astro---logy · 7 years
Physical Features of the Signs
*use rising, venus or MC (midheaven)*
-requested, not meant to offend-
Aries: Prominent Forehead/Eyebrows
Taurus: Button Nose
Gemini: Slender Build
Cancer: Round Face
Leo: Prominent Nose
Virgo: Prominent Bone Structure
Libra: Heart Shaped/Oval Faces
Scorpio: Deep Eyes (Normally Dark)
Sagittarius: Prominent Smiles
Capricorn: Prominent Teeth/Bones
Aquarius: Tall
Pisces: Fine Hair
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astro---logy · 7 years
The Beauty of the Venus signs
Aries Venus-  You make me think of passion that lights up a room, and vibrant red roses that ignites life back in your eyes. You remind me of the people that are capable of chasing the person they love across the world, and the idea of love at first sight. The type of love that’ll make your heart race and will give you adventure when your life dulls down. 
Taurus Venus- You make me think of candlelight dinners, and skin to skin contact seeping in to warm your soul. You remind me of the boys that’ll keep you safe in their arms, and the girls who surrender their hearts to you. The type of love that’ll take you for who you are and support you through it all. 
Gemini Venus- You make me think of phone calls in the middle of the night, and tickle fights. You remind me of the person who’s mind is consumed by the person they love. The person who will talk about you to their friends, as if you light up their life. The type of love that’ll fill you with laughter and pure joy.
Cancer Venus-You make me think of cuddling for hours in bed, and a box full of love letters that warms one’s heart. You remind me of the person who’ll make their love breakfast in bed, and the person who can hold your hand in public and keep you safe. The type of love that’s capable of keeping promises to the very end. 
Leo Venus- You make me think of the echo of an “I love you” at the top of a mountain, and admirable eyes proud to call you theirs. You remind me of the people who will shower you with affection, and the person who will be your knight in shining armor. The type of love that surrounds you like fireflies on a lonely night.
Virgo Venus- You make me think of a hidden book full of poetic love notes, yearning to be shared with one special person. You remind me of the person who falls in love with their best friend and is afraid to say anything, the person who is capable of giving you the world. The type of love that can support you when tears are going down your eyes and helplessness is creeping in. 
Libra Venus- You make me think of love songs, and gestures of affection adding warmth to someone’s cheek. Your remind me of the person who’ll knock on your door and gift you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. The type of love that gives you harmony in a cold, cold world. 
Scorpio Venus- You make me think of hungry kisses and unmade bed sheets. Your remind me of the person who will want to know every part of you, and will still love you wholeheartedly. The love that moves like the currant of the waves, grabbing your attention and consumes you before it’s to late. 
Sagittarius Venus- You make me think of sneaking out at night, and arms that’ll spin you around in front of everyone. You remind me of the person who will hold your hand and show you the world. The type of love that’ll give you an excitement, like dancing in the rain. 
Capricorn Venus- You make me think of eye contact that seems to never end,  having your breath taken away without a word being said. Your remind me of the person who will gift you security and will push you to your very best. The love that won’t give you what you want, but what you need. 
Aquarius Venus- You make me think of neon lights that blinks on each time lips meet, and curiosity blinding your eye. You remind me of the person who won’t forget to be your best friend, and someone will push you to be yourself. The love that knows how to love you regardless of what the world may say.
Pisces Venus- You make me think of healing kisses in the rain, and the love that only exist in stories. You remind me of the person who will look at you with dreamy eyes, as if you became their heaven on earth. The type of love that can love you purely and wholeheartedly. 
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astro---logy · 7 years
Venus Signs
Venus in Aries: Emotional, enthusiastic and impulsive, you like to take yourself for a romantic adventurer. You fall in love with impetuosity and at first glance - and you just as quickly fall away. More demanding than you realize, you are affectionate, ardent and easily excited. Though you ultimately need a mental compatibility, what stimulates you in the first place is the physical appearance.
