applesstudy · 4 years
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in math class!! 🤍📕📗📋✏️🧮🥰
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applesstudy · 6 years
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072818 // a spread from june ft. my acrylic pouring and Half Brother. 🌺
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applesstudy · 6 years
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230318 [56/100 Days of Productivity]
I’ve been noting down my food intake this week just to kind of monitor it, so here is the spread thus far mixed with some fake flowers. I had lab this morning and I was so betrayed, my lab partner abandoned me (he overslept, lol), but I had a great day otherwise, and hopefully I can record a cover tomorrow! 
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applesstudy · 6 years
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More biology notes! Planning to finish taking all these notes during the holidays!
11/100 days of productivity
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applesstudy · 6 years
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228 | Cute little local office supply shop
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applesstudy · 6 years
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i know we have middle of the spring here, but why don’t make autumn again?
i’m eating oreos, my spotify playlist is just cool and sunday night is a little bit better
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applesstudy · 6 years
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this is probably one of my fave spreads, it’s from back when the bts comeback happened :’) god i’m still completely obsessed with their album.
ig: booksnjournals
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applesstudy · 6 years
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Mildliners are the best 😍
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applesstudy · 6 years
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5.23.18 || long time no post :0 decided to try something a bit different last week
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applesstudy · 6 years
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june 17, 2018 - warmth
doyoung deserves a spot in my bujo. :’)
currently listening to: “touch” - nct 127
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applesstudy · 6 years
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we’re just going to ignore the fact that sunday is not here okay okay // this week’s spread is loosely inspired by another one of my all-time favorite artists, Lorde! Lorde’s indescribable alternative sound and pure poetry have always spoken to my sad-girl-at-a-party/angsty-teen heart and I hope I can experience her music live one day. she lives and breathes the thoughts of sad teenage girls everywhere.
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applesstudy · 6 years
🎒Backpacks 101🌻
Essentials for Class
Your laptop/spirals/tablet/your preferred note-taking medium. For professors that speak quickly and cover a lot of information in a short amount of time before moving on to the next slide, I always like to use my laptop. Some professors prohibit the use of laptops (even for note-taking). So, I like to use a cheap spiral for class in which I will write information/graphics with the knowledge that they don’t have to be perfect. This is just to ensure that I get the information down. When I get home I transfer all of the notes into a nicer spiral to look over later. This also works to help me retain the information! 
My all-time favorite spiral notebooks are the Exceed Five Subject Notebooks. I love these because in the front they have a world map, a punctuation chart, a metric unit conversion chart, spelling rules, a ruler, and a glossary of general reference and research sites.
Loose-leaf paper. This is especially helpful for me because many of my professors will give pop-quizzes/pop-writing assignments. Also great for when a classmate needs to borrow some paper. You can whip it out and make a friend for all semester. 
Personally, I like to use Five Star Reinforced Filler Paper by Mead.
Pencil Bag. Naturally, not having to frantically dig around your backpack for a pen/pencil/highlighter makes your day go so much smoother.
I prefer the Mead Five Star Organizer Pencil Pouch.
My pencil bag comes complete with an assortment of pens, pencils, highlighters, two flash drives, a pencil sharpener, and an entire 50 pack of Crayola Super Tips. Yes, my pencil bag fits that much. 
Laptop charger & phone charger. I recommend purchasing a powerblock as well to ensure that you don’t have to compete over the use of limited outlets. Thousands of college students across the nation fail to charge their electronics nightly, don’t get caught in the crossfires of that feeding frenzy.
Headphones. Something about not having my music while I’m on the bus or walking across campus really kills my mood for the day. 
My planner! Stop writing stuff on your hand or on random pieces of paper. Get yourself a cheap planner. Even if you are not a planner user right now, just forcing yourself to use one for 30 days will forge an unbreakable and life-changing habit! Take it from me. 
To Make Your Day Easier
A small umbrella for those days when the weather goes from 75′ and sunny to raining cats and dogs in 3 seconds. 
A wallet with your IDs and change. I always kick myself when I didn’t have enough change for the vending machines on campus. I kick myself even harder when I have to ask random strangers for 50 cents to buy a scantron/blue book. Also just a good idea to always have some form of ID on you. 
Water bottle. Invest in a super cool, trendy, refillable water bottle to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Or just keep refilling the same plastic one. 
Deodorant. This is so silly but I am always forgetting to put on deodorant before I walk out the door and I’m 22. When I get to class I realize I’ve forgotten and panic as the Texas heat encompasses me. Travel-sized deodorants are so beneficial. 
