anxious-content · 17 hours
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Créditos para las ilustraciones a: 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚘 𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚊/ 𝙰𝚛𝚝𝚋𝚢𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚊 ➪𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚.
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anxious-content · 10 days
Made a few edits so reblogging 🥰
Cave Jivin'!
A Kataang flash fiction. ❤️
Aang's flirting has gotten better. Katara notices. Partly inspired by Episode 2 of Book 3: The Headband. And also the comic: Aang's Epic Adventures/Love Potion #8
Both have been aged up to 14 because why not? 🤷‍♀️
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Aang flitted and flipped around, proudly showing off the dances he learned over 100 years ago, dances that the fire nation generations before them should have passed down. He was enjoying showing the fire nation kids how to express themselves with dance as he had learned to do, but his eyes searched for Katara.
He spotted her looking downcast at her table with Sokka and Toph while they seemed to be having a great time. He saw Katara watching him earlier, smiling.  Could it be because he was dancing with On Ji?  He didn't want to assume this, but could it be possible she was...jealous? Aang blushed at the thought. He was only being friendly and showing OnJi some dance moves, but he quickly thought of what he could do to make sure Katara knew who Aang really had his eyes on. 
"Everybody freestyle!" Katara barely heard Aang over the echoing bass of the drums and sat with her chin resting on her palm, trying to look everywhere but the dance floor. She quickly realized that she didn't like seeing Aang dancing with OnJi and her staring at him in adoration, blushing. She didn't blame OnJi, because Aang was, admittedly, naturally charming.  
I have no right to be jealous…Aang is not mine. Katara could feel herself deflate, her stomach sinking, but wouldn't let it show that she was definitely jealous. Katara’s frown deepened, Aang’s approach going unnoticed until he held his hand out to her with a soft smile, a silent invite to dance. Looking up, she met his eyes and instantly smiled, her heart speeding up a bit, but quickly looked down shyly and began fiddling with her hair in the way she did when she was self-conscious or nervous.
"Oh, I-I don't know Aang, these shoes aren't the best and I don't know if I know how to-"
"Take my hand." Aang interrupted gently, his gray eyes so warm and welcoming. Katara didn't hesitate another second to take his hand. She trusted Aang fully.
"Okay." She grinned and allowed Aang to gleefully pull her to the center of the flailing fire nation students.
He whispered in her ear, "Just like water bending practice," Katara nodded eagerly, great idea! Now this she could do. 
Aang and Katara practiced nearly every day, sometimes just to relax they would push a sphere of water in a circle, so that's where they started. They crossed their wrists in a beginning stance, circling. Push, pull. Beginning stance. Circle. Push, pull. Repeat. Soon they found the rhythm of the music.
As they circled each other, more and more eyes became drawn to them and soon Katara looked around to see every pair of wide eyes on them.
"Aang, everyone is watching," she laughed nervously, looking at him to see if he noticed as well.
But Aang's eyes were not on anyone else, no one but Katara. When Aang answered, there was a new glint of self-assurance in his eyes.  His past flirting techniques got him nowhere fast, but right now in this moment, he felt more comfortable than ever to express his affection and attraction for her without actually saying the words. He wouldn't hold back this time. 
"Don't worry about them," Aang said reassuringly. Katara watched as his cutesy smile turned to a smirk. "It's just you and me right now."  
She flushed hotly for a moment, taken aback at first. She had never seen this side of Aang before…and she quickly realized Aang was flirting with her, no hesitation and no uncertainty. This stirred something in Katara, butterflies began fluttering in her stomach, and she instinctively returned his flirtatious energy, showing Aang she was on the same page. 
When they returned to the dance, Katara no longer paid attention to the eyes on them. She only watched Aang, their eyes stayed locked and in that there was a brief moment of unguarded vulnerability that connected them further.
As the music went on, filling the room with its exciting melody, Aang and Katara found themselves lost in a dance that mirrored the deep connection between them. They flowed naturally much like the water they pretended to bend.  The air between them crackled with an electric energy that neither could ignore as they whirled and spun across the dance floor smoothly. 