Venus in Taurus: Mistress of Taurus, Venus feels herself completely at home here. It makes you loving, charming, sensual to the extreme, and gives you a great artistic sense. All the pleasures of life attract you, starting with rich foods and ending with long and voluptuous sexual encounters, with the same person preferably. You appreciate constancy, and although you are capable of infidelities, these do not represent your natural mode. You need security, comfort, hugs, magnificent objects, someone who stimulates you, and an attentive partner.
Venus in Gemini: The planet of love in the sign of the inconstant mind produces witty jokes, many hours of happy conversation and strolling in bookstores, as well as an irresistible attraction towards intelligent and fast people. You are quite capable of maintaining a love story by fax. But in the absence of mitigating factors, your affections are easily influenced, and it is difficult for you to distinguish between what should be a great adventure and true love.
Venus in Cancer: A true nest builder, you get the deepest pleasures of your home and family. You are kind, sympathetic, sentimental, loyal, devoted, loved, and great cook (or at least you would like to be one). But even if you give the impression of having complete confidence in yourself, you need more than a little emotional encouragement. Your fear of being rejected may be hidden, but it is real. This may well be the reason you hang on too long, both to friends and the person you love. When you love someone, you want it to be forever.
Venus in Leo: Warm, open, loyal, in love with luxury, you have artistic sense, you are creative, you have theatrical attitudes, and you are in love with love. You feel passionate and express yourself flamboyantly. Love is an essential part of your nature, and you tend to define yourself through it. You also love the arts. But you are not about to run away with an unpublished poet, at least not if the artist in question does not have substantive financial reserves. You are happy when the money comes in well.
Venus in Virgo: When you are in love, you devote all your attention to it, analyze each interaction, reread your letters of love and listen to your answering machine to be sure that you have grasped the slightest nuance. You would do anything to be loved. But you can also criticize and control, have lots of opinions on how others should behave. Some natives with this position have noisy personalities. If you are one of them, people think that you are a wild beast of sex. In reality, most natives are modest, or even a little shy in bed.
Venus in Libra: You are affectionate, kind, warm and eager to please. True romantic, you idealize love and often have problems adapting to a real relationship. When the disappointment settles, it is hard, but you do not stay at home to mop. You are very seductive, and there is usually always someone on your track. This position also brings a high aesthetic sensitivity.
Venus in Scorpio: Thanks to the outrageous eroticism of the Scorpion, this position promises a ticket for ecstasy. And sometimes it is. The presence of mystery, intensity, and even a subtle suspicion of darkness excites you. Proud, passionate and seductive, you are predestined to deep desires, both sexual and emotional, and your love life tends to be tumultuous. In the best case, you are deeply devoted and deeply intimate. In the worst, you can be jealous and vindictive. But despite your reputation, you are also able to withdraw from social interaction and isolate yourself behind an invisible screen.
Venus in Sagittarius: Demonstrative, ardent and emotional, you consider love as an adventure, and not as a means of fixing a secure future. You enjoy your freedom, and your ideal partner is a person who helps you see the world and live even more aspects of life, not someone who restricts your activities. You have high ideals and you are attracted by highly committed people. You are also intrigued by people who come from backgrounds totally different from yours. You do not mind shocking people.
Venus in Capricorn: You are sensual in your sexual relations and constant in your affections, but cautious when it comes to reveal your emotions. You appreciate stability, ownership and righteousness, and you do not want to lose control. The disorder and the mess of emotional brawls frighten you, that’s why you do not reveal your feelings. Serious and sophisticated, you admire everything that is classic. In art as in love, you understand the need to control.
Venus in Aquarius: Open-minded, friendly and idealistic, you are attracted to anti-conformists and rebels, and you have a multitude of friends. But you are not the most passionate person on this planet, and you tend to prefer an intellectual camaredery to a romantic bond. You also need time for yourself, and you tend to take sex casually. The new techniques interest you, but not the display of passion. In the end, you are of the independent type and your heart is hard to catch.
