bee-alice · 1 year
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That feeling when you meet another TMNT fan!! @citrine-rose2​
Reblog if you’re a female TMNT fan
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bee-alice · 2 years
Writing Resources
Since I’ve been getting a lot of questions about writing and such, I’ve deiced to put together a resource post for you guys!
General Writing Help:
Writing Tips
Ambient Sounds
10 Ways to Start Your Story
10 Ways to End Your Story
Ways to get Un-Stuck
Getting Out Of The Comfort Zone
Alternatives To Said
Avoid Saying ‘Very…’
100 Ways To Say Good
Avoiding Unfortunate Implications
Begin A Novel
Finishing Your Novel
Creating Conflict
Show Not Tell
Words For Emotions Based On Severity
Pacing Action Scenes
Writing Races
Using Gender Neutral Pronouns
Dos and Don’t of Writing
General Writing Tips
How To Avoid Tense Change
Character Help: 
How to Develop Your Characters
Ways to Get Inspired to Write That Character
Writing a Relationship that Readers Will Ship
Character Names
Character Name Resources
Surnames Masterpost
Write Real 
People Generator
MBTI Personality Test
MBTI Personality Descriptions
123 Character Flaws
Character Trait Cheat Sheet
List of Personality Traits
Types of Voice
55 Words to Describe Someone’s Voice
Showing Character Emotion
Character Motivation
Writing Characters Of Color
More On Writing Characters Of Color
Describing A Character’s Skin Color
Avoiding LGBTQ Stereotypes
The Roles Of Characters
Creating Fictional Characters From Scratch
Creating A Strong, Weak Character
Writing Characters Using Conflict And Backstory
Writing A Character Based On Yourself
Switching Up A ‘Too-Perfect’ Character
Help I Have A Mary-Sue!
Over 400 Words to Describe Hair
Men’s Haircuts and Styles
Describing Skin Color
500 Character Quirks
List of Virtues
List of Vices
Phobia List
9 Fundamental Fears
How to find your characters motivation 
7 Tips for Clear Motive
Character Goal Generator
36 Core Values for Characters
Dialogue/Body Language  Help: 
Dialogue Tips
Realistic Dialogue
Flirty Dialogue
On Dialogue
Don’t Be Afraid of Mixing Dialogue and Action
Some Words When Writing Things
A list of body language phrases.
Words Used to Describe Someone’s Face or Facial Expressions
Body Language Cheat Sheet
Importance Of Body Language
Non Verbal Communication
Body Language Of Flirting
Flirting 101
Sex Scenes
Friends With Benifits Relationships
How to write a kiss
character facial expressions (writing reference)
World Building 101
Bringing Settings To Life
Creating A Believable World
Mapping A Fictional World
Mapping Your World
General Revision Tips
Cliché Finder
Reading What You’ve Wrote So Far
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bee-alice · 2 years
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👏🏾Education 👏🏾is 👏🏾a 👏🏾right,👏🏾 not👏🏾 a👏🏾 service 👏🏾
Pass along and use the shit out of them
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bee-alice · 3 years
::(more) nsfw/smut prompts
send in a member/character/number! (okay to reblog; do not claim any of these as your own!)
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1. "We can do it with our eyes closed if that's better for you."
2. "You're making it really hard for me right now, and I don't appreciate it."
3. "No I do not always cum in my pants, that was the first time."
4. "I think the condom just broke."
5. "When were you gonna tell me you had a sex harness?"
6. "if you don't fuck the living daylights out of me in the next 5 minutes, I'm going to pass out."
7. "I'm gonna be so late but the thought of not tasting you right this very second just might kill me."
8. "I don't give two shits that we're in public and people are watching."
9. "That's it. I'm pulling out the big strap tonight." "You don't have a strap."
10. "I bought these glow-in-the-dark condoms and I have no one to use them with, are you busy tonight?"
11. "Sit on my face immediately."
12. "I need it." "Then you can ask nicely."
