bdhwbwknnbebd · 2 years
Hi, these are just a few of my theories that I felt like sharing.
Ramshackle dorm was a dorm originally made for Captain Hook
So first, my explanation as to why Ramshackle was abandoned:
-It is shown in TW that the Great Seven (excluding the Queen of Hearts, and maybe Scar?) were capable magic users. Captain Hook is shown to be unable to use magic, perhaps leading to his downfall. Despite the Queen of Heart's inability to use magic, she still led with an iron fist, using rules and punishment to lead. While it could be argued that Hook had his crew to lead, it would have paled in comparison to the whole Queendom that the Queen of Hearts was in charge of, overall, creating a lack of respect towards Captain Hook, eventually being laughed out of the Great Seven and treated as a joke. This could also be why we don't have any characters who seem to be based off of Hook.
Now, my explanation:
-Pirates. In many iconic movies (such as the Pirates of the Caribbean), pirates are portrayed as people with nowhere to go, similar to OP and the ghosts that inhabit Ramshackle.
-Ramshackle is a word that I've always associated with pirates. (I know this reason doesn't hold any standing, I just felt like adding it)
-Captain Hook is a villain that doesn't have any representation in TW. Surely there's a reason for it, like maybe being expelled from the Great Seven.
Now onto my next theory
Who I think all of the kids are twisted from
Riddle - Queen of Hearts
-Very self explanatory
Trey - King of Hearts
-Also, self-explanatory, but the King of Hearts is shown to be timid in comparison to the Queen, as well as giving pardons to the subjects who were set to be beheaded, similar to how Trey tries to get Riddle to take things easy on the Heartslabyul kids.
Ace - Knave of Hearts (Also known as the Jack of Hearts)
-I'm surprised to not see many people making this connection.
-In the original Alice in Wonderland book, the Knave of Hearts is put on trial for stealing a, you guessed it, tart. Draw the connection.
-While the Knave didn't make a big appearance in the Disney version, he did have A appearance, as the Jack of Hearts towards the end of the movie.
Deuce - The White Rabbit
-The white rabbit is shown to be quite obedient when it comes to listening to higher ups, like the Queen, similar to Deuce's dutiful attitude performing tasks from his upperclassmen.
Cater - The Mad Hatter
-I'll be honest, I don't have much evidence on this. It could be argued that Cater and Deuce were made to represent the card soldiers and Ace to be Alice, but that's much less interesting if you ask me.
-The evidence I do have, though, is that Cater is very good at setting up anything relating to unbirthday parties, and what is the Mad Hatter doing when we first meet him? Why yes, he's having a tea party, singing "a Very Merry Unbirthday.
Leona - Scar
Ruggie - Scar's hyenas
Jack - literally no clue uhhhh white fang movie maybe yeah
Azul - Ursula
Jade - Jetsam
Floyd - Flotsam
Kalim - The Sultan
Jamil - Jafar
Vil - The Evil Queen
Epel - The Poison Apple
Rook - The Hunter
Idia - Hades
Ortho - Hercules
-Bear with me here, I saw a really interesting theory about it, I'll figure out how to reference it here
Malleus - Maleficent
Lilia - Diablo and the Fairies (Flora, Fauna, Merryweather)
-For Diablo, they are both sidekicks to the Maleficent characters
-For the Fairies, he raised Silver, who is suspected to be based off of Aurora
Sebek - The Lightning
Silver - Aurora
That concludes my theory talk for today, I'd like to see what other people think of these, so please share your thoughts
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