artisticgirl19 · 2 months
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artisticgirl19 · 3 months
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artisticgirl19 · 3 months
• we can't be friends
© to @evashitox
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artisticgirl19 · 3 months
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artisticgirl19 · 3 months
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artisticgirl19 · 3 months
🖤🥀 March has arrived! 🖤🥀
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artisticgirl19 · 5 months
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Evan Peters in 2013
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artisticgirl19 · 5 months
Manifesting Evan's win....
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artisticgirl19 · 8 months
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ricky and gina + the chocolates ™️
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artisticgirl19 · 8 months
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#and he made sure of that!
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artisticgirl19 · 1 year
Nomes dos integrantes do EXO se eles fossem brasileiros (P/1)🇧🇷
*Utilizando as fontes da minha cabeça e da minha análise da aparência + personalidade de cada membro*
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KIM JONGIN- Começando com o integrante mais fácil de transformar em brasileiro, já que é quase consenso no fandom q seu nome br seria JORGE. É a transformação mais lógica para o nome jongin e combina muito com ele. É um nome de galã de novela das 21:00 e se se encaixa muito com a personalidade de príncipe encantado que ele tem.
Também levei em consideração o stage name Kai, afinal, todos sabemos q jongin é a pessoa e Kai é a persona e cheguei a conclusão que a melhor "tradução" para Kai seria KAÍQUE. Sim, kaíque e não "caio" pq acho q Kaíque tem toda a malandragem e a sagacidade q só o kai tem. Além de seguir bem na linha de contraste de personalidade que existe no nosso príncipe da dualidade Kim Jorginho.
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BYUN BAEKHYUN- O nosso menino baek foi o segundo mais fácil de nomear pq a combinação rosto angelical + extroversão + travessura na minha cabeça é sempre igual a: GABRIEL .
A carinha de santo sempre engana, mas quando você vê de perto descobre que é uma peste. Provavelmente foi uma criança bem travessa durante a infância e na adolescência era bem popular com as meninas. Sabe quando você vê sua amiga toda apaixonada e descobre que ela tá assim por um Gabriel e não há nada q você possa fazer porque isso é um evento canônico na vida de toda a menina? Então, é essa a energia que ele me passa.
Outro nome q considerei pensando mais em seu nome coreano foi BERNARDO. Esse não tem muita explicação só acho q encaixaria bem com ele.
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KIM MINSEOK- Para o nosso querido velhinho, a decisão também não foi muito difícil. Apesar da idade, a essência dele é de uma pessoa bem nova.
Ele sempre me passou aquela impressão de pessoa que foi criada com a vó, sabe? Vida mansa, sempre sendo paparicado, sem medo de fazer alguma graça para ganhar o que quer. Para ele escolhi o nome FELIPE.
É novial e tem aquele toque de criança classe média alta que vive em condomínio sem ser muito cafona ou estereotipado.
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artisticgirl19 · 1 year
Reasons To Ship Stalia -Music Analysis
I’m sorry, but the Teen Wolf Music Department love Stalia because their songs connect so well to their ship, it hurts my little shipper heart. I did this for my college coursework icebreaker, I didn’t just do this for the fun of this, Teen Wolf actually is helping my education. Not all songs are included, as it would have been wayyyy too long, just the ones I could say loads about.
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In context, their first song “Naughty Boy ft. Bastille - No One’s Here To Sleep,” is about a hotel, the song is from an album titled, “Hotel Cabana” and the song’s meaning, is how secrets are kept within the hotel’s walls between two or more people.
The line, “What goes on behind these doors; I’ll keep mine and you’ll keep yours; We all have our secrets,” has a clear meaning, however, think about where Stiles and Malia are when this scene is taking place, Eichen House. Somewhere people go when they need help, a mental institution; Malia is struggling to adapt with her new life and Stiles is trying to keep the Nogitsune buried down, they are both in very similar circumstances, trying to gain control. Revisiting this line, “What goes on behind these doors; I’ll keep mine and you’ll keep yours; We all have our secrets,” is juxtaposed by them, Stiles is the only one in Eichen that knows Malia is a werecoyote, he knows her secret. The song on a whole, is about keeping your own secrets, however, we know, by the end of the episode they both know each other’s darkest secrets, but they both trust each other.  
The line, “ You were always faster than me. I’ll never catch up with you, with you,” this song is from a male perspective and that makes sense as is most likely from Stiles’s view, Malia is physically stronger than Stiles, but that doesn’t affect their affection for one another, not one little bit; Stiles is possessed, so as he helps Malia, she becomes more human, she is one step ahead of him, whilst the Nogitsune keeps him one step behind, meaning he can’t catch up. However, the last line of the song is, “You were always faster than me. I will always catch up with you,” the songs are not added to an episode until the entire season is over, so the music department can tease what is coming up, having this song and the meaning shows you Stalia is gonna be present next season, the line “I will never catch up with you,” is now, “I will always catch up with you,” because Malia is Stiles’s human anchor when he is possessed, he let Void in to save her and in the end, it was her name that saved him (see 3x22, De-Void!) Meaning they are no longer one step behind each other, but in unison with one another.