13. "I'm gonna get you off under this table and if you make a sound, you're in big trouble."
14. "I just can't help myself when you look like that."
15. "I give you my full permission to fuck me awake in the morning."
16. "Do you want the purple panties, or the red ones?" "I don't care, I'm gonna rip them off anyway."
17. "I might have seen this very moment in a wet dream once."
18. "God didn't put a g-spot in the asshole for nothing."
19. "I'm sorry I keep staring, but you're really the hottest thing I've ever seen in my entire life and I don't know what to do about it."
20. "Get this on camera. I want you to save it for later."
21. "If you won't finger me, then I'll just do it myself."
22. "I've never been this hard/wet in my life, what are you doing to me?"
23. "I wanna take my time with you tonight."
24. "Spit on it."
25. "I'm not trying to put you on the spot, but I'd really like to know why you have an entire album dedicated to hentai porn."
26. "Safewords exist for a reason. I'm gonna prove that to you."
27. "I know you can go harder than that."
28. "I'm the king/queen of aftercare." "Then prove it."
29. "You're being so good for me. I knew you could take it all."
30. "Did I let you eat my ass last night, or was that just a really good dream?"
31. "I love you, but I gotta admit, I think that's the weirdest kink I've ever heard of."
32. "Slow down, we're not trying to win a marathon."
33. "How do you expect me to concentrate when you keep rubbing your foot against my crotch?"
34. "Answer the phone. I dare you."
35. "Fine I'll admit it. You're the best fuck I've ever had." "I knew it."
36. "I'm not sure what you're doing, but I'll cum if you don't stop."
37. "See what happens if you rub your ass on me like that again."
38. "Will you show me how?"
39. "Do you have a daddy/mommy kink?" "No." "Do you want one?"
40. "I'm not used to being this sore."
41. "Are you sure you've never done that before?"
42. "My legs haven't stopped shaking since."
43. "That's a stain I'll have a hard time explaining later."
44. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into." "Why don't you show me then?"
45. "I can't stop thinking about your mouth, and it's driving me nuts."
46. "They're gonna hear us." "Then I guess you better be quiet."
47. "I know we're just friends but you're sitting on my lap and I'm so sorry if I get hard."
48. "Are you asking me to fuck you stupid right here?"
49. "I've been missing these panties for weeks, tell me why I just found them in your drawer."
50. "Let me show you how much I've missed you."
51. "I'm no expert, but I don't think this is very legal."
52. "Use your words like a good boy/girl."
53. "Next time, say that when I'm inside you."
54. "I love it when your eyes roll back like that."
55. "Does it hurt? Tell me to stop if it hurts."
56. "Next time you wanna think about fucking me that good, I'm calling my lawyer."
57. "Did you like it?" "Would you judge me if I said I did?"
58. "I'm not here for small talk, I'm here to fuck your brains out."
59. "How mad would you be if we took a break for pizza rolls?"
60. "Your tongue? Incredible. 10/10, would recommend."
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bee-alice · 3 years
guys its a wonderful life was literally such an anticapitalist masterpiece that the FBI claimed it was communist propaganda and under investigation they found the movie “deliberately maligned the upper class, attempting to show the people who had money were mean and despicable characters.“ 
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bee-alice · 3 years
“Hunt monsters long enough, young man, and you start to become something like them.” The old hunter said. You thought he was being figurative, until the day you started growing spines.
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bee-alice · 3 years
As a blind dragon, you don’t care for precious metals or stones. So your hoard of treasures are perfumes, scented candles, flowers, herbs, spices, shampoo, soaps, and anything that smells great to you.
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bee-alice · 4 years
How exactly does Sam like his hair pulled?
Sam loves to have his hair pulled... but be warned... the harder you pull... the harder he does whatever he happens to be doing...
Are his teeth grazing your pulse? Tug a hand through his hair and he’ll bite down...nearly breaking the skin as he reacts, moaning against your throat. 
