ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
“You have tons of sexual ideas, don’t you?” He asked her with an arched eyebrow before chuckling softly. “Well, I certainly don’t mind trying them out with you. My car and my bed are the easiest ones to check out of our sex list. I also have a hot tub at home so we could easily check this one out too. The roof of your house? What? Have you done this before?” Nathan furrowed his brow at her with a playful smile on his lips. If she had, she was kind of crazy, but it was one of the things the liked the most about her. “We can arrange that. Both, San Francisco and Birmingham, even though San Francisco is closer and easier to go. I’m just not so sure that you would enjoy England so much, I don’t know. I just feel like you’re also so energetic like it is always sunny in your world, and England can be kind of depressing with its weather.” He shrugged before scratching his head, trying to explain his point, he was not always good doing that. In his mind it all made sense but when he put into words it’s like they don’t make as much sense. Somehow, he felt like she would get it. “Yeah, I’m gonna keep you. I’m not sure if ‘boyfriend’ is the best term to use right now. I mean, we’ve barely started it and there’s no rush, right? But something like that, yes.” Nate was unsure of how she would react to his answer about the boyfriend thing. It’s not like he didn’t want it, he did, but he was more like the type to take things slower, get to know her better and enjoy their moments together before taking that step. He may not seem like one but he was a romantic guy when he was seriously dating someone, so if he was going to be her boyfriend, he would make it special. “It wasn’t that comfortable, was it?” He joked with her with a small laugh. “Next time we can make it comfier to you, I don’t want you in pain. Not on the wrong parts.” Nathan teased her with a smirk before shaking his head slightly. “I can control myself, you know? Even though it’s hard.” He pointed out with a soft chuckle before kissing her lips again quickly. “I’m good with only kissing you and having you on my lap today.”
“I do. I’m willing to try just about anything once,” she admitted with a shrug. Whatever idea came to mind when it came to sex, she was willing to do. And he did say being sexual was completely fine, especially with him, so she was free to say whatever she wanted with him. “On my roof? No, but there is easy access from my bedroom window and after sitting out there for a while, I figured it could be fun to have sex out there.” Ashley couldn’t help but smile whenever she saw him smiling. it was just something that made her happy. “I don’t mind the rain and clouds. I can have fun anywhere and I’d like to learn more about you. Do you ever miss it there?” she wondered, still playing with his hair a bit. His words didn’t bother her as much as she thought they might, but maybe it was because it was him and he didn’t exactly say no, of course. But if that was the way it was going to be, they had to talk about a few things. “No rush. But we should probably use a condom next time, at least if either of us is going to have sex with anyone else. I mean, last time was a bit spur of the moment and all so it’s not that big of a deal. I’m on birth control and I know how to keep track of that sort of thing, but there are other things to worry about,” she stated. Then she realized how that might sound. “I’m not... I mean I don’t plan on sleeping with anyone else, but I don’t expect anything from you. I mean, if we’re not like... exclusive or something, then there are no expectations right? Not that I’m pressuring you into that or something. I just wanted to...” she groaned, kicking herself for going on one of her embarrassed rambles again, her cheeks beginning to turn pink before she hid her face against the crook of his neck and shoulder. “I should really learn to stop talking at some point,” she mumbled, hugging him tighter, hoping that didn’t make him go away. “It was fine in the moment. I just didn’t notice the stuff I ended up laying on. Maybe next time I should be on top.” When he said he could control himself, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes and playfully pull on a lock of his hair. “I kissed you once and you couldn’t control yourself.” Not that she was much better really. “We could do something else besides kissing, not that I don’t enjoy it. But we could just go somewhere and talk. And maybe eat, because I always enjoy eating.”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
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Bella Thorne
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
Ashley was bored, so what was there to do when you were bored? Make dumb tik tok videos of course! She set her camera up and then began to dance, doing her best, but failing a couple times before she finally got it. She posted it and then went to watch it again, laughing a bit as she watched. “Hey, look at this! What do you think? Totally stupid or just mildly stupid?”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
The afternoon was already running out and Luke had like two essays to finish, so obviously, he was in the gym, angrily punching a bag, sweat running down his back.
