betweenmuses · 6 months
I have decided to join the Discord RP family and so here's my shameless self-promotion, I am going to be spending the evening getting it all set up, but please feel free to have a look around at what I have so far! If you have any ideas hit me up!
For now, the only muses I have are my males, and I am only interested in mxm gay roleplays. I will eventually open it up to straight connections, and I will add my female muses, but for now I am strictly writing mxm, sorry about that!
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betweenmuses · 6 months
OPEN to: males, Alec's bio can be found HERE, doesn't matter what relationship you go for, as long as they know each other somehow!
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"Please, I saw you watching me while I worked out, no point in denying it, we both know you like it when I get all sweaty," he teased, only kidding of course, checking his phone as he let his body rest after the intense workout. He had a photo shoot for his next big fight in the morning and he wanted to make sure he'd gotten a good workout in before bed.
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betweenmuses · 6 months
I'm in the the mood to write out my gay males, so please excuse the lack of hetero ships around my blog right now. I feel most comfortable writing out gay ships while I am getting started again, and once I am back up to my own standards I will start writing hetero ships again! For now, if you want a gay plot hit me up, male or female, otherwise sit tight and when i'm feeling up to par, I will start reaching out for hetero ships!
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betweenmuses · 6 months
OPEN to: males, messing around with a new muse, Levi, runaway, street savvy, gets by on his looks and skill, total drifter, out for a good time and a place to rest his head at night. Form any connection you'd like, let me get a feel for him from any/all angles to see if I want to make a profile for him!
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"What the hell, I thought the vibe was there, I thought you were giving me a signal, y'know? I'm sorry, fuck, I didn't mean it, I, shit-" he hissed, looking away to hide his embarrassment.
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betweenmuses · 6 months
OPEN to: males, any relation, I missed writing Renan so here he is, profile can be found on my muse page
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"You know, you can come in, you don't have to stand at the door," Renan spoke as he continued to get ready for the night ahead, having no shame that he'd just gotten dressed infront of someone.
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betweenmuses · 6 months
open to: males, austin's profile is on my muse page, let's have them at least know each other (I hate awkward introductions), whatever relationship you want to play out.
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"One of those better be mine," Austin mentioned as he pointed to the two beers the other had just taken off the bar, walking up to him once he had finally been alone, "and not for that guy over there," nonchalantly nodding in the direction of the man he'd just seen him talking to. "Your taste is better than that," a smirk as he held a hand out, "or at least it used to be..."
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betweenmuses · 6 months
Hey, hey!
Major life updates:
Working full-time
Attending college full-time
I am dead.
The semester is coming to an end and I am really missing writing. It sucks working and going to school full-time WITHOUT a creative outlet, let me tell you that much.
I'm back, but in a limited capacity, basically at my own discretion.
I want to write, I love the creative outlet it brings, but I still need to put school above all else. If you're fine with that, and want to write alongside me, let's have some fun.
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betweenmuses · 11 months
1x1 discord partners?!
I’m new to the discord side of writing, but am needing something less constrictive than college right now, so I am opening my discord up to rp’ing! That will mean i’ll be able to write while at the gym (something I do often), or anytime I am not around my laptop. If you’re looking for a 1x1 discord partner, come and say hi to me at heathermcfly! You can use my current muse list or we can make up random muses! I love writing smut, have no triggers, and enjoy playing males (but I do enjoy writing females as well and would hope we could work out at least something for a female muse if I am writing multiple males). I love writing gay characters, so if you are looking for a mxm thread, i'm your person! Seriously, come at me, I am new to the discord chatting, but I am a quick learner!
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betweenmuses · 1 year
It was a regular night on the corner, John’s appearing and disappearing just as quickly after they’d gotten their moneys worth of services. Josh wasn’t entirely in love with the work; but he didn’t hate it either, the alternative of being beaten for not performing as he was employed to was not an option though. In addition to the other consequences for being holier than thou, he preferred eating and sleeping somewhat peacefully. What was a blowjob or a little bit of rough anal for the simple necessities right? 
The lull in John’s gave Josh a quick moment to light up a cigarette and upon looking up he found the next man for his night; though his face quickly found a frown as the copper in civilian clothes appeared and demanded him to comply with his stupidity. “You love to waste your time don’t you.” He shakes his head as he follows the man into the alley, Blake something was his name and Josh loathed his presence; always trying to act big in a annoying way. “Yeah yeah baby, I’m moving.” Josh sucked back a drag of his smoke before blowing it over his shoulder knowing that it’d go in the cop’s face; serves the asshole right. 
