annoying-xthing · 8 days
Ooo can I have the OG?
Saw this on r/systemscringe so here's the boxes I check off :3 I'm only including the "faking x disorder" ones bc they'd claim that I'm faking them regardless (I am literally diagnosed suck my fat dick)
Number names (Only some alters though)
Cluster B (dx BPD + NPD traits)
Effort into decor (I like things pretty)
Intersex (PCOS)
It/Its pronouns
100+ alters (Idk my headcount but its over 100 for sure. Most are just fragments)
Physically disabled (likely hEDS)
Slurs (I'm a faggot)
Still diagnosed with DID, stay mad.
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annoying-xthing · 19 days
hey systems I would advise you to keep a certain number of things out of your bio because OSDDID inherently says a lot about your past and triggers so there are certain details only your close friends should know, and not just anyone perusing the internet
your age - predators are more than happy to fake their age to match yours. Being young and plural are unfortunately traits prone to manipulation
your headcount - aside from assholes fakeclaiming you, people can take it and use it against you.
who your trauma holders are, and, more generally, the roles of your alters. it's basically telling abusers who to target and who to avoid
any information about your littles whatsoever. For all the world knows, you have none. same with who age regresses.
any system descriptors beyond DID/OSDD1/PDID/etc. the internet does not need to know if you have complex DID or something like that; it's your trauma.
what your triggers are. people will try to trigger you on purpose. this includes front triggers
all your other disorders, particularly personality disorders - abusers can try to make you dependent, "favorite" them, avoid others, etc.
These aren't rules, and there are obviously different situations that call for different levels of privacy. Just use your judgment: who can see this? anyone who came across my blog or people I friended on simply plural? trusted friends on simply plural? Systems are very vulnerable to further abuse because of their fragmentation and trauma mindsets. Don't let anyone take advantage of that.
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annoying-xthing · 26 days
The manipulative bastard in me wants to join an endo server to trick them into saying really really really dumb and bad things and post it anonymously online </3
Tbh I doubt you'd even have to trick them, they say really dumb and bad things all the time without prompting
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annoying-xthing · 1 month
I genuinely want full separation so bad, I'm so sick of the way my system works because I feel so goddamn fake
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annoying-xthing · 1 month
"faking and mocking DID" and it's just some guy making a joke
I went to church today and we were talking about the Trinity and I realized God is canonically a system and I cannot unthink it please help.
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annoying-xthing · 2 months
My plurality is so stupid. I'm miserable now, I'm upset now, doesn't this trigger my alters into existence? Aren't they supposed to be here, making me feel worse? Isn't voice supposed to be telling me to kill myself? Isn't Aaron supposed to cofront so I do some stupid regrettable shit? Isn't Aubrey supposed to whine about how we aren't traumatized enough or jerk off to how miserable we are? But no. They're not there. Usually this sort of mood triggers them back, but they're gone.
now that I think about it, they were kind of comforting in some way. I like having people in my head, with me wherever I go, even if they're all pieces of shit. I don't know where they went. I'm alone. I hate it.
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annoying-xthing · 3 months
Things that would get me fakeclaimed on reddit
(Even though I have a professional diagnosis)
High headcount
Alter count is at least up in the 100s, potentially up in the 1000s. Most of these parts are extremely 1 dimensional fragments, but I still count them in my alter count because they are still, in all technicality, alters. No, I do not have 1000s of fully fleshed out alters with their own likes and dislikes and personalities and relationships. Most of them don't even have names.
Rarely switching
I'll be in the front for WEEKS at a time. Switches typically only last a few hours. I only really switch when I'm triggered, and sometimes I DON'T switch when I'm triggered, leaving me in the front for extended periods of time. It's not just me "forgetting I have DID" or "not faking well enough" my brain just does not feel the need for frequent switches anymore.
Being 17.
Because apparently you can't be diagnosed with DID if you're under 18. Nope. The disorder magically appears when you turn 18.
Being an OEA survivor
For some reason this is debated. I guess it's because the online community sucks actual ass, but still. Even if I WASN'T a tbmc surivor, and never claimed to be, I would still, by definition, be an OEA survivor because my abuse was organized.