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Their second song, “Deptford Goth - Feel Real,” also makes a lot of sense to them with the circumstance they are both in. It’s about accepting that fact you are falling in love with someone. This part, “Now you’ve got to breathe. It’s only where your feet feel,” is about being knocked off your feet by your love interest, you need time to take it all in. “People so cool. Somebody wants you,“ for Stiles, this line means a lot, considering he has had a crush on one girl for so long, Lydia and now, the feeling of love is reciprocated; he was so used to it being one-sided and now, he doesn’t have to worry about that anymore. Malia likes him. He likes Malia. “I want to dance like her. Like nobody’s watching. But nobody’s watching,” means that they both don’t care if anyone is watching, they don’t care about the views of the people around them; which links more to the fandom, then the ship. Teen Wolf made stalia knowing some fans would not like it, but they did it and putting this song is the cherry on top of the cake, they did it, they liked it and they know some of the fanbase would too.
“Forever meant nothing when he had nothing,” here’s two people, who right now, have nothing, Malia doesn’t know if her Father will ever accept her and Stiles doesn’t know if he can beat Void Stiles, so this line means everything. They don’t care about forever because they have nothing, but each other, at that moment, at that time was more important to them then forever.
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Their third song, “I could love you more by The Miracals,” is clearly about being scared to love someone too much. Which makes sense, the last people Malia loved with all her heart are her sister and her mother, who passed away and Stiles, he loved his Mother with all his heart and he lost her. They are both new to being in love and being in a relationship, they are afraid that if they love each other too much if they lose each other, it will hurt more. The line, “I could love you more than you’d love me. I could love your summer clothes. I could love you, but I’ll stop before it grows,” links to this, they are in love and they care for one another, nevertheless they are scared to let their love grow, because to both of them love equals loss.
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Stalia’s first mini-breakup song links so well to who they both are. The song is “Breathe By of Verona,” is about their relationship, what they mean to each other, but it is changed, as this is about Malia’s heartbreak to know that her boyfriend held back the truth of who her father is. “Beautiful can’t begin to describe you. Or what you mean to me.” This song is sung by a woman, which is the first in the Stalia songs and makes strict sense as it is most definitely from Malia’s view; she sees Stiles as the light in her dark life and has since Eichen House, to her, he is perfect, until she finds out about Peter, maybe beautiful is how she used to describe him, but now it’s not enough, she’s confused, she doesn’t know how to describe him and she knows that he means the world to her, but he lied.
“As we both come undone. Open up your world. Show me the deepest secrets. I would I’d understand. Watching us burn. Into a million pieces. One touch of your hand,” is about how they both fell in love in a vulnerable mental state, they revealed their darkest secrets to one another and this sentence is about how they forgave each other for all the wrong they have done, but this time, Stiles withheld the truth and Malia is not used to this, so she walks away, watching them “burn into a million pieces,” because Stiles didn’t tell her.
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Jerome Holloway’s “Who Will Love Me,” is the perfect song to describe Stiles’s emotions after his fall out with Malia as she is the first girl to ever love him as much as he loves her and he messed her, she left and he’s broken, not sure where to turn. “ It’s too late for me to cry oh no no no no nooo who will love me in the winter who will love me when it’s cool,” shows that Stiles is afraid because he let himself love someone and now he’s lost her, which hurts him too much and he is afraid, she will never come back.
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“Eliza Hull - Echoes,” is about reconnecting with someone you were sure you had lost, although, it is once again a female’s (Malia’s) view, meaning she never thought, after Stiles hid the truth of her biological Father that she could forgive him, but she does because she is in love with him. “Closer. Feel it rising above. Heartstrings, pull me back to you,” she can’t help falling in deeper in love with Stiles, she is always pulled back to him; no matter how hard she tries, she loves him. Now here’s an important line, “I know that it is time to take you home,” after this scene, Malia and Stiles literally go back to his house; in the songs, and in spoken scenes, that Stiles’s house is ”home,“ to both of them. 
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As I mentioned before, the songs are added after a season is recorded so, “Too Far Moon - Til My Heart Stops,” makes sense for a silent Stalia scene where Malia wipes the question, “who is the desert wolf?” off the board, as the song is about losing the one you love, so the music department knew Stalia was having a break up scene and this song foreshadows it, “My love, my love. Where have you gone?” Refers to the fact, that for one, in the next episode Stiles accidentally kills Donovan, and in turn, this starts the downfall of their relationship. It also links to the “desert wolf,” because she also scares Malia, as she wants to hurt Stiles to get to Malia. So, “my love, my love. Where have you gone?” Doesn’t just foreshadow the break-up, but it foreshadows the post break-up and how that both of them are at a crossroads with loving and losing one another. 