Are his lips sealed gently around your clit? Pull his chestnut locks and feel the vacuum of his kiss suck so hard it almost hurts, pulling a scream from deep inside of you. 
Is his big cock rocking slowly into you, paced to keep your orgasm on edge for as long as possible while he watches you unfold beneath him? Grab his hair and feel his hips slam hard into you, his lean thighs slap into your ass as his pace quickens almost too fast, too rough, sending you careening over the edge...
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bee-alice · 4 years
If you’re ok with me drawing your Apprentice(s) interacting with My Apprentices, comment or reblog this post.
I just wanna draw some babes.
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bee-alice · 4 years
Where they stand –
Evolette Stone (Muriel’s route only)
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / accidental mooch  
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / deceased
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying 
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children  
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings* / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
*- Asra and Evolette’s relationship is very sibling like though they are no biologically related
✖ disorganized / organized / in between  
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between  
✖ cautious / reckless / in between  
✖ patient / impatient / in between  
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between  
✖ leader / follower / in between  
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between  
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between  
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between  
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between  
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual  
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable  
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naïve / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
tagged by @kosmeros
tagging @turbo-slut-420 @aaliyah-draws and @timmys-and-scribbles and @superlemonsweet
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bee-alice · 4 years
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Because DreamWorks was concerned about theological accuracy, Jeffrey Katzenberg (former Disney chairman) decided to call in Biblical scholars, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim theologians, and Arab American leaders to help his film be more accurate and faithful to the original story. After previewing the developing film, all these leaders noted that the studio executives listened and responded to their ideas, and praised the studio for reaching out for comment from outside sources.
The animation team for The Prince of Egypt included 350 artists from 34 different nations. Careful consideration was given to depicting the ethnicities of the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, and Nubians properly.
Both character design and art direction worked to set a definite distinction between the symmetrical, more angular look of the Egyptians versus the more organic, natural look of the Hebrews and their related environments. The backgrounds department, headed by supervisors Paul Lasaine and Ron Lukas, oversaw a team of artists who were responsible for painting the sets/backdrops from the layouts. Within the film, approximately 934 hand-painted backgrounds were created.
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bee-alice · 4 years
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bee-alice · 4 years
Hey everyone! I’m trying to get my tumblr account more active so I’m doing head cannons and requests for The Arcana done. Don’t be shy and ask away!
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bee-alice · 4 years
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INGREDIENTS Lavender Cake: ¾ cup milk 3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh lavender 6 tablespoons butter, softened 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder ¼ teaspoon salt
Lavender Glaze: ½ cup milk 1 tablespoon dried lavender buds 1 cup confectioner’s sugar
PREPARATION Cake: Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x5 inch loaf pan. Combine the milk and lavender in a small saucepan over medium heat. Heat to a simmer, then remove from heat, and allow to cool slightly. In a medium bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in the egg until the mixture is light and fluffy. Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt; stir into the creamed mixture alternately with the milk and lavender until just blended. Pour into the prepared pan. Bake for 50 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a wooden pick inserted into the crown of the loaf comes out clean. Cool in the pan on a wire rack.
Lavender Glaze: Place the milk in a saucepan over medium heat. When it starts to boil, take the pan off the heat and add the dried lavender buds. Let the mixture steep for 5-8 minutes, then strain the milk Whisk it into the sugar, a tablespoon at a time, until you get a smooth and opaque glaze. Pour or spoon over the cooled loaf.
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bee-alice · 4 years
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Welp, that’s it. I’ve got bunch of requests and done with this challenge on 50%. I slept for 30 minutes but I’m close to the ending!
If nothing goes wrong you will be able to see the result today :3
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bee-alice · 4 years
I see you’re accepting requests! I really wanna see how the main six are with the apprentice on a spa day
Ooh, a spa day is needed after this quarantine! Thanks for requesting it! Hope you like it!
I’ll be using the same name for the apprentice for everyone except Muriel and Julian.