“It’s cute you think this is a life I’ve chosen for myself. Like I can just walk away for it with clean hands. That this is all I care about.” Josh sneers at the man before shaking his head. “Literally nothing going on up there but donuts and idiocy.” He sighs and steals another drag of the smoke. “I didn’t want to be kicked out at seventeen for coming out; but my father couldn’t handle a fag living under his roof; mother was so worried about the congregations thoughts if they found out.” A small truth to his being where he was. “Turns out living on the streets is hard and dangerous, especially when you don’t have money or safe places to go; so when you’re offered those things for a little meaningless sex… you don’t think much cause you haven’t eaten in several days.” Josh continues to recount a little of his experiences since becoming homeless, hoping it might dawn some intelligence into the officer.
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“Next thing you know, you’re being plied with drugs and food and yeah it’s not great but I get at least two square meals a day, a roof over my head most nights and someone caring about where I am.” It wasn’t much; but it was more than he had. It wasn’t lost on him that he was expendable and living dangerously, but he had less options that the officer believed he did. “Besides, bossman would rather kill me than release me. So unless you want a gobby; you should push on officer, some boys aren’t savable and I certainly don’t need no pig playing white knight for me. I’m just a used up whore anyways, not worth nothing to nobody.” He arms open up both tauntingly and proudly; unashamed for his position as the alternative wasn’t a thing he’d allow himself to put on display. Weakness was for lesser men.
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betweenmuses · 1 year
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He kissed the top of her head “Kenzie, my whole life revolves around you since I met you, do you think I would if you weren’t the woman of my life?” Aiden rested his chin on top of her head. Even the idea of being able to cheat on her sounded ridiculous to him because if that were the case he would just break up with her. His hand gently stroked her hair “I also know how much that apology cost you so I think I’ll take it before you regret it"  Kennedy was stubborn as a mule and had enough pride in both of them that her apologizing and admitting that she’d been wrong was an almost doomsday scenario. Aiden pulled away from her briefly to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear "I love you, Kenzie”. She was the most special woman in her life and just by asking Aiden she would have assured him that she had no intention of even turning to look at other women. “Next time, just ask me, I’ll tell you everything you want to know” He had always been an open book because the reality was that Aiden had nothing to hide “Do you want to order something to eat? Or do you have an event tonight? Didn’t check the calendar on the fridge”
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Had you asked her in high school if she saw herself even thinking about settling down until she was old and grey she'd have told you absolutely not, Kennedy was not one to be tamed, or at least that's what she would say before Aiden came into the picture and completely changed everything. She actually saw herself settling, starting a family, playing the part of a domestic wife - there was just something about him that made her want everything. It was a whole new world for her, and sometimes she found herself lashing out in jealousy because of her own damn self sabotage. She had never seen herself as the type to settle, so why should he be burdened with someone who really had no idea how this whole domestic lifestyle worked? She tried so hard to fit the mold of perfect girlfriend, but times like tonight it proved to be rather difficult. He was so calm with her though, allowing herself to melt into him as her arms remained closed around him keeping him pressed against her. "Just don't expect it all too often," she found herself chuckling as she turned her head enough to give his neck a peck where she could reach, "we both know it's like pulling damn teeth for me to apologize." When he pulled away she focused her attention solely on him as he said those four words that instantly had her as putty in his hands, a grin falling across her lips given just how special and good they made her feel. "I love you, too." Love, such a profound feeling she never thought capable of, and here she was head over damn heels for this man. "Nothing planned, you've got me all to yourself for the night, unless you're heading out? I could go for some takeout," she grinned, slipping from his reach to go pull out the paper menus to their favorite places they kept in a drawer in the kitchen.
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betweenmuses · 1 year
Bingo. That was exactly the reaction she was looking for. She put her hands on her hips to really pose for him, giving him a small smirk. Oh, the things this man will be doing to her later. Last time they were at this bar, he didn’t even wait to get her home. He made them pull off into some parking lot to fuck her in the backseat. She wondered if this would be a similar night. Wren took a seat next to him, adjusting the hem of her dress once she got comfortable. “Oh, yeah. I love seeing live music.” She responded, totally ignoring the fact that he had actually invited her there. “Do you know the band?” Trying to make up a conversation like as if she doesn’t know what he looks like naked was getting harder and harder by the day. “Of course you could.” She ordered her usual, resting her elbows onto the bar. “How has your classes been, Matthew?”
