bittersigns · 2 months
wolfstar sending icarus off to hogwarts <3 | little wip
When Remus pulled him in for a hug, Icarus couldn't shake the feeling that his hug was tighter—full of unspoken words, yet somehow Icarus understood him perfectly. "Be safe, alright?" He said, gently.
With a nod, Icarus pulled back and looked at both of them. "I'll write," he promised, his voice tinged with determination.
Squeezing Icarus once more, Sirius said, "You better write every little detail.”
“Please, don’t forget to write or else your father might get murderous,” Remus hummed, teasingly.
“I would not,” Sirius muttered. All three of them knew it was a lie.
“Alright then, love,” Remus smiled.
Sensing that his parents were entering a very mushy territory, and with the tip of his ears turning crimson in embarrassment, Icarus hastily disentangled himself from their embrace and offered a sheepish smile.
“Um, I’m going in, then.”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s almost time. Go on.”
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bittersigns · 2 months
wolfstar + kidfic | little wip (395 words)
Awakening to the gentle sound of footsteps on polished hardwood, Remus finds himself lying on his back, long limbs sprawled out on the mattress. 
As he tries to orient himself, he realizes he's entirely alone in the bed. Stretching his muscles, still sore from the recent full moon, he basks in the soft sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a golden hue on the white sheets. Sensing the absence of warmth beside him, he knows Sirius has likely been awake for some time. Yet, Remus can still feel his presence—his scent, his pulse echoing in the air.
By the window, Sirius stands with his back to the bed, donned in his beloved navy blue pyjamas, cradling little Icarus, clad in a red babygrow that Remus recognized as being sent by James—he thought he was quite slick, gifting clothes only in the Gryffindor's colours—, in his arms. 
Remus listens to Sirius's tender, hushed words, smiling fondly into his pillow, silently cherishing the sight before him.
“What's that, sweetheart?” Sirius whispered to the baby in his arms, gesturing towards something outside that Remus couldn't see. “It's a cat, yes. C'est un chat. Can you say chat?”
Icarus made a noise of recognition, tapping the glass of the window with his tiny hand. Sirius hummed proudly, nuzzling against his chubby cheek. “Such a clever boy, aren't you?”
Watching them interact must be the most amazing experience in the world, Remus thought sincerely to himself. His favourite pastime. Sirius adjusted Icarus on his hip, and Remus's gaze softened. Even with their backs turned, Remus could truly sense their striking resemblance—Icarus’ hair, slightly curly and dark, stuck out in all directions just like Sirius’.
Remus must have made some sound because suddenly Icarus turned his head, peering towards the bed, finally noticing him. Instantly, Icarus smiled that gummy smile, babbling excitedly and reaching out with his tiny hands.
“Dada's sleeping, darling,” Sirius murmured softly, attempting to calm Icarus without realizing Remus had stirred. However, as Icarus began to wriggle in his arms, Sirius also glanced towards the bed and locked eyes with him. “Oh, you're awake now.”
“Mornin’, love,” Remus croaked out, his voice carrying the last remnants of sleep. With Icarus still fussing, Sirius walked over to the bed and settled beside him, placing the baby between them. Remus smiled at Icarus, bidding him a good morning as well.
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