bcselenita · 10 years
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bcselenita · 10 years
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bcselenita · 10 years
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bcselenita · 10 years
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bcselenita · 10 years
@selenagomez: segways with @justinbieber today :)
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bcselenita · 10 years
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bcselenita · 10 years
@ashbenzo: Cuddle sesh with my favourite, furry girl #dogsrule
@selenagomez: @ashbenzo dogs are perfect cuddle buddies.
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bcselenita · 10 years
It was nice to have someone she could relax around, not constantly being asked about what was going on or how she was feeling with everything that happened. It was probably the furthest thing in her mind at that moment because Niall just had that way about him -- to make everything bad seem better and if it didn't seem better, it just disappeared completely. He was just an all around awesome person to be around. 
Looking over at him with a smile before focusing her eyes back on the ceiling, Selena laughed again but this time it was much quieter and tame. "Bieber, huh? That's why you wanted me to come over, isn't it? I have plans with him tonight, though so it's funny you mentioned him at all." She closed her eyes for a minute before chewing on her lower lip and turning over onto her side. "Only a little bit?" She feigned hurt, her hand moving over her heart to make it more dramatic. "I think my heart literally just broke because the Niall Horan only missed me a little bit." She pushed him away from her playfully, almost to the point where he fell of the bed, "nope. I don't want you to miss me ever again because when you say you do, I'll have to call you a big ol' liar." Sticking her tongue out at him before bursting into laughter, the small girl pushed herself up and leaned over the edge of the bed to grab her bag and pull it onto the bed with them both. "I really do wanna know what you were thinking about showing me on Netflix. What is Teeth? Human Centipede? Give me a clue." 
Possible Dance Party | Selena & Niall
As soon as the laughs started to erupt from her mouth, he couldn’t help but join. It was honestly hard for Niall not to laugh when someone else was, he felt the need to join in on their enjoyment so he could have a taste of their happiness. Once he caught his his breath, he quickly picked up his posture and huffed. “Are you jealous because I can grow a mustache and you can’t, or?” He questioned her in a mocking manner, while quirking an eyebrow to keep up the act. Even though he failed at an American accent, he still carried on trying. It didn’t take long for Niall to reciprocate the hug, he was a cuddly person. When she gave him a kiss on the cheek, he lightly squeezed her sides then pulled away. “Hey, don’t get ahead of yourself, I wasn’t dressed like this for you,” he stuck his tongue out at her before shutting the door behind him. “It was more for the real room service because they looked all snazzy and I looked like shit, those fuckers,” he cursed, remembering the stare he got from the lady who brought him cookies earlier that day. Making his way over to his bed, he noticed Selena drop a bag. Out of curiosity, he leaned over to see what was inside and he found a bunch of CD’s and DVD’s. “Planning on living here forever?” He wiggled his brows, then plopped down besides her. “First thing I saw was Bieber, so I had to ask,” he added. Turning his head, he looked her in the eyes and gave her an iffy look. “What if I only missed you a bit?” Niall asked rather than answering with a flat out, “Yeah, I missed you.” He liked making things complicated.
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bcselenita · 10 years
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bcselenita · 10 years
It was breaking her heart to see him so fragile. The Zayn she knew always seemed to have this fire, this fearlessness, this happy gleam in his eye that was driven by happiness and excitement and what she was looking at now.. it was like he was a shell. A hallowed out version of who he used to be, now afraid, alone and helpless. More than anything she wanted to help him, but she knew better than anyone that mistakes could haunt you for the rest of your life if you let them and emotionally -- she probably wasn't the best support. But he deserved someone, everyone deserved someone to look at them with support and love no matter what kind of mistakes they made or lack of judgement they had in a moment of weakness. 
He pulled away from her hands and she knew he just couldn't find it in himself to admit what he'd done and look someone in the eyes, he was ashamed. That alone seemed like punishment enough -- he was so broken looking and she could've cried right along with him. Despite what people were saying and what they assumed, she genuinely cared about him. She cared about each of the boys and being there for Zayn now was a decision she made without much thought at all because he was an important person in her life. Always seeming to be there for her no matter her mistakes and choices. What kind of person would she be if she never returned that favor back? Especially now. 
Her fingers continued to brush through his soft hair, the smallest of smiles tugging on her lips when she realized it was somewhat calming him down, or at least making him feel slightly better. It was a bit of a surprise that he admitted it, to everything. But she understood, loving two people.. being torn.. Louis had been in the same position and she never made it easy on him. Probably her only regret when it came to him. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of his head before shifting herself on his bed so her back was against the wall and she allowed him to lay his head on her lap. She let him finish, staying silent for a few moments so it could sink in and she could think of some advice. "I hate seeing you like this you know?" She murmured quietly for a second, hating the fact that he felt like disappearing was his only option. Zayn never came off to her as someone who ran from his problems so she knew it had to be bad. "There were so many times these last few days where I wanted to run away and hide from everything, too." She moved her hand to his back and began to rub at his shoulder, tilting her head back against the wall to look at the ceiling, "but God.. Zayn.. you're so strong. You're such a strong person. I know you don't see that right now, but you are. I admire that drive you have in yourself so much. Seeing you hurting really sucks. You made a mistake, you're human. I know you know what you did wasn't fair or right.. but that's the point. You know. You're not trying to justify it and clear your name and you're not trying to put the blame on anyone else and really.. that's all you can do." She sniffled slightly, taking his shirt in her fist and then releasing it to force the tears away. "Niall was having a hard time for so long.. I don't know why. But he was and I know that no matter what he says, he's always going to love you. Your actions affect him because of the love he has for you. If he didn't care, it wouldn't hurt him or make him think about you. And Harry.. he's been so hurt lately, by everyone. Including me and you were there for him and I know if he tells you he loves you, too.. then he does. And you loving two people -- that's normal. That happens so often and you can't blame yourself. Louis.. Louis is an amazing guy.. despite everything. Despite how badly I've been towards him -- he's an amazing and forgiving person. Especially when it comes to you boys. He loves you, too. I know he does." 
