azurepride · 11 years
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Oh hi. So uhm, sorry about that whole 'semi-hiatus' thing being an actual hiatus. I didn't realize how occupying college would be and how my inspiration completely deserted me. WELL, it's coming back now so I'm going to begin working on posts, revamping this blog, and hopefully you guys will have me back. <3
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azurepride · 11 years
[Semi-Hiatus Announcement]
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Hey guys. I know I haven't been around much, and I'm sorry about that. I started school about...a month ago for the first time in two years. To put it lightly college is running me ragged. I have papers due usually once a week as well as math homework every night. On top of that my inspiration for Zack isn't anywhere near the level it used to be. I would put him on Hiatus, however, I do plan on posting once a week, or every two weeks when I have spare time and I can actually think coherently. I've also been considering revamping the blog, e.g. throwing up a bunch of head canons (finally) and possibly changing to a canonverse Zack, as keeping straight of who is operating in what universe can be a pain in the ass. o uo Also I know I owe a few people starters, and I will be getting to those eventually as well. -sob- Either way, thank you for putting up with me and welcome to new followers! c:
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azurepride · 11 years
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"Cloooooud," Zack hummed, drawling out the other man's name. It was fun to do, even if on occasion he only did it to see if he could ruffle the man's feathers at all. Cloud was a bit of a pain to anger at times, at least around him. Reaching over he poked the other's nose, smirking a bit. "You keep staring off into space. What're you thinking about so intently?"
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azurepride · 11 years
ooc//: Hiya! I have done welcomer starters for new followers in awhile, but I was curious if any of you all wanted some? -I'm probably fairly late, but if you're really new ignore that last part ;D- If so, please like or send me an ask, as if you plot with me you won't get something completely random and out of left field. xDD;
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azurepride · 11 years
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If there was one thing that Zack couldn't complain about, it was being comforted by a pretty woman. It didn't really make him feel any better, but it was something he tried to focus on instead of his near hopeless situation. "Alright...I guess if anyone could help me find it, right now it would be you." After all, he had no idea what to do. Slowly he stood up straight, beginning to gather himself as best he could. A frown still decorated his face, but it was considerably smaller then before. "I trust you.."
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"My name is Rein Li Vale." She leans in toward him; shields him, so to speak, by wrapping an arm about his shoulder as he slinks further into his own frame. She’s never quite witnessed a man behave like this. It makes her feel oddly… sympathetic. "I can’t say I’ve ever heard of the planet Gaia, but we’ll make work of finding it, yes?" She pats his shoulder next. "Why don’t you follow me and we’ll find a terminal to see what there is to find about the location of your home?"
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azurepride · 11 years
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There was a pause as the man reflected upon the summoners question. For several moments, nothing came to mind. He frowned slightly, and shook his head a bit. "Nothing I think you could do." He doubted even Yunalesca could revive the dead.  Instead his eyes shifted onto her face, and smiled a bit. "Gongaga, originally. But Gaia..it's a different planet from this one. A thousand years in the future."
azurepride started following you
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"Well Zack, since you seem to have an idea of who I am, I have no need to introduce myself. So tell me, is there something you wish to do?"
It was actually quite a nice change to meet someone who not only knew who she was, but held her in high regards. Perhaps there were more people like this young man around. Fashion really did change in 1000 years though…
"Where are you from Zack?"
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azurepride · 11 years
"Yeah," Zack confirmed with a small smile appearing on his face. He struggled with it for a moment, eyes betraying his inner turmoil for a brief moment. He was unsure whether or not to tell her about everything. After several moments of debating internally, he sighed,a  hand moving to ruffle the back of his head causing the spikes to become even more haphazard. "We ran into a problem on our last mission...which is why I was gone for so long." He paused, allowing her to process the information. "I don't really want to go into details now, but I'm not really with the company anymore. So you can't let anyone know I was here, or that you saw me. Not even your mother...and especially not the TURK's." His brow furrowed slightly in concentration, before his eyes flickered about the church to make sure it was still only them. "You can do that for me, right? I promise to keep you safe though."
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You're back! (starter for @azurepride)) |
"Hm," the woman hummed, nodding her head in understanding. She knew that in his line of work, Zack would always be on and off of missions at a very….abstract pace. Despite the slight feeling of loneliness without him there, she withstood time, hoping she would be able to see his smiling face once more. After all, that was her wish; she wanted to spend for time with him. 
Chestnut brows furrowed slightly as the young Cetra pulled away slightly in order to examine Zack’s face. “It’s okay,” she assured, giving him a small smile. “You’ll be around from now on?” Aerith repeated in a questioning manner. "You promise?"
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azurepride · 11 years
azul-tragedy replied to your post: -whispers dramatically- ITS MY BIRTHDAY.
((Thank you. :D!))
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azurepride · 11 years
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-whispers dramatically- ITS MY BIRTHDAY.
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azurepride · 11 years
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//First week of school was a pain. First day of work was also a pain, but at least monies. So sorry for the lack of activity. e-e; I'm hoping to do a bunch of replies today or tomorrow, depending on when I decide to do my homework. Either way, love you all, stay classy. ;|
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azurepride · 11 years
"Oh well, Gongaga had flowers. Not a lot, just the wild ones. We were mostly a farming village, and there was a fairly dense forest surrounding us for the most part. Where I live now, Midgar, flowers don't really grow there at all." It was some sort of side effect of the various amounts of pollution and mako the city pumped out. The reactor obviously didn't help anything, and probably made it far more worse then a normal metropolis. He didn't think that some of the other major cities had the problem with plant life being basically missing. "Hm, yeah, it kind of does." He admitted with a bit of a shrug. "It's probably because you have an air of innocence about you, actually." Zack admitted briefly, giving the girl another smile. It didn't help Zack was horrible at guessing ages. Angeal had once given him a talk about he was to never assume a woman's age, or if he did never to voice it out loud. Apparently it was bad to do so...and got you slapped. He had seen Reno get slapped once, it had been hilarious.
