bibimorango · 8 days
Bom dia para todas largatinhas que no fim do mês vão voar como lindas borboletas
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bibimorango · 12 days
Não querida, você tá gorda mesmo!
(É tudo autocrítica )
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bibimorango · 12 days
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bibimorango · 12 days
Fav thinspo
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bibimorango · 13 days
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These movies made me who I am
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bibimorango · 13 days
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doll limbs
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bibimorango · 13 days
passando fome pq me amo e mereço viver momentos felizes sem sentir minhas coxas encostando e vestir roupas que eu sempre sonhei sem minha barriga marcando
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bibimorango · 14 days
Repost to loose 5kgs 🦢🩰
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bibimorango · 15 days
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bibimorango · 19 days
Alguém quer fazer amizade? Tô me sentindo tão sozinha com meu t.à ultimanente
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bibimorango · 28 days
A cada exercício que você faz, a cada minuto sem comer, significa que você está controle, e isso significa que é mais um passo a caminho da felicidade.
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Lembre-se:comer nunca vai aliviar seus problemas, comer só vai te deixar suja e gorda.
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bibimorango · 28 days
Vai nessa de não ter autocontrole, que ou tu fica skinny fat ou tu fica chubby.
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bibimorango · 28 days
100 reasons to ⭐️ve
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1. to be told you're too sk1nny
2. for the attention
3. to be easy to be picked up
4. for people to finally start being worried about you
5. for the dizziness
6. for ppl to offer you help with everything
7. to be in control
8. to finally have that flat stomach
9. to be the sk1nn1est in the room
10. to have a big thigh gap
11. for those defined collarbones
12. for a tiny bmi
13. to be able to count your r1bs
14. to be terribly underwe1ght
15. to feel comfortable in your body
16. to be able to fit your hands around your th1gh
17. to be the sk1nny friend
18. to make them all jealous
19. to look cute in borrowed clothes
20. to have tiny wrists
21. to be someone's thnsp0
22. to be pretty
23. to have a tiny waist
24. to look fragile
25. to have a story to tell
26. to be better than them.
27. to be smaller than that one girl thin you keep seeing everywhere
28. to become proud of yourself
29. for the pictures
30. to be feminine
31. to be masculine
32. to be androgynous
33. to look like a doll
34. for those tiny boobs
35. to look like a ghost
40. to be cute
41. to look good in anything, even lazy outfits
42. to fit any aesthetic
43. for people to ask if you're okay
44. for people to stare at you
45. for confidence
46. not to feel guilty about eating a cookie knowing it won't make you gain
47. for people to be surprised by how much you can eat despite your size
48. to eventually eat whatever you want
49. to feel light
50. to 𝘣𝘦 light
51. to feel thin
52. to be yourself
53. to need help
54. to get help when you ask for it
55. for people to want to protect you
56. to be told your legs are thin
57. to be told your arms are sk1nny
58. to be told your stomach is pretty
59. to be told someone wishes they looked like you
60. to stop being sk1nny-fat
61. to have a cute tiny butt
62. to have to make more holes in belts
63. to be sick
64. to have to visit doctors often (and skip work/school)
65. to be attractive
66. for people to fall in love with you
67. to be adorable
68. for people to subconsciously like you more
69. for everyone to want to be friends with you since you're so pretty
70. to learn discipline
71. to faint in front of people
72. to break hearts
73. to be that one sk1nny person
74. for everyone to know your name
75. for people to tell you you could be a model
76. to be the creation of your own
77. to make memories
78. for wooden floor not to creak when you step on it
79. to look small even in loose clothing
80. for people to feel bad for you
81. for everyone to be sorry when you feel bad
82. to fit everywhere
83. to have the best hiding spots in hide and seek
84. to travel comfortably
85. to fit everywhere
86. to bruise easily
87. to make chairs look big
88. to be weaker
89. for people to be afraid they'll hurt you
90. to make everyone feel big next to you
91. to make everything look big
92. to be the main character
93. for people to want you to sit in their lap
94. to be told you're b0ney when in someone's lap
95. to flaunt how little you we1gh
96. for people to wonder how you could reach such a low we1ght
97. for people to ask you for wl tips
98. to start liking exercise/walking more
99. to make eating less a good, lasting habit
100. to finally be happy.
that's it . thanks everyone , follow me 4 more !
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bibimorango · 28 days
"Oq não mata engorda"
Vc acha mesmo q eu vou preferir engordar do que morrer? °~☆~°-Laly
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bibimorango · 28 days
It takes only a few seconds to say "no" to food
but it takes hours of working out to burn it's calories.
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bibimorango · 1 month
O que você comer escondido hoje vai estar evidente nas suas coxas grossas amanhã🐋
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bibimorango · 1 month
Stop with "today is a special day! there is no cals" "today is okay, tomorrow you recover, right?" "Everything is 0kcal today" "binge day!" blablabla all this is the reason why you stay THIS SIZE
Destroy your body, stay further away from your goal, just for FOOD? This is disgusting, you're disgusting, you'd better give up if you continue like this
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Pare com "hoje é um dia especial! Não existe kcals" "hoje pode, amanhã você se recupera, certo?" "Tudo é 0kcal hoje" "binge day!" Blablabla tudo isso é a razão pela qual você continua DESSE TAMANHO
Destruir o seu corpo, ficar cada vez mais longe do seu objetivo, só por COMIDA? Isso é nojento, você é nojenta, se vai ser assim é melhor desistir
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