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there’s such an unbelievable multitude of this type of (straight) woman who’s like “when he mentions a ‘she’ 😡🥺👀” “when he calls some girl his ‘friend’ 👀👀🔪” etc and this person is like a different species to me. this person is a space alien. this type of person makes me feel like amy adams in arrival
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nice argument, however i have monkeys at typewriters typing your ip out dumbass. as soon as one of them gets it right youre fucking dead
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my mom, dead in the middle of a conversation, slams on the breaks in the middle of a country road so she can pull over and take a picture of all these cows running for cover from the rain and adsfkjlfkdjg and thi dskfjfgj
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gyuvin in dance challenges >>>
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generally opposed to any new line of 'self care' that involves isolating yourself and disregarding the needs of others because like do we really need more of that in our society. i'm holding a gun to your head and forcing you to listen to your friend's traumatic backstory
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People now in gaza strip are facing the danger of hunger again and displaced since the occupation invaded rafah please can you help this family is for my cousin they need money to survive in gaza to buy food and water since everything is so expensive
And my cousin family are close to me if you can't donate share it
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Wake up, Alex Krokus
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Did y’all know queue limit is 1000? They don’t let you put more in than that. Wild
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Zuko: And finally, allow me to introduce the Avatar, Aang.
Aang: Ambassador Aang.
Zuko: Ambassador of what? You’re the only member of your nation.
Aang: And whose great-grandpa’s fault is that?
Zuko: Touche, ambassador.
Aang: I changed my mind now I’m King Aang.
Zuko: What.
Aang: King of the Air Nomad.
Zuko: That doesn’t even make any- whatever. Let’s just proceed with the meeting.
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hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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I’ve never been a real star wars fan but the phantom menace came out when I was 6 and my older brother was 8 so we were absolutely among the target audience and we had toy light sabers & we spent a lot of time playing star wars but my brothers were anakin and obi wan etc. and my best friend was padmé which meant i had to come up with a star wars oc and since my brother was anakin i decided okay. i would be anakin’s sister.
i made up a backstory that i was his twin sister who also lived on tatooine and i also had latent force potential but qui gon and obi wan didn’t even try to meet me even when anakin mentioned me and they left me behind.
this was an utter betrayal to me obviously, like my brother got rescued and i got abandoned and i could have been him and i should have been him. i should’ve been at his side. i should have gotten training and all else. i should have been a jedi too.
but they didn’t even care to meet me. so i had this intense grudge against the jedi and i ended up developing my skills myself and then i grew up and got myself off tattooine and set out on a mission as a rogue force user to kill obi wan.
and 6 year old me really embodied that role. she felt that. so when I was like 25 & rewatched the original star wars trilogy for the first time since childhood, when obi wan came on I was like ugh. I hate that guy. and my friend was like “WHY?”
and I thought about it and realized it wasn’t actually his character. I was remembering my childhood self insert oc beef.
Like, sorry you wouldn’t get it but obi wan and I have history.
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"don't post that, what if an employer sees?" personally i think employers need to stay the fuck off their employees' social media lmao
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