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Fast-forward to season six, in the scene in 6x01, when Stiles keeps photobombing Malia, the song “Cheat Codes ft. Evan Gartner - Adventure,” plays. The song is cheerful and bouncy, the lyrics have a deeper meaning, as it links back to the more happier times in their relationship, “I’ll hold on to every word you’ve ever said,” talks about, even though they no longer together, both of them will cherish the relationship and hold onto it. “Give me something I won’t forget,” there is something deeply ironic about this, as Malia did forget Stiles this season, however, the song is sung from a man’s point of view and the line before this was, “For the dreams in my head,” which links back to when Stiles lost Malia and dreamt about her spooning him. This song is about how Stiles will never let the memories of Malia go, no matter if they aren’t as close as they used to be.
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artisticgirl19 · 1 year
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I’m half a man at best With half an arrow in my chest I miss everything we do I’m half a heart without you
Forget all we said that night No, it doesn’t even matter ‘Cause we both got split in two
If you could spare an hour or so We’ll go for lunch down by the river We can really talk it through
Post Canon AU where Stiles calls Malia up to apologize for how he ended things and they reconnect for @scintalla​
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artisticgirl19 · 2 years
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listen i dont really know whats the logic behind none of them having pants on but silver still having a towel wrapped around his waist. he's just bizarre
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artisticgirl19 · 2 years
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“the love hypothesis, chapter 16: adam” by ali hazelwood
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artisticgirl19 · 2 years
Cobra kai is a redemption show for Johnny that goes or should go far beyond just Daniel Larusso's "forgiveness". Their rivalry continued through the seasons because as much as Johnny knows he made a mistake with Daniel, he also puts himself as a victim of circumstances and blames Daniel for much of what happened.
Johnny's main point of evolution would be to stop blaming Daniel or the his lost at the tournament and accept that the fact that his life was horrible is because he was misguided by the Kreese and made several mistakes of his own.
Daniel quickly forgave both Chozen and Mike Barnes who literally tried to kill him (something I have unpopular opinions about btw). The only forgiveness he didn't give was to Kreese, who doesn't want Daniel's forgiveness and prays for his downfall every day, and Terry Silver.
In Terry Silver's case, the situation would need more time. The way he arrived with the Kreese(aka biggest Larusso enemy)in Miyagi-do was not a good idea. The apologies, however false they may seem, I think they were sincere, in the sense that Silver knows well that he made a mistake with Daniel, but he doesn't treat what he did with the seriousness that Daniel treats the situation.
Even after years of therapy he can't understand how it really affected Daniel and still sees it as something that "went to far". I think compared to everything Terry have felt, seen and done with others, this revenge against Daniel must be child's play for him. How can you properly apologize for something you still see as a joke? Not matter what it will still sound like mockering and that's not what Daniel wants.
Well, idk abt you guys, but i would never blame Daniel for not apologizing his former bullies and if one day he wakes up and decides that everyone should get fucked, i would still have his back 🤷‍♀️
What's with so many people in the Cobra Kai fandom saying Daniel is petty/holds grudges? Obviously he's made a lot of mistakes and isn't perfect by any means, but saying he holds grudges is weird.
He had more or less forgiven Johnny and only started their rivalry again when Johnny started Cobra Kai. As soon as Chozen showed him he had changed, Daniel forgave him. The minute he found out Mike wasn't working for Silver, he had no problem with him. And honestly, even if he decided not to forgive them, that would be reasonable. Why does he owe forgiveness to people who tried to kill him??
The only people he didn't forgive were Kreese and Silver because they were grown ass adults that terrorized him as a child for no reason. People are really out here saying with full confidence that he should have just accepted Terry's applogy. Miss me with that bullshit.
I hate how so much of the discourse around Daniel is just straight up victim blaming. Big yikes.
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artisticgirl19 · 2 years
This happened when the fandom started to have more shippers than fans of the show. Nothing against if you ship Daniel with whatever bullie from his past, but a lot of this mischaracterization comes from that.
Daniel has always been subjugated by every man he's ever met and has always said he just wanted to be left alone. He overcame all these obstacles and difficulties thanks to the lessons learned from Miyagi (who, like Daniel, was also not taken seriously by his enemies due to his size and age and ethnicity).
However, it seems that the entire purpose of the film, which is about overcoming bullying and Daniel's real personality, has been swallowed by the narrative of "all Daniel's bullies wanted to fuck him and Daniel likes to be humiliated by them cause he is smaller and more fragile."
As much as I agree that there is a hint of compulsory heteronormativity and internalized homophobia in Daniel's relationships with his bullies (I'm looking at you Johnny Lawrence) you can't just take that into account when analyzing these relationships.
I won't address my view on Daniel's sexuality because it doesn't fit here, but considering Daniel's personality, which is different from the stereotypical view of most HC's, I think he's just the type of guy who wants security and peace in his relationships, especially if he is not the only man involved.
Yeah, I’ll keep saying this forever and always, but I don’t understand how the fandom’s frequent characterization of (an especially teenage) Daniel Larusso went from ‘Spunky, spiteful, awkward kid from Jersey who isn’t accepted in a new environment because of socio-economic and even ethnic differences but who still has his heart in the right place’ to the weirdly fetishistic 'Lolita Succubus Vampiric Honeypot Who Likes to Get Degraded, Fucked, Feminized, Abused, Cummed on and Pegged’.
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