Asra - Couples massage, Vanilla Chai Tea Stomach Wrap
    This massage exfoliation of dead skin cells; detoxifying and re-mineralizing; hydrating. Starting with a Warm Vanilla Brown Sugar Scrub to gently scrub away dry, rough areas leave your skin smooth and more receptive to the healing properties of the Aromatic Vanilla Chai Tea Kaolin Clay, Fresh Water Silt and Nine Sea Botanical’s blend purify and improve skin’s texture and tone and Wrap to follow. Infused with essential oils to lift the spirits and clear the mind and Seaweed ocean sea algae, one of nature’s most complete sources of nutrition, our signature sea enzyme wrap will open your senses while providing a deeply detoxifying and re-mineralizing treatment. Finally, relax as you receive a moisturizing treatment. 
    Asra is all for this anything vanilla and chai tea. So when he found out there was a massage that included these scents, he was thrilled to do this massage with Levonna. Levonna was all for massages and with Asra, of course! Levonna and Asra were pampered and enjoying this day off. And how could anyone forget Faust? Of course she got a massage too with the vanilla scent lotion. No massage was complete without a chai tea with a hint of vanilla.
Julian - Seaweed Mineral-Rich Treatment
    The ultimate skin conditioning treatment for the body. This treatment begins with stimulating the skin’s circulation and lymph system with dry brushing. Next, a hydrating massage, layering a warm mineral-rich seaweed serum infused with an aromatic blend of oils. Finish with an effleurage massage and a bit of hydration.
    Julian missed the sailing sea and traveling around the world, wishing to go back out into open waters and see the world again. Anastasia knew exactly what this auburn haired man needed. A massage to relax and some seaweed to make him feel he was back in the water. Of course, Julian wanted to do this with Anastasia, a massage and a custom made drink called Sea Blue, ocean vodka, coconut rum, curacao, lemon juice, pineapple juice with a lemon wedge, toasted coconut flakes, an orchid, and pineapple wedges for garnish. 
Portia - Lemongrass Mimosa Body Scrub
    This two-step aromatic body polish and hydrating ritual will give you a beautiful glow and leave skin feeling deeply nourished. Invigorating citrus notes of lemongrass and floras of mimosa, jasmine, and ylang ylang are blended into shea butter to soften and relieve dryness. Following the scrub, the body is drenched in a relaxing moisturizer promoting deep hydration.
    Portia works long and hard to keep the palace in tip top shape. So a day at the spa was a perfect surprise and way for Portia to relax, thanks to Levonna. Both girls decided to do a body scrub to get rid of all the dead skin cells and feel refreshed. The perfect drink for this type of day was jasmine tea with a hint of mint, the perfect combination to refresh the body and spirits. 
Nadia - Pampered Tropical Bliss Signature Facial
    Glow vibrantly and invigorate your senses with our tropical scented products. There’s a polish for brightening and a rich luxurious lotion used to massage the face, upper body, hands, and feet. A hydrating mineral mask is applied to restore the freshness and vitality of the skin. Rosehip oil and aloe vera calm and hydrate the skin for total rejuvenation resulting in a “zensational”, youthful, vibrant glow.
    Ruling over Vesuvia is a lot for a countess to handle so when there was availability for a day at the spa, Levonna was taken by surprise when Nadia asked her to go with her to the spa. This spa treatment was highly needed and welcomed, accompanied with a sweet hibiscus iced tea with a small hint of mint. Definitely a pampered paradise retreat for the young apprentice with Nadia.
Muriel - Aromatherapy massage
    Aromatherapy uses essential oils derived from plants to affect your mood and alleviate pain. Our signature massage takes you on a customized sensory journey to center body, mind, and spirit through aromatherapy. This massage focuses on core areas of stress, the scalp, neck, shoulders, back, hands, and feet.