Venus in Pisces: You are sentimental, you have the taste for art, you are devoted and ready to do anything for the beloved. You idealize your partners and sincerely seek union with them, but you have no idea what is reasonable and what is not. Other people find it easy to influence you, partly because you shrug your shoulders as a sign of impotence and accept that you are left with the crumbs. In the end, it makes you angry and explains that you are sometimes offensive emotionally, usually passively and aggressively. You truly know how to love, but you are sometimes too willing to sacrifice your own needs to satisfy those of your partners.
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astro---logy · 7 years
Mercury Signs ☿
Mercury in Aries: Quick decisions, active & youthful spirit, constant movement of mind, fast paced speech.
Mercury in Taurus: Pragmatic thinking, fixed goals, mellow nature, slow paced speech, "one track mind".
Mercury in Gemini: Trivia-lover, eclectic & curious, impatient nature, constant the overlapping of ideas.
Mercury in Cancer: Long-term memory, emotional lenses, tenacious nature, easily inspired, consistency lover.
Mercury in Leo: Dynamic spirit, natural storyteller, fixed in their thoughts, life-loving spirit, loud.
Mercury in Virgo: Eternal searching for more, watchful nature, skeptical& nervous mind, common sense lover.
Mercury in Libra: Flexible & impartial mind, careful words, composed speech, "people-smart", a negotiator.
Mercury in Scorpio: Herectic & probing mind. Curious & critical nature, strong instincts, a born strategist.
Mercury in Sagittarius: Philosophical and independent spirit, exaggerated in their words, blunt speech.
Mercury in Capricorn: Cautious in their words, fact oriented, a practical mind & an ambitious spirit.
Mercury in Aquarius: Expansive genius, inventive & open-minded, sarcastic speech, progressive thoughts.
Mercury in Pisces: Daydreamer, Utopian idealist, intuitive spirit, forgetful, subjective in their words.
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astro---logy · 7 years
You can tell a lot from their...
Music taste: Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries
Phone wallpaper: Scorpio, Gemini, Cancer, LIbra
Fashion sense: Sagittarius, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius
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astro---logy · 7 years
Adjectives for the signs in relationships
Aries: Passion
Taurus: secure
Gemini: open communication
Cancer: comfort
Leo: admiration
Virgo: equal
Libra: affection
Scorpio: intimate
Sagittarius: fun
Capricorn: maturity
Aquarius: growth
Pisces: consistency
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astro---logy · 7 years
Aries and Libra: Friendliness
Taurus and Scorpio: Secrets
Gemini and Sagittarius: Knowledge
Cancer and Capricorn: Maturity
Leo and Aquarius: Confidence
Virgo and Pisces: Creativity
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astro---logy · 7 years
The Zodiac Signs’ Maturity
Acts mature, is mature: Virgo, Aquarius, Scorpio
Acts mature, secretly immature: Capricorn, Gemini
Acts immature, secretly mature: Leo, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius
Acts immature, is immature: Aries, Pisces, Libra
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astro---logy · 7 years
Aries: You play all the time, and you play to win. You are a cheerful and a happy person but god help the ones who do you wrong or the ones you love. You know how to party and you know how to have fun. You always give great compliments. You have a great body and great physical looks. Your smile is sexy and your laughter is even sexier. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Taurus: You have an impeccable taste for literally everything, you are the biggest hedonist out there and you simply know how to live. And you love life itself which comes in many forms. You have a cheerful spirit, intriguing mentality and even a greater heart. You are capable of putting up with so much shit and staying sane, haters can just stay jealous. You have the power to crack the earth in two when you witness negativity and you will. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Gemini: Your intelligence, style and communication skills know no borders. You are always the funny one, and even while some people might think that you're a drama queen or a double-faced attention whore, you just know that it isn't true. And you don't fight them but you let them learn it themselves that you're not a double-faced backstabber who hurts people for fun. You just love supporting people and making their lives better. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Cancer: You are literally one of the sweetest experiences one could ever have. You can teach people a lot, and you can stay strong through a lot of shit in your life. You are pure, innocent, loving and caring. You give the best hugs out there and you know how to satisfy people. You are full of positivity and you always put people's needs before yours. You can stand up and keep an insanely happy face even you're being torn apart inside. You are strong and you are one of the most sensitive people out there, which makes you really strong. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.|