Aang let himself get lost in this spark that had was kindling between them there in the dimly lit cave. Most importantly, Katara seemed aware of the spark and invited it, reciprocated it even.
He watched as the background blurred until all he could see was Katara and the way she moved so elegantly, a confident smile playing on her lips. At one point, they twirled into a move that brought their faces mere inches apart from each other, and they locked eyes, the chemistry between them palpable.
Their moves had become more complex as they added flips and fancy spins, and sweat had built on both of their foreheads. Aang wasn't sure if the pounding in his chest was the drums echoing, or if it was his heart racing from the adrenaline of their connection, either way he didn’t care. 
For the end of the song, Aang took Katara’s hand and twirled her into a dip.  His heart still raced with new desire that their connection had ignited, as they stared wide eyed and grinning at each other, faces flushed and both out of breath.  Aang knew he could release her now, the dance was over, everyone was cheering, but there was a magnetism holding them there for a few moments longer. 
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“Well, that was some dance party, Aang.” 
Katara surprised him with a lingering kiss on the cheek, something she had done a few times before, but both Aang and Katara noticed that the air between them while they rode on Appa searching for a place to sleep, was…different. A few times they found the other looking at them and then looking away when caught. Katara watched the way the wind blew through Aang's new jet-black hair. She couldn't help but notice that it made him look as mature as he had become, and though she did miss seeing his full arrow tattoo, she didn't hate this new look. 
Once they settled on a safe spot for the night, Katara lay awake on her side atop Appa, her eyes settled on the back of Appa's fluffy head, where she knew Aang was lying.
She wondered if he was asleep or not, of course she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep herself.  In the morning, they would have to leave their spot again and travel closer and closer to the fate of the world, the night forgotten. They would have no room for something more between them, not even room to have a conversation about it…everything was just too complicated and uncertain. Leaving her even more confused about where to go with Aang from here. 
She gave in to her impulsivity and crawled to the other side of the saddle. “Psst, Aang!” Her voice was only above a whisper so as not to wake the others, but Aang popped up right away between Appa's horns. 
“Did I wake you?” She frowned but itched to have Aang's attention again. 
“No way, I'm wide awake, can't really sleep,” he shrugged but a shy smile played on his lips. 
So, he was as wide awake as she. For what reason? 
“Yeah, same here. Um, I was just wondering…do you think this spot is safe? That the fire nation lost our trail?”  She bit her lip, knowing this wasn’t the first thing on her mind. They had flown for what felt like hours, there was no way the fire nation was still on their trail. 
Aang slid down the back of Appa's head and floated into the saddle, landing cross legged in front of Katara.  Her stomach flipped as she watched him. She didn't realize how much the brief but intense connection during their dance had…awakened something inside her. Katara was very much aware of Aang's feelings of attraction towards her, and she had been feeling her own attraction to him growing by the day…of course, she didn't know the extent of Aang's actual feelings, that he was not just attracted to her, he was in love with her. 
“Don't worry, Katara. My Avatar instincts are saying we’re safe here!” His cheeky grin spread warmth through her chest. 
“Okay. I trust you, Aang.”
Instinctively she placed her hand on his cheek. His eyes flickered to Kataras hand for a minute, then back at her with a sweet smile and an evident blush. This was a normal gesture from Katara, but to Aang it felt more intimate than that. Katara smiled shyly but quickly removed her hand from his warm cheek and turned to look out at the dark ocean waves rolling in. She wished she could tell Aang how important and special he was to her, but she worried too much about complicating everything. 
Aang's skin tingled where Katara had touched him as it always did.  He tried not to think too much into the touch, Katara was a very affectionate person to everyone, and her love language was definitely physical touch. Much like Toph, except her affection left you with a bruise. Yet, his heart raced as he gazed at Katara, he admired her perfectly tanned skin illuminated in the moonlight and bright stars. Long chocolate brown hair flowing around her gently in the cool breeze, and for a moment she looked ethereal. 
Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts, “Aang…thanks for getting me to dance tonight, pretending to water bend was a great idea and… I had so much fun. You know, besides the fire nation chasing us out of the cave.” Katara smiled and left it at that for now, biting her lip to refrain from speaking further. 
