argentumaurum2813 · 10 months
Writing nonsense 1
He walked out of the kitchen.
It was like a dream, was it? Maybe it was the real life?
A bug. A tiny golden bug. It spun around and round.
"Oh no. I need to feed the wall."
He grabbed into his pocket and held mini Sonic tight. It gave him DETERMINATION.
The fridge sang a song.It danced like he did on his mothers grave.
"Oh no. I need to feed the tables."
As he turned around to look outof the window, there was a loud crash behind him. His dead mother once again overfilled the bathtub and now she crashed through the ceiling.
"Ive been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty."
"Oh no. I need to-"
Smack. The microwave had hit him on the head.
"Pathetic star, do you forget that flowers dont like goldfish saturdays at 89am?"
"Oh no. I forgot."
His brain had a damage since he was born, since tomorrow in 5 days. Maybe also 19739days ago.
Who knows. I dont. You dont.
Why do we know things?
Its because squirrels jingle your horses with the christmas spirit.
"Or nauwr, Im australian."
He shook his left foot. It was full of spaghettie with pickles and whipped cream. His dogs favourite colour.
Another smack from the microwave hit his head.
"Pathetic star, I am the 2714th incarnation of David. Your mom is tomorrow. But discount ice cream is yesterday. What?"
The family dog, David Jr the third, took out a leash and took him to the store.It was sunday at 99pm. A typical friday mornig in december. The frozen butterflys shimmered in te noon sun. It was burning hot in the puddles outside.
"Oh no. I need to jump." He fell into the pit next to the cashier. A cow with feelings.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep."
"Oh no. It was a dream." He washed his face in the cold dust of the pillow next to him and got to work.
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argentumaurum2813 · 10 months
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argentumaurum2813 · 10 months
if you never related to the all time classic song "Funky Town" what are you doing with your life????
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