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Ghost | Eliot & Kuroi | Endgame
{ tw suicidal ideation just to be safe }
It had been perhaps a month since returning to reality. A long month, where Eliot struggled just to drag himself out of his bedroom to shower in the mornings. For the first week or so, Eliot simply waited for Mitsuo to wake up. After that exchange, he had no choice but to go home, to return to society...
He never touched his blog. He didn't so much as visit a movie theater. Really, he hadn't left his house in two weeks. He couldn't sleep despite the amount of time he spent in bed. He had to force himself to eat. It was all he could do to keep himself away from the pills in the medicine cabinet and the knives on the kitchen counter. Eventually, his frantic mother suggested he reconnect with one of his classmates... and kept suggesting it. Over and over. Finally, Eliot caved. What choice did he have?
He didn't know how to contact them, but he knew how to use the internet. Hope's Peak was helpful, too. It took a little while, but he found him.
Standing outside the mochi shop, Eliot realized he had never felt so small. He shouldn't have been doing this. No one wanted to see him again, especially not Kuroi. He was only going to upset someone he cared so strongly for. Still... if he said he wasn't desperate to make sure Kuroi was alright, he'd be a horrible liar.
He put his hand on the door and paused for a second or two, a span of time that seemed to last forever but passed so quickly. Don't fuck this up, Eliot. Don't start crying. Definitely don't fucking break down on him as soon as he looks at you.
He swallowed thickly as he pulled open the door. Unsteady legs carried him into the shop, and shaking hands formed fists around the strap that crossed his chest. Why did he still carry this bag around? He didn't need his iPad. It was more of a security blanket than anything these days.
He glanced around the shop, but couldn't keep his gaze on anything for very long. What if Kuroi wasn't even here? What if he was, and he'd already noticed Eliot but hurried off to avoid him? This was such a stupid idea. He should just go home...
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reconcile | Eliot & Mitsuo | Endgame
They expected him to go home. Go home and... what? Return to normal? There was no normal anymore. All of that was gone. His blog, his readers, the movies he critiqued... That was nothing. Pointless. None of it mattered anymore. Sure, there were his parents, but... how could he face them as he was now? He was a disgrace. He was a wreck. He was a murderer.
After getting the O.K. from all the people in charge, Eliot contacted his parents to let them know there was something he had to do before he could go back home. They, of course, protested, but he hardly cared. They would still be there when he was ready. Before that, he had to find someone.
When he was brought to the chamber containing Mitsuo, Eliot pulled up a chair. He was going to wait however long he had to. He had no intention of leaving this building until he got to get something off of his heart. When he slept, he slept in that same chair. When he ate, it was food from a vending machine or a cafeteria. He was never away from Mitsuo for longer than an hour or two.
After a while, it almost felt like he would be waiting for Mitsuo forever. Then, while Eliot was dozing off, the pod opened.
Gaping, Eliot stood up and stepped back, allowing the scientists and doctors to attend to Mitsuo. The second the boy sat up, Eliot burst into tears. He turned away and covered his mouth, gasping to get a good breath in. He had done this. It was his fault Mitsuo wasn't at home with his parents and Ryoko. He killed him. Yes, Eliot was far from himself that night. Yes, it was an accident he tried to fix. It didn't matter.
Once the doctors allowed him to see Mitsuo properly, Eliot had pulled himself together... for the most part. He wiped at his eyes as he approached, lowering himself onto his knees beside the bed. Sitting in the chair didn't show enough remorse. He pressed his fists to his thighs, and more tears ran down his cheeks. "M... M-Mitsuo..." He bowed his head, choking back a sob. He shouldn't have been the one crying. He shouldn't even be taking up this much of Mitsuo's time.
God, he hated himself so much.
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ode to sleep | Eliot | Endgame reaction
The mastermind trial was a whirlwind, to say the least. Eliot felt incredibly helpless throughout the entire thing, and he couldn't for even a few seconds shake the massive pit of hopelessness in his gut. He wanted to die. It was highly unfortunate that even if he died right then and there, he might still wake up. What a fuckin joke.
At some point, he went on autopilot. He went through the motions, doing just enough to scrape by. He didn't really care about any of this. Often, he would glance at Kuroi or at Ryuu, but aside from that... he could hardly be bothered with any of this. Honestly, it didn't quite register as real. Yes, technically it truly was not real, but this was definitely his consciousness, and when he woke up from this, he would feel the same. Everything would be the same, more or less.