“Oh, y-yeah, anytime. And uh, you were really great by the way.” He blushed and rubbed his neck as he thought about his open flirting, creating this new tension between them that they both felt. The look in Katara's eyes as she danced with him played through his mind on repeat, and suddenly he felt shy. 
 “Also,” he cleared his throat, changing the subject, “it was just nice to be around other kids who don't know I’m the Avatar, and have them like me for me, Aang…well, Kuzon, I guess.” He laughed with an animated shrug.  
Katara turned to him and smiled sympathetically. It's easy to forget that in the end, Aang is a kid just like her, except with this unimaginable power thrust upon him. The crushing pressure of the world depending on him, his childhood ripped away…Katara empathized with him, always. But Aang’s spirit and pride were strong, and she knew he didn’t welcome sympathy. 
“I understand, Aang…and just so you know, you are more than just the Avatar to me. To us.”
“I know.” Aang answered simply, but his smile was warm, and his eyes sparkled. 
They gazed at each other for a moment, and in that moment Aang was becoming quickly overwhelmed with the intensity of the energy change between them. He could lose himself completely in her sapphire eyes, but her lips suddenly became the center of his attention and he almost leaned forward to kiss her. Was she also leaning forward? He couldn't tell, but he stopped himself, afraid it wasn’t the right time. When would be the right time? Was there ever going to be a ‘right time?’ Instead, he reluctantly broke their gaze and inched backwards, sitting up against Appa's saddle. He patted the spot next to him and smiled at Katara, inviting her to sit next to him. 
“Stargaze until you’re tired?” Aang asked brightly. Katara grinned and took the spot next to him. Their proximity caused an instant hyper awareness in Katara, they were so close that they might as well have been leaning against each other, and she found herself thinking about how strange it was that she was suddenly shy around Aang.
They sat comfortably for a while watching the night sky and naming constellations, but when Aang leaned forward eagerly to point out a sparkling shooting star to her, Katara’s eyes gravitated towards the large pink scar where Azula had struck him directly in his mid-back. The lighting crossed through his body, through his heart… and exited out of his left foot, where he had a matching scar.
Back at Ba Sing Se…Aang had died, he stopped breathing in Katara's arms. If not for the spirit oasis water, Katara’s fast thinking, and her healing ability…well, it wasn’t something either of them wanted to think about. Katara often had nightmares about it, she relived the tragic moment of feeling Aang's heartbeat slowing to a stop, of waiting those painfully long moments after applying the spirit water to Aang's wound to see if he would…come back.
The intense relief she felt when Aang's eyes wearily opened again and she felt him breathing against her as she held him, it was unlike any other feeling. Her exhausted smile, tears of relief streaming heavily down her cheeks, it was the last image Aang saw before he fell back unconscious for weeks and it would be the only bright light in his mind's sea of darkness.
Katara frowned at the memory and slowly reached forward and pressed her fingertips gently to the scar before she could think twice. This jolted Aang and he gasped as chills ran up his body, he wasn't prepared for the tender touch on his bare skin and was surprised with Katara. He glanced back at her, his expression bordering on confusion. 
“It’s healing fast. I know you can’t see it, but it is.” Katara smiled gently, her fingers lingering against his skin before she pulled back.   
“Thanks to you, Katara.” Aang answered without hesitation, and his tone and expression had become serious. 
This shifted the energy between them as Katara became just as serious, “We are so lucky that Pakku gifted me the spirit water…I thought that we lost you, Aang.” That I lost you. She couldn't look into his eyes as she said this, it was too painful to admit. 
Before that moment, Katara was sure that she was already aware of the extent of her feelings for Aang, but the few weeks that Aang was unconscious, she spent hours healing him, hoping he would open his eyes again. During this time, Katara had a lot of time to think. This was when she realized she was wrong, her feelings went far beyond what she thought. Katara could not deny that she had fallen for Aang a long, long time ago, he had become way more than just her best friend.
