anythingwriter · 2 years
Hello! I don’t know if you still need request but I maybe have an idea for one? Can you write either a Tommyxreader or an Alfiexreader. Where she is his secretary. And reader is very sweet but maybe a bit private about her parson life. & maybe 1 day at work she is at her desk waiting for someone to join a meeting between the 2 When he arrives she realizes it’s her exhusband. & while she’s being composed ex is being an ass & cruel. Then he gets scared off by the interest? It could be platonic ❤️❤
Of course my love! There’s currently one request ahead of you but I will get it out as soon as possible.. thank you for requesting!❤️
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anythingwriter · 2 years
welcome back!!! i've always loved ur writing (ur later work with ada & platonic!reader is one of my faves) esp for its story's pacing. can i request for a tommy x reader where he's smitten over alfie's shy and protected younger sister (arnd john's or ada's age)? seeing protective older brother alfie is always a great thing; he's such a teddy bear under all that beard and crass language..
Yes of course honey! I’m so excited to start writing again, so thank you for the request! Personally I love Alfie as a brother too, so I’m really hoping this request will come out good.
I will try to have this up in about 2-4 days, I can’t wait!!
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anythingwriter · 2 years
Hi everybody!
First I would like to say some things, I know I was only supposed to be gone for a short while but my life has been rocky this past year… however, I think I’m ready to get back to it!!
Second, thank you all for the love I got while I was gone! The amount of followers and likes I have received is crazy and I never expected it! So thank you all so much❤️
Lastly, now that I’m back I’m going to start writing again… I don’t remember what request I had and everything so I’m going to start fresh.. I’m very sorry to the people who were waiting on them:(
So please give me some love and send requests sugars, thank you all so much!!
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Hey sugars! I’m really sorry about this but I’m taking a little break for school and work. I have some of my majors coming up and blah blah blah.
It’s a little tough to work on all my school, go to work and write at the same time, but on my little break I’ll try to write here and there. I have like 3 request in my drafts right now, all half written lol.
Thank you all! I’ll be back soon darlings!❤️🥰
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anythingwriter · 3 years
I would like to take a moment of my time and day to appreciate the amazing work this woman did. Helen McCrory was and still is one of my favorite actresses. I have loved her work ever since I first saw her in Harry Potter. R.I.P to this beautiful angel, the world will never be the same without you.. 🙏🏼❤️😭
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Ohhh thanks for the tag @shelby-love
I have no fucking clue who to tag so here’s some random blogs I follow @theshelbyclan @irishwhiskeys @retromafia @duckduckgo
If y’all have already done it I’m so sorry!!❤️❤️
So my first crush was....
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LMAO don’t judge me guys😭😭
And then my current one is...
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This beautiful specimen😌
But clearly Danny would win, he’s a ghost my guys
Imagine your first fictional crush fighting your current fictional crush: a tag game
Tagged by: @dreamingmanip
I’m tagging @campingmonkey @bethii1 @securityfriendly-jay and whoever else wants to do it!
First Fictional Crush: Carlos Garcia
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Carlos from Big Time Rush was the first person I could remember. I don’t know if it was the helmet he always wore, or just how sweet and adorable he was, but he was my crush for quite a bit. And lets not lie, Big Time Rush was such a bop, and occasionally I’ll listen to them if I want to feel like a kid again 😂.
Current Fictional Crush: Jesse Lee Soffer
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Just look at him! His face says it all! He’s so hot it’s not even funny 😂. Anyways, Jesse is definitely more my type these days, but Carlos will forever hold a special place in my heart.
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anythingwriter · 3 years
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Frank Palumbo and Margaret Kelly in 1932 after being arrested.
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Best friend Series (1/?)
Fucking Gypsies
Alfie Soloms x Bestfriend!Reader
Warnings: Language, it’s Alfie guys, what do you expect
Word Count: 905
Requested: No but dedicated to @itsumainnit
Summary: Your best friend Alfie is talking shit about the Gold Gypsies, but little does he know, his best friend is one herself.
a/n: a series about mini one-shots with best friend Alfie Solomons?! I think so!!
You were sitting in Alfies obnoxiously large chair behind his obnoxiously large desk, waiting for him to come and rant about Thomas Shelby. He had taken a trip to Small Heath to meet the one and only Bonnie Gold and you just knew he was going to be in a pissy mood.
You could hear his loud arse all the way down the hall, yelling at his poor workers for no reason. You could already see Ollie pissing himself at Alfies outbursts.
Leaning forward in the chair you counted down until the door would burst open, “Three, two, one..” The door to his office flung against the wall, and there stood a seething Alfie. He didn’t even acknowledge you, he walked around his desk and grabbed the back of his your chair and titled it forward, you letting out a gasp as you face planted on the floor. A shooting pain erupted in your nose and you whined, rolling over to sit up.
You glared at Alfie while all he did was chug his drink, “What the fuck Alfie?! That shit hurt!”
He looked down at you and just giggled like a child, “Dumbass”
You gasped, and over exaggerated putting your hand against your heart, “Ouch, that one hurt.” Ollie just rolled his eyes, being used to y’all’s child like antics. Alfie sighed and grumpily got up from his chair and grabbed you under your armpits and picked you up, you letting out a “wheee” in the process which made Alfie roll his eyes. He sat down on his chair and seated you in his lap. You smiled triumphantly.