Truth was he had been there for a while, usually, working out did great for his mood, but it didn’t seem to be that effective that day. But then again, the police had just interrogated him about the ‘accident’ they even asked him if he had a freaking alibi, like if he could ever hurt her. How the hell could he manage to put his mind at ease. Fuck he felt like he wanted to punch the world away. In fact he was so immersed in his thought that he barely registered when another student addressed him.
“Sorry, you need anything?” He remarked.
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Ashley had stayed behind at school to work on a project. It was far easier to work on stuff at school than it was at home with her brothers all over the place and wanting her attention. Once she got a good chunk of the work done, she packed up and headed over to the gym. She knew Luke had headed over there after school, so she wanted to see if he was still around. She asked him a question, but he didn’t seem to notice at first. She leaned against the doorway as he finally noticed her. “I was wondering if you were done yet and wanted to walk home together or maybe stop and get something to eat. If you want to stay and keep getting your frustrations out, that’s fine too.”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
“Oh yeah? What other ideas do you have in mind for us? Tell me more about them.” He asked her looking inside her eyes with a smirk on his lips, it was like he was smiling with his eyes as well now that he was around her and things were a little more clear than before when she was avoiding him and keeping te boy in the dark about what was going on inside her mind. “Then we don’t have to be around him, but my plans with you around San Francisco are still up. It will be like getting to know more about you, you know, going back to your city, visiting your favorite hang-outs and all. It would be the same if I took you back to Birmingham one day, you’d got back to where I grew up and maybe understand more about me, I don’t know.” Nathan said with a shrug, not sure if all of that made sense, but he felt like it did, at least for him. “Great minds think alike, maybe that’s why we understand each other so easily. And I’ve never used sarcasm in my life, please.” He said sarcastically rolling his eyes before laughing, he was also known for his sarcasm. Talking to Ashley sometimes felt like talking to his female version and that amazed him, how easily and natural everything flowed between the two of them.  Nathan frowned softly when she pulled away from him a bit, but soon he understood why she did that and paid attention to every word that came out of her mouth. “People haven’t realized yet what they’re losing not talking to you or listening to the things you say, or take a better look at your look. Well, when they realize it will be too late because I intend to keep you with me and not letting go.” Nathan said with a grin on his lips before closing the space between them again, kissing her passionately with his fingers tangled to her red hair, feeling the warmth and softness of her body against his, his heart beating fast against his chest. Never in a million years, he had thought he would feel this way so quickly, after just one kiss and sex they had, he was hooked to her.
“Well there was the ropes things and of course sexy lingerie, maybe even costumes and blindfolds. Ice cubes is always fun to use. Then there is all the different places we could have sex. Hot tub, park, the roof of my house, your car, movie theater, kitchen, my bed, your bed... The list is endless,” she suggested, tilting her head to the side as she listed off all the possibilities. There really wasn’t much she would say no to, especially if it involved him. She smiled a little, feeling happy that he wanted to see where she was from, also enjoying the fact that he wanted to show her where she was from. “I’d like that. Both showing you around San Francisco and going to where you are from. I’ve never really been outside the country. It’d be fun to do so with you.” Getting to know more about Nathan was definitely something she wanted to do. All Ashley could do when he said he wasn’t sarcastic was roll her eyes. It was incredibly obvious that wasn’t true. They really were a lot alike. Maybe that was why she liked him so much in the first place. He just understood her in a way no one else did. His words elated her and she smiled softly at him, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck while he spoke. A giggle escaped her as she kissed him again, pressing her body closer to his as she kissed him deeply. It felt natural, like where she was supposed to be when she was in his arms. “You’re going to keep me? Does that make you my boyfriend?” she asked between kisses, smiling slightly against his lips. She hoped the question wasn’t too forward or something. She didn’t want to assume anything that wasn’t true, but his words gave her hope. “I’m not having sex with you in another classroom, at least not right now. My back still kind of hurts from last time. Well because of that and my brothers kept tackling me all weekend,” Ashley added, since the last time they had started kissing, they had ended up in the first available space they could and all over each other. “I don’t think we can be left alone together,” she added teasingly, biting his lip a little with a smirk. 