An emergency tampon/pad. Or two!!! Goes without saying. Surprises are always fun until it’s your period. I keep emergency tampons in my truck, in my apron for work, in my backpack, in my horse trailer. I do not play around. 
Light snacks. We’re talking a granola bar or seven to keep your stomach from gurgling when you’re taking that exam and of course everyone showed up to class. 
A flashdrive.
Chapstick, sunscreen, or lotion can also make you more comfortable sitting in class. 
Quick Tips About Backpacks
While, yes, those little fashionable ones are cute, they don’t hold the essentials and can be damaging to your back, causing soreness and discomfort. Buying a Jansport absolutely saved my back and stopped my chronic pain from progressing! 
Obviously there are hundreds of amazing brands of backpacks out there, but I strongly urge you to purchase a bag with:
a sleeve inside for your laptop
at least three pockets - so everything has a place
those little mesh side pockets
adjustable (preferably PADDED) shoulder straps! 
Another thing! I always place my heavier items (laptop & textbooks) CLOSEST to my back. That way the weight doesn’t drag you down backwards and cause back pain (my doctor literally told me this). This is where having multiple pockets is so helpful. 
Adjust your shoulder straps so that you can also maintain good posture while walking. The weight of your backpack + where it sits on your back should not cause you to lean forward or sway backwards in order to compensate. Also fun fact - when I was in middle school I thought it was cool to have a backpack that hung really low (?) and it created a pinched nerve in my neck! Awesome! Don’t be like me! 
Remember that backpacks -while they can absolutely be super cute and trendy- are meant to possess functionality. Your backpack should carry the essentials you need to have a successful and comfortable day at class.
Lastly, 10/10 would recommend cleaning out your backpack frequently! Make sure it stays organized and free of clutter. I also like to make sure I take all of my spirals and planner out of my backpack each day after class so that after I rest for a bit - I know I have things I need to get to. 
Organizing Your Backpack - By Pockets
-Largest pocket (closest to your back): 
Heavier items such as your laptop, binders, textbooks, loose leaf paper and planner. Laptop should go inside the sleeve (if applicable). 
-Second largest pocket
Items such as your pencil bag, chargers, and umbrella.
-Smallest pocket
Items that you won’t be pulling in and out too frequently, such as headphones, deodorant, chapstick, a flashdrive, snacks, wallet, keys, painkillers, and your emergency tampons (if applicable). 
-Side pockets
Here I obviously like to keep my water bottle or coffee thermos. If you have more than one pocket this is also a great place to keep your little umbrella.
Happy studying, realistic students!
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applesstudy · 6 years
9 More things to keep in your schoolbag everyday
Yesterday I made a post with 10 things I bring with me to school everyday, and it blew up like crazy!
So with all the feedback I got and some thing I thought of later, I decided to make a part two
Some of these are more in-depth because I’m clumsy and I end up making a mess of any situations (great example is number 6)
Link to the first one: click here
1. Pencil sharpener. I mentioned the basics to bring for stationary, but forgot that not every school has classroom sharpeners. So if your school doesn’t have one, make sure to put a small pencil sharpener in your pencil case with all the other things I mentioned before.
2. Small aid kit. Nothing drastic, but a few band-aids and paracetamol will get you really far. And for anyone that has menstruation, keeping some ibuprofen are a great add on for the little kit, as well as some panty-liners, pads and/or tampons. Even if you’re not on your period, a classmate might be in need.
3. Backup food. You never know when you’re gonna be in need of just a little more energy than usual. Keeping a granola bar or a bag of nuts (or something along those lines) in your bag can really be helpful.
4. Usb-stick. Always have an usb on you. You might need to use a computer from school. You might use internet access while you want to save a file to your drive/cloud, or you might have to get your file to a different computer to print. Whatever it is, keeping a small usb stick in your bag is a necessity. Opt for one that isn’t too big/expensive. An 8GB usb is already enough, so don’t blow your money on a 256GB.
5. Pocket Stapler. Not a necessity for everyone, but I like to keep my tiny stapler in my bag as well. I like to print notes every once in a while (I don’t like my handwriting), so to keep them together I staple them. It’s a lot easier to keep a pocket stapler with you than a file-folder
6. Wet Wipes. I used to only bring a pack of wipes because I wear makeup and I wanted to be able to take my lipstick off if I wanted to, but these things are amazing! Food stains on your shirt, sweaty armpits, a broken pen that left ink everywhere (sadly this happens to me a lot lol), these wipes will help clean up your mess without you needing to go to a janitor first to ask for supplies. Just get a pack of 10 wet wipes at Walmart or the Dollar Store, and you’re set.