Leaning back you flicked him in his head,“What’s going on in that big head of yours Alf?” He just grumbled in response. You leaned your head back even farther and as loud as possible, “I DIDN’T HEAR YOUUUU.” In the corner Ollie winced, surely all of London hear you.
Alfie, again, threw you off and onto the floor, you just sat there at this point. He shouted right back at you, “THE FUCKING GOLDS!”
You sat there with your legs crossed and just stared at Alf, waiting for a better explanation. He didn’t give you one. The Golds though? You expected his lover boy Tommy would have done something.
You waved your hands in front of your face, trying to prove a point, “Okay... the Golds. What about them?”
He got up from his chair and sat across from you on the floor, pouting like a child, “H-he didn’t know who I was.” You looked at him in disbelief before letting out a loud roar of laughter. Alfies mouth was agape, whatever he was expecting you to do, it was not laughing at him. Ollie was still in the corner and now he was trying to muffle his own laughter.
You fell to your side clutching your stomach from laughing so hard and Alfie had enough, “I’m serious pet! Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck is he?! Fuck Gypsies and their stupid ass culture and heathen ways!”
Heathens. You hated that word. Growing up as a gypsy yourself you dealt with the hate other people had for you on a daily basis. But then you met Alfie, who knew nothing of your past life and you decided to stay. Never had you made a friendship so quick and amazing like this. You were not about to lose it, and Alfies hatred for the gypsies was clear, so you just never told him.
Alfie had stopped his rant and furrowed his brows at your sudden quietness. You looked lost. But where had you gone? He slowly reached for you, not knowing what you would do. When he touched your shoulder he pulled his hand back when you flinched, what had he done?
You weren’t even thinking straight, the word heathen floating through your head like a mantra, without hesitating you blurted out, “I’m a gypsy.”
For Alfie the world stopped turning, you, his lovable nitwit of a best friend, was a gypsy. There was no way. Now it was Alfies turn to laugh.
Your eyes cut over to him, did you make a mistake? Oh no, what did you do?!
Wiping away a tear from his cheek, Alfie had finally caught his breath. “Nice one pet, truly a comedian.” He gave you a round of applause.
His hands came to a slow stop when he looked at you and saw tears welling up in your eyes, were you serious?
“Oh, oh your serious? Pet? Why didn’t you tell me?”
He... he didn’t seem mad?
You wiped your eyes and sniffled, “You’re.. you’re not mad?”
He looked at you like you were crazy, “Mad? Why would I be mad? I love you, you’re my best friend love.”
“But.. but I’m a gypsy. You hate Gypsies.”
Alfie pulled you in his chest, you both still sitting on the floor, and stroked your hair while tears soaked his shirt.
“Oh honey, I don’t like Gypsies that cause me trouble. I will always love you pet.”
Okay so Ik this sucked but I’m still excited for my series!!!! It’s not going to be regular updates, it’s more of something for in between stories and stuff.
Have a great day sugars!
@shadowfoxey @nothingleftthaticando @elenavampire21
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Hello I loved Live at first fall and was wondering if you could please do a part 2 to it??? It was just so cute 😭😭
Thank you :)
Aww thanks so much sugar!!
I’ll try my best to have it up soon!🥰
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Screams in the Night
Ada Thorne x Platonic!reader
Warnings: language, dickhead husband beats on his wife (not explicitly)
Word Count: 1,332
Requested by: @xoxo-deadshakira
Summary: Ada loves the new house Tommy bought her and Karl, but she can’t help but hear her neighbors screams in the night.
a/n: sorry it took so long darling. Hope you like it!❤️
Also this wasn’t proof read, if there’s mistakes let me know!🥰
Ada learned to love the house Tommy had bought her. Yes, it was unnecessarily large for just her and Karl, but it offered so much. There was room for Karl to run and play, and Ada could actually invite friends over and not be cramped. Even her neighbors seemed nice.
The house to her right was a lovely family, at least they looked like it. William and y/n Johnson had two children, both boys. One was Karl’s age, Billy, and the other was just shy of five months. The adorable baby was Henry. Ada had tried to get a playdate for Karl and y/n always agreed, but William would interrupt last minute and said they had plans that day. Ada just shrugged it off, but now it was getting suspicious.
They seemed to be so happy and sweet, but it was getting harder and harder for Ada to ignore the screams in the night. She knew whatever was going on behind closed doors was nothing pretty.
Y/n would always come outside to water her garden or check their mail, and each time she had a different bruise that was poorly hidden. When Ada questioned her about it she just declared she was clumsy.
It was late at night when Ada heard a loud knock against her door. Knowing of Tommy’s enemies and considering the time she grabbed her small revolver from her purse and slowly crept towards the door. Holding her gun up, she forced the door open and held the gun to the intruder's face, but was only met with Tommy casually smoking a cigarette. Ada rolled her eyes and sighed, carelessly swinging her arms down to her side.
“Christ Tommy, do you even know what time it is? I could’ve shot you!”
Tommy just walked past her and poured himself a drink and plopped down on her couch.
Ada again rolled her eyes and shut the door before making her way over to Tommy, “Sure make yourself at home, s’not like you don’t pay for it.”