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
“I think that’s older brothers for sure.” Schuyler shrugged. “I’m good. I don’t think it would be accepted at my house at the moment or really any day.”
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“I thought the younger brothers were easier to boss around. Oh well. At least you probably don’t have to deal with two little terrors who like to play ninja wrestlers and jump on you at random times and try to wrestle you to the floor. It’s not that fun of a game,” she said with a sigh. “Okay, but if you ever change your mind, I’m so down for it.”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
“You know you are my favourite fantasy. A fatal love song. Waterfall is overflowin’. You’re the only one who makes me every time we. I’ll tell you what I like. My wildflower.”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
“You should. I mean, it’s not like I’m a bad or dangerous guy, but I do make a lot of mistakes and have tons of flaws.” He pointed out with a small laugh before shaking his head slightly. “The best thing inside of you? Really? I’m flattered.” Nathan joked with a soft chuckle looking at her. “Wait until next time and I can show you what else I can do to you with my tongue, my fingers, and my dick. We can always improve together, I can assure you.” He bit his lower lip gently with his eyes fixed on the girl in front of him before laughing lightly as Ashley shut her mouth with her face getting red again, God, she was adorable looking like that. Truth be told, he loved when she was like that and he couldn’t help but say things he knew would have that effect on her
“Let me tell you something: she was not a real friend to you and, again, he is a fucking ass who didn’t deserve you. Well, that can be arranged. We could go to San Francisco, kick his ass and then you could show me your favorite places around the city, I’ve never been there before. Sounds like a good plan to you?” He arched his eyebrow at her with half-smirk on his lips. “Getting your stories doesn’t make me smart, you know? I just have to listen to understand what you’re saying and laugh, it’s impossible not to laugh. And yes, I have gotten girls because of my accent, girls think it’s pretty charming, seems to work well, including on you.” Nate winked at Ashley with a sly smile on his lips. “I meant that I’ve had a crush on you from the moment I first put my eyes on you, and it just increased as times passed and I got to know you better.” He whispered between their kiss and smiled again her lips before sucking her lower one. Nathan deepened the kiss again and pulled her to his lap even though they were on the floor, he needed to feel her closer to him again. He kissed her passionately, differently from Friday, his hands running through her hair as their tongues moved in perfect sync.
“Making mistakes doesn’t make you bad. I make mistakes all the time, usually daily,” she pointed out. Her face was still a bit red, though she relaxed a bit as he joked with her, not once getting anything but amused and enjoying the things she said, which is what she liked most about Nathan. No matter what she said about his looks or his voice, the fact that he listened to her and enjoyed the things she said was what made her the happiest. The fact that he would actually look at her, into her eyes, and just listen no matter what. Her ex definitely didn’t do that. “Well you no have idea the things that I can do to make it better too. The handcuffs aren’t the only ideas I have,” she declared boldly, smiling at Nathan again. 
“I... I don’t really want to see or be around him or her again, but I’d gladly show you around my favorite places. We could go to the beach and surf and to my favorite hang-outs and stuff,” she agreed, nodding a little. “It does too! Do you know how many times I’ve told stories and people just don’t get my references or jokes! I like to think I’m witty when I’m not being too awkward but people don’t appreciate my incredible wit and sarcasm.” His words made her heart race even faster. Somehow this was even better than Friday and the mind-blowing sex they had. This was real and perfect and she couldn’t help but kiss him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pulled her into his lap. She pulled back from him a bit, resting her forehead against his. “I don’t just like you because of the accent and stuff, no matter what I say about it. I’ve liked you since forever because you listen to me... You listen to everything I say, even the dumb stuff. No one looks at me the way you do and actually listens,” she admitted, smiling a little as she talked. She smoothed her thumb along his cheekbone as she looked at him before moving closer and kissing him again. Of course it didn’t hurt that it felt amazing every time she kissed him. 