And wake up he did.
Again, he went through the motions to get by, with the additional concern of wow, my hands work. He stared at his hands as he curled his fingers, uncurled them, made a fist. He had control again. He'd forgotten what that was like. With a quick glance at Ryuu, he decided to use his powers for good instead of punching Ryuu hard in his god-awful face. He looked at Kuroi, not far away from him. He wanted to take his hand. He didn't.
Here they all were: alive, presumably safe, traumatized. A motley crew of mixed emotions. Some of these people were his friends once, briefly. It was so strange to consider. He had endured so much with them, he'd grown close to some of them... yet here he was on the other side of it with nothing left. Nothing but a strong desire to slip into nothingness.
The moment they were allowed to disperse, Eliot did so silently. He had no intention of burdening the others with his presence anymore. They had nothing to say to him, anyway - and if they did, it wouldn't be anything pleasant. There was nothing to be said; there was nothing for him here at all. It was over, but nothing felt like it had ended for him. He shut his eyes to squeeze the tears out as he left, not so much as glancing back.
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Setting Sail, Coming Home | Suzuka Epilogue | Open
There are a lot of thing that could describe Suzuka Sawamura. She's talkative, loud, oblivious, emotional, and kind. At least, that's what she used to describe herself as. 
She hadn't really paid attention during the trial. Not like she found anything of importance when investigating the well. Takumi wasn't her friend either. She didn't really get to know him. So it didn't matter. Right?
As Suzuka walks through the hallway, she tries to recall what exactly happened. What the chairman said made...some sense. But not really. Sort of. To be honest, all Suzuka wants is to sleep. 
She doesn't even realize she's about to walk into someone until she practically crashes into them.
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Refocused Lens / Ai / Endgame Reaction / Closed for Mitsuo
Watching the mastermind trial from afar had made Ai feel...strange. On the one hand, it was satisfying to see the assumed-jackass reveal his actual jackassery, and seeing him get what was coming to him was much appreciated. On the other hand, Ai couldn't bring herself to feel much for all the Kaiyou residents making it out alive. Yeah, sure, yay, they lived, but what about everyone in Youkai? Was there something about it that kept them from leaving this simulation? Her dread about being unable to return home even overshadowed all the questions she had about what Kumi had talked about. She knew she probably should've been feeling relieved that the mastermind was no longer a threat and Kumi was headed back to where they came from (even if they had some strange catgirl on their heels), but she couldn't bring herself to be anything but nervous. Thankfully, the prince that had freed the others came for all of them soon enough. After she had ascertained that she was not, in fact, actually wet, and was actually awake, Ai got to walking around the area. She couldn't be a good paparazza if she couldn't climb around anymore, and her muscles had been too at rest for quite some time. As she ambled around, she noticed a familiar face, standing there, with a familiar expression. Ai was surprised to see Mitsuo looking so alarmed, but she could understand why. Even she had to admit that this was quite a sudden turn of events. Approaching him with slow, even steps, Ai gave a little wave to him. "Mitsuo-san. Are you alright? Anything specific bothering you?"
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i say "fight" | ryuu | endgame | open
The end of the trial was weird.
Like, to word it lightly, it was weird. He had no idea what was happening, really, beyond them all being right over Takumi being the mastermind. He didn't get this whole business over Kumi being from a different world (what the fuck?) and Maru suddenly being older and not having a list (what the fuck?) but he mostly kept silent as everyone went through their speeches.
Words. Words, words, words.
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And then Takumi was executed. He wasn't even sure what went on there, either. He spun and then he died. But not from the spinning. Someone else was there at some point.
Who knows.
Ryuu was too tired to care.
They woke back up, and everyone was... alive. All of them, even Takumi, which made him wonder what the point even was of that execution, and he was back in his stuffy school uniform. The worst of all the things that had happened that day.
Sachiko was okay though. Ai was alive. And, as much as he shut everyone else out as the third trial happened, he was still a semblance of relieved to see Mitsuo, Bria, Rosario, Akihiko. Those people.
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"... Geez. What a fuckin' day."
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Blurred | Mitsuo | Endgame Reaction | OPEN
It was all a blur. 
There was water, and then lights, and then lots of noise. 
But it was all a blur.
The man’s words went right through his head, and he just stared back, saying nothing. He couldn’t say a thing. All he could do was look around for someone familiar. Anyone would do at this point. Anything to ground himself in this crazy new world, away from Kumisan and Blub-san and that nice witch.