Leo: You have this cheerful spirit and you radiate with alluring energy. People might accuse you of wanting to be the center of attention but you deserve to be the center of attention because you are special and you know what you're capable of. You just want to assure people that you're a person who's capable of many things and you can lead yourself and people to greatness. You are a natural born supporter and you simply know how to make people's lives better. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Virgo: You are really a person who's great in many spheres of life. You're deep. People might accuse you of being overcritical and a perfectionist, but don't let them bring you down. Yes, you are critical and you are a perfectionist but that's because you just want everything to be alright. You suffer from tons of anxiety when you want to achieve something but believe me, it will pay off. Just stay strong and don't listen to people who say that you're very silent and unsuccessful because you have the potential to surpass them all. You are a great thinker, a very intelligent person and you are one of the biggest go-getters out there. Stay strong and you will succeed in whatever it is you want. You know how to fix people's problems and you are born to help. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Libra: You are a person who radiates with positive energy. You are a beacon of happiness and you are one of the most creative people out there. You know how to care for people and you know how to love. God damn it, you have impeccable style and you know how to dress. You are appealing and both your physical and mental beauty are dominant when you enter a room of new people. You are a big, big person with even a bigger heart than your body and you know how to give people an advice. Those pieces of advice you give, often fix people's problems. You are beautiful. You are admirable. You are capable of many things and you know how to get shit done. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Scorpio: You are a person who's capable of many things. People usually think that you're too intense, childish, evil and vengeful but you're not. You just know how to have fun and you love making people's lives better. You are a master of telling jokes. Your eyes can penetrate deep inside a person's soul and see the sadness inside that person. And you will help that person. You help people on a daily basis, even if they don't see it. Most of the time you are very sad and you suffer inside because you think that people don't see what you've done for them, and that is okay. But believe me, they do see what you've done for them. And if anyone wrongs you or a person you love, you can avenge yourself or that person you love. Many people think that you're cruel and unforgiving but that's not true. Don't listen to the stereotypes for Scorpios and focus on being a good person. You forgive endlessly, you just don't like showing your emotions because people might manipulate you or use them against you, so you might do some things (which you will later regret) just because you don't want to seem weak. But that's how you protect yourself. Don't worry about others' opinions, you're a great person, filled with positivity. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Sagittarius: You are a person who cares about everyone. You are not bitchy and nervous, it's just that you are sick of people doing mistakes which they will later regret. You are a born teacher and you are born to lead people into a new, better world. People need to start listening to your pieces of advice because the pieces of advice you give are priceless. You are not extreme and you are not impulsive because you want to be, you do it because you want to prove others that you're a good person and a person who honestly and sincerely cares about everything. You often suffer from anxiety and insomnia, but it's because you are a very intelligent person and your mind works a lot faster than other people's. You come off as a person whom everyone thinks that hates emotions and doesn't know how to feel, but, believe me, you know how to feel. You just can't stand it when people don't live just and you are born to fix the mistakes of yours and of other people's. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Capricorn: You are a deeply caring person but you don't show it as most people do. Others will think that you're unfeeling and cold-blooded because of the way you show your emotions and because of your silent nature, but you are not emotionless. You are a person who cares a lot about your and other people's future. You are not materialistic and money-oriented, you are a person who is concerned with your and other people's well-being, so you work your ass off because you know where you might end up one day. Don't let people pick with you or underestimate you because you are a very sensitive and emotional person who knows how to support people and lead them to happiness. You will be made fun of, you will be insulted, you will be hated and you will be fought but you should know that you shouldn't give up of spreading positivity and working hard to achieve your goals. Don't let negative people stop you and bring you down. Learn that you are a person who knows how to function. You are not dull, as most people think. But let them think because you needn't carry about negative people's irrelevant opinions because you know who you are, and you are not dull. You are a very interesting, funny and creative person. You are a great friend, parent, partner and a lover. