*Boops his snoot with a snoot boop*
Look at this cute little noodle!
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Cute little noodle? I am not sure what about me compares to a noodle, nor why you would touch my nose in such a manner. It is something that would not bother me if someone close to me did it, but I do not know you.
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Yes? I am not sure why you extended the r in my name, but I assume there is a reason you are calling for me in such a casual manner.
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
People have hopes and dreams! I wanna eat three blossoms of flowers! I wanna be a swifty nifty thrifty kitty! I wanna earn a fortune! And then they add: Maybe I'll find delicious flowers someday! Maybe I'll get fat stacks of cash in my paws someday! Maybe I'll be showered in the loudest applause someday! Someday! Someday! Someday! That dastardly "someday" just won't stop popping up. But to have a hope, you've got to prepare incense to offer those wishful prayers upon. A world where one can't eat flowers! A reminder that you're a sluggish turtle right now! The beggarly reality! Setting the stage for the performance we call hope! Thus and therefore, people have the wrong idea about how to have hopes! If they believe that the hopes will come true "someday", they'll just keep parroting that contemptible word! The day will never actually come! Having expectations this way will only leave you with bitter anger! I'll change someday? That person will turn over a new leaf someday, if I count on them and wait? Nyeh, tch. People entertain the hopes as they please, and then bite at each other when the change they expected doesn't happen. Clowns can't give out smiles in a world of mean teary friends! So we should all do the stretches, starting today! Abandon all expectation—just keep a merry positive attitude and laugh no matter what you see! Let's make a performance about what's already come true, not of a supposed reality you hope for "someday"! I'm already on the stage, standing under the brightingest spotlight ever.
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I. . .oh my. I have. . .many questions, but I am afraid of what the answers may be, and they may lead to more questions. Although I will admit that I agree with keeping a positive attitude; attitude is a decision you make every day, not something that eventually comes to you.
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
Welcome back, Ferdinand! Were you able to take in the sights of the Adrestian coast?
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I sure did! I seldom have time to vacation due to my academics and other duties being the next Duke in line involves, but when I have several consecutive free days, visiting the coast is always a pleasant experience. There's nothing more refreshing than the ocean air on a bright, cloudless sunny day!
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
You look like you needed one
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A impromptu hug? I'm not sure what makes you think I'm in need of one, but. . .I appreciate the gesture nonetheless.
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
Send “You looked like you needed one” to give my muse a hug.
Or “I needed that” for my muse to give one to yours.
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
Clown. Juggle for me
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Why do you call me a clown, in such a derogatory manner? I am no clown. I also do not know how to juggle, so I could not juggle for you if I wanted to.
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
Since I know there's a fair amount of Fire Emblem fans who are also Genshin fans, consider this free advertisement.
For those who've been following me since the beginning and are thinking, "Mun, didn't you have a FE3H writing blog and barely posted on it?" Well. . .yes, that is true. But I created that blog a couple months before my unexpected hiatus, and I was still in school so I couldn't give it as much attention as I hoped. There's also the fact the FE3H fandom isn't as active as it was in 2021 with how long the game as been out and how it isn't an expanding universe like Genshin is, and there aren't as many characters to work with. Keeping this ask blog going is different because I have enough of a following to motivate me, and it's very different to answer questions with a few sentences versus writing a few hundred to a few thousand words towards a prompt.
In any case, whether you decide to follow or not, I'll still be around this blog!
I might or might not have created a Genshin writing blog. If you're as thirsty as I am I'd appreciate it if you followed: https://www.tumblr.com/lightbluewriter
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
Have you considering practicing the bow to become Ferdinand von Sniper? (Mun you should check out Failure Emblem, he does maddening weakness runs and Ferdinand became an MVP 69 crit sniper and Founder of the Ferdie Boys
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Most people would be surprised to hear that I have. While bow knights are not common, a few of my father's guards happened to be one, so despite the fact I always exceled at lances, they gave me the idea to try bows a few years ago. I do not hate bows and understand why some prefer them, but I never got very good at them despite months of practice. I always found having to use both hands at the same time uncomfortable, and aiming accurately was an even more difficult feat; try doing both while riding a horse! So I would use one if there were no lances available, but I do not think it is worth switching weapons for the sake of a nickname.
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
You. Me. Chamomile tea.
It rhymed, so you must say yes. If not, I will be in distress.
(I shouldn’t be allowed to send asks around midnight- 😅)
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I must say, that was a pleasant rhyme. Even if it did not rhyme, I seldom turn down an offer for tea. Let me teach you the best way to brew chamomile!
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
WELCOME BACK FERDIE!! what a nice birthday present your sudden return is!!
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Hello, it is great to be back. I have missed answering questions. Happy birthday! I hope your day is absolutely splendid! Perhaps I can brew you a special tea for the occasion!
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
Breakdance for me.
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I do not know what breakdancing is. However, I learned many forms of dance growing up to prepare me for balls, celebrations, royal parties, so if someone were to teach me the fundamentals, I could learn how to do so quickly.
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askferdinandvonaegir · 2 months
Hello, Sir Frederick the Wary! I admire you sooo much! Still love setting fires?
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Setting fires? Never in my life have a set a fire! Considering you called me Frederick rather than Ferdinand, I am inclined to believe that you are mistaking me for someone else.
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This is not a post I ever thought I would make, but. . .I have to go on hiatus. I’m currently in the midst of a family emergency, and juggling that along with school is overwhelming. I don’t have any spare creativity due to the amount of stress and therefore can’t get myself to answer asks. I’m not sure when my hiatus will end, but I can assure you I don’t want to abandon this blog altogether. When I’m in the headspace to come back, I will.
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Hey Ferdinand, I went to give you back the quill you gave me but you weren't in your room. And well, the door was a bit open, and I'm very sorry but I have to ask:
Why do you have a picture of Edelgard's face on your pillow?
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I have. . .a picture of Edelgard's face on my pillow, you say? I do not know what you are speaking of! My pillows are plain white, as they are provided by the monastery. There is also the fact I do not recall lending anyone a quill. Perhaps you are mistaking my pillows and quill for someone else's. Or someone has been messing around. . .
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did you know you can overdose on pomegranates
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I did not know this. However, this is not common knowledge in Adrestia because pomegranates are not native here. They are imported from other countries, and for that reason, only nobles can afford them. Even then, I do not know many nobles who eat pomegranates frequently. While I cannot speak for the other noble houses, at House Aegir, pomegranates are only eaten on special occasions and some holidays. Perhaps overdosing on pomegranates is more feasible in the place you’re from, but in Adrestia, such a notion is unheard of.
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Mary wants to be an artist. The Country Mary has to go to does not need any artists. Given these conditions, how many dreams should Mary kill?
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If this is the same Mary that stabbed me on multiple occasions, I refuse to answer this question. If art is of such importance to her, I believe she should make arrangements to instead go to a country that demands artists so she no longer has this problem.
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