Tommy smirked up at his sister before putting his cigarette out. “How you been Ada? We all miss our lovely sister around.”
“Sure, act like you guys miss me, yeah. What’re you here for Tommy? You don’t just come to say hello.” She sat across from him and poured herself a drink, swallowing it all in one go. Tommy sighed, setting his drink down and leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, he went to speak when a loud scream from next door interrupted.
Ada stiffed in her spot, and Tommy raised a brow in her direction. It faded quite fast, but there was no doubt in Tommy’s mind that he heard what he heard.
He continued to stare at Ada, waiting for her to explain. Ada just sighed and squeezed her eyes shut, bringing her hand to pinch her nose.
“My neighbors, yeah, are a really sweet family. A nice husband and wife with two young boys. But almost every night I’ll hear screams, sometimes just once sometimes all night. I never know why, and I never ask. I’m too afraid to Tommy.”
Tommy’s brows furrowed, afraid? Why would she be afraid?
“Why are you afraid Ada? What’s going on over there, eh?”
She stood up and slammed her new drink on the table, “I don’t know Thomas! Bu-but the wife, her names y/n, always has new bruises everyday Tommy. And when I ask, she shuts down and says she’s clumsy.” She began to pace around the room, arms crossed with one leaning on the other, holding her head in her hand.
Tommy knew what she was referring to. He remembered when they were young and their neighbor down the street had the same thing happening to her, but then one day she was found dead, from strangulation. Her husband was never found.
“Ada..” he talked slow, not wanting to panic her even more, “ remember what happened to Mrs.Russo down the street, eh? Do you..” he gulped, no woman deserves this, “do you think that’s happening to her?”
Ada froze, not wanting to accept that her brother was probably right. She began to shake her head and stepped towards him, but stopped when another scream pierced the nights air.
She fell to the floor and began to cry, she should’ve helped this poor woman so long ago. She should’ve called her brothers, even Polly. It was a strong policy in the family that no man was to ever touch a woman, and they strongly lived by it.
Tommy hopped up from his seat and embraced Ada, rubbing circles all over her back. He whispered in her ear, “We should go help, yeah? You said they have kids? We need to help them Ada.” “C‘mon, up you go.” He pulled her up by her arms and helped her out the house. She didn’t resist, knowing he was right.
It took only moments to reach the Johnson's door, Ada took a deep breath, and so did Tommy. He drawled his gun and hid it behind his back before knocking, waiting for someone to answer. When the door slowly began to open, Ada took a step back letting her brother take the lead, not wanting to get in the way.
The siblings' hearts dropped when a terrified Billy opened the door with tears running down his face. Ada dropped to her knees, “Billy?! Sweetheart are you okay? Where’s your mum and brother?!”
He only began to cry harder, tears steadily spilling from his e/c eyes. All he could do was point up the stairs and Ada embraced him, telling Tommy to go. He didn’t hesitate before running towards the direction Billy pointed. He ran up the stairs and heard grunting and thrashing like someone was being murdered.
Following the noises, Tommy crept as softly as he could until he got to the last door at the end of the hall. He could hear crying from an infant, but nothing was louder than the grunts of pain and struggle.
Raising his gun in the air, Tommy kicked the door in with all his strength. There on the floor was y/n Johnson, thrashing with all her strength, turning blue with her husband's hands around her neck.
Her husband didn’t even have time to react, before he could even lift his head Tommy had fired the gun. The bullet effortlessly flew between his eyes.
Nobody reacted, Tommy just stood there and y/n laid there while her husband‘s body bled out on her. Neither one of them moved until they heard the screams coming from little Henry’s crib. Tommy ran over to the woman and helped her push the dead man’s body off of her. Y/n got up and ran to her babies crib, hugging him close to her body. Tears were running down both of their faces as y/n rocked him back and forth, repeating over and over “You’re okay, mamas got you.”
Tommy didn’t know what to do, he stood there and watched the scene unfold before him, his heart swelling knowing that for once, he did something good.
He backed away from the door when he heard small footsteps running up the stairs, Billy bursting in the room and ran to his mum’s legs as she crouched and hugged him close. Ada followed in shortly after and hugged Tommy to her side, smiling at the sight in front of her.
Stroking both of her boys' heads, y/n turned towards the Shelbys and whispered thank you over and over. Ada smiled in content, knowing there would be no more screams in the night.
Ahhh I’m sorry this is so bad!!
Have a great day sugars!!❤️❤️
@shadowfoxey @nothingleftthaticando @elenavampire21
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anythingwriter · 3 years
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me to y’all <3
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Rhodey is the most unproblematic avenger, change my mind.
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Friendly reminder that:
Young people can have arthritis too.
There are hundreds of life long conditions and diseases out there that are typically diagnosed between 12 and 30.
There is a vast difference between being tired and having chronic fatigue.
Just because you can’t tell that someone is unwell from looking at them, doesn’t mean that you should assume that they are ok.
Many chronic illnesses are life long, and incurable. Many of them are potentially fatal.
If you have a disease like Lupus, on good days you still feel like you have a bad flu, 24/7.
Many of the medications used to treat chronic conditions have side effects that can really affect someone’s self esteem - like extreme weight gain, skin changes and hair loss.
