anubisidianjackal · 5 years
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~Every Family Has A Story To Tell; Welcome To Ours~
—Rules | Volt | Harmony | Story—
     Mobile Versions: Rules | Volt | Harmony
Not Mutual Exclusive; Semi-Selective
Multi-Para/Novella writer
OC, Canon, Fandomless, AU friendly
Multiverse/Crossovers welcome
Open to Multi & Polyships
NSFW may be present (Blood, Gore, Violence, Etc). Will be tagged accordingly.      —Sexual themes/scenarios on a side blog
RP Guidelines
-Personals/Non-RP Blogs; Please Do Not Re/blog-
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
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you ever think about what those next few moments after maria’s death were like for shadow,
(click for quality)
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
My muse in a relationship ?s
Please include if you want answers for a particular verse or ship.
🤗Are they physically affectionate?  🎶Do they have a type? 😡What are their deal breakers? ↕️Are they sub, dom or switch? ⏰How long do their relationships tend to last? 💍Would they ever get married? 🏷️Do they give their partners cute nicknames? 💋Are they more sensual or sexual? 📖What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner? 🛏What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner? 💚Are they prone to jealousy? 😘Does their demeanor change when in a relationship?  👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private? 💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? 💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? 💝How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship? 🤐Would they ever confess their feelings first? ❌Would they ever cheat on their partner? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Do they want children? 🐶Are they a cuddler? 🔮Do they believe in soul mates? ⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? 🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love? ❤️ Do they fall in love easily? 📺 Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family? ♦️Are they concerned with the social status of their partner? 💭 Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
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                           Rules / Volt / Harmony /Story
Over 15 years of roleplay experience. 3 years on Tumblr.
Welcoming to OCs, Canons, Fandomless, AUs
Multiship/Multiverse/Crossover Friendly
NSFW present on Blog (Blood, Gore, Violence, some Sexual Themes)           -Will be tagged accordingly
Quick RP Guide
-Personal/Non RP Blogs: Do Not Reblog-
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
                                         M𝐮𝐬𝐞 T𝐞𝐚  T𝐲𝐩𝐞 
     💎 ☥ You got: Echinacea Tea ☥ 💎
     You are a protector, a visionary who strives to make the world a better place for those around you. Not only are you fundamentally kind and caring, but you have the drive to turn your big heart into big action. Sometimes your altruistic and humanitarian attitude makes those closest to you feel unimportant, so take the time to remind them how you love them specifically. And don’t forget to take time for yourself, either. You’ll burn yourself out if you make taking care of others your full-time job.
Tagged by: @afterthefight Tagging: Whoever sees this! Or steal it <3
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
[ text ]: Sometimes I get tired of all this. // welcome back~
Curious Texts - Arrow - Accepting
🐺 💎 🐺 
     Anubis paused, ears twitching and pinning back slightly as he tilted his head this way and that at the sudden text pinging on his phone. He furrowed his brows, hesitating for a moment before responding as he thought carefully over his wording. It took him a few minutes of entering and deleting before he finally decided on a response.
     [ text ]: Want to talk about it? Through text or come by for a drink, if you want?
     He bit his lip, tail twitching anxiously before drumming his claws against the case of his phone. He scratched under his jaw for a moment, looking up in thought as his ears twitched and perked forward for a few seconds. “ Hmm…”
     [ text ]: I worry and care about you, y’know? You can vent to me, I’ll never judge.
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
     {➹} – ARROW HAD ALREADY FIGURED that nighttime was likely a whole new scene to behold in a place like this. Again, not that he particularly cared what others did in their free time but it simply wasn’t a scene for him. Nor one he wanted to step into the middle of if he could help it, which likely meant he’d be spending the night here at the least. Needless to say, he was thankful that whoever built the club was wise and considerate enough to at least soundproof the rooms though the hero made himself a silent promise that if he heard so much as a peep he was out of there. As much as he wanted to ask about the next topic, the scarf that was, the accented hedgehog was again shocked into silence when the canine laid the gentle kiss in his cheek and Ace was gone before the hero could gather himself again.
     Chaos, what had he gotten himself into this time?
     The question made its way into Arrow’s head not long after the jackal’s departure as he walked in and stood there in the borrowed room, not having anywhere else to go. As far as actions went, however, that was about it with the exception of the hero closing the door to keep wandering eyes out. Nice as the room was the hero wasn’t quite comfortable making himself at home, for reasons he deemed obvious. Thus, he stood there until the knock broke the silence.