So he looked around as he was ushered along, looking for anyone, everyone. He wanted to cry out, but nothing came out. Someone hug this boy and tell him everyone will be alright.
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And the misery fades away \\ Maria // Epilogue || open
So many nights in Kaiyou, so many days, so much happened. But she was alive, oxygen filling her lungs and her mind here. Back in the present with almost all of her classmates. She felt like she was home. She felt like she was alive. But something in Kaiyou had been lost and boy did she feel it. Something had been left behind. No it wasn't the "Dead" students. If she understood what the old man had said they would wake up fine. It wasn't her passion for videogames either, she'd played less since escaping but that was just because her Real 3Ds had some catching up to do with her simulated one. Maria Santiago left something behind in Kaiyou, and she wasn't sure she wanted it back. Because now she had more. She had Bria, she had experience overcoming literally the worst. She had....hope. So whatever she left behind could stay there. Rosario could stay in Kaiyou. She would thank Takumi given the chance. She hated him surely but it was because of him that she had grown into the girl she was now. As hard as it was to admit she was thankful to Takumi. Even if she wanted to strangle him for the shit he put them through. She was back at school now, occasionally she would attend class or leave her dorm for more than just food or Bria. The teachers were kinda lenient on attendance when she mentioned watching her friends die in front of her. So one day after everything had settled. And life returned to normal Maria was walking down the hall. She saw them. She'd barely seen much of anyone besides Bria since they returned. She smiled and without a second thought pulled them into a hug. What the heck Maria. "God you look So good. I haven't seen you in so long. Or it feels like so long. How are you holding up?" She let them out of the hug to give them just a smidge of breathing room. She was smiling. A genuine smile. Amazing Maria smiling like that.
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Whew! So concludes Beyond Despair’s Bounds one, so here are a few announcements about events relating to the game. There's a lot to cover, so buckle in! 
First of all, character interactions may continue on the live blog for as long as you’d like to roleplay in the BDB1 setting! The dead students and live students can both talk to one another, and they’re all back at HPA. So if you’ve wanted to roleplay again, here’s your shot at it.
Secondly, the second game will be made up of two classes: S and G. These are just placeholder names, and more information will be revealed as applications open. Each class will have 16 students each, including mod characters! Applications do not have a set open date as of yet, however expect them to be sometime soon, and they will stay open for a while! As for the mods of these two classes, the head mods will still be Mai and Lissa, however there will be two new mods helping out! For class S, Mai will be assisted by Liam, and for class G, Lissa will be assisted by Kelsey, the muns of Eliot and Ryuunosuke individually.
As for the setting, it will be something completely new! Where BDB2 will be located in is Ryuuko Castle, located near a forest and town. Further details are a mystery for now, so stay tuned!
As for talents that aren’t applicable to BDB2, you may find the list here. The mod talents are ???, Modern Dancer, Cartographer, and Violinist. Variations of these talents may be applied, though!
And the last announcement. BDB now has a hub blog! It is shown below, and will take the place of the original BDB’s url, with that blog becoming an archive. Questions about apps are now directed at that blog, and the application form can also be found in its complete form in the hub blog.
Hub blog: /https://beyond-despairsbounds.tumblr.com/
Deadblog: /https://shsl-darkforest.tumblr.com/
Thank you so much again for playing and following along with the game, we hope to see you for Beyond Despair’s Bounds 2!
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The Horizon, and the Sun || Kumitheatre
The survivors were taken back to Hope’s Peak in time. Every one of them had been through an enormous ordeal, every single one had survived so much. It would potentially take a lifetime for the scars caused to heal, but as they approached the academy again though the guards patrolling the grounds, it had come full-circle. They were back, and they were home, or at least as back home as they could be.
It was a long journey, but there was hope. Hope for the students, for the fallen, for the nation, and even for one lost wayward advisor, so far from their home. Several oddities had been encountered, several things they simply couldn’t pass away as being part of a stage production, and who were the two strangers that appeared just in time, and what were their own objectives?
...And what was Kirandel? Truly another world, or simply another country? Ah well, that wasn’t of concern. You were here now, and that was what mattered.
There was hope.
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Elsewhere, though….
Along a fox ran through the Hokkaido wilderness, being pursued by one angry catgirl and one small prince.
