appletingles · 2 years
Hey there 💕 Today you're at the doctor's again for a pointless examination. I'll be doing a general check-up and you'll have to follow my short instructions :) Both soft spoken and whispered, enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #Relax #Roleplay #SoftSpoken #Whispering
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appletingles · 2 years
Ehi ciao 💕 Oggi finisco la lettura di “La brevità della vita” di Seneca, che avevo iniziato qualche tempo fa :) Molti di voi mi hanno richiesto di finirlo, spero vi stimoli la riflessione e che i sussurri vi rilassino. Un abbraccio, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #Reading #Philosophy
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appletingles · 2 years
Hey there 💕 After LOTS of pressure and favors done, I finally managed to convince my brother to do asmr on me 😁 Lots of you requested this video, and I truly hope it will relax you 🤞 He's quite good at it btw. Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #Relax #SoftSpoken #RealPersonASMR
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appletingles · 2 years
Hey there 💕 I hope you're doing well ✨ In this video I truly hope to relax you with lots of intense mouth sounds, trigger words and slow hand movements (+ inaudible whispers). I also wanted to say thank you to every single one you for supporting these videos I make. Enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
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appletingles · 2 years
Ehi, ciao 💕 Mi è stato richiesto di fare un altro video dedicato proprio al mettere a dormire, e in effetti non ne facevo da un po'; quindi eccomi qua a cercare di rilassarti al punto di farti addormentare (spero ) 😊 Scusate per il video mancato di mercoledì, purtroppo questi giorni non sono stata molto bene di salute (nulla di grave) e spero non si noti troppo in questo video (tranne naso e labbra screpolate per l'uso ininterrotto di fazzoletti 🤧). Vi mando un abbraccione, 🍎❤
#ASMR #asmrita #PersonAttention #Sleepy #Relax
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appletingles · 2 years
Ehi ciao 💕 Nel video di oggi ti trovi di fronte all’agente che ha qualche sospetto su di te; ti farà qualche domanda, poi ti controllerà la valigia e infine una veloce perquisizione. Enjoy! Un abbraccio, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #Roleplay #Relax #Chill
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appletingles · 2 years
Hey there 💕 Today's video is SUPER chill and simple, I'll be rambling and making mouth sounds as well as some visual triggers :) All in close up whispering, enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #Relax #Whispering #Chill
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appletingles · 2 years
Ehi, ciao 💕 Qualche giorno fa stavo leggendo un libro e ad un certo punto l’autore ha menzionato questo studio fatto da uno psicologo americano, che era riuscito a fare innamorare due persone nell’arco di 45 minuti con 36 domande; ovviamente sono andata subito a leggermi tutto sull’esperimento e mi è poi venuta l’ispirazione per questo roleplay :) Chiaramente è totalmente riadattato, ma l’idea mi piaceva e spero anche a voi 😘 Tutto in soft spoken con tanti writing sounds, enjoy! Un abbraccio, 🍎❤️
#ASMR #asmrita #Roleplay #Relax #SoftSpoken
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appletingles · 2 years
Ciao carissimi/e 💕Come sapete di recente ho collaborato con la bellissima e bravissima Sol, e se non avete ancora visto il video sul suo canale spagnolo eccolo qui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDPNM... Oggi invece sono io che provo a rilassare lei (alla fine mi sembra di esserci riuscita) 🙄
#ASMR #asmrita #Relax #Collaboration
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appletingles · 2 years
Hey there 💕 It's time to upgrade! Today you stop by the clinic to get your new face done: eyes, teeth, nose and lips, not much ;) I used a mix of soft spoken and whispered voice, with lots of close-ups and various triggers + realistic sounds added in post-prod. Enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #Roleplay #Relax #SoftSpoken #Whispering
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appletingles · 2 years
E siamo 30K !!!!🎊🎉🎇🥂🍾 Non possiamo ancora crederci, non ci saremmo letteralmente mai aspettati tutto questo 🥰 Io sicuramente non so neanche cosa ci sto facendo qui 😅 grazie veramente di cuore, ❤🍎
#ASMR # asmrita #30K #celebration
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appletingles · 2 years
Hey there 💕 Tonight you're at my place so that I can cheer you up; I'll give you some tea, snacks, do some face brushing and tlak about random stuff. All in a whispered voice; enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #PersonalAttention #Relax #Whispering #Calmly
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appletingles · 2 years
Hey there 💕 In today’s Halloween special video you find yourself in the lab of a mad scientist, who will have a lot of fun experimenting on you ;) I hope you find it relaxing and entertaining, enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #Rolepay #Spooky #Scary #Mad #Halloween #Relax
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appletingles · 2 years
Hey there 💕 Finally after many requests, here's a video all about close up whispers and intense mouth sounds :) If you find it relaxing let me know and I'll definitely make more! Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #Relax #Whispering #MouthSounds
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appletingles · 3 years
Hey there 💕 After many requests, I’m back again to relax my brother (maybe one day he’ll do the same….🥲). In today’s video Nicolò stops by the asmr salon for a full relaxation and pamper session. My voice is kind of soft spoken in the first few minutes, clearly my brother makes me nervous 😂😅 I then continue in a truly soft spoken tone. Hope you enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #PersonalAttention #Relax
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appletingles · 3 years
Hey there 💞 Today your physical therapist visits you at home, for a few issues you’ve been having (shoulder, knee, neck pain); I’ll ask you a few questions and then move on to some tests and the exercises. All in a soft spoken voice, with a bit of whispering; enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #asmrita #Roleplay #Relax
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appletingles · 3 years
Hey there 💞 Welcome to your second Italian lesson: today I’ll teach you some very common slang words and expressions that will come in handy for your upcoming trip to Italy 😉 soft spoken voice, whiteboard writing/pointing, repeating words…enjoy! Lots of love, 🍎
#ASMR #Roleplay #ItalianLessons #Relax #SoftSpoken
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