arigelnotangel · 4 months
🏮 shades of red asks
crimson: if you could have only one photo or poster on your wall, what would it be?
maroon: what role do you play in your group of friends?
ruby: favourite pre-2000 song?
brick red: have you ever been in an abandoned building?
merlot: do you have any unusual fears?
vermilion: have you ever pulled an all-nighter? if so, tell us about the first time.
carnelian: at what point did your life change without you realising?
burgundy: how often do you make your bed? what do your favourite bedsheets look like?
red ochre: are you inclined to watch a tv series if a lot of people on the internet are talking about it?
garnet: what’s the most expensive thing you own?
sangria: to what extent do you enjoy sour candy?
cardinal: what is the first song that made you cry?
blood: which of your family members is your favourite?
rosewood: have you ever had a penpal? would you like one now?
scarlet: think of your favourite genre. what kind of media in that genre do you prefer - books, films, or tv series?
carmine: do you prefer having or not having a schedule?
persian red: answer with a picture of your dream holiday destination.
strawberry: what album would you love to have on vinyl?
claret: talk about a memorable experience on public transport.
mahogany: what is your favourite musical instrument, in terms of sound?
lipstick red: if you could live one day with no one recognising you, what would you do?
wine: tell us about your first experience with alcohol.
cherry: thoughts on mainstream music?
pomegranate: favourite and least favourite fruits?
imperial: what film, in your opinion, has the best cinematography and/or special effects?
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arigelnotangel · 4 months
"I'm fine." I say, as if I haven't been pacing around in wobbling circles, my workroom is a mess, and at least two of my models have requested I be checked for chronic wasting disease. (I've already been tested please stop asking, Victoria)
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arigelnotangel · 4 months
Hello to you all! (An introductory post)
You've reached Arigel-- that's 'Ar-E-Ghel'-- Tueuse, professional tailor and lingerie designer for Lièvre et Loup. Perhaps sit down a while? Take a snack before you leave? Trust me, Love, take what you want! We have enough for ten of you!
(Physical description: deer humanoid, more on the human side. only 4 feet 11 inches. wears a cream three-piece suit with lilac pinstripes with flared sleeves and pants. his waistcoat is corsetted in the back, but usually is covered by his overcoat. his antlers have four branches, and are white. has light pink hair that seems to glitter (of which is actual glitter, he'll never say that outright). his hair is choppy and thick, but well-maintained. his black scleras, lilac irises, and white pupils. While not based off any real species of deer, he has a similar antler build as the Eld's Deer.)
(Currently, no image of Arigel has been made. If you would like, I'm more than happy if you want to draw your interpretation of him. Yes his last name is a joke, it's French for hunter.)
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