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The End
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Almost, But Not Quite || Kumitheatre
It was a week later, and the survivors were assembled in a meeting room. Some were in worse shape than others, but they were all gathered there, with the chairman of Hope’s Peak himself. Everyone had been said to have been called here to receive an update on the affairs of the country, and that was what it seemed like it was.
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“Students, you’ve underwent a terrible ordeal. It was never the intention of Hope’s Peak, and never in our scope to facilitate such a monstrous experiment. But yet, it happened, and it was a tragedy. Your families and relatives are being contacted, and we are trying our hardest to fight back against this terrorist organization.”
He paused, looking grimly over the room.
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“Monokuma was thankfully captured due to the efforts of one Usami Kurokawa, and we have received leads on the whereabouts of this organization. The Knights of Hope are fighting back. Japan will not fall to chaos, and Hope’s Peak will continue on.”
He then sighed.
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“It has sustained a tarnish in its reputation, but that is the least of its concerns. You have all survived, and you are here now, and you are our new hopes. The others who died in the simulation have been rendered unconscious in the outside world. They have sustained terrible things from their deaths, but they might still be able to be revived. The scientists are working on that this very second.”
A knock on the door came, and Usami appeared soon afterwards, dressed in a suit and skirt. She waved shyly at the assembled, and brought out a folder, placing it next to the director, who nodded.
“Thank you, Kurokawa-san.”
He paused again before looking back at you all.
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“You will be taken out shortly. Tokyo is in a state of unrest, but Hope’s Peak is safe. We have extra reinforcements there, and you will be taken back there temporarily. You will receive proper medical attention, and we will work on reviving your fallen comrades in the meantime. We will also apprehend Ueno-san after he’s tended to, so you don’t need to worry.”
He then shuffled through the papers.
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“Kurokama-san tells me that the individual who escaped, “Kumi”, is a resident of a foreign country and has returned there, pursued by the police force of said country. That is the cover story we’re divulging to the public, and we implore you to do the same. This is a matter of national security, and no more will be said on the matter. That terrorist is still out there, ready to strike, and we are doing our best to capture them and bring them to light. We still do not know what their motivations for doing this are, or where they came from really, but we will capture them.”
He rubbed his temples with a hand, his voice strengthening.
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“You are safe now, and you have each other. Each of you are capable of so, so much, and I am proud to call you students of Hope’s Peak. Thank you for what you’ve done so far. It will be a long, long road, but I am sure that it will be reached.”
He then simply smiled.
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“There is always hope. And there is always a way. Now, I believe this meeting has reached its conclusion. You will be taken out and escorted single-file to a plane that will take you to the academy. Thank you all.”
With that, he stood up, and Usami motioned for the students to come. Some were apprehensive, some were ready, some were even crying. But, like the chairman said, there was hope.
{headmaster sprites credit: cas!}
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Hope’s Peak, Back Again || Kumitheatre
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The first thing you heard were indistinct chattering, before your eyes opened and you blearily realized that you were contained within a pod. It was very soft and very plush, however your head and heart hurt. What had just happened was something truly strange, but… well, now you were here, and you were safe for the most part. If what Monokuma said was true, then the world outside was in chaos, and the setting appeared to reinforce that. Metal walls, sterile and clean, scientists running about…
“They’re waking up!”
You rose unsteadily, the pod opening with a hiss and a helmet-eque object falling to the cushion. All around you, similar hissing sounded, and soon enough, a doctor came to your side.
“Clear the area, make sure they haven’t sustained any major damage. They will be okay.”
Perhaps those were the words you needed to hear, even as you felt yourself rising. You were okay, and the grip of darkness was over.
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How Many? || Kumitheatre
A figure then emerged from the shadows, or more accurately glitched into place. A…. an individual who greatly bore a resemblance to the small catgirl you all found in this place, Maru. She was tall, with a regal air about her, and she seemed… well, she was clearly not someone or something Kumi expected, as they backed up, a look of pure surprise on their face.
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“M maru?”
The catgirl took a step forward, withdrawing a sword from her sash.
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“Kumi. We have finally tracked you down, and we know what your plans are. Put that down, now, and come quietly. We’re going home, and you are going in jail.”
Conflict appeared on their face, followed by… terror. One one hand, they finally got the chance they wanted, but on the other…
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“N… no… Maru, you can’t do this. I’m sorry. I’m sorry! I’ll come, I..”
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“Save it.”