Comfort | Selena & Zayn
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bcselenita · 10 years
The excitement in Selena only seemed to grow as she waited outside his room but when she was met with familiar blue eyes, she felt calmer -- content even. His horrible attempt at an American accent and the fact that he was wearing a mustache made her double over and laugh, holding her sides tightly and trying to keep herself from collapsing to the floor completely. "W-what are you d-doing, you f-freak!" She shook her head, her laughter still echoing and no matter how hard she tried to hold it in, there was no use. 
The brunette absolutely hated her laugh, it was so childlike and annoying which many people never failed to point it. It made her a bit more self conscious but this year was going to be different. She wanted to ignore the hateful criticism and focus strictly on her friends and her family without the drama of the last month following her. It was a lot easier said than done, but she was through with continuing it. Wrapping her arms around Niall's frame, she pulled the blonde boy in for a hug and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "So since you're practically dressed as a butler, does this mean you have to do everything I say? I was sort of expecting a messy-haired Ireland boy who was still in bed and awaiting some cuddles if I'm being honest." She shrugged simply and made her way inside, dropping a bag of movies and CDs depending on whatever he wanted to do before she dropped down comfortably on his bed and stretched with a smile. "You better say you missed me too or I'll be upset." 
Possible Dance Party | Selena & Niall
Dragging himself out form underneath the bed, he gradually lifted himself up to his feet and skipped over to the restroom. As weird as it may sound, he quite enjoyed being underneath the bed. It was almost like a safety blanket that kept him away from the world. Most people thought it was strange, so he figured it’d be best to get out from his hiding spot before Selena showed up. Excitement shot throughout Niall as he thought about his hangout session with Selena. There was something about her that brought a smile to his face, and maybe it was the fact that they truly got each other. Sure, they’ve had their little outbursts, but forgive and forget; That was the way to keep going.
After brushing his teeth for the third time that day, Niall smiled to himself in the mirror and admired his teeth. Before his braces, he used to cringe at his reflection or cover up his mouth when he laughed because he was embarrassed. He knew he shouldn’t have let the comments effect him, but once he blew up on the X Factor more and more people started to comment on his teeth and that crushed his ego a bit, so he fixed them. Shaking his head at the thought, he walked over to his bed and opened the pack of mustaches he had bought before returning to the hotel that morning. Niall stuck the handlebar mustache above his lips, then wiggled it a bit to test out its stability. He did it just in time, too, because once it was cleared someone knocked on the door. Although the voice said room service, the nickname gave it away; It was Selena. He rushed over to the door, not wanting to keep her waiting any longer, and swung it open. When he was met with familiar brown eyes, a smile crept on his face. “Whose Blondie-Bear?” He questioned in a fake American accent.
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bcselenita · 10 years
Selena: Yet I agreed to everything you asked of me, okay. I love seeing how that works. Peace.
Eleanor: You’re the one who keeps replying. I’m done with this. I’m going to be with Louis now. Just know that you’re hurting the guy you claim to have once loved, and cared about. And the fact that it doesn’t seem to phase you shows your true character. Goodbye, Selena.
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bcselenita · 10 years
@arianagrande: @selenagomez thank u for ur kind words. love u sel
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bcselenita · 10 years
Selena: And in my words, "you both can kindly get the fuck out of my life and my business from now on." Because until I hurt someone he loves, he doesn't need to be coming at me. I got his warning, I got yours. You both can both be done now like I am. 
Eleanor: And in Tyler Oakley's words: "I appreciate your concern, but kindly fuck off." Just stop hurting Louis. :) x
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bcselenita · 10 years
And you won't come off of anon because you're a pussy. Leave Ari the fuck alone.
and you dont have anything to say back because youre a pussy.
I’m not saying anything back because you’ve already hurt my feelings, what more do you want?
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bcselenita · 10 years
@arianagrande: @selenagomez yeah ur right. it's just hard not to listen to everything people are saying about me
@selenagomez: @arianagrande I know babyg, I know. But you can't let them get to you, you really can't. You're beautiful and you have such an amazing heart. Don't let them take that away.
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bcselenita · 10 years
Selena: How is me hanging out with Niall or comforting Zayn going to pin them against him? That's what I don't understand. We don't talk about Louis, we don't mention him so no, there's really no reason for him to be hurt or freak out or have you involved because there's no problem except for the one he's continuing to have. I'm not doing anything to hurt him, he's taking it that way and it's not my fault. I didn't get them to do shit, they felt a right to stick up for me just as you feel a right to text me right now. Louis never told you to stop, he never stuck up for me when he knew you were wrong also. Which honestly, oh well. It's the past. I don't care. But stop bitching about my friends and accusing me of making them attack you because I didn't do shit. They knew I was hurting, they lashed out. Just as you do. Just as everyone does. In Louis' words, "I can't control what they do, ignore it. Let it go."
Eleanor: And I've let it go as well. Like I said, I don't really give a shit what you do in your life. But when what you do bothers Louis to a point where he actually feels like his friends might be persuaded against him, THAT'S when I get involved. Yes, and as I stated before, we both did things we shouldn't have. This isn't about you and I. This is about you stop hurting my fucking boyfriend. Just hang out with your friends that you got to attack me on twitter instead of the ones that are in his fucking band for a while.
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