archronova · 1 month
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Nampaknya ...
Masjid Syeikh Zayed from Swissbel-Hotel
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archronova · 5 months
Mulai membosankan.. Ketika jalan jalan tambah dikit, yang dikerjain adalah rutinitas di sistem. Jadi butuh kegiatan lain yang bisa dipamerin.
Apa gitu ya?
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archronova · 6 months
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Yang atas buat yang nampil di dashboard, yang bawah buat catetan kerja. Enak soalnya bisa diakses arsipnya.
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archronova · 6 months
Sampai saat ini ...
Ku masih bisa bernafas disetiap pilihan yang dituntut untuk bekerja cepat. Dan masih pula bisa diberikan waktu senggan diantara kesibukan kesibukan yang melalaikan dunia, dan mempercepat jatah usia yang diberikan di dunia.
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archronova · 6 months
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adakah saran, kenapa aplikasi suka error gini~
padahal kondisi udah by-pass (atau harus pake broadband) ya?
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archronova · 7 months
a job as IT support, using JCF acronym as "jancuk F** care". :))
Oh, Microsoft...
computer: Hey, just picked up the October update to Windows 10. Want to reboot now? me: I'm leaving for work in a little while so just reboot then shut yourself off after in a few minutes. computer: Okily. [I go away, it's doing the update.] me: [9 hours later] Computer, I'm home! computer: Hello! I have restored Panes to your Start menu! Do you like it? me: There's a reason why I turned that garbage off, dude. Undo that now. computer: Okay, great! So you're not online, you should connect to the WiFi! me: I didn't disconnect. And it's not logging in, but I know the WiFi works on my phone. computer: Avast has updated! You're online now! me: Great. I need to synch my Fitbit now. cell phone: So you need to log into Fitbit! me: I didn't log out. And my password isn't working. cell phone: Okay, so let's reset it. me: How about... what it should be. cell phone: Can't let you use that, you already used it before. me: Because that's my fucking password!! Fine, here's something new. cell phone: Great, you got 13,213 steps logged. computer: Did you know Google has gone token instead of two-factor authentication? me: JFC!
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archronova · 7 months
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Yang perlu digaris bawahi adalah "Hack Week is more than just a coding marathon; it’s a testament to SUSE’s commitment to nurturing open-source collaboration across the globe. Participants bring a diverse set of skills, knowledge, passion and perspectives to build and develop something new; this fosters an environment where creative ideas flourish and solutions take shape."
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archronova · 7 months
Edisi Penasaran
Gimana sih bikin authenticator..
Esensinya kan 2FA. Untuk mengupgrade securitas disisi user pada saat masuk ke system.
Hemm~ balik lagi ke esensinya ya..
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archronova · 7 months
Masih dipakai, walaupun vuma di VM. 😬
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archronova · 7 months
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bisa deh, next kalau catalina udah obsolete... pindah ke Linux.
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archronova · 7 months
Mau pake winbox di Mac OS Catalina?
Ku rekomendasiin tulisan ini, silahkan diramu sendiri. Sejak tulisan dirilis sampe 30 menit kemudian masih compile.. :`)
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Dan setelahnya banyak yang harus di oprek. walhasil lebih enak pake homebrew dah. -___-"
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archronova · 7 months
Laptop kantor udah end of support systemnya. Kemaren ku update, eh malah stuck. Lalu ku format, dan tara balik ke settingan 11 tahun sebelumnya. Bayangkan. updatenya naik berapa tingkat.. -__-"
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Sekarang, udah selesai install.. Tapi OS masih versi OS X Lion. 😅
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archronova · 9 months
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It's my 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Apakah sekarang udah pantes masuk SD..
(⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)
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archronova · 9 months
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horeeeeee. 500 posts!
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archronova · 10 months
Mulut Said : “Sedikit lagi, sedikit lagi ini akan mendingan lalu bisa nafas trus bisa liburan dengan tenang.. “ Otak Said : “inget cicilan” Hati Kecil said : “kan digaji buat kayak gini”
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archronova · 11 months
Pernah kejadian, (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
ngereset backupan lama, settingan router. Tapi untungnya segera diketahui dan masalah ngga berlarut larut.. lol
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It was a peaceful Friday evening
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archronova · 11 months
Oke. we are back!
Sambil menanti respon official tumblr mengenai kenapa blog yang lama di terminated. Bikin Plan-B, bahwa semua dokumentasi yang hilang. Dahlah, dibiarkan aja. Nanti kalau ada kesempatan di tulis lagi, plus bikin backup di medium. Kalau kalau di take down sepihak lagi.
Bisa disimpulkan, gan boleh percaya ama 1 platform aja. Masih ada medium, ama telegraph yang lebih bebas (yang bebasnya kayak selembar kertas, yang kalau udah selesai.. bisa berceceran kemana mana)
Dari archronova. sementara pindah kesini dlu. Tetep dengan dokumentasi beberapa project yang baru, lagi, dan sudah selesai dikerjain. Sekian.
Update :
Dan semoga originalnya blog ini akan selalu terjaga. Mengurangi sumber dari pihak ketiga.
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