asksasunaru · 5 years
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beefy papa naruto tending to his garden in his downtime is my aesthetic 
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asksasunaru · 5 years
HIII!! I’m so happy to see your drawing again!!!! How about a family picture with their baby?
thank you so much lovely!!!
not sure which family or baby but
here is sasuke and naruto as chandler and joey when they forget the baby on the bus
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asksasunaru · 5 years
Draw the sasuke meme
sasuke getting choked meme
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yeah dont ask me to draw that
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asksasunaru · 5 years
How about Naruto and Sasuke? 👀
a classic
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asksasunaru · 5 years
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had a heck of a time getting my tablet to work so here is a stress doodle of my go to-naruto with sunflowers lmao
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asksasunaru · 7 years
Your art always brings a smile to my face. Thank you for the time and dedication you put into it.
oh man this made me tear up
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asksasunaru · 8 years
So if NaruSaku had been the canon ship and it ended with them having kids the ending would have been better?
imo yes and no. on one hand it would have made more sense considering their relationship had the most development SORTA. cos sakura always said she didnt have romantic feelings for sakura and naruto honestly stopped showing any interest in her other than camaraderie in later chapters imo. but it still would have made more sense and felt only slightly less forced. i forever ship her with sai though now thats a ship right there lmao BUT ANYWAY
it still would have been a lack luster ending cos again, romance was never a real part of naruto and ending it on that note leaves it shakey cos we never had that driving narrative throughout the story to end it on “they get married and have kids”. like?? yay?? if it ended at 699 with “team 7 reunites and then go their separate ways but their bond will forever remain” would have been an ending like YES YESS we have been reading this series for all these years with the constant theme of bonds and never giving up on your comrades! yes! so fullfilling!! does naruto ever become hokage? who knows or cares cos he got acknowledged by the village! he has family! he has love! he found something more in his quest! give me that ending!!!
instead we got well he became hokage which apparently is the ninja equivalent of a 9-5 desk job and a strained relationship with his children lmao. thanks for that.
ok i’m ranting alot sorry the bitterness is still strong 
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asksasunaru · 8 years
so basically bleach ended the exact same way as naruto did and i wonder why kishi and kubo hate us so much
i saw the last chapter and i cant really say much for bleach cos i stopped watching it a good decade ago lol but yeah basically shounen jump manga needs to leave the romantic sub plots alone??? like a lot of the romance or hints at romance between characters in shounen jump is either played for laughs or just as, unfortunately, a cheap n easy motivation for female characters and extra man pain for the male characters. rarely is there any actual chemistry between the characters and the narrative and their development is either lacking or nonexistent altogether (naruhina sasusaku looking at you here)
so to end a long running series on a component of the story that was barely touched on leaves it feeling anti-climatic or just plain lazy. which a lot of the time it is, cos lets face it…an ending where the hero and heroine have kids ends the story while at the same time keeping it open to continue and start a new series with the “new generation”. it’s out played and disrespectful to the story and to the fans and i’m forever disappointed in these endings.
thats not to say they can’t be done correctly, for example FMA had a beautiful and satisfying ending where the main character has kids and gets married but it felt final and there was closure there because the entire narrative lead up to that happening. we knew winry and ed were going to end up together in the end of course because the story nourished their development, it built the groundwork for them to be together and have that chemistry and that bond we watched them form. meanwhile, sakura and sasuke end up together after an entire narative that continously shows sasuke not being good for her and holding back her devlopment and they have kids and it leaves everything feeling empty because where is the groundwork for that?! no where to be found like sasukes fashion sense  
so tldr shounen jump manga needs to stop ending their long running series on barely developed ships in an attempt to leave the series open for a continuation just LET IT DIE ALREADY
also this is more my feelings abot naruto cos im still mad about that i honestly dont read bleach so im gonna believe ya’ll when you say the ending was bad but tbh idek lmao
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asksasunaru · 8 years
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sasukes hair is suffering from a bit of ED but hey it happens in old age?
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asksasunaru · 8 years
In your experience. What do non-shipping fans, casuals think of NS,SNS,NH and SS. I've been stuck in the shipping wars for so long it's hard to tell whose biased or who is a casual with an observation. I personally think NS should have happened especially with Kishi saying that Sakura is based on his wife and his family is more like NS. That and databook 4 apparently confirms Sakura "eventually looked at Naruto in a loving way" in romantic context, atleast I think it was in romantic context.
ok in my OVER A DECADE OF WATCHING THIS TERRIBLE ANIM E, i’ve had a lot of casual naruto watching friends and generally GENERALLY the consensus is narusaku seemed like sure fire end game and made the most sense in the context of the story and their development. so you are correct there. hell even i was betting on narusaku
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asksasunaru · 8 years
ok, I really REALLY love u art srsly, but please, never stop doing this
aah thank you so much its been hard to keep up with the blog since im always busy and cos my interest in naruto has really burned out but im happy people can still get a laugh or two or maybe get nostalgic or something idk i’ll keep trying!!
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asksasunaru · 8 years
There is some reason to be your sub '' DOWN WITH Kishi ''? or maybe is the rumor that he might kill Naruto, in Boruto series. I saw a picture of Naruto dying in the arms of Sasuke, romatic and so tragic at the same time, right? I'm crying.
its just my bitter heart still mad at the ending lmao i havent kept up with anything boruto related or read/watched anything naruto related since the last chapter dropped tbh but GOOD I HOPE THEY ALL DIE IN FIRE SO I MAY BE PUT TO REST 
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asksasunaru · 8 years
Oh my gosh! Hello! I know you're probably getting a million of these, but I'm so happy to see your art again! You're my favorite artist, and have inspired me to pursue my passion! I'm actually going to art school next year in part of your inspiration
aww wow this is so amazing thank you soo much and good luck pursuing all of your dreams!!!! 
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asksasunaru · 8 years
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well..........he seems to have doubled..........
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asksasunaru · 8 years
everyone is asking questions about the burrito movie and i haven't even seen it are you going to push me to this are you really going to force my hand and make me watch this????? I HOEP YOURE ALL HAPPY
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asksasunaru · 9 years
also yes hi the blog is still up, i just havent had the time to finish the last couple of asks i answered i need to color them but i been busy also here is a doodle i did at work today from my doodle blog featuring a dahlia 
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bore at work doodling i forgot how to hold a pen
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asksasunaru · 9 years
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Hey all! Here’s the cover page for the comic I’ll be working on, loosely based off my old fanfiction Morning Training. This comic will feature Naruto Uzumaki(18y/o) and Kurama. This is a NSFW and for 18+, obviously. And will feature bestiality, obviously. I’m going to guess about 20 pages or more. All with the same quality of this page.
If you’d like to help support me make this comic, and more, please consider any of my pledges on my Comic-only Patreon! On my patreon, there are various things you can receive with early access to pages before public. Medium and full resolution of each page, .PSD files of pages, and chances to suggest things for new or current comics. Consider checking that out!
—– Art © myself. Please do not redistribute without my permission and NEVER remove my credit. Naruto U and Kurama © Naruto anime series.
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