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Aquarius: You are an open-minded person and your intelligence is really great. You are a very understanding person and you know how to have fun. You lead people into great adventures which might seem risky, but you do it for the sake of fun. Best memories always come from great experiences, and you know how to make people experience things. You are not limited and detached as most people think, you are a person who just thinks rationally for your and the lives for the people around you. You are not argumentative as everyone thinks, you are debatable. There's a difference. You love learning and debating, you just seem argumentative because you're passionate for debates and learning new things. You are not a weirdo or a freak, you're an eccentric person. There's a difference. You are a great friend. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
Pisces: You are one of the most insightful people out there and you simply know everything, because you feel everything. you have the gift of unlimited and uncontrollable emotions, which might sometimes take advantage of you but I assure you that you have the ability to control your emotions. You are one of the most intelligent people out there. You are very beautiful, both physically and mentally. You are a natural born philosopher and you're the deepest person there is. You are not weak just because you are hurt or triggered easily, you are strong and powerful beyond limits because you experience everything both with your heart, soul and mind. You absorb people's feelings and you absorb information like a sponge. You are capable of many things. No matter your easygoing, sweet, cheerful or introverted nature, you are one of the best fighters out there and you always win no matter what, because you stubbornly go to extremes and you have the ability to go to the end of the universe and back, if it's required of you to get what you want. You fight till the very end and you know how to sit on the throne. Despite most people's (stupid) opinion, you are not a wallflower. You are a natural born leader who just seems dreamy and lost most of the time but that's because you're very intelligent and you think like no-one else does. When the topic of a conversation is brought, I bet you've already been overthinking about it. You can put up with so much shit and you can go through everything, you can run through hell and fly through heaven in order to achieve your goals. You are not weak, you're just a person with the most intense emotions out there. Learn to control things and you will be unstoppable. When someone hurts you or someone you love, you will turn into a giant shark and every unjust person will feel the ocean's wrath. You are not weak because you're a forgiving person, you are just one level above all those haters and you actually understand why people made those mistakes, and that's why you forgive - when you forgive. NOW, START LOVING YOURSELF AND YOUR SIGN.
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astro---logy · 7 years
lovely moon sign things
aries: a reckless romantic! big hearts and funny minds. lovessss to play it cool and give away as little as possible about their funny little selves. 
taurus: remembers so many little details about people. so exceptionally clever, but in a psychological way as well as an academic way. an aMaZiNG pal
gemini: wants to tell you every detail about their day. wants the world to laugh alongside them. people fascinate them. they have a way with words
cancer: sees romance in buildings and nature. stylish & genius. want the best for everyone around them. protective hearts
leo: is always there to protect & care for those when they need it. so much wit. a talented mind. they bring a lot of light when you’re around them.
virgo: just wants to create art. a gentleman or lady. organic souls. consumes knowledge & loves learning. kind beings
libra: very forgiving, just wants to make everyone laugh. the softest being & very romantic. stands up what & who they believe in
scorpio: colorful & eccentric minds. always go for what they want & usually get it! loved by many, beautiful smiley people.
sagittarius: change EXCITES them. playful & creative. loves meeting new people & sticks by the ones they love. so much LIFE in them
capricorn: so MucH tAlent!!! beautiful minds! stubborn & sarcastic & have too many interests at once. big dreamers & chance takers
aquarius: is embarrassed about the quirks that the world loves them for. absolutely unique, you’ve never met anyone like them. beautiful in & out
pisces: just wants to save the world really. picturesque & arty, the sweetest of souls. they experience romance in every aspect they can
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astro---logy · 7 years
you know shit’s serious when...
