art-is-bigender · 4 years
I think the major arguing point between transmeds and tucutes – whether or not you need gender dysphoria to be trans – really comes down to how each side uses terms. I slaved in MSPaint for 2 minutes and came up with this –
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– which I think both transmeds and tucutes would more or less agree on. Mood, or situation, or mental state, or whatever you want to call it, generally improves after social/medical/etc transition. The disagreement, I think, comes from how each side talks about this improvement.
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Truscum/transmeds say that gender dysphoria lessens with transition; tucutes/anti-transmeds say that gender euphoria increases with transition. It’s literally just semantics.
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
I keep getting better, at slowly getting worse
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, here’s a redesign of the Aroflux flag! I wanted to keep the meanings of the original flag but fix up the colours so the flag isn’t as eyestrainy as it currently is. Feel free to use, no credit is required! Please share this around, even if you aren’t Aroflux so more people can see it!
Don’t interact with this post if you’re an aspec exclusionist please and thank you
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
Technically when you're in nobody's view you're hiding
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
I love the colors metaphor since it's the one I use!
Hi! I'm trying to explain trans and nonbinary people to my friend and I'm doing my best but he's just not getting the why and I really don't know how to explain it to him, can you help me?
Simple definition: identifying as a gender that doesn’t perfectly match up with the gender you were assigned at birth. This includes both binary trans people are nonbinary trans people!
For example: If someone was assigned female at birth, but feels like a boy? They could be a trans boy. If they feel like no gender at all? They could be agender, a type of nonbinary.
Some trans people choose to transition in order to feel more valid as the gender they are, in order to feel as their real selves. Either by changing social aspects of their life (what name and pronouns they use, what clothes they use, etc) or by medically transitioning (taking hormones, having surgeries, etc). Or, quite commonly, doing both!
But some trans people do neither of those two things and they are still trans. They just either don’t feel the need to change anything in order to feel comfortable with themselves, or they are in a position where it wouldn’t be safe for them to transition so they choose their immediate safety over comfort.
Some people use color metaphors - say a binary girl is a certain shade of pink and a binary boy is a certain shade of blue. There are lots of other colors! Some are yellow, some are green, some are purple, some are a rainbow, some are white or black. And sometimes people who are somewhat a girl/boy but still nonbinary are a shade of pink or blue that isn’t quite the same as the binary ones.
Some other people use different venn diagrams - like this one:
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Showing that some nonbinary people are inbetween male and female, while others are completely unrelated to them. And some are a combination of inbetween and outside, and others still are part male or female while also being outside of the binary. And sometims people move around from one circle to another since gender can be fluid!
And of course there’s nothing preventing you from combining these metaphors:
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Then again, there are many other ways to visualize genders too, so if you can come up with a better or a different way to show it, go for it!
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
Am I the only one who pronounces xe/xem/xyr like.. Not "zee/zem/zyr" but actually "x-ee/x-em/x-yr"?
Idk it just feels right
Any others?
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
Help my best friend Gus get the top surgery they need! this is a life saving surgery that is taking place in one month! Gus has recently been unable to work as they have become debilitating disabled and we need all the help we can get. 
Gus is an amazing person who has worked hard and has friends who support them, however, we need to reach a larger audience and would appreciate even the smallest donation! If you cannot donate for any reason that’s completely okay to, we would really appreciate this being shared! thank you
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
Reblog this
Reblog this if you wanna be pen pals. I’m looking for someone who wants to do old fashion snail mail with me. If you are into weed, books, music, photography, any crafts, or anything interesting, please let’s be pen pals. 🌌
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
Who are you?
My first name is Art/Arcadia/Alice, my middle name is Robin(/Ruby)
My pronouns are he/him, she/her, and xe/xem. I am also trying out some noun pronouns such as an/angelself, py/pyroself, fire/fireself, and others!
I'm 17! My bday is in october
The labels I use the most are bigenderflux and queer
My element is fire and my sign is Libra!
My kins are angelkin, demigodkin, fictionkin and more!
I'm Italian and I live in Italy but I consider myself English
Okay, now.. More about yourself and your interests.
Oh yeah. I'm kinda funny and very kind! I love to help people, especially in discovering themselves. I LOVE labels and I enjoy helping others finding the ones that suit them best!
But I DO have other hobbies. I love reading and watching TV series! My favorite author is Rick Riordan and my favorite series is Supernatural so far, but there are a lot more. I also love watching movies, so far obsessed with Marvel
My worst fear is, uhhhhh spiders
U h I role play sometimes but not like D&D games?
Also something I adore doing is discovering how humans can be unique, so I love talking to new people and finding out more and more about them
When I grow up I wanna study psychology, I find the human mind fascinating
Why would you want to have a penpal?
BECAUSE I love writing letters!! I'm so sad actual letters are not used anymore and I'd love to use them again!
Also because I love to have friends that I can discover slowly- unlike how it happens with online friends. I'd love to talk about my week and wait for a letter to arrive everyday!
Other infos?
I can speak English but I'd love to try using languages such as Dutch or even Latin
I'd prefer talking with someone in Europe (it's just more practical) but I don't mind other places as long as I know how to send letters easily 😂
I'd also love to have more than one so don't worry about asking!
How can I tell you I wanna be your penpal?
