artsypotat · 6 days
stop no cause I’ll cry 😭
can’t stop thinking about these moments from the original dps script
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artsypotat · 6 days
“Tortured poets department?” Back in my day it was dead poets society
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artsypotat · 6 days
Okay, so let me see if I understand correctly:
Boys wanting to write poetry is a metaphor for boys wanting the freedom to make out in the back of old bookstores and to wear lipstick while reciting Shakespearean sonnets without having to hear the constant disapproval of others
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Men running away to become pirates is a metaphor for men running away from the safe, heteronormative lives society forced them into in order to start a more genuine, albeit more dangerous, life for themselves
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Nerdy teens fighting monsters together is a metaphor for teens who were once outcasted by their community for being different helping each other to confront their trauma and to become the heroes of their own stories
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And women playing baseball is a metaphor for women reclaiming their femininity after spending most of their lives being told they’re “not real girls” because they don’t fit the mold the patriarchy wants them to fit into
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But ultimately all of them are just metaphors for a friend group being gayer than the fucking fourth of July
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artsypotat · 6 days
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gotta be one of the best twink death dilf births that I've ever seen
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artsypotat · 6 days
Gay people will be like “this is my comfort show!” And then show you the most emotionally devastating, stress-inducing, tragic piece of media you have ever witnessed
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artsypotat · 10 days
the lack of poly dead poets fics is criminal and i will not stand for it
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artsypotat · 6 months
reasons criticizing fanfics publicly is lame
lets go over this again shall we?
it is not appropriate to give constructive criticism of fanfiction unless explicitly asked by the author. lots of authors are not interested in improving their writing, they are doing this for the goofs. the laughs. the giggling-good-times. giving people constructive criticism on fanfiction is a bit like if someone gave you a home made birthday card and in front of a room full of people you began to critique it. that social awkwardness? that is what you should feel when you start criticizing fanfiction
"I don't like" is not constructive criticism. it is not critical thinking. if you use the sentence "i don't like" in an academic paper you will fail. what you like is not an objective fact. it is a feeling. which you are allowed to have but which means nothing about the object of your dislike. now, to refer to point one, even if criticism IS constructive, still not appropriate here, but the amount of people who are confusing not liking something with being critical is truly baffling.
i have said this before and i will say it again. just because you have the opportunity to do something, does not mean you are right for doing it. for example, people love to say that if you post things online then you are giving people the right to criticize it. to which i say: no. i am giving you the opportunity. the same way that when i walk out my door i give people on the street the opportunity to shout terrible things at me. that doesn't mean you aren't still an asshole for taking that opportunity. just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do something.
assuming that fanfics should be open to criticism is treating them like published works and is treating fandom like a goods and services economy. we are not consumers consuming products, we are meant to be a community of people with similar interests sharing things. a timeless, but always relevant, metaphor for this, is that fandom is a potluck not a restaurant. you wouldn't go to a potluck and start talking about the food the way you might at a restaurant.
not 2 sound horribly naive or whatever, but maybe just be kind? like, it's not very hard. maybe just don't get on the internet and be an entitled superior asshat. idk man.
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artsypotat · 9 months
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artsypotat turned 1 today!
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artsypotat · 11 months
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i keep meaning to put these here so i can link them on ao3 lol these are the floorplans for different relevant areas in my fic we go to camelot. avalon is their apartment, then ofc the archives and camelot itself
i haven't studied architecture since 2016 so these are not anything specific they are just for my own reference lol
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artsypotat · 1 year
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family <3
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artsypotat · 1 year
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artsypotat · 1 year
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artsypotat · 1 year
reblog with ur height in the tags!!!!! i wanna see how tall/short all my mutuals are
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artsypotat · 1 year
James, at some point : You speak FRENCH ?? Say something !!!
Regulus : Tu es l'homme le plus beau du monde, mon amour. (You're the most beautiful man in the world, my love.)
James : What does it mean ?
Regulus : It means don't give me orders you fucking bastard
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artsypotat · 1 year
taking this and running
hello! i was wondering if you could give a physical description of evan and barty in adagio? i am having MAJOR brainrot and wanted to make some fanart but then realized i don't really know how to imagine them 😭 i ADORED adagio btw and love how you characterized evan, barty, reg and etc. OH ALSO i would also LOVE to know how you imagine emmeline and amelia as i SO want to draw them as well. (omg sorry this became so rambly JAINAHIENAUJA)
sorry i just have fancasts of them, that, not to toot my own horn, ARE SOOOO GOOD
okay okay so
Evan as steezereese on insta
amelia as eleciasimone on insta
emmeline as taanyaar on insta
barty as alexschlab on tiktok
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artsypotat · 1 year
guys i miss the bells
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artsypotat · 1 year
i feel like we don't talk about the fact that sirius fell in love with the moon and regulus fell in love with the sun enough—as far symbolism and motifs generally agreed upon goes. not only did they go in completely opposite directions, they are both stars that chose two of the most important things to the world they live in and went: that one, that's the one i want, that one's mine. and the sun and moon in question here, literally things the world could not continue on without, were more than just agreeable to this, they were fucking ecstatic about it.
like, imagine an au where they're all genuinely just personified versions of the things we say they represent. as in, james is the actual sun, but sometimes he comes and hangs out on earth and takes the form of—well, james. same with remus being the moon. same with regulus and sirius being stars. imagine they all have to go to some sort of solar system conference or something, and sirius starts, like, smacking regulus on the shoulder to be like, "oh my god, look at the moon, i want the moon", meanwhile regulus is watching james like, "okay have the moon, but i want the sun" and the literal sun and moon are charmed by these stars while the rest of the solar system are like ???
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