averagedout-blog · 7 years
Taro: (After seeing a dead body) WHY DID YOU KILL THIS PERSON, AYANO?!
Ayano: (Holding knife in her hand) I do not kill people. That is… that is my LEAST favorite thing to do.
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
Taro, adopting all the lost childrens he sees: The Ultimate Anime Big Brother
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
Senpai’s personality after everything/in the heartbroken verse:
He closes himself off completely. People died because of him, and he can barely live with that. His sister, his childhood friend; they all suffered because of him. First, he wanted to kill himself. Then he wanted to kill Yandere chan. Then, he just wished to have never existed.
Whether he confronts Yandere chan, turns her over to the police, etc changes depending on the thread (I’ll release the ‘canon’ later). 
It isn’t hard for him to stop talking to people since he had always been a bit of a loner. The biggest change was the self hatred he now felt and distrust of others. He doesn’t trust them, but he still wants to protect them. He doesn’t like them, but he knows that dislike is just a misguided hatred of himself and Yandere chan.
He was always afraid of breaking others, and now he’s broken too.
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
More on Senpai’s personality before the heartbroken verse:
Part of the reason he stayed away from people is that he liked them a lot, and he was scared of hurting them. It wasn’t to an extreme though. It only hit him hard when people around him started dying. His mother had always been a fragile person, she cried easily and had broken after his father left. He learned to treat people very gently for fear of them breaking too.
That’s actually part of the reason he and Osana are such good friends. Yes she was there for him but she’s as tough as nails and he doesn’t worry about her hurting so easily.
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
❝ i need to know that i can be human. ❞
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     “Do you.. not feel human?” The tone wasn’t judgmental rather.. confused. Taro, who had always received love from his mother, from his sister, and in turn returned it simply couldn’t understand.
     What even made a human?
     Greek philosophy might talk about about the soul, or Sigmund Freud about desires. But even with all the books he’d read, Taro didn’t have an answer.
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
     “E-eh?? That’s not necessary!” He had heard. How embarrassing. Still, the offer was really tempting. How many times was he supposed to decline before thankfully accepting the offer so the interaction was considered polite?
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     “I really don’t want to trouble you Ayato san..” Ayato was a kind, charismatic person. He could often be seen helping or just making others feel good in general. Practically the opposite of a loner Taro, who felt too awkward to call him by the nickname everyone seemed to use.
@averagedout / continued from this. 
     oh. that was a problem, wasn’t it? not that senpai had to walk home– after all, if he did, ayato could just follow along– but the growling of taro’s stomach, a sign that maybe walking home (a couple of miles, as ayato knew the route well by now) wouldn’t be so convenient. given a moment for thought, the solution was simple; it was also a good excuse to get closer to him. just the kind of excuse ayato had been waiting for, in fact…
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     ayato clapped his hands together, donning a beaming grin that boasted absolute confidence.  ❝ don’t sweat it, senpai! i’ve got a little extra money to throw around. gotta get you home before you starve to death, yeah~? ❞
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
"Wait, do you not have any money?"
     This was really embarrassing. The last thing Taro wanted to do was trouble a classmate, and for bus money no less. His home wasn’t that far. Surely he could manage walking a couple miles..
     “I forgot my wallet at home.” It was a pretty lame excuse but he’d been running late. Instead of grabbing his wallet The Never Ending Story had taken priority. Had reading the next chapter really been worth it? …Yes.
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     “Ah, it’s fine though! The walk isn’t that-” his stomach growled and Taro felt his face flush a bit, “-that far.” Maybe he hadn’t noticed?
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
so with that update I have Muse(tm)
like or reblog for a starter?
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
Said During D&D Starter Meme
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
❝ you may leave school, but school never leaves you. ❞  ❝ things don’t change. we change. ❞ ❝ do you know who i am? ❞ ❝ i’m gonna tell her that i love her. ❞ ❝ you have some jalapeno sauce here , next to this jar of eyeballs. ❞ ❝ talk to me , i’m fluent in genius. ❞ ❝ and this is why i cook alone. ❞ ❝ so when do we get to drink the wine? ❞ ❝ don’t answer a question with a question! ❞ ❝ you’re see beauty in everything and everyone no matter where you go. ❞ ❝ you’re on speaker , so behave. ❞ ❝ or what? you’ll spank me? ❞ ❝ you know i love you , right? ❞ ❝ i know what it’s like to be afraid of your own mind. ❞ ❝ i’ve got a glock levelled at your croch. ❞ ❝ i need to know that i can be human. ❞ ❝ you’re afraid you’ve let people down? ❞ ❝ that’s the sweetest and saddest thing i’ve ever heard. ❞ ❝ i think deep down , we’re all capable of unspeakable things. ❞ ❝ there are things we don’t want to happen but have to accept. ❞ ❝ we save one life , we save the world. ❞ ❝ can you imagine my mom in a mule? ❞ ❝ everybody wants to go to heaven , but nobody wants to die. ❞ ❝ right now , what’s my worst quality? ❞ ❝ just keep it clean and don’t call me honey. ❞ ❝ sexy accent , badge and gun. just your type. ❞ ❝ if you want to be mad at someone , be mad at me. ❞ ❝ people need to know that they’re important. ❞ ❝ what , did you join a boyband? ❞ ❝ hey , wanna read? i always read when i’m anxious. ❞ ❝ i didn’t know you were a bad flyer. ❞ ❝ sit down and shut up. ❞ ❝ i like knocking. ❞ ❝ you know what? i’m done being nice. ❞ ❝ do not make me hurt you. ❞ ❝ now i have that memory burned in my mind for the rest of my life. ❞ ❝ hey , what’s with you? you need a hug or something? ❞ ❝ no , i understand. i just don’t care. ❞
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
Senpai: God say's 'hate the sin, not the sinner' but damn! I fucking hate you!