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"The lead singer used to be a student of mine," he mentioned, as though it were a cool little known fact. In reality, it had only been a semester or two and the guy basically flunked out of his class for never even showing up, so it's not like the teacher would even be recognizable to the band. "That's not why i'm here though," he shook his head, though she already knew the reason behind the both of them being there tonight. Still, he had to make up some bullshit excuse that had nothing to do with the fact they were trying to build a relationship from the ground up now that she was no longer a student. It was hard, being as invested in each other as they already were, to have to dial it back and pretend that there's only just budding feelings. "It may come as a surprise to you, but I do enjoy coming out for a drink every now and then, to take the pressure off a little," he chuckled, remembering back to the times before him and her were an item where he'd find himself at the bars more often than not. "Classes have been well, and how have things with you been going?" Simple conversation, it really was miraculous he could talk at all with his damn eyes glued to her legs where the hem sat, teasing him as it hiked up just a fraction each time she moved.
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betweenmuses · 1 year
Status || Open to any male/female (love interest, fling, crush, fwb, anything really) Muse || Alec Winthrop, 24, MMA Fighter, bi, awkwardly adorable otherwise
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"I don't get how you're fine with me behind closed doors, but push me away as soon as we head out together. Is there something wrong with me, why are you constantly trying to push me away when all I want to do is get closer to you?"
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betweenmuses · 1 year
Status || Closed for @hcllriot Muses || Ryker & Veronica
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How was it that Ryker couldn't go a single day without thinking about Veronica and wanting to be around her somehow? He knew that things were tricky and not easily labeled between them, but he still couldn't get her out of his damn mind. The last thing she needed was to deal with anymore bullshit from him, and yet here he was constantly pushing into her life every which way that he could. It was hard, her best friend absolutely hated him, and she tried to keep them apart every chance that she got. It made things difficult for them, when all Ryker wanted to do was help their relationship flourish once more, when the damn best friend wanted nothing more than to see him burn. They'd ran into each other a few different times, her best friend quick to pull Veronica away from him, but tonight he'd made sure her friend was indisposed. He'd paid one of his friends to take her out, not that he wanted that information to get out (it probably wouldn't sit well with her or Veronica), but at least he knew that there wouldn't be a chance of her ruining their night - thankfully. Not that he had anything significant planned, he just wanted to see her, to talk to her and spend uninterrupted time with her. He found himself at her doorstep, picking his hand up as he knocked and stepped back waiting for her to answer the door.
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betweenmuses · 1 year
Status || Closed for @hcllriot Muses || Blake & Winter
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It had been a long road, but Winter was finally back on the runway and Blake was standing idly backstage waiting for her to be finished. Since the attack, even though he knew the men who stabbed her could no longer do harm (he made sure of that), nobody else knew that and with all the press around her being back at it the precinct thought extra protection was needed. Of course that meant Blake, considering there wasn't a chance in hell that he would let anyone else take his place, not that him and her were on the best of terms yet - they were at least heading in a positive direction, or at least that's what he liked to hope. The sex was explosive, their bodies so drawn to one another, like magnets that couldn't be pulled apart - as much as Winter probably hated it, Blake made damn sure she knew just what having him in the vicinity did to her. When Winter finally came into view he peered down at his watch with an annoyed groan, "please tell me that was the last outfit change and we can get out of here," you'd think any man would be thrilled to get to hang out with models backstage getting changed all around him, but his eyes never left Winter when she was in his sights. She was his, nobody else's, it just sucked that it took her getting stabbed to realize that.