7. Sunglasses. Just like the umbrella from part 1, the sunglasses aren’t always gonna be necessary, but having them on you is great. Especially if you have to walk/cycle outside for a longer time to get home after school.
8. Glasses wipes. For anyone with glasses, you know how easy it is to get them dirty. But confidence grows when you look your best, right? So take a few wet glasses wipes with you, and check if your glasses need a clean every break
That reminds me
9. Glasses. If you wear your glasses at all time this is obvious, but if you wear contacts it’s important to still take your glasses. You never know when your eyes will start irritating and you need to take your contacts out.
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I’m most likely gonna be doing a back to school series on here, so if you like these two posts make sure to check back (or follow me if you want) if you wanna see all of the posts on back to school season.
My links: Tumblr | Instagram | Twitter | Printables | Masterposts | Back To School |  Personal blog
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applesstudy · 6 years
10 Things to keep in your schoolbag everyday
I made a part two for this list because of all the feedback I got. You can find it here
As I’m stocking up on what I’ll need to buy for school starting in 2 months, I decided to make a small list of my personal essentials, that may be useful for you guys too.
1. Your wallet (with your student card, ID and some change). Not only is having your ID essential, but having some change on you can be useful is you need some food or a drink from the vending machine if you didn’t bring enough.
2. An umbrella. If you live in a country/place where it rains often enough for this to be an essential (so not once a year). I always have an umbrella in one of the sidepockets of my bag (which are meant for water bottles, but I have a pocket size umbrella)
3. Mints. NEVER go talk to your professor with a bad breath. Did you just eat something smelly? Grab the mints from your bag, have one, and go talk to your teacher with a fresh minty breath.
4. Lip balm. You don’t want to have cracking/dry lips at school. A lot of people get distracted from their dry lips, start biting them or pulling at them. So to prevent yourself from getting distracted, take care of those suckers.
5. Chargers (+ powerbank). You don’t want to run out of battery in the middle of the school day. Take your laptop charger, a powerbank, and a usb-phone cable with you. You can charge your phone from the powerbank or your laptop, and your laptop anywhere with an outlet. (Don’t carry around your phone charger’s block if you don’t have to)
6. Earphones. Sometimes people talk really loud in the hall or the cafeteria, while you just want to read or study. It’s best to block out their voices with some instrumental music (you can easily find study playlists on Spotify)
7. Water bottle. Don’t just rely on coffee or plastic cups. Having a bottle of water with you that you can refill will help you save money (by not having to buy drinks) and is better for the environment.
8. Basic stationary. 2 pens, 2 pencils, 1 eraser, 1 highlighter, a pair of scissors and a roll of sticky tape. You never know what you’d need, but the bare necessities should always be in your pencil case. (Keeping an extra pen in your wallet is also great in case you forget your pencil case)
9. Extra paper (or an thin extra notebook). You never know when you’ll need to write something down or draft something. (I like to keep drafts out of my notebooks)
10. Deodorant. The worst thing is being sweaty at school. Just get a travel size deodorant and put it in your bag with the mints and lip balm. Even if you don’t need it, someone else might. (Spray is best cause it’s more hygienic if you were to share)
Bonus: 11. Blotting Paper. Get rid of the oiliness of your skin without removing make-up by patting down with some blotting paper. It absorbs the oils without wiping of any foundation
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Not really a masterpost, just a list, but this is my late masterpost monday post. Real masterposts will be back next monday!
Part two: click here
My links: Tumblr | Instagram | Twitter | Printables | Masterposts | Back To School |  Personal blog
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applesstudy · 6 years
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11.7.18 // Old #bulletjournal spreads!✨
I found these photos while going through my old “studygram” photo folders and  fell in love with the simplicity of these spreads again! 😍 These are a gorgeous throwback!👌🏻
Follow me on Instagram @academic.eve
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applesstudy · 6 years
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7.11.18 // 8:00pm // more panic!, flatlays and journalling
the title kinda says it all. i’m having a bit of an identity/future crisis so i’ve been doing a lot of thinking. xoxo, m
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applesstudy · 6 years
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What are you doing for July 4th?🇺🇸💥 (at East Hampton, New York)
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