bachchanite · 9 years
730 DAYS
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January 13th, 2015
Yes, today's celebration time.
730 days. 2 Years. Being Bachchanite.
Time flies. So fast. It feels like only yesterday that I fell for you. When I finally realized I had someone new to idolize.
Now..two years already. The most happiest years in my life, Amitji. You made them so beautiful, so easy to be passed. 
Many replies on blog and twitter. all of the are precious to me. I still go jumping upside down whenever I get them. They never fail to warm my heart, never fail to bring my mood up everytime it's on the lowest level. 
This second year also..well maybe..more beautiful than the first one. Why? Because this year..
1. you finally knew that there's one girl named Erlika who adores you.
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2. I knew that I got your love maybe even at the tiniest amount.
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3. You finally knew that my fave film of yours is Saudagar and you were and always will be my #Moti.
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4. You finally saw and loved my artwork! That was the highest compliment I got regarding the work I made. Gosh!
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5. Another dream comes true. One EF made it true and it was a surprise actually. I didnt know anything about it until he told me. I remember clearly, I jumped upside down, screamed my lungs out. Crazy day it was :)))
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6. And last but not least. The most precious one. Since the first day I declared myself as his EF, not even once I even dreamed to get this. Yes I submitted my data to his digital team, but..hallloooo..among almost 30mil fans out there, man..my chance is thinner than thinnest ice! But look what Mr. Bachchan did. He's an asli jaadugar!
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well...those six are yeah the most memorable..most of points on my Sacred Bucket List ticked already. Thank You Amitji. You gave me such a blast year and because of you, being 30 is not that scary!
I Love You, Amitabh. Much.
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bachchanite · 10 years
Never had even the tiniest gut to wish that someday I would get this! Never.  But nothing is impossible, eh?
"Dream! For God will embrace your dreams" - Andrea Hirata
I'm happiest.
The Oberoi Grand, Kolkata Nov 3/4, 2014 Mon/Tue 12:30 am
Wishing Erlika … for her birthday yesterday .. love and all the happiness !!
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bachchanite · 10 years
The One with Killer Eyes.
Those Eyes... My sole reason why I fell for this beautiful guy. -erlika-
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More screencaps from 1080p BDRip are here http://amitabhbachchan.ucoz.net/photo/films/sarkar_2005/186
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bachchanite · 10 years
Finally Unlocked
Phew. Yeah, phew.
May 1st, 2014.
For some, that day is another common day. Just first day of May. But for me, that particular date is..well..special.
I have this list, #SacredBucketList I call it. A little bit different with my #BucketList. On that sacred one, I compile many things I want to achieve related to The Big Guy -from the simplest to the most impossible.
That night, I was busy tweeting with one of EF without even realized that one magical moment would happen. Until she dropped the bomb..
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First reaction : I froze. Just sat there and stared. My world stopped..just like that. Not knowing what to do -should I "tweet first then open the blog" or "open the blog first then tweet"?. After 2 longest minutes, I got back to reality and replied..
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With shaking fingers, I typed the blog address slowly. Once it opened, I closed my eyes after saw one little red circle.
There ! One Notification !
Oh Lord...Oh Lord. What was that? Which list? What did I get? What did he write? Thousands and thousands of questions filled up the head. Brain swollen, ready to explode. Lungs suddenly dried up, forced me inhale deeper and longer.
and then...I opened my eyes..
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UNLOCKED ! One point on #SacredBucketList is finally UNLOCKED ! "Name written by Amitji" is ticked...UNLOCKED !
I started to scream (then I remembered it was midnight!..so I did it silently). Jumped upside down. Danced around. And before I realized..tears fell..flowed like a river. Yeah..I cried ! Happy tears of course.That one simple sentence..
Moment after those crazy things kinda hard to explain..everything was blurry. The only thing remembered is I tweeted like a maniac, one tweet after another. One or two EFs came and started asking me questions. Some got replied immediately..some not because I fell asleep..tired being in an adrenaline rush.
So..that's my crazy story. Never had guts to even imagine that those lists would be unlocked. Because...he seems unreachable. Turned out..yeah he lives somewhere afar, but as close as my very next breath. He gives us -his fans every possible way to reach him. We just have to find that way and try to communicate. I know, some maybe thinks that was just a usual thing, but it meant the world to me :)
Now I'll try my best to get all points on #SacredBucketList ticked. One point at a time. Hosh Hosh (9^o^)9
ps: thank you very much to bushra-ibrahim, for telling me and helping me to answer all of those tweets. Most importantly...for keeping me sane the whole night !