Just, like, DM me? IdK everything's fine- just tell me your name, your hobbies and why you wanna do this
DNET (or do not even try)
If you don't "agree with my lifestyle"
If you are going to insult me or anything I am/believe
If you are against:
Trans people
Uhhh any kind of race? Not gonna listen to some racist bigot
Religions? I'm very religious (in my way)
Disabled folx? Not gonna take ableist shit lol
Poor people
Systems? Idk any kind of disorder anyhow
OR if you deny any of your privilege (if you have it ofC)
Edit: I'd also like some penpal via e-mail but I still prefer letters! IdK
Edit: Didn't think this would be so popular! Maybe I'll just do by e-mails now, idk
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
I just remembered how much I would LOVE to have a penpal. Just someone to talk to about my week, rant a bit and just. Always talk by letters. I would LOVE THAT. I love letters and I would really love to wait everyday until my penpal's letter arrives!!! Is it only me? Anyone I could do it with???
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
reblog if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
Some people “support” trans people until you suggest that the concept of “biological sex” that western society has created is socially constructed and not an inherent or immutable trait of humanity. Then suddenly that support disappears and all you get is them popping in to correct you, saying “GeNdEr Is A sOcIaL cOnStRuCt BuT bIoLoGiCaL sEx iSn’T! tRaNs PeOpLe ArE sTiLl BiOlOgIcAlLy ThEiR bIrTh SeX!!1!!”
They just viscerally NEED to reinforce this divide, where cis people are “actually” their gender but trans people can only ever be “half real,” and can never fully be anything but their birth sex. Because if that divide is challenged, then suddenly they can no longer make a distinction between themselves and the “other” that is trans people.
Plus, the “gender is a construct but sex isn’t” model is such a convenient way to get people to “understand” trans people without actually understanding anything about the true nature of gender and sex at all. And unfortunately, that’s what’s made it so easy to popularize and spread. Implying the whole concept of the social and biological division between the strict categories of “men” and “women” are actually flawed brings about a lot more resistance, because it actually forces you to rethink what you “know.”
And it pisses me off, because a lot of trans people, especially the teens who frequent social media and hear this kind of shit a lot, will buy into this false ideology. And then they perpetuate it and also put themsleves down because of it.
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
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Bigender flag by @dumbass-wolf
(Bigender people experience two (2) gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between them.)
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
Enby terms!
I coined a few Enby terms!
These terms are made to uplift Enbies who may not fit everyone else's idea of how enbies should present
They're made to own that they're different than people's expectations!
I connected these terms with radiant and beautiful gemstones to emphasize that they are amazing
Diamond Nonbinary / Diamond Enby
A Diamond Enby is a Nonbinary person who dresses and/or acts very masculinely. These people may or may not be masculine aligned or ID as a label relating to being part boy/man
This term is used to take pride in challenging how people think Nonbinary people should dress or behave by being masculine
Ruby Nonbinary / Ruby Enby
A Ruby Enby is a Nonbinary person who dresses and/or acts very femininely. These people may or may not be feminine aligned or ID as a label relating to being part girl/woman.
This term is used to take pride in challenging how people think Nonbinary people should dress or behave by being feminine.
Amethyst Nonbinary / Amethyst Enby
An Amethyst Enby is a Nonbinary person who dresses and/or acts fluidly. Their presentation and behavior switches between both stereotypically masculine and feminine. These individuals can be aligned any way and may or may not ID as any label relating to their gender being fluid or being multiple genders.
This term was made to take pride in challenging how people think Nonbinary people should dress or behave by presenting fluidly.
Emerald Nonbinary / Emerald Enby
An Emerald Enby is a Nonbinary person who dresses and/or acts genderlessly. These people may or may not be Unaligned or ID as labels relating to being genderless.
This term is used to take pride in challenging how people think Nonbinary people should dress or behave by preforming in a way that's hard to gender them at all. These Enbies may reject binary stuff all together and refuse gender as a concept.
I'm tired of my feminine fellow Enbies getting shit on for how they want to present, while I being VERY masculine get no where near the hate they get for being feminine.
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People who use these terms should remember to uplift and care for fellow Enby pals who get shit on for how they present and act.
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
My therapist tried to make me less "afraid of people" by making me feel the Earth supporting me
Dear therapist, I am an angel. I don't belong here. I belong up above, where I can spread my wings and be my real self. Making me feel the Earth will only make me worse
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
How I feel about "angelkin"
I feel a connection to "being angelkin", but just as an adjective. I am not "an angelkin", I am an angel
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art-is-bigender · 4 years
Angelkin Question List
1. Do you have memories of being an angel?
2. What type of angel were you?
3. Do you experience ghost limbs towards your wings ?
4. Are you personally religious ?
5. Do you remember what you looked like ? If so explain!
6. Did you look like you do now ? Or different ?
7. Do you remember having a name?
8. Did you have a life before becoming an angel or were you created as one ? Or another answer ?
9. Did you have a romantic relationship? Was it with a human? Demon ? Another angel?
10. What’s a song you associate with your angel self ?
11. How long have you been angel otherkin?
12. Do you find comfort in god?
13. What colours do you associate with your angel self ?
14. Were you alone up there ?
15. How connected are you with that life at this point on a scale of 1-10?(one being a distant memory, 10 being extremely connected as if this life is leading into that one or was the one before )
16. What comforts you that you feel is directly related to being an angel?
17. How big were your wings ?
18. Do you remember having a halo?
19. Would you go back if given the chance ?
20. Do you find comfort in other angel kins ?
21. Were you associated with any elements or concepts outside of just the regular concepts associated with angels?
These were just some questions I thought of ! If you have some reblog this with them attached and I’ll add them into the list and credit you for them. Feel feee to ask me any of these or other questions you may have ! I’m always open to answering ! I didn’t see anything like this and I haven’t interacted with many angel kin so if any of these feel - too personal please let me know ! Sometimes I don’t know my boundaries ! Please don’t be shy but be respectful !!!
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