biblioxceleste · 4 years
ooc: I have three essays, two quizzes, and an exam due in the next three weeks and mom is dragging me to banff on saturday for a break. I think I'll bring my Bilbo figure along and get some adventure pictures
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
Crowley and Aziraphale' true forms. They're not creepy at all, but instead I wanted to make them very soft and aesthetic.
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vvelociartptor/
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
So after I made the 3D model and floor plan of Aziraphale’s bookshop, I found myself wanting to take on another project. I guess I just really enjoy researching and compiling Good Omens minutiae. Anyway, here it is!
This is a spreadsheet that lists all of Aziraphale’s known books. They’re broken up into categories and sorted alphabetically by author last name. It includes each book’s title, author, publisher, year published, a brief description of the book (most of them straight from Wikipedia or Google Books), and an explanation for how we know Aziraphale has it. There’s also a column for links where applicable.
To view the full text in a cell, just click on it. Its contents will appear at the top of the spreadsheet, and you can click and drag the bottom of that box to make it bigger and easier to read. The sheet is also searchable like any webpage (Command+f for Mac and Ctrl+f for PC).
I’ve been as exhaustive as possible compiling this, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect! If you notice and error or find something new that should be included, please leave it in a comment on the sheet or message me here directly so I can update it. (Make sure include where you got the information as well!)
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
My soulmate is out there somewhere, pushing a pull door…I just know it.
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
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i just fell in love for this artist. it’s so dynamic … [Darya Guryeva]
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
ooc: friendly reminder that i will be very quiet over the next month and a half due to university; i’m completing the final three classes of my degree!! I’m gonna do my best to get to replies, but a lot of my study-work-stuff is writing, and often I’m so burnt out by the end of the day that all I wanna do is video game.
but i am still around!!! please don’t be shy!
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
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Art request 💜 If you have been following me for some time you probably notice I love this poem. "I love you" Ella Wheeler Wilcox
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
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i watched the aristocats for inspiration and. duchess and aziraphale are both huge teases i’m saying it
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠.
❛ What happened? ❜
❛ How are your injuries? ❜
❛ Just promise me you’ll stay here. ❜
❛ You can’t blame yourself. ❜
❛ You know I’m here for you, right? ❜
❛ I’ve never seen you like this before. ❜
❛ When I wake up, you won’t be there. ❜
❛ Okay. You get to leave now. ❜
❛ No. I don’t believe you. ❜
❛ Just.. put down the very sharp knife… ❜
❛ It wasn’t your fault. It hurts. ❜
❛ This isn’t you. ❜
❛ Stop it. ❜
❛ You should be resting. ❜
❛ Are you okay? Did they hurt you? ❜
❛ How can you act like that? ❜
❛ Then why are you still here? ❜
❛ Are you okay? ❜
❛ You can’t live in the past. You gotta move on. Let it go. ❜
❛ And when were you planning on telling me? ❜
❛ What are you, trying to give me a heart attack? ❜
❛ What’s wrong? What happened? ❜
❛ I thought we agreed that secrets are bad! ❜
❛ Sorry. Didn’t want to push any sore spots. ❜
❛ Everything okay? ❜
❛ Do you even know where you’re headed? ❜
❛ I can’t help you unless you talk to me. ❜
❛ Promise me you’re not gonna over-react. ❜
❛ It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay. ❜
❛ Whoa, what are you doing? ❜
❛ Why do you run from me? ❜
❛ You’re changing the subject. ❜
❛ It’s four o'clock in the morning, what are you doing? ❜
❛ You’re bleeding. ❜
❛ You gotta be more careful. ❜
❛ I meant… How are you holding up? ❜
❛ You’re avoiding my question. ❜
❛ I think the worst of it’s over now. ❜
❛ Don’t let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice so use it. ❜
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
ooc: just a heads up - i’m taking three courses in the spring semester (may-june) and thus my activity levels will definitely drop here and over on @shirebxrn​. i’m slowly making headway with the replies i owe here, but aziraphale is being very fickle, and i’m trying to keep my replies from ballooning into novellas. i am still around though if you’d like to bug me <3 
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
Now, Aziraphale loved horses just as much as any other creature created by the Almighty, but at that moment he found he did not quite like them that much at all. He’d been out riding his snow-white destrier (coming back from, ah, a clandestine meeting with a certain demon) when the beast startled out of the blue and threw him. The last he saw of his horse was of its rear flying away at a speed that surely rivalled the speed of light, its tail flowing behind it like a banner.
Trekking through the wilderness in full armor was the opposite of what he thought to be a good time, and he’d been trudging along for several hours now. “Oh, I hope the bloody beast finds its way home,” He uttered. Though the content of the words sounded charitable, the way he said it was very uncharitable indeed. “Leaving me out here, all alone! The bloody nerve. There will be no oats tonight! No oats ever again, nor any apples, not if I can help it!”
He was so wrapped up in his misfortune he of course did not notice the presence of another. “Should blame Crowley for this. Him and his stupid ‘Oh, the Black Knight can’t be seen with the White Knight, ooooh, think of my reputation!’. Should’ve just met a the pub in plain clothes.”
It had been weeks, perhaps a month since he’d been wandering the wilderness. When he’d landed- rather hard he might add- from the fall he’d taken from the angels carrying him away, he found himself quite lost. He hadn’t seen Camelot in so long, Galahad almost wondered if he would ever find it again.