An ARIES stops competing.
A TAURUS lets things be your way.
A GEMINI stops talking.
A CANCER doesn’t care if you hurt them or not anymore.
A LEO doesn’t want to dominate.
A VIRGO becomes chaotic and unorganized.
A LIBRA stops communicating with you.
A SCORPIO starts crying infront of people.
A SAGITTARIUS doesn’t want to control shit anymore.
A CAPRICORN doesn’t care about money or success.
An AQUARIUS doesn’t want to get out of home.
A PISCES starts plotting their revenge on you.
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astro---logy · 7 years
Pallas is an asteroid that talks about our talents, problem solving skills, focus, and intuition. Today I’ll cover the basic talents. 
Aries Pallas- Associated with talents in athletics, competitions, gambling, coming up with ideas, possible inventor, and general risk taking.  Associated with being talented in edgy fashion or art, acupuncture, and homeopathy.  Wants a solution fast, has a hard time focusing their energy towards their talents and skills.
Taurus Pallas- Talented in art especially aesthetics, massage therapy, cooking, landscaping, building, music, and gardening. Needs a lot of time and space to focus their energy and planning towards goals and talents.
Gemini Pallas- Talented at recognizing patterns, is good with language, communication, storytelling, puzzles, debates, and multitasking. Can be scattered with their focus, easily bored, and can lack in intuition.
Cancer Pallas- Gifted in emotional understanding and intuition. Talented in the arts, teaching, cooking, and hosting. Their focus is on emotions, family, and protection.
Leo Pallas- Talented in arts of all kind, general creativity, drama, entertainment, art therapy, play therapy, dance, solar energy, and heat. Focused on problem solving and grabbing attention via charisma and drama.
Virgo Pallas- Gifted in noticing the tiny details, editing, organizing, communication, possibly writing, note taking and solving logical or mathematical problems.Talented in pottery, gardening, or knitting. Intuitive towards helping others. Is a very focused and strategic Pallas Sign.
Libra Pallas- Talented at seeing patterns, strategies, and the details of social situations. Is a great host, artistically inclined especially aesthetically, and is diplomatic. Focuses their energy towards the social world.
Scorpio Pallas- Talented in investigating, psychology, arts, healing, sex, sex therapy, risk taking, and has crazy intuition. Has focused intuition and problem solving skills. Has a knack for uncovering the truth. Loves mysteries and challenges.
Sagittarius Pallas- Talented at seeing the big picture, visionary thoughts, mental healing, experimentation, teaching, and exploring. Can have a spiritual or fiery intuition, problem solving is scattered, can create meaningful art.
Capricorn Pallas- Talented in organizing, planning, law, history, architecture, sculpture, massage therapy, chiropractic practice, and drafting. Has a focused and practical mind but lacks intuition.
Aquarius Pallas-  Talented with technology, strange or cutting edge ideas/art, and any skills or talents deemed uncommon. Has visionary intuition and unusual ways of problems solving.
Pisces Pallas-  Talented in the arts, healing, compassion, solving problems without getting violent or angry, and possible psychic gifts. Can lack focus sometimes.
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astro---logy · 7 years
The Signs
Aries: independent + courageous, leaders + bring excitement, enthusiastic
Taurus: solid + fight for what they want, easy going but can be stubborn, can be procrastinators but also have a good work ethic
Gemini: have a lot of energy, very talkative + are social butterflies, take their lives in the direction they want to go
Cancer: inconsistent, enjoy security but also seek adventure, not very predictable
Leo: high self esteem + very devoted, kind + generous, hot tempered yet forgiving
Virgo: mind oriented, analyze and think, bettering themselves and others
Libra: diplomatic nature, get along well + ambitious, work hard to make money
Scorpio: intense, question everything + work hard at making sense of things, treat others with loyalty and kindness
Sagittarius: positive outlook, vibrant personality + enjoy meeting new people, can be reckless
Capricorn: ambitious, active minds + always have to be in control of their lives
Aquarius: don't always care what others think of them, take each opportunity they have + work towards formulating new ideas
Pisces: extremely sensitive + reserved, escape reality, good listener + friend
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astro---logy · 7 years
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My Birth Chart
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astro---logy · 7 years
moon signs
aries moon: vibrant, surrounds themselves with many people, want to leave an impression on people, passionate, feel like they need to be praised, live for the moment, get bored easily, stubborn, impatient, craves something new.