The thing is, she promised herself that until she felt safe and secure in the world, she couldn't give herself up fully, so she often pushed her feelings for Aang aside. That's what kept her from taking that extra step with Aang, and only that.  She wished so much that she could express that to him.
To her surprise, Aang was the one to pull her into a hug, but this brief surprise was quickly replaced with warmth all around her. Wrapping her arms around his back fully, she pulled him tighter against her instinctively. Her heartbeat picked up and she could feel his own against his bare chest. It was their most intimate moment so far, they both sensed this, and Katara was content just being in his arms for that brief moment. She dreamed of what the end of the war would bring for them. Before they broke apart, Aang whispered something nearly inaudible in her ear, his warm breath so close to her neck that it made chills erupt across her skin and she held her breath.
“I would never leave you, Katara.” This was directed more towards himself as a silent promise to himself, but Aang hoped Katara took comfort in hearing this from him. It was the most he could say without confessing his unconditional love for her. That would have to wait. 
When they pulled apart, their expressions reflected tenderness, but Katara felt a sting of sadness in her heart. There would be no way that Aang could promise her that, that he would never leave. The war was unpredictable, you couldn't promise anything at this time. She wouldn't let herself entertain this worry right now, she would just enjoy this moment with Aang, as they didn't get many moments like this. They lingered for a moment before finally letting go of each other. 
“I guess we should get some sleep, Sokka will be up in a few hours, and he won’t be happy to find us exhausted. I’m sure his schedule doesn't account for that,” Katara snickered and Aang quickly laughed in agreement.
“You’re right. Well, goodnight Katara.” 
“Goodnight, Aang.” 
Aang stood and flashed Katara his signature sweet and crooked smile as he took in the sight of her one last time before he flew up and back onto Appa’s fluffy head to finally settle in for the night. 
That night, Katara dreamed peacefully. In it, she found Aang glowing in a pinkish orange sunset, opening his arms to her. She threw herself into him, finally kissing him with only desire and love filling her heart and warming her in her sleep. 
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If you're not pro-kataang that's totally okay but please dont be disrespectful!
If you liked this, please check out my AO3 anxiouscontent - Thanks for reading!
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anxious-content · 12 days
Just dropping this here! An excerpt from my most recent (and longest) Kataang flash fic. :)
"A Promise from the Winds to the Waves"
Rated M - Aang: 18, Katara: 19
Summary: Aang has an elaborate plan set up for a perfect proposal to Katara.
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Aang's heart swelled with warmth as he watched Katara marveling at the wonders that the small oasis held, his love and admiration for her overflowing. With a contented smile, he glanced around at their surroundings, taking in every detail, every sensation he felt. And in that moment, he felt in his soul that this was the perfect time, the perfect place.
“Wait here,” Aang told her, and hopped through the wall of water to retrieve the box from his wrap.
Katara watched curiously as the waterfall split this time and Aang emerged again, holding a delicate wooden box close to his body as he shielded it from stray droplets. Katara’s eyebrows raised with confusion for a split second before she recognized the symbols on the box. She would know them anywhere, they were from the water tribe. Even knowing that this could be anything that Aang picked up at the tribe, Katara's heart fluttered with anticipation. 
“What’s that?” Katara gasped, her attention no longer taken up by the wonders of the cave. She placed the lotus flower back in the pool, shifting to stand but Aang knelt in front of her, his knees grazing hers as he faced her. 
Taking a deep breath, Aang slowly lifted the top of the box, revealing not just a stunning handmade necklace—an unmistakable water tribe betrothal necklace. The realization that struck Katara halted her breath. What she noticed first, and what truly moved her, was the way Aang carved the white stone pendant, designing it in such a way that the air nomad and water tribe symbols intertwined and blended together to create a beautiful fusion of their respective cultures.  A visual and tangible representation of their unbreakable connection. 
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Please take a look at this on AO3 if you liked this excerpt! It was hard to pick the perfect passage to summarize this story. I would really love to hear from you! Let me know how I did. :)
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anxious-content · 12 days
King of annoyed faces 😂
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579 notes · View notes
anxious-content · 12 days
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357 notes · View notes
anxious-content · 13 days
What are your 10 favourite kataang moments
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anxious-content · 13 days
I could be having the worst day, feeling so shitty and then I listen to this or Avatar's Love and suddenly I'm more relaxed. Brings me back to the first time watching this and the unexplainable joy that the show and these songs make me feel.