Most chronic illnesses have very little awareness - its unlikely that you’ve heard of Sjogren’s Syndrome, Scleroderma, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.
However these diseases can cause symptoms as varied as joint pain, fatigue, constant nausea, kidney failure, pneumonia, photo sensitivity, full body rashes, paralysis, strokes etc.
So please remember that invisible illnesses exist too :)
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
Request Rules: Requests are currently OPEN
❤️=Fluff, 💙=Angst, 💜=Smut related,
🪄=Arthur’s favorite, 👏🏼=Most Popular
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Tommy Shelby:
The Doe Eyed Woman
Summary: Grace doesn’t understand why Tommy won’t give her the time of the day, but when she sees a beautiful doe eyed woman comforting Tommy she’s even more confused. So she decides to ask Harry who the mysteriously beautiful woman is. (❤️🪄👏🏼)
Summary: At one of Tommy’s famous parties, he sees his wife being hit on by the one and only Oswald Mosley. On his way to save her he stops in his tracks, shocked by how she handled things. (❤️💙💜)
Summary: Thomas Shelby has been expanding his business for years, making deals with other gangs all the time. But the Vipers, they were a different story. They’re crazy and dangerous, and they are not willing to share their land, so Tommy sets up a meeting with their leader. It was not who he expected. (❤️)
John Shelby:
None Yet!
Arthur Shelby:
None Yet!
Finn Shelby:
Love at First Fall
Summary: The Shelby brothers are drunkenly walking home from a night of fun when young Finn bumps into the most beautiful girl he’s seen… and then barfs on her shoes. (❤️🪄)
Bonnie Gold
How Could You?
Summary: He said he would never leave you, he promised. But everyone knows promises are meant to be broken.. (❤️💙💙💙💙💙💙💙)
Screams in the Night
Summary: Ada loves the new house Tommy bought her and Karl, but she can’t help but hear her neighbors screams in the night. (💙)
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anythingwriter · 3 years
hello love! i was just curious if you would ever make a part 2 for ‘a doe eyed woman’? i absolutely loved how you write it and the ehole dynamic. maybe Grace still tries to make advances and the reader sees or idk!! whatver you can come up with will probably be so amazing! Xx
Sure, I would love to sugar!❤️
I have a couple more requests to do and then I’ll write something! Thanks for liking it🥰
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Love at First Fall
Finn Shelby x reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of alcohol and vomit
Word Count:1,114
Requested by: It won’t let me tag you! I’m sorry, I’ll comment your tag darling.
Summary: The Shelby brothers are drunkenly walking home from a night of fun when young Finn bumps into the most beautiful girl he’s seen… and then barfs on her shoes.
a/n: I am so sorry this took so long honey! School decided to kick my ass for no reason. I’m also really sorry it’s so short, but I do hope you enjoy!❤️
The four Shelby Brothers and Michael were having a blast at The Garrison. Drinking whiskey after whiskey and making fun of each other, laughing and cracking jokes the whole time. For once they had no known enemies and were able to enjoy a night out, even Tommy. But it’s safe to say that poor little Finn could not handle his alcohol like his older brothers and cousin. He was stumbling with every other step and you could barely understand him when he spoke.
Stumbling out of the bar, the brothers were on their way home one man short since Michael had found a lady. They were doing what they always do, drunkenly walking all over the streets, being as loud as possible and scaring anybody that passed.
Arthur swaggered and chugged some more out of the bottle and he grabbed Finn by his shoulder and shook him around, “When you gonna’ get a girl Finn boy?,” he wiggled his brows and pointed towards John and Tommy, “need some brotherly love to help you woo a woman, eh?” John and Tommy snickered, agreeing with their brother.
Finn shrugged Arthur off and smiled, “Fuck off Arthur.”
As they all turned the corner to continue their journey home, Finn let out an “oompf” when he bumped into a smaller figure. He went back a couple of steps before Tommy caught him and steadied his feet, “Easy brother.” Finn looked to see what he ran into and immediately went to help you up when he realised, but withdrew his hand when you just smacked at it and got back up yourself.
You were walking home after a night with your friends and were nowhere near as drunk as the Shelbys. You were one street away from your house and turned the corner when you ran into a hard chest, falling to the ground. Without looking up you swatted the hand that had tried to help you up and were getting ready to curse at whoever made your arse hurt, but you immediately shut your mouth when you saw the infamous brothers.
You stood up and dusted the dirt from your dress and sweeped your hair from your face, “I’m so sorry Mr.Shelby, please forgive me, I wasn’t paying attention.” The whole time speaking you never once made eye contact, too scared to do so.
Finn sat there dumbfounded, you were by far the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen in Small Heath. He was speechless, he couldn’t even accept your apology or apologize himself.
John laughed at the look on his brothers face and pushed him to the side, “It’s very okay miss, our brother here is a little light weight and by any means it wasn’t your fault”
You stared at John in shock, up until this moment you had only ever heard of the brothers and seen them around, never actually meeting them. But right now, they seemed harmless, even poite if you dared. Surely these weren’t the same people?
You slowly nodded your head, still being a little skeptical of the situation. “Oh. okay. Well if you would excuse me I must be getting home, it is late and I’m quite tired.”