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bachchanite · 10 years
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Party With Bhoothnath (2)
Yaaaa..been a while since my last post. Had a pretty hectic life, pffft, thank God..all sorted out.
Now back with blog..so Party With Bhoothnath..yeah..those are several gifs made from the video. Actually..I love the last scene where they burst into skeleton and dance ! But too long and too big to make into gif :(
enjoy those gifs for now.
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bachchanite · 10 years
Party With Bhoothnath
Party With The Bhoothnath is the third song released for public. Catchy tunes with spooky theme of video makes this song boomed easily. Got the most viewed on youtube among all songs of #BhoothnathReturns.
A day before the release day, T-Series gave all EFs in the world one important announcement.
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HAH ! Teaser ! Teaser of this most awaited song released SOON. Waited anxiously till T-Series official account on Youtube launched the link. Phew..enough to feed the hunger of curiousity :)
ehm...the next day..another announcement came ! now from #BhootnathReturns twitter.
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uh yeaaah ! not long from it...we're in preparation to party !!! waiting and waiting and waiting...finally...
My timeline suddenly screamed out loud...just like when #PartyToBantiHai released. RTs, Mentions, Favorites flooded like a mudslides. We're partying once again. and it got bigger and bigger  when two of my fellow EFs Amit Shukla and Anat Magen captured one more precious prize. Yeah #PartyWithBhoothnath became #TwitterTrends in India. Yuhoooo !!
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partying all along...all days..all nights. Cant get enough of this song. After 4days...another happy news...
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#1Million hits !! hooraah !! The house is full, baby ~(^0^~)(~^0^)~ my guess is that today they hit almost 6-7million. nice...nice..nice.
and for all who want to sing along with us...here's the lyrics video.
maybe some of you wondering why I write this now..quite late, huh? Yeah...this happened a month ago..but I want to remember anything that happened that particular week. So..I make it immortal by writing it here in my little blog.
Hope you enjoy this as much I did that day.
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bachchanite · 10 years
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Bhoothnath Returns Promotions (1)
"Bhootnath Returns" Promotions at Reliance Digital Xpress, Mumbai on 22 March. Many pictures captured from that event, by many professional photographers. Accidentally found some hi-res pictures of Shahenshah cutest expressions from couple of websites.
Thought it must be nice to put them in this little blog of mine. Enjoy !
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bachchanite · 10 years
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Har Har Gange (2)
Ahaay...another facial expressions...another GIFs are made. His face in the last GIF is aww aww aaaaw....how adorable !!! priceless !
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bachchanite · 10 years
Har Har Gange
This is the second song released from #BhoothnathReturns. It made the world dance 4 days after #PartyToBantiHai announced. Bhoothnath Returns itself that did the announcement on their twitter account.
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Another ear-catchy tunes. The opening started with srbachchan's long dialogue that took only one take to make ! Rest is as funky as the first song. Listen to this and I'm sure you can't stop dancing :)))
The Video
The Lyrics
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bachchanite · 10 years
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Party To Banti Hai (2)
Lately..I'm kinda addicted to make GIFs. To immortalize his cutest expressions.
Those above are made from Parti To Banti Hai video. My favorite parts of the clip.
So..yeah..ENJOY !!
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bachchanite · 10 years
Party To Banti Hai
April 11th, 2014. The day when #Bhoothnath finally back to Earth to haunt its inhabitants. From theater to theater, small city to big city, one country to another.
#Bhoothnath Returns will be BIG. I know it will.
So I'm going to post #BhoothnathReturns stuffs for the next few days..songs, posters, and dialogue clips.
First one would be...
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yeah..the famous PARTY TO BANTI HAI. This catchy tunes released on March 8th, 2014 @2pm. I remember vividly I waited anxiously once #BhoothnathReturns made an announcement on their #Twitter (@BhoothnathReturns) the day before.
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after they announced it, my timeline flooded. Flooded by RTs, Mentions and Favorites by fellow EFs. It was such a great moment to remember (that was my first time experiencing this).
THEN, March 8th arrived. Another shocking news announced !
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uh yeah ! you read it just right. The Shahenshah himself would release the song. Cool na?
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That day was awesome. At least for me. The one who just experience this kind of moment for the very first time. Busy watching on #Youtube, TimeLine moved so fast, notifications kept ringing like there's no tomorrow *bruink bruink bruink*...we were partying !!! And this one song stuck on my playlist till today ~(^O^~)(~^O^)~
ah..now time to share the videos.
