aritradattta · 1 year
Apparently there's an evolutionary theory that the reason why Africa has so much wild big-ass megafauna while the big-ass megafauna on all the other continents went extinct is because they evolved right beside humans, and knew us well enough to not get hunted into extinction.
So while everything from giant koalas to giant sloths barely had the time to think "what the fuck is that" before getting pierced by a spear and getting their bone marrow gently fed to babies and the toothless elderly, Africa had elephants who had all the time in the world to learn to tell apart human languages and teach the next generations of their herd which human sounds mean that this tribe won't hurt you, but humans who make this kind of sounds are a danger. And hippos learned to conclude "I think I'll fuck up this two-legged weird shit on sight."
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aritradattta · 1 year
Us lying in bed, you reading your favorite book to me
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aritradattta · 1 year
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aritradattta · 1 year
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aritradattta · 1 year
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Friedrich Von Hayek
Friedrich August Von Hayek was a phenomenal Economist . He is marked as one of the greatest economist of all times .
Friedrich Hayek was born on 8th May in Vienna, 1899 . He was the oldest of the three brothers named Heinrich Hayek & Erich Hayek . His Dad, August Hayek was a professor at University of Vienna and also a well-known doctor . Mom, Née Von Hayek was a daughter of a renowned economist named Franz Von Juraschek . Née was cousin of the legendary philosopher - Ludwig Wittgenstein . In 1921, when the book 'Tractatus Logico Philophicus' was published, Friedrich was the first reader to read it . It was seen that, Friedrich was literally so frequent in the intellectual academic bent . Nonetheless, he was failed to get better grades in the respective fields as - Greek, Latin & Mathamatics . On the other side, Hayek read many evolutionary works such as - Jean Baptiste Monet De Lamarck, Hugo De Vries, Gregor Johann Mendel, August Weissman & Ludwig Feuerbach at a very early age .
In 1917, Hayek joined in the Austro-Hungarian army and fought with courage to the Italian front . He was decorated for his stupendous gallantry in the war .
Later, at the University of Vienna, Hayek initially studied Philosophy, Psychology & Economics . Afterwards, in 1921 & 1923 he obtained doctorates in law and Politics . Amidst the rhythm of 1932-1924, Hayek was researching about the macroeconomic data on American economy and the operations of the Federal Reserve . He was motivated by Wesley Claire Mitchell and carried out a doctoral research on monetary stabilization . However, he didn't wind up this research . Thereafter, he got the touch of Ludwig Von Mises & read the great book named 'Socialism' . He started to attend seminars of Mises accompanied by his university pals such as Alfred Schutz, Kaufmann, Gottfried Haberler & Fritz Machlup . In the late 1920's Hayek established & served as a post of Director, with the help of Mises . Then, London School of Economics & Political Science appointed him in 1931 . A year later, Britain was put up with the damage accounting for Winston Churchill's decision .
After the Nazi's aggression costed Austria in 1938, Hayek was reluctant to go to Austria . Six years later Hayek wrote the outstanding book on liberalism - 'The Road to Serfdom' . Hayek was literally influenced by the classical liberal thinker named - Alexis De Toqueville . In 1947, Hayek was nominated as a Fellow of the Royal Economic Society . In the 50's, Hayek left the The London School of Economics & Political Science . The University of Chicago evoked him as a chairship . Nevertheless, his salary wasn't came from the Chicago University fund . It's arrived from a foundation named William Volker Fund . At the University of Chicago Hayek worked with Milton Friedman .
He received the Guggenheim Fellowship in 1954 . He also served as a professor in the University of Freiburg ( 1962 - 1968 & 1978 - 1992 ) & the University of Salzburg ( 1968 - 1977 ) .
He was honoured as the most illustrious award of the universe - Nobel Prize in Economics in the 1974 .
This indescribable person rested in peace on 23rd March, 1992 . While he breathed his last he was in the University of Freiburg . Literally, he was a representative of a devoted orthodoxy professor .
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aritradattta · 1 year
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Pyotr Kapitsa
Pyotr Kapitza was a genius Russian physicist . He was born in Kronstadt, 1894 -- when Russia was under the rule of the Tsar . His pa - Leonid Kapitsa , was a renowned military engineer & mom - Olga Kapitsa was from a noble Polish family .
In the beginning of the First World War , Kapitsa served as an ambulance driver . Later , in 1918, he graduated from the Petrograd Polytechnical Institute . Subsequently , Kapitsa studied over in Great Britain . He collaborated more than ten years with the chemist sensation - Lord Rutherford . Literally , Kapitsa was as a pupil of Professor Rutherford . Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University was the workplace of them . It's necessary to include that - Kapitsa was the first director of the Mond Laboratory in Cambridge .
In the year 1920 , Kapitsa organized a unique technique for creating ultrastrong magnetic fields by injecting high quality current for a tiny period . It was specialised for air core electromagnet . In 1928 , he innovated liner resesivity on the magnetic field strength in various metals .
In the year of 1934 , Kapitsa went to Russia to visit his mom & dad . However , this time a bit of tragedy touched him . The great communist leader Joseph Stalin prevented him to get back in Cambridge . Rutherford tried his best to return Kapitsa but sorry to remark that he was failed . Then the world famous 'Iron Curtain' was held . So , then it was rather harder for Kapitsa to get back in Cambridge .
Later , in 1937 Kapitsa discovered superfluidity . Afterwards in 1945 , he became the head & incharge of Soviet Atomic Bomb Project . He penned to Stalin about the Beria's incomprehension of Physics & his presumptuousness . Stalin approved of Kapitsa , acquainting that he ( Beria ) had to co-operate with the scientist . Kapitsa really spurned to meet the person - " If you want to speak to me , then you've to come to my institute ." Nevertheless it never ought to be occurred .
In the year of 1978 , Kapitsa was abled to get the honour of the Nobel Laureate . It was awarded for his stupendous contribution in the area of ' Low temperature Physics ' . He was also acknowledged for the ' Kapitsa - Dirac effects , Fluid Dynamics & the Kapitsa Number ' . Finally , he breathed his last in 1984 on 8th April .
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