They all nodded in understanding and parted a little towards the side to allow you through, but poor Finn was still starstruck and had yet to move. He wanted to tell you that you were beautiful and he wanted to ask you out. Maybe even offer to walk you home, he didn’t even care he just didn’t want you to leave yet.
He reached around and grabbed your arm, you turned and looked, a little fearful at what was about to happen. The worst scenarios were running through your head at what was about to happen. John, Arthur and Tommy all looked at eachother and did a poor job at hiding the smirks on their faces, knowing where this was going. You saw their smirks and became even more jittery, taking them as a bad thing.
“I- I just wanted to say that you’re,” he stopped and took a deep breath, his nerves and alcohol not going well together, “I was goin-,” one more deep breath, “I- I- I’m going to be sick.”
The brothers shared a look of confusion but it quickly morphed into shock when Finn leaned over and threw up all over your shoes. Never once did he let go of your arm, using it as leverage to stay standing even when you tried to jerk away.
You looked down and grimaced, scrunching your nose up in disgust as the smell hit your nose.
“Bloody hell!” It was all over your shoes and up your shins, you almost felt like barfing yourself.
The eldest Shelbys were laughing their arses off, thinking this was the greatest thing ever. Finn weakly stood straight back up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked at you, pure fear and embarrassment etched onto his face.
“I am so sorry! I must’ve drank too much!” Even in the worst situation you have ever found yourself in, you couldn’t help but giggle at the look on his face. You went to answer him when Arthur opened his mouth, “Guess you really don’t need our help! You definitely woo’ed her Finn!” All the brothers doubled over in laughter and Finn flushed in embarrassment, too embarrassed to meet your eyes.
“It’s okay, really. I can just… clean them when I get home.” You gave him the best reassuring smile you could. All Finn did was groan, he was definitely going to have nightmares about this.
While his brothers were still cackling amongst themselves, Finn gave you an apologetic look and continued to apologize to you and you just shook off his apologies telling him not to worry about it.
“I- I could make this up to you! Let me take you out to dinner please! An- and I’ll even by you new shoes!”
New shoes definitely sounded nice, with living in Small Heath your pay wasn’t all too well and you’re not able to afford new ones on your own. What harm could dinner do? Tommy, John and Arthur had stopped laughing, all leaning forward waiting to see what you would say.
You smiled up at Finn and nodded, “Dinner and shoes sound nice, I’m y/n by the way.”
Finn sighed in relief and looked down at you, still in awe of your beauty, and over the loud sounds of his brothers cheering, “I’m Finn. Lovely too meet you.”
This is so short and I’m so sorry!
Hope y’all have a good day sugars!❤️
Let me know if y’all want to be added to the taglist!
@nothingleftthaticando @shadowfoxey @elenavampire21
**I still can’t tag the person who requested this, can y’all try please? Thanks darlings!**
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Tommy Shelby x reader
Warnings: language, men being sexest, brief mention of death, a little bit of a slow burn
Word Count: 3,900 of pure trash:)
Requested by: @imthebadguyyy
Summary: Thomas Shelby has been expanding his business for years, making deals with other gangs all the time. But the Vipers, they were a different story. They’re crazy and dangerous, and they are not willing to share their land, so Tommy sets up a meeting with their leader. It was not who he expected.
a/n: Dudley is a city in England kind of close to Birmingham, just so y’all know.
Polly was minding her business, walking around the shop straightening up here and there. It was just her and Esme at the moment, the betting shop had not yet opened. There was supposed to be a family meeting in about ten minutes, but by the looks of it Tommy was going to be late as perusal.
Ada had just walked in, shortly followed by John and Arthur. Finn stayed with Isaiah, Tommy had told him not to come because it was an “adult” meeting. They all sat around, conversing and just having small talk and after twenty minutes of waiting for Tommy, Polly was fed up.
“Where the bloody hell is that brother of yours?”
John and Arthur looked at eachother wearily, should they tell her?
Their looks didn’t go unnoticed by any of the women. Ada was getting frustrated too, Tommy called the damn meeting so where the hell was he?
“C’mon boys, Polly and I want to know.”
Arthur sighed, rubbing a hand down his face and itching his mustache, “so you see ladies, he-”
Arthur was interrupted by the door to the shop slamming open and banging against the wall, Tommy coming in with literal blood on his hands.
“What the fuck Thomas? Where in the bloody hell have you been? An- and is that blood?! Christ Tommy!” Polly was so confused, her nephew came into his own meeting late, with blood on his hands?
Tommy ignored his aunts questions and walked around the table, lit a cigarette and poured himself a glass of whiskey, Irish of course. He grabbed a cloth and began to wipe the blood off of his hands, all while being silent. Everyone else had grown quiet too, waiting for Tommy to speak, or at least acknowledge them.
He drank his whiskey in one gulp and poured another. He then finally looked up at his family, now clean from the blood on his hands. Well, at least the blood that you could see.
“I’ve been trying to make new...acquaintances you could say,” he took a long drag of his cig, “and people were not happy about it.”
The three women looked at Tommy, waiting for him to explain more. John and Arthur already knew everything, they were just sitting there, waiting for their aunt's reaction to what Tommys was about to say. He quickly drank his second glass. Polly copied his actions, bringing her drink to her lips as well.