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betweenmuses · 1 year
Wren wasn’t sure what was more difficult; having to hide their relationship from the world because she was his student, or the phase they were in now. Where they had to pretend to be falling in love slowly so then if asked they can say their relationship just started. As much as it was going well for them, it was starting to take a toll on Wren. At least before when they were hiding they could just love each other behind closed doors. But now that they were out in public, it killed her to not just hold his hand, or kiss him spontaneously. Tonight, however, things would hopefully change. Wren was ready to take it to the next step, but wasn’t sure how Matthew felt. Maybe tonight they could accidentally feel a spark, or share a kiss while they’re dancing to the band playing tonight. She dressed in a simple black cocktail dress, wanting to dress to impress him. That was the one fun thing about this, dressing in outfits she knew would make him go crazy. She walked into the bar, looking around until she spotted him having a drink. A similar setting to the first time they met in public. “Matthew.” She smiled as she walked over to him, getting his attention.
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betweenmuses · 1 year
A corner of his mouth pulled up to a small smile as she voiced her plan. “I would say that is a foolish idea for anyone else, but with a face like yours, I think that you could pull it off. Any man would fall to your ways.” He was clearly no exception as he had caved so easily. Yes he loved being out and doing things, but he liked being with her. He knew that she was married and he never crossed any lines with her. They were just friends that had their fun together, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t wanted to at times. That he didn’t crave things when near her. He would like to have said that it was his strong morals that kept him from doing anything, but that was hardly the truth. Landry liked the grey areas, but it was more that he didn’t want to ruin what they had by trying something she never wanted. “Rescue me… Does that make me a damsel? Because I think I make a rather pretty one, no?” His arm moved around her for the hug, giving back a gentle rub. “Do you appreciate it enough to get the first round?” He pulled back, a playful smile shining in his eyes.
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“You probably say that to all the girls on the transplant list,” she teased, unable to stop grinning at how ridiculous that had sounded, but that was probably one of the greatest things about their friendship. She could be herself, and he never looked at her any differently no matter how ridiculous she talked. He just went ahead and joked right alongside her, and sure enough here he was referring to himself as a damsel and all she could do was laugh as she cupped her hand to his cheek. "Hm, I guess it would, which my coming to the rescue would make me your knight in shining armor, wouldn't it?" She pulled back offering him a quick grin, "oh, for sure, the absolute prettiest," he was a handsome man, she'd be a fool if she didn't see that, but the two had built such an amazing friendship that she always only really looked at him in a friendly manner, though of course she'd had those nights when her thoughts drifted into murkier territory. How could anyone blame her when he looked as good as he did though? She'd bring those thoughts to her grave though not wanting to change anything about the two of them - if he'd have found out she'd fantasized before about him it certainly would change their dynamic. When he wrapped an arm around her she couldn't help but easily wrap her arms around him in return, "hm, I guess I can support a starving artist, not to mention it was my idea to keep you out in the first place so..." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling him towards the bar, showing her appreciation for the fact he remained out with her.
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betweenmuses · 1 year
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Aiden automatically felt bad going so hard on her that Kennedy was beating herself up but he also knew that she needed to be aware of when she’d gone too far in order to grow and mature. Actually, he had always liked her determination and the way she didn’t need him or anyone else to take care of her because she could do that on her own, instead she needed someone to support her “Kenzie” He called her softly to get her attention and closing his laptop “I love you with my life” Aiden pointed out although it was obvious to him for many reasons but sometimes she needed reassurance “You are the person I want to be with, the one I chose to be with for many reasons, among them that you are wonderfully stubborn and proud” He gave her a smirk noting especially the word ‘choose’ because Aiden wouldn’t be with her if it wasn’t what he really wanted “and one day, when we’re both ready, I’m going to marry you without hesitation,” Aiden assured her cleaning his throat before turning around and opening his arms towards her “Come here”
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Kennedy stopped talking as soon as he used her nickname, something about that single word having such a calming effect on her, and all she could do was stand there as she listened carefully to all that he said. She had never thought she'd be in this position, to actually find love when she didn't even feel she deserved someone like him, but it wasn't until she heard that word choose that had her unable to keep from grinning like a damn fool. How could she not when he so blatantly told her that the reason they were together was because that's what he had wanted, that out of everyone he'd chosen her, and yet there she was unable to stifle her own self doubt. To hear that she was capable of being loved, him actually wanting to marry her one day, how could she be so worried about their relationship when he had thoughts of such a future with her in his mind? When he opened his arms for her she hesitated, a soft sigh as she still felt horrible for how she'd handled things, though as he directed her to go there she moved across the room immediately wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace - her face cradled into his neck as she took his masculine scent in. "I'm sorry," something that she found herself saying repeatedly tonight, though so foreign usually on her tongue.
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