I'm just like "ahhhhh, I feel better now" ❤️❤️❤️
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anxious-content · 13 days
"Y'know, you're really pretty for a spirit. I dont get to meet too many spirits, but the ones I do meet...not very attractive"
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The Painted Lady ✨🌊❤️
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anxious-content · 13 days
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Rewatching Avatar ✨🌊💙
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anxious-content · 14 days
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Mal's Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch: The Cave of Two Lovers 2.02
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anxious-content · 15 days
who would read a fanfic based on bitter/vengeful/angry Katara out for Fire Nation blood?
TBH I'm going to write this for me anyways because it's an idea I've been thinking about for a long time, but I'm not sure I would post it so just asking for opinions here.
What could possibly go wrong with the direction I'm going, is that Katara would be pretty OOC, and not alot of fic readers like OOC main characters. Her her usual qualities there (nurturing, caring, kind, brave, emotional, etc) would still be there but I want to show that she's been pretty over taken by the anger and bitterness about her mothers death and she wants to avenge her mother even if that means she might have to go against her principles. I mean, after finding Aang and realizing he's the Avatar the first thing that comes to Katara's mind is that they could use him as a weapon against the fire nation once he masters the elements.
Of course as the story goes on (and Aang gets to her a little too), she will learn to get through her trauma in a healthy way instead of getting revenge, learn about friendship, teamwork, love etc. I want this to take place throughout book 1.
Stupid idea? Okay idea? Cool idea? I should throw away the whole idea? Would love to hear opinions!
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anxious-content · 15 days
cannot believe people act like sokka's the player of the gaang when aang has girls hanging off of him on kyoshi island and in the fire nation school and in the fortuneteller's village and charmed katara instantly to the point where sokka calls him her boyfriend in the second episode. what is that thing the kids say? rizz? aang's got it
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anxious-content · 15 days
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long hair zuko lives in my head rent free
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anxious-content · 15 days
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12K notes · View notes
anxious-content · 15 days
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girl who does NOT play when it comes to her bald bf
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anxious-content · 16 days
Cave Jivin'!
A Kataang flash fiction. ❤️
Aang's flirting has gotten better. Katara notices. Partly inspired by Episode 2 of Book 3: The Headband. And also the comic: Aang's Epic Adventures/Love Potion #8
Both have been aged up to 14 because why not? 🤷‍♀️
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Aang flitted and flipped around, proudly showing off the dances he learned over 100 years ago, dances that the fire nation generations before them should have passed down. He was enjoying showing the fire nation kids how to express themselves with dance as he had learned to do, but his eyes searched for Katara.
He spotted her looking downcast at her table with Sokka and Toph while they seemed to be having a great time. He saw Katara watching him earlier, smiling.  Could it be because he was dancing with On Ji?  He didn't want to assume this, but could it be possible she was...jealous? Aang blushed at the thought. He was only being friendly and showing OnJi some dance moves, but he quickly thought of what he could do to make sure Katara knew who Aang really had his eyes on. 
"Everybody freestyle!" Katara barely heard Aang over the echoing bass of the drums and sat with her chin resting on her palm, trying to look everywhere but the dance floor. She quickly realized that she didn't like seeing Aang dancing with OnJi and her staring at him in adoration, blushing. She didn't blame OnJi, because Aang was, admittedly, naturally charming.  
I have no right to be jealous…Aang is not mine. Katara could feel herself deflate, her stomach sinking, but wouldn't let it show that she was definitely jealous. Katara’s frown deepened, Aang’s approach going unnoticed until he held his hand out to her with a soft smile, a silent invite to dance. Looking up, she met his eyes and instantly smiled, her heart speeding up a bit, but quickly looked down shyly and began fiddling with her hair in the way she did when she was self-conscious or nervous.