“As you all know, our business is expanding everyday. We’ve already reached London, and now, now I’m trying to get to Dudley.”
Ada's eyes widened and Esme immediately got up to leave. Polly began to ferociously cough on her drink, not expecting to hear such news. Arthur leaned over in his seat and aggressively started to smack his aunt’s back, trying to help ease her drink down. Tommy sat there just watching everything with a stoic face.
Polly began to swat at Arthurs hands, and he pulled them back raised in the air defensively, not wanting to get hit by his aunt.
She rose from her seat, a look of disbelief on her face and pointed her manicured finger in Tommy's face, “Are you MAD Thomas?! You have no business being on their land! Now you've done dragged us all into this! Thomas, what in the blo-”
“Hear me out Pol, I’ve al-” Polly cut him off like he did her, she was furious. He was going to get them all killed!
“No Thomas, you listen to me. You go on their land and expect to make a peace treaty with them? They’re so good at what they do no one’s ever seen their faces Tom! Just you wait, this is all going to come back and bite you in your ass!” Polly stormed out of the shop and into their house, slamming the doors behind her.
They all sat in silence for a few seconds before John decided to break it, “well, that went better than I thought it would.” Arthur snorted at that, raising his drink to cover the sound.
“Whose blood was on your hands, Tommy?” For the first time the whole meeting, Ada had finally spoken.
“Some man came up to me and told me to leave, saying they didn’t want the devil to walk among their streets. He pulled a knife on me, so I shot him. Simple as that.”
“Simple as that? Simple as that Tommy? You’ve shot one of her men! This is war now Tommy.”
Arthur looked up from his drink and made eye contact with Ada, “Her? Who in the bloody hell said anything about it being a woman, Ada? You really think the leader of The Vipers is a woman?”
“Haven’t you lot heard? There's been rumors for months about the WHOLE gang being run by women.”
John and Arthur both barked out laughter, women? Why would women be running a gang, let alone one as dangerous as The Vipers.
Ada’s face turned red, cursing her sexest brothers. Stupid men and their cocks.
Tommy sat there reclined in his seat, lost in his own thought. It couldn’t be women, could it?
His sister stood up from her seat, yelling at her brothers before leaving the room in the same fashion Polly had, even slamming the door a little harder.
Arthur smacked his hand against the table, breaking Tommy out of his trance. Him and John were still laughing their asses off.
“Women? Can you bloody believe that Tom? A bloody woman!” John doubled back over in laughter again at Arthurs words. Tommy still just sat there, watching his brothers laugh. He got up to leave the shop, heading to London to see a certain Solomons.
“Tommy, what can I do for you mate?” Alfie was loud, as usual.
Tommy sat in front of Alfie, preparing himself for the conversation ahead of him. “There’s word going around, Alfie, that you are the only ally of The Vipers, is that true?”
Alfie stared blankly ahead of himself before letting out a loud boisterous laugh that had Ollie wincing in the corner. He looked at Tommy and immediately stopped when he saw Tommy was serious.
“Oh, oh you’re serious?” What business could you possibly want with The Vipers Tommy?”
“Is that a yes or no, Alfie? Are you allies with them?”
Alfie eyeballed Tommy before sighing and nodding his head. Tommy smirked at his small victory. “I’m wanting to do business with him, Alfie. I want to expand and put some of my men in Dudley. But, I need help. I’ve heard they’re unpredictable, especially their leader. Would you care to tell me his name, Alf?”
Again, Alfie laughed. He stood up with the help of his cane and leaned on his large desk closer to Tommy, “right, there's two things you need to know Tom. First of all, they are unpredictable and they wouldn’t hesitate to bite your head off if you backstabbed them, yeah.” He paused for a second, debating if he should tell Tommy the second part.
Tommy nodded, waiting for Alfie to continue, but he didn’t.
“What’s the second thing?”
Alfie just smirked down at the brummie, “That's for me to know and for you to find out.”
Three days later it was Friday evening and Tommy had invited everyone for a family dinner, it was all Polly’s idea. They were all gathered around the unnecessary large dining table at Arrow house. Charlie sat next to Tommy, Esme and John were next to each other, their hundreds of kids all at home with a sitter, along with Karl. Polly and Ada were sat side by side and Arthur was in the corner of the room pouring himself a drink. It was getting late, everyone had already ate their dinner and dessert.
“Mary, could you take Charlie up to bed? It’s getting late.”
She quickly walked around the table nodding her head, “Yes, Mr.Shelby.”
Everyone had migrated to the living room now, for once not talking about business. Their laughing was interrupted when there was a knock on the door, they all stood up.
“Who could that possibly be this late at night?” The loud knock had put all of them on edge.
The men all drew their guns, walking to the door, telling the woman to stay put. Naturally none of them listened and they all followed behind the boys.
Tommy swung the door open with his gun pointed out, ready to shoot whoever was there. They were all confused when they didn’t see anybody, but they were even more confused when they looked down to see a box with Tommy’s name on it.
Polly smacked Tommy on the back of his head, “Don't just stand there you idiot, bring the box in!” She reached down and grabbed the box, bringing it in and sitting it on the living room table.
John was a little hesitant, why was there a box? Who had dropped it off?
