asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
The arts in the world of contact
[[This is essentially going to be a narrative exposition of my headcanons, which may or may not go well...]]
First-contact was, without argument, one of the most impactful moments to human history.  With a simple alien encounter the perception that humanity had of the universe as a whole was ripped open.  And a single, nearly divine truth became the foremost idea in the heads of billions, we are not alone.
Such an upset was difficult for people to receive.  Our very reality had to be rewritten, to include concepts that were literally alien.  We had never even considered a "Turian" before, let alone Asari, Salarian, Batarian, Krogan, Quarian, and an entire galaxy more.
It was chaos, religions, governments, none of them were equipped to handle a shift of this magnitude.  The hide bound organizations that had served us well into antiquity were ill equipped to shift their gears so dramatically.
But there was one thing that was always ready for such a thing, art.  
At first, the art was little more than reaction and speculation.  Visions of fiery destruction under alien boots or pictures of human paragons, hoping to cling to ideas of what makes someone human.
Eventually though, familiarity became understanding.  The war was over, our enemies were discovered to be flawed and we begane to thrust ourselves bodily into a galactic world.  And the arts followed suit.
painters mixed their colors with new Salarian influences.  Sculptors found themselves emulating the methodical curves of the Elcor.  Musicians found a Hanar Symphony inspirational.  Plays with reinterpretations of classic myths from all the species spread across earth and the colonies.  
And their art spread itself outward as well.  The occasional turian could be heard whistling Wagner.  An asari writer decided to turn her fingers to creating the perfect film noir script.  The Quarian discovered themselves watching ballet en masse, transfixed by the flowing of gowns.
This is the world that Ashala finds herself in.  A pure asari raised by a human father.  The world of art was open to her, and she fell into dance like a sparrow might fall into flight.  Old vids downloaded off the extranet of men and women who pirouetted and plied seemingly as effortlessly as breathing filled her imagination and brought a young girl to hold onto whatever railing she could, trying to extend her legs like she had seen those beautiful women do.
Art is the thing that bridged our species.  Though there are few who would recognize it.  Many would attribute treaties and trade agreements, battles fought over individual planets.  But it was the sonnets, the dances, the novels and paintings and vids.  The things into which artists could pour their humanity and embrace as it merges with another's Asariness.
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
"But Daaaaaaaaaaaaad"
Ethan stepped out of his shower, a wrapped towel around his waist, obscuring the area below his waist.  He walked up to the two girls on his sofa, putting his hands on the back of the sofa, behind Estelle.
“What are you two talking about?”
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
Ashala smiled and blushed a little, looking over the much older matriarch, embracing the feeling of warmth that the woman's acceptance inspired in her.
"Good... I hope you like it."
asariadoptee said: tickets!
“Tickets? For what?”
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
Ashala had dozens of reasons to ask, thoughts that flickered through her head, all too often unbidden.  But she wasn't capable of articulating most of them, just her worries and fears.
But she didn't have to... the clicking, then whirring, noise of the door meant that her dad was out of the shower.
“No I don’t want, why I’d want that? Ethan is a friend I barely know yet, why i’d wish something to happen?”
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
[[On here too!]]
[[OK, I owe people replies and I have been away for far too long.  I’m goingto try to get myself back into the RP swing of things, step one:  Finish my replies!
After that, It’s just a matter of coming on more often.  I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long, it’s been a combination of distance, change, shitty internet, my own issues, and my own laziness.]]
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
"I... because!"
“Yes I’m sure” Estelle frowned and tilted her head. “ok, what’s the big deal? It’s not like anything hapenned between us.”
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
"Well it looks like something happened.  You don't want something to happen?"
Ashala grinned at Estelle’s reaction, leaning further forward against the sofa, a soft creaking emanating from it with her shifting weight. “you’re wearing my Dad’s clothes, you’re all wet… sooo?”
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
"Are you suuuurrrrreeeeee?"
Estelle tilted her head raising and eyebrow. “Feel better?” It took her a few seconds to realize what Ashala meant by that. “What? No we didn’t do that. Why you’d think… I think I know why.” Estelle sound troubled, her face flushed red
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
Ashala grinned at Estelle's reaction, leaning further forward against the sofa, a soft creaking emanating from it with her shifting weight. "you're wearing my Dad's clothes, you're all wet... sooo?"
Estelle smiled as she listenned to Ethan walking away. She turned toward the asari. “I’m sorry for… imposing myself, you know I can just wait here if you don’t want to talk of anything, wich I doupt since you sounded… excited?” She said with a shy smile.
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
Ashala smiled, leaning a bit forward on the seat.  she was a bit excited, it wasn't that often that she got to have a frank conversation with a girl above her age.
"So does it feel better since you can't see?"
“Um, no.  I don’t mind.  Although I don’t appreciate you putting words in my mouth young lady.”  He smiled at the young asari when she adopted an apologetic expression and turned off into the bathroom, stripping down when the door was closed and putting on the water.
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
"Dad doesn't mind, do you dad?"
Ashala was excited about the prospect, she enjoyed grilling the people that came into their apartment, and Estelle would be no exception, after all, the woman was wearing her father's clothes, Ashala believed she had a picture of what had happened.
She turned toward Ethan’s voice, altough she was a bit off, understandable for a blind person. “oh? You didn’t tell me you had a daughter. Well nice to meet you.” She said turning a bit toward Ashala. “You’re coming back from a practice of what?” She asked curious, intrigued by Ashala, for a moment ocmpletly forgetting about the clothes.
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
"Ballet.  I want to be a ballerina."
Estelle nodded slightly, frowning at her «ohhh» altough not pointing it. “I’m Estelle… did I hear you call Ethan… dad?” She asked curious and wondering where he could have be gone the time of a shower.
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
I call mine father... or dad.
What do asari call adoptive parents?
Mass Effect 3 states that children call their parents “mother” and “father” based on who physically have birth to them. So, if a couple adopts a child, what does the child call her parents?
Further, is it possible for one party of a couple to give birth to one child and the other to give birth to another? Is one “mom” to one child and “dad” to the other?
Important questions.
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
Ashala raised her brows, the presence of another woman in their apartment wasn't exactly something she had never seen before.  The baggy clothes that were several sizes too large for her showed that she was wearing her father's clothing.
Ashala believed she knew enough to make her conclusion.
"Ohhh... I'm Ashala."
Ashala had returned from her dance studio, her sore muscles wrapped around a tight leotard that she kept covered under a small assortment of loose clothes.
She stepped into the entrance, looking around and not seeing her father in occupation, she called out, “Dad?”  and then her head snapped across as she heard someone else asking for the same person.
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
Ashala had returned from her dance studio, her sore muscles wrapped around a tight leotard that she kept covered under a small assortment of loose clothes.
She stepped into the entrance, looking around and not seeing her father in occupation, she called out, "Dad?"  and then her head snapped across as she heard someone else asking for the same person.
“huh… alright” She placed her hand on the wall and started walking, following the wall until she found the shower and continued in search of any shelf with towels or else, listenning for his return. She was careful not to bump into anything
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
"Oh!  um... my company is doing a production of "l'azure fée"  I. um. got you tickets."
asariadoptee said: tickets!
“Tickets? For what?”
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asariadoptee-blog · 11 years
"So, what kind of places do you like to look at?"
Ashala smiled as she flipped through through the information about the Asari home world, guides on art, guides of scenery, guides of famous cities that were no longer standing.
“Thank you, you’ve been really helpful!”
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