At this, she pulled a twine rope out of an inside pocket and advanced menacingly, three seconds before another flash of light resounded and a short individual in a rabbit mask appeared. They then nodded at Maru, who lunged at Kumi. Startled, they dropped the box, and Sachi ran forward and caught it.
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“Haha my box now you furry”
Fox and cat ran around the group, before Kumi sprinted into the Kurai Mori, Maru leaping after. A dull flash then came, and the two were gone. The stranger then approached, and removed the mask to reveal a smiling, silver-haired boy. He offered the assembled a bow before taking the box from Sachiko and nodding to everyone.
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“I am sorry, I must make my introduction short. I am Prince Shinji Collumcille of Kirandel, the lost prince. And I am here to take you home.”
At this, he fiddled with the buttons on the box before turning his gaze up.
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“I want everyone to hold hands, and then to me. If you’ll give me a second, in three….”
The boy counted down, and the assembled people cautiously linked hands. It was almost routine to follow instruction at this point, and thusly, the students felt themselves leaving the world of Kirandel, of oceans and forests, of magic and intrigue.
But they would be home.
{maru sprites by mai, shinji sprites by chell!}
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Up, Up, Up, Past the Hotel Del Mar || Kumitheatre
The fox enchanter brought out a cylindrical box with three buttons, and pressed the second one. The wall rumbled and fell back to reveal a set of stairs, and Kumi blinked at it for a good few seconds before turning back to the students. There was still more to go, and they took in another breath, blinking at the students. This… it was still a lot.
And would you get out?
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“So, the radio tower. I took little pieces of the simulation here and there, manipulated it to cause more energy to go towards the implosion of the entire simulation… it works on a principle called nuclear power, which… well, from what I’ve read, it’s an acceptable substitute for the circumstances that landed me in this realm in the first place.”
They turned and stared into the distance, sighing, before closing their eyes.
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“The radio tower is essentially linked to the outside of the simulation. I calibrated coordinates and received a little aid from my own skills. And now… now I think it’s ready to go.”
A pause.
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“And you will come with me. I will not risk any more lives, and there’s no way to get you out safely now. That radio tower is on a time limit, and we will go back to my home soon enough.”
This…. this couldn’t be it. You couldn’t just be leaving like this, right? You couldn’t be taken to an alternate dimension by a fox-person, and leave this one behind? But that was what it seemed like, as Kumi motioned for you to follow. There was hesitation, but Kumi sighed and pressed a button. Without further hesitation, the building began rumbling, and it slowly began… disintegrating.
Panic spurred you forwards, and Kumi lit up a fire in the palm of their hand. You had nothing else to do but walk after them, up the stairs, and past the deteriorating bricks of the castle. Past the drawbridge you went, and along the thornbrush maze. It became a race, as more of the simulation began swirling, and Kumi pressed forwards with a slight bit of joy on their face.
Eventually, you arrived at the fourth area. Several cuts were sustained from the metal and jeweled thorns, and a wave of tiredness overcame the assembled. Kumi was running along the outskirts of the Kurai Mori, and they circled the tower before approaching the trees. Satisfied, they motioned for the others and began running back towards… well, away from the tower. Where were they going?
After another few minutes of running, the small party eventually reached the gate blocking the first area from the Kurai Mori. Kumi slowly unlocked the gate before swinging it open, and they took a few paces forward, standing at the entrance. At this, they lifted the box, and made to press it. Their fingers were almost at the box when…
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A World Away || Kumitheatre
With particular revelations out there and Kumi’s new appearance as a demon from an alternate world, it was no wonder that the courtroom silenced. This appeared to be what the fox-person wished for, as they nodded at the assembled students. This was so much to take in at once, and yet… What would you do once you got out? If they were to be believed, Japan was now being destroyed, and you were all caught.
However, Kumi didn’t give you much time to ponder, as they continued on with their speech.
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“So, you see, I believe I should give you the next leg of the explanation. This simulation… well, I was employed as a computer engineer, as I was skilled with several languages. Besides, I had a little help, so what was the deal? I was put on the coding staff of the simulation, and I put in my own additions, my own personal marks to remind myself of my home. You see, the original purpose was to allow for you to spend a semester in peace, but this quickly changed as the Equites Uestetha decided to hijack it. That was Monokuma’s organization, for your information. But Hope’s Peak had to resist. A band of students and administrators came, and called themselves the Knights of Hope. Monomi was a part of them.”
Monomi? She couldn’t truly be part of an anti-terrorism organization? Though…. it put certain actions in a new perspective. In any extent, on went the fox.