"Oh, I-I don't know Aang, these shoes aren't the best and I don't know if I know how to-"
"Take my hand." Aang interrupted gently, his gray eyes so warm and welcoming. Katara didn't hesitate another second to take his hand. She trusted Aang fully.
"Okay." She grinned and allowed Aang to gleefully pull her to the center of the flailing fire nation students.
He whispered in her ear, "Just like water bending practice," Katara nodded eagerly, great idea! Now this she could do. 
Aang and Katara practiced nearly every day, sometimes just to relax they would push a sphere of water in a circle, so that's where they started. They crossed their wrists in a beginning stance, circling. Push, pull. Beginning stance. Circle. Push, pull. Repeat. Soon they found the rhythm of the music.
As they circled each other, more and more eyes became drawn to them and soon Katara looked around to see every pair of wide eyes on them.
"Aang, everyone is watching," she laughed nervously, looking at him to see if he noticed as well.
But Aang's eyes were not on anyone else, no one but Katara. When Aang answered, there was a new glint of self-assurance in his eyes.  His past flirting techniques got him nowhere fast, but right now in this moment, he felt more comfortable than ever to express his affection and attraction for her without actually saying the words. He wouldn't hold back this time. 
"Don't worry about them," Aang said reassuringly. Katara watched as his cutesy smile turned to a smirk. "It's just you and me right now."  
She flushed hotly for a moment, taken aback at first. She had never seen this side of Aang before…and she quickly realized Aang was flirting with her, no hesitation and no uncertainty. This stirred something in Katara, butterflies began fluttering in her stomach, and she instinctively returned his flirtatious energy, showing Aang she was on the same page. 
When they returned to the dance, Katara no longer paid attention to the eyes on them. She only watched Aang, their eyes stayed locked and in that there was a brief moment of unguarded vulnerability that connected them further.
As the music went on, filling the room with its exciting melody, Aang and Katara found themselves lost in a dance that mirrored the deep connection between them. They flowed naturally much like the water they pretended to bend.  The air between them crackled with an electric energy that neither could ignore as they whirled and spun across the dance floor smoothly. 
Aang let himself get lost in this spark that had was kindling between them there in the dimly lit cave. Most importantly, Katara seemed aware of the spark and invited it, reciprocated it even.
He watched as the background blurred until all he could see was Katara and the way she moved so elegantly, a confident smile playing on her lips. At one point, they twirled into a move that brought their faces mere inches apart from each other, and they locked eyes, the chemistry between them palpable.
Their moves had become more complex as they added flips and fancy spins, and sweat had built on both of their foreheads. Aang wasn't sure if the pounding in his chest was the drums echoing, or if it was his heart racing from the adrenaline of their connection, either way he didn’t care. 
For the end of the song, Aang took Katara’s hand and twirled her into a dip.  His heart still raced with new desire that their connection had ignited, as they stared wide eyed and grinning at each other, faces flushed and both out of breath.  Aang knew he could release her now, the dance was over, everyone was cheering, but there was a magnetism holding them there for a few moments longer. 
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“Well, that was some dance party, Aang.” 
Katara surprised him with a lingering kiss on the cheek, something she had done a few times before, but both Aang and Katara noticed that the air between them while they rode on Appa searching for a place to sleep, was…different. A few times they found the other looking at them and then looking away when caught. Katara watched the way the wind blew through Aang's new jet-black hair. She couldn't help but notice that it made him look as mature as he had become, and though she did miss seeing his full arrow tattoo, she didn't hate this new look. 
Once they settled on a safe spot for the night, Katara lay awake on her side atop Appa, her eyes settled on the back of Appa's fluffy head, where she knew Aang was lying.
She wondered if he was asleep or not, of course she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep herself.  In the morning, they would have to leave their spot again and travel closer and closer to the fate of the world, the night forgotten. They would have no room for something more between them, not even room to have a conversation about it…everything was just too complicated and uncertain. Leaving her even more confused about where to go with Aang from here. 
She gave in to her impulsivity and crawled to the other side of the saddle. “Psst, Aang!” Her voice was only above a whisper so as not to wake the others, but Aang popped up right away between Appa's horns. 
