atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
I apologise for the lack of activity on my part for the past few days as things have been extremely busy due to a variety of different factors. I will be updating the blog now and will be accepting applications on Monday. I also plan on posting a plot drop/prompt at some time during the week just to liven things up a bit.
Later on next week, I will also be posting an activity check to make sure all members are still active. If anyone is on hiatus, or know that they will be in the near future, please message us so that we know you plan on coming back to us.
Also, in regard to numerous questions about our confessions blog: We will be posting on that blog when requests are sent in as the whole point of the blog is for our members to send in IC confessions about their fellow students or whatever they feel they need to express anonymously. This is the same for the scrapbook blog. We will post on them when we receive requests/submissions.
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
can we do magic anons?
Magic anons are perfectly okay with me, but within reason of course. If you plan on sending some out, please make sure they aren’t overboard as magic anons have sometimes gone too far (based on past experience.) and ruined the fun. If this happens, both me and my co-admin will not hesitate to ban magic anons permanently. Hope this helps! If you have any other queries, just send an ask our way.
- Admin S
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
How active is the dash? I'm thinking about applying for Mary. :)
The dash is pretty active, you can check out starter tags if you want to see the notes people are getting on their starters from reblogs
- Admin C
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
I think there's a mistake on the Lucius bio.
I’m just looking for his bio now, thanks for pointing it out, someone else did but I forgot to edit it.
- Admin C
Edit: He is no longer betrothed to Rodolphus Lestrange
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
can you update the app count?
It will be updated shortly, although I think everyone has been accepted now.
- Admin C
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
when do classes start?
Classes start now, I will post a class rota later tonight if anyone is interested in that. If you are just like this post and you can use it for plotting purposes between houses.
- Admin C
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
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Congratulations Zed! You have been accepted as Antonin Dolohov. Please make your account and submit it to us within 24 hours. Please read through the following links and start tracking the tags ab:starters and ab:notices. The roleplay will begin tomorrow at midday GMT. We look forward to roleplaying with you.
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
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Congratulations Tilly! You have been accepted as Septima Vector. Please make your account and submit it to us within 24 hours. Please read through the following links and start tracking the tags ab:starters and ab:notices. The roleplay will begin tomorrow at midday GMT. We look forward to roleplaying with you.
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
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Congratulations Feeny! You have been accepted as Bellatrix Black. Please make your account and submit it to us within 24 hours. Please read through the following links and start tracking the tags ab:starters and ab:notices.
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
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Congratulations Ashley! You have been accepted as OC Greta Catchglove. Please make your account and submit it to us within 24 hours. Please read through the following links and start tracking the tags ab:starters and ab:notices. The roleplay will begin tomorrow at midday GMT. We look forward to roleplaying with you.
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
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Congratulations Cara! You have been accepted as Xenophilius Lovegood. Please make your account and submit it to us within 24 hours. Please read through the following links and start tracking the tags ab:starters and ab:notices.
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
What counts as 'key plot moments' that we should inform you about?
If you wish to join the Death Eaters and get your dark mark, we will provide a test for your character to complete and if your character is pregnant. Just serious plot things that affect your character in a serious way, like a near fatal injury or something. I hope this helps.
- Admin C
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atroxbellum-rpg-blog · 11 years
how many characters can we have?
You can have a maximum of two characters. Just send a message into the main blog if you want a second character.
- Admin C
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