakura’s grip on the carton faltered and Kakashi easily lifted it out of her hands. Damned practiced timbre, she thought… why did he have to make the name of an ice cream sound so sexual – or was that just Sakura’s interpretation?
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