Tommy inspected the box, it didn’t seem harmful, but that didn’t stop his nerves. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he was a little freaked out at the package too. He slowly reached for the box and ever so slowly opened it.
Everyone was screaming and panicking, Tommy had jumped back and almost tripped over his feet, the women had all run to the next room and the men had drawn their guns once again.
Lunging out of the box was a bright green fluorescent Viper, hungry for blood. It striked again, almost catching Esme by the arm as she ran by it. It slithered out the box, its fangs out waiting to catch someone. Arthur began shooting at the floor, steadily putting holes in it. Tommy had finally stood back up, and John reached for Esme to check her for injuries. Arthur kept shooting, still putting bullet holes in Tommy's wooden floors.
A loud bang echoed through the house, and it wasn’t Arthur because he had run out of ammo. There stood Ada with a small revolver in her had, and a bullet lodged in the snakes head. Everyone stopped to stare at her, eyes wide in shock.
“Guess chasing rats finally paid off, huh?”
Polly had walked back in the room and bent down to inspect the green snake before standing up to look Tommy in the eyes.
John hugged Esme to his chest and turned towards his brother, “What in the bloody hell is this Tom?”
Tommy looked at John blankly, he himself didn’t even know. He went to make something up but Pol had beaten him to it.
“This, John,” she reached down and picked up the dead but still squirming snake, “is what you call a Viper.” And with that she flung the snake at Tommy who jumped back in disgust.
Adas head perked up at that, “A viper? But how, they're not native.”
Everyone thought about it a moment, before they put the pieces together. Polly began to laugh maniacally and everyone averted their gaze to her, had she gone mad?
“I told you Thomas! I told you this was going to come back and bite you in your ass!”
Tommy sighed and ran a hand down his sweating face before peering in the box again. Inside was a note and he reached in to grab it and he read it aloud, “Stay off our land Shelby.”
Everyone began to fret again. They were running around like a chicken that got its head cut off, screaming about how Tommy never should have stepped foot in Dudley.
Tommy sat down on his couch, thinking about what to do. What if Charlie had been downstairs? The snake surely would have gotten to him, after all he is just a child. He needed a smoke and a drink as soon as possible, he stood up and marched up to his office to make a phone call, completely ignoring his family's calls of his name
Two weeks after the snake incident, Tommy had managed to get a meeting with you, thanks to the one and only Alfie Solomons. When Tommy had told him what had happened that night he shook his head and chucked, telling Tommy you had done the same thing to him all those years ago. But Tommy still didn’t know who you were.
The three eldest Shelby’s stepped out of Tommy's car and landed on the Dudely turf, they all felt a little uneasy about the situation. They began to follow the directions Alfie had given them, the area getting more and more sketchier as they went.
Dudley was very dull, the sky was always grey and the streets were always muddy. The air was foggy like Birmingham, maybe even worse. They were getting looks everywhere they turned, none of them being used to it considering their name.
A loud clang of metal caught their attention and they all turned to look. All three of them pulled their guns when they saw a scruffy man charging them with a knife. Right when Arthur was about to pull the trigger, they all four stopped when someone yell.
Another man came running towards them, screaming at the man that was attacking them.
“Stop Marc! They’re here because Yilan has agreed to meet with them!”
The man stopped what he was doing immediately, turning as pale as a ghost and dropped his weapon to the ground. He turned back around to the Shleby’s and apologized profusely before running off.
The three brothers looked at each other in confusion.
“What the fuck was that about? Who the hell is Yilan?” John was asking too many questions and Tommy didn’t have the answers to them.
“I don’t fucking know John, now shut the hell up!”
(a/n: Yilan means snake in Turkish [which is my family’s native language])
The man who had stopped the other walked up to the brothers.
“I am sorry, sirs. Yilan is what we call the leader of the Vipers.”
Tommy nodded a thanks to the man, asking him if he could take them to their headquarters. The man reluctantly agreed, not wanting to get on anyones bad side.
After around twenty more minutes of walking they stopped in front of a worn down brick building. It had vines growing up the whole thing and two very, very large men were guarding the door. Their escort had scurried off as soon as they got there, Tommy not even being able to thank the man.
The brothers began to walk towards the door and Arthur leaned down to whisper, “Ha, and Ada said they were run by women!”
John chuckled, he couldn’t wait to tell Ada she was wrong. Tommy hushed the two before speaking to the men guarding the door.
They both stared at the brothers, almost as if they were staring into their souls. They didn’t speak, waiting for one of the others to.
Tommy cleared his throat, “We’re here to see your boss. We have a meeting, Thomas Shelby.”
The larger out of the two opened the door, “Third floor straight down the hallway.” Tommy nodded his head before heading in, the two brothers following his lead.
The inside of the building was loud with music and the walls were all painted bright green. Tommy guessed for a viper. They all walked in a little further and stopped in their tracks, shock registering through their veins.
There was not one man inside. The room was full of women from every race you could imagine. Some had a tattoo here and there, some were covered in them. There was women with red curly hair, others with black straight. Any type of woman you could imagine, from short to tall and thin to curvy, was there. And they were all staring at them.
Arthur gulped and John smirked but then quickly frowned when he realised that his sister was right, this whole gang was women. He did have to admit though, it was a little sexy, even though he knew half of them could probably kick his ass.