Looking up from his spot under a tree, he noticed a blaze of light, like the reflection of light from the surface of a metal breastplate. No- that’s what it was! Squinting past the greenery, he spotted motion. Quickly and quietly, he scrambled up the tree to watch the knight below and discern whether he was friend or foe.
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
Crowley gave a small pout in return at the pout that Aziraphale gave him only to quickly turn it into a grin without another word. He knew there was no real threat to those words at all with the playful twinkle in his eyes. Holding his hand out he waited for Aziraphale to take it into his own before leading him out in the night air. Perfectly comfortable with it not being too hot nor too cold with the moon and stars being out to greet them as they walked by.
The demon gave a gentle squeeze to Aziraphale’s hand as they began to walk, allowing them to walk right past the Bentley for now for they would be back around for it later. At the moment it was time to have a nice walk with a few stops in mind along the way as they took their stroll under the moonlight. Though when Aziraphale sidled up closer to him with a mischevious wiggle and such a coy look on his face he couldn’t help but to blush. Cheeks heating up at the idea to give his cheeks the slightest hint of pink in the light that fell on them.
“Oh my, angel. I guess we shouldn’t make this too long of a walk then should we? If you’re quite eager to get a wiggle on with me later on this fine night together. With a couple glasses of fine wine, a delicious box of strawberries covered in equally delectable chocolate. Though I think I would much rather devour something sweeter than that for my dessert tonight. I’m thinking angel food cake” the demon replied with his own sly grin as he nudged him with his shoulder.
“I definitely going to savor that.”
So enraptured by the thought of all the tasty nibbles he’d get to sample soon, the metaphor nearly sailed right over his head. “Oh, angel food cake! Are we going to have fondu-” and then it clicked, “-oho! Well if you’re going to have ‘angel food cake’, we ought to be sure we have time for ‘devil’s food cake’ as well!”
However delightful these metaphors sounded, Aziraphale was still in no hurry to rush things. Part of the experience laid within delayed gratification, after all, and one had to do some proper pining for something before one got what they wanted.
“All this talk of ‘savoring’… makes me wonder what you’ve got planned for me.” He hummed dreamily as they strolled, letting his mind evaluate each and every thing they might get up to later that night. “Am I to be your captive in bed? If that’s the case, I’ll make you work for it. I won’t submit easily.”
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
To be pulled on top of his counterpart, to know for sure that his affections were returned…He moaned, and pressed deeper into this kiss. He felt as though light were bursting from his chest, and he kissed and kissed and kissed reluctant to even pull back for air, moreso because they didn’t need it.
“…You…are incorrigible,” he gasped, coming back down to earth. He realized his wings were out in all their glory, covering their little chesterfield and turning it into their little corner of heaven, and he smiled.
“…Yes, my impossible, narcissistic little angel,” For if their love was not a sin because he was loving himself, then it was narcissism of the highest order. Still, he would not throw it away for anything. “You taste…like profiteroles. Profiteroles filled to the brim with Grace-flavoured cream. A touch of vanilla, the lingering aftertaste of divinity…” He kissed Aziraphale one more time, sighing, content, at least for a few moments.
“Surely the chesterfield could handle a little liaising, if we asked nicely?” he purred, but then smiled, kissing him one more time and pulling back, flapping his wings gently to stretch them before folding them behind his back.
“But then…I really ought to show you my bed.” He snapped his fingers to make sure it would be there, as they had never quite decided who the rightful owner of this particular shop was. “I don’t know about you, but I fell into the habit of sleeping in 1693, and never quite stopped. It’s a King sized bed, the space is divine, and I have mountains of soft duvets and endless cushions…I should think we’d be quiet comfortable there. We’d have space to stretch out as much as we want. The thought of sharing my bed with you…is even more alluring than the thought of having it all to myself.” He got up from the couch, took Aziraphale by the hand, and led him to where the bed was.
“Do forgive me for miracling my bed here, but I was quite certain my bed would be considerably more comfortable than anything you had, unless you happened to have the same arrangement.” It was all white, of course, accented with a few sky blue pillows between the white ones. Aziraphale was nothing if not predictable.
Well, he was glad to see that he wasn’t the only one who got a little bit, ah, overexcited at times. “Oh, look at you, you beautiful thing,” He murmured in praise. After all, it wasn’t everyday that one got to admire their own wings from such a different perspective, was it? Such a lovely display! Each snow-white feather perfectly formed, from the coverts to the flight feathers, the primaries to the secondaries. It was a magnificent work of art. With an impish grin, his hand traced a path up, up, until he found the place where his counterpart’s wings attached to his back.
He slowly scritched the short scapular feathers there, working his fingers in. He smiled, innocently. “Tell me, does this feel as delectable to you as it usually does for me?”
With a soft laugh, he allowed himself to be drawn over to the bed. “I do not have the same arrangement,” He admitted, taking in the veritable mountain of feather-down pillows and soft duvets. “I never did take up sleeping. Couldn’t the time be better spent reading?”
If there was ever a bed to convert him to the hobby, though, it would be this one, and with a mischievous smile, he pounced, knocking the other angel down upon the bed with the intent to pin him down and kiss him senseless. “It’s perfect.”
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
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carpe noctem
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
One of the most heroic things you can do is refuse to be cruel in a world that makes it so difficult to be kind.
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biblioxceleste · 4 years
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rrrroza © All rights reserved
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