“Did I wake you?” She frowned but itched to have Aang's attention again. 
“No way, I'm wide awake, can't really sleep,” he shrugged but a shy smile played on his lips. 
So, he was as wide awake as she. For what reason? 
“Yeah, same here. Um, I was just wondering…do you think this spot is safe? That the fire nation lost our trail?”  She bit her lip, knowing this wasn’t the first thing on her mind. They had flown for what felt like hours, there was no way the fire nation was still on their trail. 
Aang slid down the back of Appa's head and floated into the saddle, landing cross legged in front of Katara.  Her stomach flipped as she watched him. She didn't realize how much the brief but intense connection during their dance had…awakened something inside her. Katara was very much aware of Aang's feelings of attraction towards her, and she had been feeling her own attraction to him growing by the day…of course, she didn't know the extent of Aang's actual feelings, that he was not just attracted to her, he was in love with her. 
“Don't worry, Katara. My Avatar instincts are saying we’re safe here!” His cheeky grin spread warmth through her chest. 
“Okay. I trust you, Aang.”
Instinctively she placed her hand on his cheek. His eyes flickered to Kataras hand for a minute, then back at her with a sweet smile and an evident blush. This was a normal gesture from Katara, but to Aang it felt more intimate than that. Katara smiled shyly but quickly removed her hand from his warm cheek and turned to look out at the dark ocean waves rolling in. She wished she could tell Aang how important and special he was to her, but she worried too much about complicating everything. 
Aang's skin tingled where Katara had touched him as it always did.  He tried not to think too much into the touch, Katara was a very affectionate person to everyone, and her love language was definitely physical touch. Much like Toph, except her affection left you with a bruise. Yet, his heart raced as he gazed at Katara, he admired her perfectly tanned skin illuminated in the moonlight and bright stars. Long chocolate brown hair flowing around her gently in the cool breeze, and for a moment she looked ethereal. 
Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts, “Aang…thanks for getting me to dance tonight, pretending to water bend was a great idea and… I had so much fun. You know, besides the fire nation chasing us out of the cave.” Katara smiled and left it at that for now, biting her lip to refrain from speaking further. 
“Oh, y-yeah, anytime. And uh, you were really great by the way.” He blushed and rubbed his neck as he thought about his open flirting, creating this new tension between them that they both felt. The look in Katara's eyes as she danced with him played through his mind on repeat, and suddenly he felt shy. 
 “Also,” he cleared his throat, changing the subject, “it was just nice to be around other kids who don't know I’m the Avatar, and have them like me for me, Aang…well, Kuzon, I guess.” He laughed with an animated shrug.  
Katara turned to him and smiled sympathetically. It's easy to forget that in the end, Aang is a kid just like her, except with this unimaginable power thrust upon him. The crushing pressure of the world depending on him, his childhood ripped away…Katara empathized with him, always. But Aang’s spirit and pride were strong, and she knew he didn’t welcome sympathy. 
“I understand, Aang…and just so you know, you are more than just the Avatar to me. To us.”
“I know.” Aang answered simply, but his smile was warm, and his eyes sparkled. 
They gazed at each other for a moment, and in that moment Aang was becoming quickly overwhelmed with the intensity of the energy change between them. He could lose himself completely in her sapphire eyes, but her lips suddenly became the center of his attention and he almost leaned forward to kiss her. Was she also leaning forward? He couldn't tell, but he stopped himself, afraid it wasn’t the right time. When would be the right time? Was there ever going to be a ‘right time?’ Instead, he reluctantly broke their gaze and inched backwards, sitting up against Appa's saddle. He patted the spot next to him and smiled at Katara, inviting her to sit next to him. 
“Stargaze until you’re tired?” Aang asked brightly. Katara grinned and took the spot next to him. Their proximity caused an instant hyper awareness in Katara, they were so close that they might as well have been leaning against each other, and she found herself thinking about how strange it was that she was suddenly shy around Aang.
They sat comfortably for a while watching the night sky and naming constellations, but when Aang leaned forward eagerly to point out a sparkling shooting star to her, Katara’s eyes gravitated towards the large pink scar where Azula had struck him directly in his mid-back. The lighting crossed through his body, through his heart… and exited out of his left foot, where he had a matching scar.