Tommy cleared his throat before walking ahead, not making eye contact with any of the women. He walked towards the stairs and climbed them until he got to the third floor and walked straight down the hallway. When they reached the door Tommy hesitated for a moment before knocking. A faint “come in” was heard, and they all walked in.
Sitting behind a large oak desk was you, relaxing in your chair with a wicked smile on your face. You were so ready to finally meet the man who wanted your land.
Not making any effort to sit up in a more presentable position, you gestured to the three chairs in front of you, telling them to take a seat.
Tommy and John did but Arthur was still hesitant. What had they walked into?
“No offense ma’am, I think I would rather stand,” he was fidgeting the whole time and you could smell his nervousness. Tommy looked up and glared at his older brother.
You leaned forward in your chair and rested your arms on your desk and sat your chin on your hands. “Please, Arthur, take a seat before I shoot both your knee caps and make you sit.” You pulled a gun and sat it on your desk, smiling up at Arthur.
John was a nervous wreck and Arthur visibly gulped and sat down with shaky legs. Tommy kept staring at you though, he thought you were beautiful, but psycho. You intrigued him.
You leaned back in your chair again, leaving the gun on the desk. “Mr.Shelby, I do really hope you enjoyed my gift the other day. Alfie told me it brought… excitement to your family.”
God you were definitely psycho.
Tommy cleared his throat, “Ms.Yilan I-”
You sat back up again, “No no no, Mr.Shelby, that is not my name. Please, call me y/n.”
For a brief moment there, you almost seemed normal. It scared the brothers how easily your emotions changed.
“Right, okay. Let's not even talk about that, okay? Let's just get straight to business. And please, call me Tommy”
“I like the way you think, Tommy.”
And boy did you like the way he looked too.
“First of all Tommy, I do NOT like you coming on to MY land and shooting MY people.” You were getting angry, your eyes were ablaze and your jaw was clenched.
“That man you shot, Tommy, had a family. He had a wife and two daughters, and now I have to spend MY money on them because YOU shot their caretaker. I could be doing so much more with that money.”
Tommy was taken aback with your forwardness, those were not the words he was expecting to hear.
“He charged me with a knife, it was self de-”
“Nonsense Tommy! You could have simply knocked him out, anything but shoot him! He was an innocent man Thomas!”
Tommy sighed, he knew there was no winning this. “You’re right, and I apologize for my mistake.”
John and Arthur looked at each other with wide eyes, Tommy apologized?
“Thank you, but your apology is not accepted, but I do believe we're even.”
Tommy’s brows furrowed, even? How were you even?
This caught Johns interest too, “Even? How do you mean?”
You smirked at all of them and they became concerned, what had you done?
“On your way here, hope you all had a nice trip by the way, I sent two of my women to your town. I told them to do exactly as you did, but add some Viper charm to it. They took my beloved snake Ebony with them, and they allowed her to pick an innocent man, like you had.”
Tommy was definitely confused now, where was this going?
“She did amazing, really. She struck an innocent man in the streets. And I would say that right about now,” you checked your watch, “her venom is kicking in, and he is dying a slow and painful death.” You looked up at the three, flashing them an innocent smile.
“You fucking crazy bitch! What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!” Arthur lunged for you across your desk, Tommy and John trying to stop him.
He grabbed your gun that you left on the table and pointed it straight to your face. All you did was smirk at him.
Tommy pleadingly begged Arthur to put the gun down, but you held up your hand to stop him. He looked at you like you were crazy. Which to be fair, you were.
“Go on Arthur,” you pressed your head closer to the barrel, “I know you want to. Why don’t you pull it, huh? Do the world a favor and get rid of a crazy bitch like me.”
Arthur stared in your eyes, looking for any sign of fear. He found none. He thought about it for a moment, should he do it? After all, the world would be a better place.
He smiled, and pulled the trigger.
But nothing happened, his smile fell when he heard you laughing. He opened the barrel to the gun and found that there were no bullets, you had played him. He backed away and fell back in his chair when you got up. You pulled a gun from the waistband of your trousers and pointed it towards him, shooting a shot that whizzed by his head so he knew this one was full. John flinched, and Tommy reached for his own gun.
You pointed your gun at John and then back at Arthur, “You two, get out. I want to speak to Thomas. Alone.”
They both got up and scurried out the door like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs. You put your gun away which was a sign for Tommy too as well, and you both sat down.
“Now Thomas, lets talk about business, yeah?”
Almost an hour later you and Tommy had finally come to terms and made a small business deal. It wasn’t anything big, but it was a start. Tommy still sat in front of you, drinking his whiskey that you had poured him. Oddly enough he had grown to like you.
Strangely, so had you.
Tommy put out his cigarette and pointed his drink in your direction, “What’re you doing this Friday y/n?”
You pretended to check your agenda, and smiled at Tommy. “Well, hopefully I’ll being going on a date with a very handsome man.”
He smiled up at you “He must be quite handsome for you to agree.”
“That he is Tommy. How about you?”
He smirked at you through the rim of his drink, “Oh you know, I’m going on a date with one crazy bitch.”
I hope you like it @imthebadguyyy !! Although, I low key hated it😂😂
Have a great day darlings!!❤️❤️❤️
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@nothingleftthaticando @shadowfoxey
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