     Well, among other things, at least he could call the jackal polite. Walking to the door, Arrow opened it for the other, eyes passing over the objects in Ace’s hands before stepping aside and letting the other in, which seemed weird considering the canine owned the place. “Y’know, you don’t have t’ ask t’ come in here. It’s not like I’ll be doing anything.”
     Was it a joke? It was hard to say but there was a hint of a grin on the hedgehog’s face to replace the awkwardness from before. 
🐺 💎 🐺
     Ace dipped his head slightly in greeting and acknowledgment, stepping into the room and placing the tray down onto the bed with ease to free a hand. Standing straight once more, he turned and carefully laid the scarf around the hedgehog’s shoulders and adjusted it gently before retracting his claws. His tail swayed behind him in thought, humming before he took a step back to give Arrow room. “ I’m aware, but it’s courtesy to ask permission when another is in a room with the door closed. It’s the way I was brought up, I suppose.”
     He shrugged slightly, returning the smile before threading his claws through his mane of fur and turned to the wardrobe and reached beside it to pull out a folding table. Setting it up, he transferred the contents of the tray to a sturdier flat surface and set a chair beside it. It was placed out of the way, at least, so Arrow could still walk about the room without a struggle. He looked back to the hedgehog in question and twitched his nose, rubbing behind his ear. “ If there’s anything you need, feel free to contact me. There’s a phone in the first drawer of the nightstand, instructions along with it. If you’d like to take a bath, it’s down that short little hall right there. And if you’d like to get an early night’s rest, the bed’s sheets and covers have already been changed.”
     He offered, thinking over what else the hedgehog would need. He couldn’t actively think of anything, motioning to the clock on the wall. “ That chimes a quarter ‘til eight, and half-past seven. The alarm that I set up, in case you want to turn it off, there’s a remote on the pillows so you can change the alarm. And... that’s about all I can think of for important stuff? So, do you have any questions at all?”
Pandora’s Curse
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
Send my muse one of the following:
[ text: wrong number ]: Yeah no [  my muse’s name ] and I are just friends. [ text: wrong number ]: [  my muse’s name ] doesn’t mean anything to me. Stop worrying. [ text: wrong number ]: Don’t worry, I’m sick of [ my muse’s name ], I’m done. [ text: wrong number ]: It’s just a game to me. [ text: wrong number ]: Sometimes I’m just glad [ my muse name ] and I are over. [ text: wrong number ]: I hate [ my muse name ] so much. [ text: wrong number ]: [ my muse name ] doesn’t mean a thing to me. [ text ]: Sometimes I get tired of all this. [ text ]: You’re not worth it. [ text ]: Why don’t we not talk for a while? [ text ]: I’m done. [ text ]: Don’t come near me. [ text ]: How can you do this to me? [ text ]: If you don’t know what you want then I do— out. [ text ]: Do you feel good knowing you have this power over me? [ text ]: Why don’t you go to him/her instead? [ text ]: I don’t care about you. [ text ]: Stop kidding yourself. [ text ]: Did you really think you mattered? [ text ]: Don’t bother [ text ]: I knew this wasn’t going to last. [ text ]: I don’t think I can do this anymore. [ text ]: I don’t care. [ text ]: You never mattered. [ text ]: I never mattered to you. I know that now. [ text ]: I see the way you look at him/her. [ text ]: Stop wasting my time. [ text ]: You’re just a waste of time. [ text ]: I don’t want to hear it. [ text ]: You’re a monster. [ text ]: I was wrong. [ text ]: You don’t care, do you? [ text ]: Don’t pretend that you care. [ text ]: Stop. Just stop. [ text ]: I don’t want you back. [ text ]: I hate you. [ text ]: You know, I’m glad we’re over. [ text ]: I’m tired of waiting.
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
[🐺] @anubisidianjackal
     It had been far too long in Volt’s opinion to be away from Ace. The jackal was a ground for him in so many ways that he didn’t even think his boyfriend knew, but he was. And as much as he wanted to return those desirable gazes, the most the hybrid found he could do was lean into the hands caressing his face with a purr responding to the kiss. His arms raised to embrace his love, fingers both organic and cybernetic brush through the soft dark fur even after they parted.