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
“Yeah. But they should know better than to try and make it all about themselves …” Bridget was obviously heartbroken, but you wouldn’t find her crying in the hallways about it. “Well - that’s what I’m trying to do, too.”
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“I don’t think our generation is very good at making things not about themselves. At least if Tik Tok is any indication,” she pointed out with a shrug. “Well, it seems to be the best thing to do, since there really isn’t any other options. Keep moving forward like they say in Meet the Robinsons,” she said with a nod. “Um, I’m still sorry about your car though. I know it must be annoying to have to get it all fixed and stuff. Something tiny can really take forever to fix sometimes. My dad is a mechanic, so if you want, you can take it to his shop.”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
osiris turned around with a smile. he was pouring with sweat and he put the wet towel around his neck to cool him off. “well look who it is-” he teased. “look like you finally took me up on my offer to work out together.”
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Okay, so maybe there was other motivations to work out, like ogling the really fit people without any shirts on. She couldn’t quite help her staring at the boy’s chest and abs, not hearing a word he said as she stared. The redhead shook the thoughts from her head and finally looked up at his face. “Yeah. Yeah! Totally going to work out. Do the sit-ups and push-ups and all the other ups...” she said, making a motion like she was bench-pressing something, about the only thing she really knew about working out.
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
it wasn’t that cara had minded. in fact she would take them up on their offer to hang out whenever. she was a lone wolf and spend most of her time alone at the library. but she had a test monday and really did need to study. “i am not trying to be boring..” she paused. “but i really should be studying for this test monday instead.”
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“I’m sorry. Yeah, you should totally go and do that,” she said, shaking her head. “It’s not that important or anything really.” She did her best to give a bright smile, though it didn’t reach her eyes. The other girl had seemed nice and Ashley was just so awkward with people. She had hoped maybe spending time with the girl would help her maybe make her first female friend, but maybe not. “I don’t want to keep you from getting a good grade or anything.”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
the girl rolled her dark eyes. “look- i don’t care.” she said before pausing and letting out a sigh. she was used to being a bitch but when she caught a glimpse of the person in front of her she had just told she didn’t care she felt a ping of guilt. “sorry.. i just have a lot going on in my own life to worry about bailey.” she pointed out. “i thought you had came here to drink with me.. but maybe i was wrong and you were looking for a therapist.” she said waving the bottle of vodka at them.
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“I wasn’t trying to rude or anything. I mean, I didn’t really know the girl or anything, but I just wondered if it was right to be partying and stuff so soon after... everything,” she said, trying to explain her more long-winded version of what she had been saying before. “I’m not opposed to drinking, but I guess my brain couldn’t help asking that before I actually joined in or whatever.”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
as indigo turned the corner he spoke. “knock knock little piggy let me in.” he teased as he smiled at their door frame. “please tell me you are wanting company because i have been cooped up all weekend lonely in my room.” indigo was needing to be social lately the only people who he had seen were the ones buying drugs off him. he liked money- but it got lonely from time to time.
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Ashley looked through the window on the front door before she opened it, leaning against it while she looked at Indigo. “What’s the password?” she teased, a hint of a smile on her features. Lucky for him, her parents and brothers weren’t home for once and she had the house to herself. Otherwise he would have to deal with her wild brothers as well. “C’mon in loser. What have you been up to?”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
“Calculus? Man, that sucks. I mean, it’s alright if you like it.” He said clearing his throat before scratching his head and look back at the girl. Do you actually understand it? Because I had to spend the whole night before the test studying to get a good grade.” Benjamin said lifting his eyebrows at her. “I could use a snack break. Are you in?”
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“I do. I’m a weird math genius. Once I understand how to solve the problems, I’m pretty set. The math teachers found it really weird when I moved here how I was getting like almost perfect scores on all my math tests. They even had me retake one in a room by myself to make sure I wasn’t cheating. For some reason my brain just gets numbers and equations,” she explained with a shrug. “Oh snacks! I’m always interested in snack breaks,” she declared, closing the book and nodding her head vigorously.