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
//I’m losing my life to Youtube but at least it’s giving me plot ideas
au where after Yandere chan/kun has confessed to Taro under the cherry tree and they’re dating he’s been really badly hurt by someone and is crying. They offer to help him get a harmless ‘ich luge’ revenge. But when they lure the person out the person is killed instead of just scared shitless. Taro’s sanity drops lower, especially if a lot of the rivals have been killed, and he just breaks here and accepts this as his new life.
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
Yandere-Chan: I'm gong to taco bell yall want anything?
Senpai: I want my family back.
Yandere-Chan: Yea i got like 12 dollars.
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
Maybe she shouldn’t stick around very long. One never knew where or when Ayano Aishi was watching - she’d rather not be considered a new target just for happening to wander someplace where Aishi’s beloved senpai happened to be. That would cause a lot of problems.
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The response was… interesting, and likely not true at all. As far as this boy was concerned, it was probably something like the end of the world. From what she knew of him, he’d never really been like this before. It was something that often confused her, the reason she distanced herself from others - if gaining emotional attachments to others left people open to so much pain, why even connect in the first place?
“Hm. Well, far be it from me to push you to talk. That said… It’d probably do more harm than good to clam up too much.” Then again, maybe he’d be better off in the long run, considering the reason he was here.
     He pushed himself to his feet. He couldn’t imagine talking about this to a stranger. Usually he’s talk about anything that went wrong with Osana. A knot formed in his throat and he swallowed down the acrid taste. He couldn’t talk to Hanako either. Even if she hadn’t liked Osana too much, she was still torn up about someone she knew dying, and he’d had to comfort her. Forcing his own burdens on her on top of that just isn’t what a good big brother would do.
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     “It’s almost time for class isn’t it?” Actually, there was still 20 minutes left to lunch. One might not assume that by the empty rooftop, but not many were interested in eating where someone had died just the day before.
♦ ~error-missinginfo
Send ♦ for your muse to catch mine crying
‘Theres been a death at Akademi High School. We need help right away!’
    He should have done something. Of course, what could he have done? But he had just stood there, useless. She had been in pain too, so much pain! Her breaths had been ragged and she was gasping for air as she hit the ground. He couldn’t do anything and a seed of self hatred was sown.
Osana, his best friend, was dead.
    He sat up on the rooftop, on that same bench, hands pressed his face, smothering it. Maybe this was just a fraction of how she had felt.
Osana was dead.
    He still couldn’t believe it completely. It still hadn’t set in as reality.
‘She’s dead.’
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     Another sob wracked through him and when he looked up he saw a blurry, redheaded figure. He rubbed away the tears from his eyes and stared away.
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
     He wanted to snap something nasty at her, but he knew that was just the grief clawing at him. Begging him to take it out on someone else instead of letting it ferment in his head. But he knew he couldn’t do that, especially when this girl was completely unrelated to the events.
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     “It’s fine.” Not I’m fine, but he couldn’t just unload his burdens on a stranger. He didn’t want to. It was all fine in the broader sense wasn’t it anyways? Sure his small world had been partially decimated, but everything else would go on. Eventually he would have to also. Maybe he should have just said ‘I’m fine.’ That way he would ensure his future self would move on by speaking for him.
     “I should go.” Part of him wanted to stay up here and grieve more, burn the pain into him until it became normal. But more than anything he wanted to be alone. 
♦ ~error-missinginfo
Send ♦ for your muse to catch mine crying
‘Theres been a death at Akademi High School. We need help right away!’
    He should have done something. Of course, what could he have done? But he had just stood there, useless. She had been in pain too, so much pain! Her breaths had been ragged and she was gasping for air as she hit the ground. He couldn’t do anything and a seed of self hatred was sown.
Osana, his best friend, was dead.
    He sat up on the rooftop, on that same bench, hands pressed his face, smothering it. Maybe this was just a fraction of how she had felt.
Osana was dead.
    He still couldn’t believe it completely. It still hadn’t set in as reality.
‘She’s dead.’
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     Another sob wracked through him and when he looked up he saw a blurry, redheaded figure. He rubbed away the tears from his eyes and stared away.
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
starter call!
like or reblog for a starter
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averagedout-blog · 7 years
♦ ~error-missinginfo
Send ♦ for your muse to catch mine crying
‘Theres been a death at Akademi High School. We need help right away!’
    He should have done something. Of course, what could he have done? But he had just stood there, useless. She had been in pain too, so much pain! Her breaths had been ragged and she was gasping for air as she hit the ground. He couldn’t do anything and a seed of self hatred was sown.
Osana, his best friend, was dead.
    He sat up on the rooftop, on that same bench, hands pressed his face, smothering it. Maybe this was just a fraction of how she had felt.
Osana was dead.
    He still couldn’t believe it completely. It still hadn’t set in as reality.
‘She’s dead.’
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     Another sob wracked through him and when he looked up he saw a blurry, redheaded figure. He rubbed away the tears from his eyes and stared away.
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