ask-0062 · 8 years
((I just remembered this; are any of the followers on here still active?))
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ask-0062 · 10 years
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Did you know that you can make houses out of plastic bottles? By filling them with sand, and molding them together with mud or cement, the walls created are actually bullet proof, fire proof, and will maintain an comfortable indoor temperature of 64 degrees in the summer time.
And it’s not like there is any shortage on used plastic bottles out there. Here are some statistics from treehugger.com:
“The United States uses 129.6 Million plastic bottles per day which is 47.3 Billion plastic bottles per year. About 80% of those plastic bottles end up in a landfill!”
To build a two bedroom, 1200 square foot home, it takes about 14,000 bottles.
The United States throws away enough plastic bottles to build 9257 of these 2 bedroom houses per day! That’s just over 3.35 million homes, the same number of homeless people in America.
Many people in third world countries have taken up building homes out of plastic bottles, from Africa to Asia. Perhaps the trend will catch on in America and all of those bottles will stop ending up in the landfills. Wouldn’t they be better off housing the homeless? Kinda like all those empty houses scattered all over the country?
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ask-0062 · 10 years
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A man in the grocery store line today approached me and said, “Sir, when I first saw you I was extremely attracted to you, but then I noticed that you are a boy. How
 I mean, why do you dress so provocatively?”
I responded, “Well, in today’s world the majority of the straight male race view women as objects, or something that belongs to them. I dress provocatively because it attracts the attention of men in a sexual and OBJECTIVE way. However, when realized that I am actually male, they often become confused, disgusted, upset or all of the above. By inflicting this minor emotional damaged upon the ego of a man raised by twisted societal gender norms, maybe, just maybe the individual will think twice before viewing another woman with an objective attitude and sense of belonging. No woman, belongs to ANYONE. Male or female, the equality of human beings needs to be a priority. It is something worth dressing up for.”
I AM NOT KIDDING. The woman behind me, the female cashier, the old lady bagging groceries and the woman in front of me who was talking on the phone STOPPED, 
. and proceeded to gasp and clap. The man shook my hand, told me to have a blessed day and then said, “excuse me ladies, I need to visit my daughter.”

. I was shaking by the time I walked out of the store.
- Elliott Alexzander
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ask-0062 · 10 years
I missed this so I came back
So for those who don't remember me, I'm Cherry, I can't draw, I like to rp but I'm scared to ask and I disappear because of band and anime.
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ask-0062 · 11 years
Inbox kiss
Post these in my ask to see my muse’s reaction to your surprise kiss:
✎:Kiss at school
☯: Kiss on the forehead
✌: Kiss on the hand
ツ: Peck on the lips
✄: Kiss on the neck
☂: Kiss in the Rain
☃: Kiss in the Snow
❊:Passionate kiss
♫:Kiss on the nose
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ask-0062 · 11 years
Good morning.
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ask-0062 · 11 years
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ask-0062 · 11 years
ok can we do this because i wanna make sure of your names
ask0208/ooc-murs: YOU CAN JUST CALL ME MURS OK
asktheheadlessfanpro/arkiepyro-ooc: Arkie, Pyro, Haome even
ask-kumagang/askfanpro0015/ooc-mosquii: you can call me mossi! ^U^
letsask-0037/letsask-0263/sleepy0037: You can call me Sleepy! ' q '
ask-little-anon/neonic-clover: Most people call me Neonic vuv
silliebunns/ask-0012/ask-0233: Sillie is fine. u w u
anali0045/askfanpro0045: You can all call me Amber or Anali--either is fine ^^
askfanpro0131/brandonmod131: please, call me Brandon! u v u
ask-00fifty/alittlefoxxy: yo man you can just call me foxxy c:
ask-fanpro-0071/bingbangarango: you can call me bing/kk/karkat, anyway works for you uou
ask68/ikb68: ikb or melody is fineeeee
Askmutantpro: JJ or sexy lady, either works
ask0014/asking-0154/twentyfive-icecreams: mika or emiko yeye
oocama(and a lot of accounts): ama is fine but you can call me by my actual name or any variation or anything as long as i give you an okay
fanproshipping/askfanpro0178/pasturedlove: tamara but most people just shorten it to tama! owo there's also hime and koi b/c of reasons
ask-0006/ask-0302and0304/cappu0006: hello u can call me cappu or gel or gela
ask-0033: twiggy i am twiggy or twig or twignorant or twaggy or kelly irdc
ask-0146/askabbadomandthedragon/askthesuperswimmers: I am the Yaga
Askfanpro230n294: I'm Bala
askthetvboy/ooc-clye: ye I'm just clye or you may also refer to me as YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS AND MASTER OF ALL
ask-0062/admin0062: Cherry ^u^
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ask-0062 · 11 years
I'm still alive, I swear. I haven't been able to get on much lately because of school and the like, as well as feeling totally awful. I've been like down and stuff and just kind of wanting to cry a lot, so yeah, didn't want to ruin your guys' life with my whining. If you still want to talk to me ask me for my skype or w/e.
Well. I guess that's all for today?
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ask-0062 · 11 years
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ask-0062 · 11 years
I will always reblog things like this, it won’t ruin your blog or the look of it, and this could potentially save a life.
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone. 
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ask-0062 · 11 years
Good morning~
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ask-0062 · 11 years
Good morning!
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ask-0062 · 11 years
"The Wood Duck nests in trees near water, sometimes directly over water, but other times up to 2 km (1.2 mi) away. After hatching, the ducklings jump down from the nest tree and make their way to water. The mother calls them to her, but does not help them in any way. The ducklings may jump from heights of up to 89 m (290 ft) without injury."
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ask-0062 · 11 years
So I have to finish all of my summer assignments before tomorrow, and I just found myself listening to the snk opening while doing them.
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ask-0062 · 11 years
I am back from my week long band camp woo, but now I start school tomorrow.
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ask-0062 · 11 years
Hisses band is hard and I'm in pain, but I can't be on here any longer, so goodnight.
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