bl3 · 3 days
hello! jay @dragonflute aria @everlastingwife and i are just about to move out!! we're kinda struggling to get by atm (aria's the only one of the 3 of us that is working fulltime and her lease expires soon) but we are SO fucking close to being free of our respective shitty housing situations.
consider donating to 3 trans ppl (of which there are 2 lesbians and one nb gay man)! every dollar helps.
rbs appreciated, please don't tag this as anything
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bl3 · 5 days
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bl3 · 5 days
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bl3 · 5 days
too tired with people to say in " nice " way .
R slur is slur . R slur was previously diagnosis , that become slur , because people so violent hate intellectual disability . is insult by compare to intellectual disability , because think intellectual disability worthless .
can not speak for literally all others with intellectual disability , no , but in general from what see and who talk to , very few people with intellectual disability actually want see this word , and often think not even worth take back .
so . be quiet about right to " take back " R slur with autism , with ADHD , with anything other than intellectual disability . many actual people with intellectual disability do not want this word to even exist anymore .
where other groups might have movements to take back words , intellectual disability movement is to remove that word . both movement types can be right - which one work better depend on group - and should respect .
so . honestly , just want people forget word even exist .
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bl3 · 5 days
my last post on this sorta lost traction, so i'm gonna try again.
hi there, i'm a nonbinary disabled lesbian trying to secure housing for myself and my disabled wife. we've been largely out of work for the better part of the year despite jobhunting and interviews. i have a job starting june 7th, but we have very little to even make it to the end of the month. i have nowhere else to turn as my parents refuse to help + my wife has no support from her family either. link + such under the cut, thank you for your time and support
v: lemonsoda pp: lemonzotz
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bl3 · 13 days
Your fifth most recent emoji is what your soulmate thinks about you
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bl3 · 22 days
i started doing things scared and doing things alone years ago the real challenge is doing things tired
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bl3 · 24 days
help a disabled married couple out!
hey everyone, me and my wife are really close to moving but are dangerously low on funds. we’ve both been unemployed for a while despite interviews and job hunting, although any money we have gotten has gone directly into rent & bills. right now we’re trying to secure a new apartment as our lease is up and already re listed where we currently live. we’ll need help with moving fees (application fee, security deposit, gas, etc) as well as rent and bills to make it to the end of this lease term.
anything and everything helps.
v: lemonsoda
pp: lemonzotz
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bl3 · 29 days
hey remaking this last post.
so i'm late on rent for this month and am in need of help. i'm a disabled two-spirit wo/man and need to get the rest of my rent paid ASAP. i'm starting a new job soon, and dont get paid by my current job until the 17th. until then, i'm completely broke, never mind need to pay for a record check to actually start my new job as well on top of this. if anyone can help me out, i'm just $133 short of my goal. then i can get my rent paid so we don't get a bad rep with our new landlord.
and if we get to our goal, anything past that will go towards my above mentioned record check i need for work, and groceries as well. thank you so much to everyone whos helped me out so far and all donations are appreciated! any and all boosts would help me a ton as well! miigwetch 💕
may 6th: 117/250
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bl3 · 1 month
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help a trans disabled chinese guy survive (again)
yo! kinda panicking bc my paycheck + tax return hasn't come in and i'm dangerously low on cash & i'm moving in a couple of months so i don't want to break into my savings. still stuck in rehab where food is extremely scarce, and tbh i'm fucking starving. it's only thru the good graces of my roommates that i've even been eating a single meal a day in the first place bc i can't afford groceries most weeks
tldr help me cover groceries for the next couple of months & get out of this nasty rehab! anything helps.
c4sh4pp: $seacucumbers
v3nmo: @/seacucumbers
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bl3 · 1 month
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Romalea microptera propaganda (look how cute they are)
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bl3 · 1 month
alright guys im curious. who were the worst mutuals youve ever had
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bl3 · 1 month
I saw this question posed on tiktok, but I think Tumblr would really enjoy it too.
If a fae creature offered to give one million dollars for a bone chosen at random, how many bones would you allow them to take?
Light clarifications; The fae is not the one choosing the bones. The bone is taken at random. Each bone, no matter the size or importance, is worth a full million dollars. You must also declare the exact number first, you can't go bone-by-bone. You either say 2 or you say 10, you can't work your way up to a higher number. The bones are removed instantaneously, and the money is given immediately as well. You will not get in government trouble for acquiring the money.
Tell me in the tags/replies how many bones you'd let the fae take. And as always, reblog for bigger sample size.
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bl3 · 1 month
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Sunflower Frankie, Daisy Poppy, Sweet Pea Gigi
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bl3 · 1 month
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bl3 · 1 month
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Juneau, Alaska
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bl3 · 1 month
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Relearning how 2 draw 🫡
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