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
Looking down at the girl, Jae showed serious concern on his face as he bent down to help her. “No, it’s not. You ended up on the ground. I apologizee for not seeing you in time.”Holding out his hand to help her up, he quickly scanned to see if she had any scraps. “…No blood from what I can see.”
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“I usually end up on the ground anyways, often with no other cause but myself,” she explained, looking up at him. “Shit you’re tall. But you probably know that already,” Ashley stated before taking his hand to help her get up. “No blood means all good in my book! I usually have weird bruises all over my body anyways. I’m clumsy, so this is totally normal for me. In fact, it is weird when a day goes by and I don’t fall.”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
“Well, you know what they say about nice guys…” He shook his head and gave her a worried look. “So I definitely hope I’m not in that category yet, my romantic life is already shit without that.” He joked, although there was probably a hint of honesty in his voice.
“Hey do not underestimate us, we do have determination to sell you know?” He chuckled. “I mean being on the other side of the country is definitely not safe from us.” He boasted, but lowered his eyes shortly thereafter, without however dropping his smile. “I mean most exotic place I have been is probably Boston, but how hard could it be right?” Yeah and even that, was just a few times in his life, one with his mom and dad and a few other to meet college recruiters.
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He smirked when he noticed her blushing, now he wasn’t sure why of course, but he could make a guess, he gave Nate a mental high five.
“Well your ex best friend was a bitch.” He replied frankly. “I mean, you don’t do this kind of shit.” Yeah that was perhaps a bit hypocritical coming from him, as Luke wasn’t exactly the most strict follower of the ‘bro code himself, but whatever, he did look out for his friends after all.
Fuck she really must have met a lot of assholes in her life to be so excited about being friends right? Luke was caught a bit off-guard by her reaction, he ruffled the hair on the back of his neck, but still managed a smile. “Yeah of course I do, I mean aren’t we already?” Yeah it was so obvious to him, they spent time together, they confide to each other, they were friends.
“Awesome. I’m sure I…. I mean mom will love them.”  He commented enthusiastically, not that Luke’s reputation of being a big eater was exactly a secret at school. Besides, he was renowned for having perfected the right combination of flirty boy and hungry puppy eyes that allowed him to score a few extras every day at the cafeteria.
“Is it a challenge?” He grinned. “Well I’m definitely up for it.”
“Nice guys do not finish last! I know plenty of nice guys who got the girl. None come to mind right now, but still!” she declared, though since she didn’t have anything to back up her claim, it sort of didn’t help. “Yeah yeah, you’re all determined and tough, but that doesn’t mean you have to go all the way to California,” she said with a laugh, shaking her head. “Yeah. I didn’t realize how much until I found out.” Even finding out that her best friend wasn’t the person she thought she was didn’t help. It still hurt, even after all this time. She was taking out of those painful memories when he said they were friends. The smile lit up her face as she jumped on Luke, hugging him tightly. “Yay! I was worried I’d never have a friend in this town!” she said, jumping up and down in excitement once she let him go.
“I wasn’t sure if you actually wanted to be my friend or not. I mean, you’ve always been nice and friendly to me, but that doesn’t always equal like a real friendship,” she said, rambling a bit in her excitement. “I’ll make sure we make enough for you and your parents. And it is definitely a challenge!”
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ashleyalcotttt · 4 years
“I love studying, I really do, more than most people at this school, but if I don’t take a break soon I might cry.” Benjamin joked said with a small laugh as he lifted his head to look at the other person as he closed his books, pushing them away from him. “What are you up to?” He asked them curiously. 
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Ashley looked up from her own book, or to be more accurate, what she was doing behind her book. “Hm? Oh um... Just studying! Calculus,” she stated, gesturing to the book in front of her before realizing it was upside down. With an awkward smile, she flipped the book around. “Or taking a study break to play Marvel Strike Force on my phone.”
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