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“The Equites Uestetha learned about the program, and wanted it for their own. After all, what better way to plunge a country in chaos then to murder its leader? Or rather hopes, but I digress. Anyways, I…. I saw use for the simulation as well. I thought I could use it to return home, something about matching the same explosive force as used in the way I came here. Only if I was deluding myself, it would still be a little part of home.”
A swallow.
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“So, Hope’s Peak let me deal with it. I decided to turn more of it into Kiradel, my old, old home, even before it rose another time. They could take but nineteen students, lest the simulation implode, so they drew lots and sent the others to various other strongholds all over Japan. I went after them, to a bunker in Hokkaido, but Monokuma learned about my hand in it, and he offered a plan to infiltrate it in exchange for anything I desired. So I crafted avatars, and I took him to the bunker. Monomi had no idea, and I felt horrible, but… it was only so I could go.”
Kumi appeared to be crying, and they removed the mask to dab at their cheeks.
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“I didn’t want unnecessary bloodshed. I thought Monokuma would… would do something horrible if I didn’t put up with the killing, so I let him… This was to be shown over Japan… And…”
They took a momentary break, chest rising and falling, before they turned their gaze towards.the podium that was currently housing Hunter.
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“I formulated my own artificial intelligences to supervise everything. All of them, a part of home, someone I knew personally. I tricked myself into believing that this would be just like Kirandel, so I spent a week getting everything ready as Monomi tutored and I enabled Monokuma to breach the defenses. Hunter… he was security, I think. I didn’t program him in, but here he is. Everything else I controlled from in here. Chaos raged, and yet, you all came…”
Another pause.
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“However, more people had infiltrated this lair. Members of the Equites, one Takumi Ueno and one Sachiko Arakawa, who Takumi wanted to employ. What was I to do but play along? So throughout the game, I tried my hardest to figure out how to go home, because…. Because I actually did want to go home. And I came up with a plan.”
They slowly broke into a smile.
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“And now I can go home.”
At this, an ominous rumbling began around the lair.
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Crossed Boundaries || Monotheatre
“And that, as they say, is that. Congratulations, you did it, the world is falling apart and you were brought here for safety. Now, I believe I should congratulate you in some way. How about a story?”
But… you were free, right? You could escape now, Takumi was dead, but…
Who was Kumi, anyways?
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“Once upon a time, there was a mighty empire by the name of Kirandel. I have told you many stories about this land, and it’s a very interesting place, indeed. You have met several individuals who reside there.”
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“But one resident was not happy. The adviser of the kingdom had tried their hardest, worked their way up to become a trusted cohort of the royal family. However, as time went on, they became bitter. Their first home had fallen to ruin, and they had to journey to find a new one. Once there, they helped as many people as they could.”
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“But eventually, they became tired of receiving no credit. People took advantage of them, and they got nothing. They soon formulated a plot to overthrow the king and take control themself, and from there, they used their connections and soon learned of a witch who resided in the woods.”
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“This witch was very powerful, and again, she would grant one favour in exchange for a wish. However, this advisor was clever. They used their wish to generate more clause-free wishes, and used one of those to negate the price.”
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“However, this was not met with gratitude. Furious at being tricked, she pursued the advisor, so they fled. This witch told the kingdom of this plot, and they were pursued by a childhood friend of theirs, the bounty hunter. Eventually becoming lost, they decided to hide out and teach themself magic so that they could do things for themself. And indeed they learned, and they formulated a plot to take revenge.”
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“A magic potion that they knew about from the one time they stole from the witch, that they began brewing. It was supposed to create a massive explosion, however, the adviser misread one ingredient.”
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“Instead of using elderberries, they used raspberries. Therefore, they instead created a rift between worlds that they were brought through, and they ended up in a different land. Yours, actually.”
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“They landed in…. a place called Japan, near a city called Tokyo, home to one Hope’s Peak Academy. Many sweeps of observation took place, and they eventually assimilated into the culture. Of course, they still had their powers, but they quickly learned that…. it wasn’t accepted. However, their goal was simply to go back home…”
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“However, this comrade of theirs, also a member of the despair forces, approached. Allow the use of the simulation to generate despair and aid in their conquest, and they would give them anything they wished.”
A long, drawn out pause.
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“Oh, did I mention? This advisor was one by the name of… Kumi. A pleasure to meet you all, I’m sure.”
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