The Song (Original One)
The Remix (sung by Mika Singh)
The Lyrics
The Making 
This video shows us how The Shahenshah did all the moves and grooves on the video. His energy, his enthusiasm, the way he listened patiently and respectively to Ganesh Acharya (the choreographer), the way he interacted with all casts and crews is just...ah he's such a humble man. Amazing..just amazing !
OKAY..that's it, folks !
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bachchanite · 10 years
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Bhoothnath Ji srbachchan doing his magic spell Bhoothnatham Bhoothnatham Bhoothnatham on #WeChat.
That facial expression when he gets electric shock and turns into skeleton is priceless. This guy is undeniably funny. Love..love..love :))
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bachchanite · 10 years
Here's a little part of Karan Johar's Koffee With Karan. Just a small part but..yeah..describes The Shahenshah the best. And it is spoken by his amazing Son Abhishek Bachchan.
Karan Johar : The tagline that you would use for the three following big brands of Bollywood.
Abhishek Bachchan : Okay
Karan Johar : uhm...Amitabh Bachchan.
Abhishek Bachchan : He doesn't need a tagline. His name is ENOUGH.
Yeah..his son is right. srbachchan doesn't need any more taglines. One simple answer but has a deepest meaning.
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bachchanite · 10 years
When Bachchan Recites Bachchan (6)
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मनुष्यकीमूर्ति (Idol of Man)
देवलोक से मिट्टी लाकर मैं मनुष्य की मूर्ति बनाता! I am a sculpture make idols  Of human with the clays from heaven
रचता मुख जिससे निकली हो वेद-उपनिषद की वर वाणी, काव्य-माधुरी, राग-रागिनी जग-जीवन के हित कल्याणी, हिंस्र जन्तु के दाढ़ युक्त जबड़े-सा पर वह मुख बन जाता! देवलोक से मिट्टी लाकर मैं मनुष्य की मूर्ति बनाता! The mouth that preached  Glories of ved and Upanishad serene Beauty in poetry, melody, music and lyrics  All for the well-being of the human And then a face attached  Like a wild animal in animation  I am a sculpture make idols  Of human with the clays from heaven
रचता कर जो भूमि जोतकर बोएँ, श्यामल शस्य उगाएँ, अमित कला कौशल की निधियाँ संचित कर सुख-शान्ति बढ़ाएँ, हिस्र जन्तु के नख से संयुत पंजे-सा वह कर बन जाता! देवलोक से मिट्टी लाकर मैं मनुष्य की मूर्ति बनाता! The one who ploughs and seeds the earth  Reaps harvest in dark fields, amen  Finest arts and artistry the treasure  Adds peace and prosperity and brighten  The paws with nails of that wild animal  The making , the best at the imagination  I am a sculpture make idols  Of human with the clays from heaven
दो पाँवों पर उसे खड़ाकर बाहों को ऊपर उठवाता, स्वर्ग लोक को छू लेने का मानो हो वह ध्येय बनाता, हाथ टेक धरती के ऊपर हाय, नराधम पशु बन जाता! देवलोक से मिट्टी लाकर मैं मनुष्य की मूर्ति बनाता! Making him stand at his two feet Raising hands as if in anticipation  Touch the heaven in all its glory  May be that is his only motivation Lo and behold crawling at his hands  Here comes the beast in its demon  I am a sculpture make idols  Of human with the clays from heaven
Translated by Mr. Rajeev Ranjan Posted on srbachchan's Day 2154
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bachchanite · 10 years
Media : The famous poet William Wordsworth once said " Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them". Since you are the Greatest Actor in Bollywood...
AmitJi : That is NOT correct.
next is sentences in Hindi which I don't understand (I apologize). But his straight answer catches my attention.
AmitJi : Wordsworth also said that "Child is the Father of Man". And this guy  (pointing to Parth Bhalerao) is the child in the film and I'm the father. So..uh..HE'S MUCH GREATER THAN I AM.
ah..such a humble man..Most Humble I must say ❤ ❤ ❤
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bachchanite · 10 years
“Rishtey mein to hum tumhare baap lagte hain, naam hai Shahenshah” – (Film: Shahenshah, 1988)
Spoken by Shahenshah/Amitabh Bachchan
Translation : “In relationship, I am your father. Name is Shahenshah.”
This film released 26 years ago. But look at the way Shahenshah recites his very own lines, feels like he had it just yesterday.
so...yeah...HE ROCKS !!!
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bachchanite · 10 years
#MostPeacefulFace (1)
yeah..since I'm feeling so sleepy right now...maybe this lovely picture represents my situation at best.
Night everyone !!
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part of the scene … not what you may be thinking, of me at work !!
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