    Muriel had heard about aromatherapy and wasn’t on board with the idea of someone touching him. But Evolette deserved a massage and Muriel was not about to be the one to deny it from her. He went along with her and actually enjoyed it, loving the lemon, ginger, and mint sweet tea they offered and shyly asked for another one. His favorite scent was lavender and pine, reminding him of Evolette in the forest.
Lucio - Hot stone massage/Espresso Mud Body Scrub
A full-body Swedish massage that uses hot stones to help release muscle tension. There are additional stones placed on key points of the body to help send you into deep relaxation.
This detoxifying treatment starts with an exfoliation of volcanic pumice and coffee arabica to stimulate circulation and sweep away dead skin cells. Mineral-rich black silt clay, herbal extracts of Indian sarsaparilla and honey help smooth and firm the skin. Ending with an arnica effleurage massage.
Lucio invited Levonna for a massage and had booked the hot stone and espresso mud body scrub, believing it would be the perfect massage for them. He actually enjoyed the hot stones, feeling deep relaxation and the muscle tension fade away. Levonna enjoyed the body scrub, feeling lighter as she was rid of the dead skin cells. This pampered session was paired with a Lahijan tea, hot and relaxing.
Hey I hope you liked it! If not, please feel free to reach out to me and I will be more than happy to fix it! Please reblog and like and share!
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bee-alice · 4 years
Hi I’d like to request Julian with a mc who likes being carried.... thank you ♡
Thank you for requesting this! I will be using the name Anastasia for this request.
There was no doubt about this fact; Anastasia and Julian were almost always together. Whether it was spending time in the market, looking for new herbs and spices, out in the forest, reading poetry beneath a large tree, or by the docks, watching the ships take off to places far off and away from Vesuvia, daydreaming about the adventures they would long to have. There was one secret about Anastasia that only Julian knew. She loved to be carried by him. Whether it was carried bridal style across the gardens of the palace or carried on his back through the field to Portia’s cottage when they were invited for tea and sweet. It didn’t matter; she liked to be carried and held by him. And Julian seemed to enjoy the close contact with her.
Today, they were out by the docks, Julian’s arms behind his back and her hands to her side, holding her satchel strap against her chest. Both were talking about memories that seemed so distant and out of reach. They came to the edge of the pier and saw the shore of the sandy beaches. Both looked at each other and quickly undid their shoes, leaving them beneath the pier, along with her satchel and his jacket, treading the soft sand to the edge of the sea, hand in hand. They settled to where their toes were in the water, salty, crisp air in their nose, a soft smile on their faces.
“My father and mother used to bring me here when I was younger,” she broke the seaside silence first. “He would always carry me into the water, smiling and holding me until I was confident enough to set my feet in the water by myself.” Julian looked at her and smiled a gentle smile before a smirk unfurled on his lips. He held her towards him and lifted her upon his shoulder, her upper-half facing Vesuvia and her lower half towards the sea. Anastasia shrieked in surprise but settled into a laughing fit as Julian marched through the water until he was knees deep in, splashing water up against them, not a care in the world about their clothing.
He set her down and held her towards him, still carrying her but her legs wrapped around his waist, her rear resting on his forearms, her left hand holding his shoulder, the other brushing a loose strand behind her ear. This way of carrying her was new, one they have never done before. But she likes it, seeing him so close and equal height to him. She could see him eye to eye, noticing the dark circles around his eye, the different shades of red and brown in his eyebrows and the curls in his hair. She couldn’t help but get lost in that stormy grey eye of his. Anastasia gently bit her lip and held his cheek, leaning in closer to him. Julian took his moment to observe her beautiful face, those bright eyes of hers filled with adventure and love of life. He smiled at her as she leaned in and closed the distance between them, kissing her soft gentle lips, the soft, salty sea lapping against his legs as the tide came in and out.
Anastasia likes to be carried by Julian, in any way possible. But the way she loved to be carried was him carrying her heart in the most tender, loving way possible. The way only Julian could.
I really hope you liked this! If not, let me know and I can fix it! Thanks for the request! Please reblog and share and give it a like!
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