     “I’m sorry… I wanted to come sooner, I wanted to call, but there was just so much going on…” Their eyes met for a moment, before Volt buried his head for just a few moments against Ace’s chest to take in his scent to calm down. “Things went to hell in a hand basket for a bit…” Very carefully, the cybernetic prosthetic was moved from his boyfriend’s back to settle on front of Ace’s shirt and amethyst eyes looked up to gauge the reaction to seeing it without the disguise. 
     “Can Harmony and I stay here for a bit?”
🐺 💎 🐺
     The jackal tilted his head slightly, ears forward and perked as continued petting and snuggling into his boyfriend while listening to the contented purrs rumbling out of the hybrid at the attention from the kiss. There was something different in the wat Volt touched him, something felt off, but he wasn’t sure as he leaned into the petting when their kiss ended. His words worried Ace further, ears pinning back slowly as he glanced down when the other buried his face into the chest fluff. “ ... Volt?”
     His ears were flat against his skull as his eyes went to the prosthetic, concern mingling with a mesh of emotions as he lifted a paw to gently stroke his fingers over the new addition to his lover’s body. His heart hammered in his chest, feeling like it’d burst through his ribcage at how hard it pounded. He shifted, wriggling his nose for a moment but not out of disgust. No, he still looked onto Volt with the same love and care he always did. But there was a more feral subtlety to his eyes that showed his almost violent urge to disembowel whoever hurt him. He was doing better about it, holding his tongue as he tried to unscramble his brain for a moment. “ You can stay for however long you desire, Volt. You know I have no qualms about it. My doors are always open to you two.”
     He let out a deep sigh, gripping Volt’s prosthetic hand and lifting it to his lips to place the gentlest of kisses to his knuckles before rubbing their noses together. “ I love you.”
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
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// The mun got her hair dyed! First time ever doing this, and it’s an early birthday experience after the suffering of a tooth getting pulled lmao. I love how it looks!!! <3 <3
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
“A-Ace...” Volt wanted to come up behind his boyfriend and wrap his arms around him. But he hesitated at first. “I... missed you...”
🐺 💎 🐺
     Ace perked up, hearing Volt behind him. He looked over his shoulder, appearing about as sly and seductive and raised a brow with a grin touching his lips. He turned on his heel, walking closer to Volt before reaching out to draw his fingers along his jaw and cup his cheek. Leaning forward, he pulled his lover into a passionate kiss for a few moments as he gently nipped his lower lip with a soft growl emanating from his throat. Pulling away after a few moments, he sighed, eyes still shut as he took in Volt’s scent. The familiarity of it all, but there was something… different? His brows furrowed for a scarce few seconds as his eyes opened, looking to his lover with curiosity gleaming in those heterochromatic hues. “ I missed you, as well, my sweet. What’s wrong? Usually, you would be bringing me into an embrace and nuzzling into me like you always do when I get absorbed into something.”
     His comment was soft, but a tinge of worry seeped into his last few words. “ What’s wrong?”
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
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// Got a tooth pulled and some fillings put in, so I'll be a little late on the full coming back thing. But! Once I'm fully recovered, you can bet your booty I'll be back all the way ♥️
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
How do you feel about robot parts?
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// If you’re talking about Volt, I already know what happened to him lmao. I have nothing against amputees, personally, and neither does Anubis. And considering that’s his boyfriend, I’m sure cuddles are bound to happen as well as a guard-jackal… dog… dude is going to occur. :)
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
Hope you're ready for some surprises of your own there.
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// Ooooh trust me, I have a feelin’ about what I’ve missed lmao. 
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anubisidianjackal · 5 years
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// If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Sorry for being gone for so long, within the next couple days I’ll be back to activity. Life came around with work and health slapping me in the face, so I should be able to focus on this more as time comes along. Sorry, dearhearts! ::rolls sleeves:: Time for this asshole to make a comeback!~
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anubisidianjackal · 6 years
The List: 
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🐺 💎 🐺
     Ace shrugged his shoulders, huffing out a short breath. This seemed to be ineffective to offend him, let alone worry him in the slightest as he flicked his hair back behind his shoulder and let out a slight yawn. “ ... Whatever. With what army? He can’t even remotely threaten me, the old fat bastard.”
Tagged by: @0nlyscarsremain​
Tagging: You!~
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anubisidianjackal · 6 years
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// Add me if you wanna RP on Discord! I’ll still be here on Tumblr, but with Tumblr essentially burning itself, it’s kinda chaotic. >>; We’ll see what happens.
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