Back at Ba Sing Se…Aang had died, he stopped breathing in Katara's arms. If not for the spirit oasis water, Katara’s fast thinking, and her healing ability…well, it wasn’t something either of them wanted to think about. Katara often had nightmares about it, she relived the tragic moment of feeling Aang's heartbeat slowing to a stop, of waiting those painfully long moments after applying the spirit water to Aang's wound to see if he would…come back.
The intense relief she felt when Aang's eyes wearily opened again and she felt him breathing against her as she held him, it was unlike any other feeling. Her exhausted smile, tears of relief streaming heavily down her cheeks, it was the last image Aang saw before he fell back unconscious for weeks and it would be the only bright light in his mind's sea of darkness.
Katara frowned at the memory and slowly reached forward and pressed her fingertips gently to the scar before she could think twice. This jolted Aang and he gasped as chills ran up his body, he wasn't prepared for the tender touch on his bare skin and was surprised with Katara. He glanced back at her, his expression bordering on confusion. 
“It’s healing fast. I know you can’t see it, but it is.” Katara smiled gently, her fingers lingering against his skin before she pulled back.   
“Thanks to you, Katara.” Aang answered without hesitation, and his tone and expression had become serious. 
This shifted the energy between them as Katara became just as serious, “We are so lucky that Pakku gifted me the spirit water…I thought that we lost you, Aang.” That I lost you. She couldn't look into his eyes as she said this, it was too painful to admit. 
Before that moment, Katara was sure that she was already aware of the extent of her feelings for Aang, but the few weeks that Aang was unconscious, she spent hours healing him, hoping he would open his eyes again. During this time, Katara had a lot of time to think. This was when she realized she was wrong, her feelings went far beyond what she thought. Katara could not deny that she had fallen for Aang a long, long time ago, he had become way more than just her best friend.
The thing is, she promised herself that until she felt safe and secure in the world, she couldn't give herself up fully, so she often pushed her feelings for Aang aside. That's what kept her from taking that extra step with Aang, and only that.  She wished so much that she could express that to him.
To her surprise, Aang was the one to pull her into a hug, but this brief surprise was quickly replaced with warmth all around her. Wrapping her arms around his back fully, she pulled him tighter against her instinctively. Her heartbeat picked up and she could feel his own against his bare chest. It was their most intimate moment so far, they both sensed this, and Katara was content just being in his arms for that brief moment. She dreamed of what the end of the war would bring for them. Before they broke apart, Aang whispered something nearly inaudible in her ear, his warm breath so close to her neck that it made chills erupt across her skin and she held her breath.
“I would never leave you, Katara.” This was directed more towards himself as a silent promise to himself, but Aang hoped Katara took comfort in hearing this from him. It was the most he could say without confessing his unconditional love for her. That would have to wait. 
When they pulled apart, their expressions reflected tenderness, but Katara felt a sting of sadness in her heart. There would be no way that Aang could promise her that, that he would never leave. The war was unpredictable, you couldn't promise anything at this time. She wouldn't let herself entertain this worry right now, she would just enjoy this moment with Aang, as they didn't get many moments like this. They lingered for a moment before finally letting go of each other. 
“I guess we should get some sleep, Sokka will be up in a few hours, and he won’t be happy to find us exhausted. I’m sure his schedule doesn't account for that,” Katara snickered and Aang quickly laughed in agreement.
“You’re right. Well, goodnight Katara.” 
“Goodnight, Aang.” 
Aang stood and flashed Katara his signature sweet and crooked smile as he took in the sight of her one last time before he flew up and back onto Appa’s fluffy head to finally settle in for the night. 
That night, Katara dreamed peacefully. In it, she found Aang glowing in a pinkish orange sunset, opening his arms to her. She threw herself into him, finally kissing him with only desire and love filling her heart and warming her in her sleep. 
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If you're not pro-kataang that's totally okay but please dont be disrespectful!
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anxious-content · 2 years
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I don’t know how to live without you. 
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