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Tilting her head slightly Rin’s eyes lit up with even more confusion at the comment. "You don’t see them a lot where you come from…? What do you mean? Don’t tell me your hometown barely has any flowers? If so that’s awful! You should do something about it, I can’t imagine living someplace that didn’t have any flowers, its unthinkable, I bet that must make you very sad, doesn’t it Mister?" In Rin’s mind flowers made everything better, in fact they practically made the whole world go round… To think that there were places that were beginning to be desolate of them? She couldn’t bear it, it was too sad!  
Though I suppose its becoming common-place these days what with Shinra having taken over the whole country… If they keep it up, pretty soon any natural greenery will be gone and in its place will just be cold, dark smoggy cities… No, I don’t want that! 
Her train of thought broke however by the mysterious man’s next few comments, chasing those dreary, unhappy thoughts away Rin managed to summon up a kind smile as she replied, “Mmm, that’s okay Mister I get told that a lot! Hee-hee, maybe its my natural womanly charm? I heard that tends to make a girl look younger, that or the fact that most of my traveling companions happen to be men, they’ve probably done wonders on my discovery of my feminity.” She teased. 
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azurepride · 11 years
Okay so SOPA is back, guys. This time it’s trying to make streaming copyrighted material a felony. Do you know what that means? It means you can be charged and even do jail time for
Making fanart
Covering a song
If there’s a song on on the background of a video, it still counts
Writing fanfiction 
There’s a petition to stop it from happening, and it still needs 82,000 signatures so please sign it here
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azurepride · 11 years
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//Okay, mostly caught up now unless I missed anyone. The only people I owe now are specimen-s, rapusodosu, and planetsflower. I'll do those later when I'm not so tired/derpy.
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azurepride · 11 years
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"I'm from a city called Midgar..I work there. It's...the planet is known as Gaia." He didn't know if that helped her at all. He just knew he wasn't there anymore, and nothing she said or anything he saw was familiar to him. "My name is Zack Fair."
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"Are you alright?" Rein stepped forward with discretion. She sensed his confusion; it was everywhere around him. "Keep calm… — tell me your name; I will give you mine; and we’ll find a way back to where you’re from." 
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azurepride · 11 years
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                                   Believed him to be dead...? That was a curious thing. He hadn't remembered dying, except in nightmares. But that was just that...they were no more then dreams, haunting his subconscious. A vague shrug was given to the silver haired man, turning around to face him. "I'm not that easy to kill Seph, you should know that." A simple response, for he didn't know how else to answer the other's words. He'd heard it before, but here he was. His heart beat steadily in his chest, lungs taking in oxygen. He was very much alive and well.
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     And so they were still alive.  Hero, captive, free; all cursed with the freedom of winged bliss, the snicker of Mother’s tinkling laugh at the back of the skull, which so beautifully resounds as absinthe visage lands on the puppy and the hero.  But were both not dead?  And if not, would Mother force him to kill them?  These two he held in high regard still, Genesis with his love of his goddess and Zack with his love of pride.      As if in a trance, her voice flickers.  But— ‘I’m sorry, Mother, but I can only deal with one phantom at a time.  These two are not unfavorable; they will take my precedence.’      “…I believed you dead.”
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azurepride · 11 years
A little relieved sigh escaped full pink lips, relieving the tension he felt when he had been expecting the axe to fall on him. "Good...you know I didn't mean to. Just...work kept me busy." It would be best for him to leave out the details, at least for now. There was no real point in upsetting her, or alerting anyone that he was here now. He felt as though they would know anyways, and the thought alone made him uneasy. Still, he would wear the easy smile he usually wore even when he didn't feel like it. Aerith had been one of the only one's to see him truly break down after Angeal's death, and though he trusted her, there was still her safety to think of. Allowing Aerith to rest against him, he gently began to rub her back with one of his leatherclad hands. "I know...I'm sorry. I'll be around from now on..." Probably more so then she would expect. But he didn't want to talk about it here.
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You're back! (starter for @azurepride)) |
Seeing as she was greeted with open arms, Aerith jumped into them, latching herself around the ravenette in a tight hug. She sighed, laying her head to rest on the spot where his collarbone met his shoulder. Brunette brows furrowed as she lifted her head, positioning herself to face the man. 
"Of course I forgive you," she assured, giving him a gentle smile. “Why wouldn’t I? I trust that you had no malicious intentions with your absence.” The Cetra gave a single nod; chestnut tresses bobbing along with the movement of her head. 
She went to lay her head back down on the same spot as before, allowing a feeling of relief to fill her body. “I’ve…missed you,” Aerith admitted quietly, sighing once again. "A lot, to be honest."
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azurepride · 11 years
{Oh, wow, that really must suck so horribly. Hopefully you can get a new pc soon! ALSO...I'm kind of amused they'd do that in Sims 4, but it is a progression of the character creator. I guess everyone needs a big booty. ;| xDD }
{ I had the occasion to play The Sims 3 on the pc just for two months, then it obtained the video card damaged and started to turn off by itself. It is also frustrating because when you’re writing a reply and it suddenly turn off… You lose everything you wrote and this happens to me most of the time ;A; If you hear someone screaming in anger… Then, it’s me B3
The Sims 3 is beautiful! But I’m curious to see how The Sims 4 will be! I saw some pictures about it and you can edit the person as you like it to be! For example, do you want that it obtain a big ass but her belly must be flat? You can x3 }
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