taurus moon: patient, give a peaceful presence, avoid anger, great manners, set in their ways, enjoy routine, materialistic, sentimental, stick to their goals, like to help others, supportive.
gemini moon: great at communication, witty, enjoys being at home, active imagination, ambitious, restless, moody, fast learners, charming, a leader, enjoys being in love, worry about being bored.
cancer moon: empathetic, surprisingly romantic, make you feel comfortable, creative, vulnerable, can lack motivation, clingy, loving, can act irrationally, good at making others smile.
leo moon: confident, needs to preserve their pride, great sense of humour, love to be admired, entertaining, organized, generous, like to control a situation, jealous, defensive.
virgo moon: observant, a high achiever, chilled, live in the moment, productive, enjoy detail, like to run errands, trustworthy, appreciate simplicity, laid-back, they really listen.
libra moon: has a brilliance with words, very social, like to keep things light-hearted, avoid confrontation, enjoy having the last word, need intellectual stimulation, see flaws in things, strong.
scorpio moon: has a terrific presence, good at solving problems, enigmatic, intelligent, emotional drama is fulfilling, go after what they want, prone to mood swings, has a lot of love.
sagittarius moon: honest, a dreamer, a good sense of humour, upbeat, open-minded, impatient, impulsive, need time to escape, bright, independent, enjoys tackling new things.
capricorn moon: mature, a philosopher, deep, enjoy a challenge, strong-willed, avoids emotions by being productive, like to get their own way, concentrate well, does well under pressure, great with friendship.
aquarius moon: stands out, good-humoured, straight-forward, down to earth, strong ego, need freedom, take criticism badly, likes to observe, have a cool aura, good at cheering you up.
pisces moon: compassionate, intuitive, fun to be around, push-over, they avoid important matters, become overwhelmed by emotions, sweet, soft-hearted, not in touch with reality, non-judgemental.
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astro---logy · 7 years
the signs and their beautiful features
Eyes: Aquarius, Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn
Lips: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Skin: Libra, Pisces, Aries, Leo
Laugh: Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra
Smile: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Taurus, Scorpio
Movements: Pisces, Cancer, Aries, Aquarius
Words: Capricorn, Scorpio, Gemini, Sagittarius
Ideas: Taurus, Cancer, Aries, Virgo
Voice: Libra, Pisces, Aquarius, Leo
Mind: Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius
Heart: Aries, Libra, Pisces, Virgo
Soul: Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Taurus
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astro---logy · 7 years
the signs according to my (more educated) bf
♈ Aries: lighthearted people who live in the clouds
♉ Taurus: like a tortoise but like huge, like a huge tortoise
♊ Gemini: they're difficult pains in the ass. Needlessly complicating thing because they think they're more special than they actually are but it's just because they think glitter is gold (wow someone doesn't like geminis)
♋ Cancer: a huge pain, awful people
♌ Leo: pretty cool, laid back. they are polite people but also rude behind your back
♍ Virgo: a goddess of water, she is bffs with venus
♎ Libra: soft gentle people, very caring and good people
♏ Scorpio: edgelords, way over the top and they were always the piece of shit rich kids in school
♐ Sagittarius: handsome and intelligent people who are entrepreneurs in their own right but also wankers
♑ Capricorn: dark introverted people who often get called what Scorpio is but they're not because Scorpio are posers and Capricorns are naturally dark
♒ Aquarius: serial killers
♓ Pisces: pirates who steal from other people and they have tiny swords because they don't want to spend too much money on swords
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