Having introjects
There's this weird argument on reddit that introjects are only ever abuser introjects. I used to have high levels of introjection when my abuse was primarily rooted in the fact that I was extremely isolated and only had media and my mind to cope with trauma. But apparently, these fictives aren't real because they're from popular media and aren't my abuser. (I have abuser introjects too lmao)
Being alternative
Apparently, you can't like good music and have DID. That's just not a thing that happens. Sorry guys, but you're gonna have to pry Korn from my cold dead hands.
Actually, their criticisms are more about how the person dresses, however I genuinely don't see how this is an indicator of faking. I dress alternative because it's the style that appeals to me. Sometimes I dress normal!! Because being hot all the time is pretty tiring.
Covert switches
You can never fucking win with these people. Overt switches are fake because "DID is a covert disorder" but covert switches are fake because "You would be able to tell, they didn't seem to dissociate at all." It's all bullshit. My switches you would barely ever be able to tell because I'm so good at masking the dissociation.
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annoying-xthing · 3 months
Btw it is actually so common for people to believe they're endogenic as a coping mechanism over actually being endogenic, ESPECIALLY using the mixed origins label.
I am a traumagenic system. Diagnosed with DID, all alters existence can be traced back to trauma. But for YEARS I identified myself as being mixed origins. Reason being that I didn't want to accept that all of this could have been from trauma. I wanted to believe that my system was a good thing, that it wasn't just the response to trauma. I wanted to believe so bad that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.
It was a coping mechanism. These alters weren't coming from hyperfixations, or being neurodivergent, or from nowhere even. They were coming from trauma. I was traumatized.
And I really wish people, on either side of these arguments, would just understand that so many people who claim to be endogenic are COPING because they aren't ready yet to process that their system is from trauma. Whether or not you believe endogenic systems are real is a whole other conversation. But there are truly people who believe they are endogenic solely as a way to distance from trauma.
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annoying-xthing · 3 months
Im plural and I do this but I'm unsure if the two things are related
Taking like you're a twitch streamer when you're alone.
chat is this plural
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annoying-xthing · 3 months
I have a friend who has to explain to her fictives that they don't actually exist in this world and I can't imagine anything more traumatizing
Being a fictive is a genuinely horrific experience. Anyway
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annoying-xthing · 3 months
I hate being plural. I genuinely don't feel like a real one because I have my friend who's also a system and her experiences are so much more vivid than mine, she actually has a headspace, she has so many alters, she has amnesia, she doesnt mix herself up with her alters and her switches are obvious (at least to me because around other people they mask as host). Meanwhile all my alters just fucking disappear, and whenever I switch it just gets blurry. I don't even have a headspace. I just fucking hate it, if I'm going to be plural at least make me a real system
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annoying-xthing · 3 months
shoutout to the plurals who are too dissociated, confused or blurry to ever tell who's fronting. shoutout to the plurals who struggle to identify their headmates or know how big their system is. shoutout to the plurals who don't have well-defined headspace or one at all. shoutout to the plurals who lose more time than they remember. shoutout to the plurals who are doing their absolute best
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annoying-xthing · 3 months
Shout out to alters that do chores/household tasks for the body. You are heros ♡
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annoying-xthing · 3 months
dear alters:
it's okay not to know everything about yourself. it's okay to know little to nothing about yourself. if the answer to "what is your name?", "how old are you?", "what kind of things do you like?" is just i don't know, that's alright.
you are conscious, you are real, you are important. you do not have to figure everything out right now. or soon. take your time. 🤍
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annoying-xthing · 3 months
if you suspect you may be a system or have recently discovered that youre a system, things can be confusing and hard. im making this post as someone who has been aware of being a system for about 5 years and has been diagnosed for 2. these are things i wish we knew and did. i hope it will be helpful to some of you and i wish you luck on discovering things about yourself and your system keep in mind everyone is different and systems are no exception, so what i list here might be incredibly beneficial for one person but do nothing for another. find what works for you. i will try to provide a variety of advice in order for you to see what fits you best DO YOUR RESEARCH research the disorder, try to find others experiences and things you think would help you. this is especially helpful if you are suspecting and not yet sure if you have it, researching symptoms and others experiences can be very helpful in determining START SYMPTOM LOGGING this can be as simple as "i blacked out today" or "i dont feel like myself right now", you dont have to be identifying switches or putting names to alters, theres no rush to be able to do that and some systems have no desire to do that symptom logging is useful because it can help you identify potential triggers and patterns in your symptoms. for example, if you can remember what happened before a period of amnesia and remember being exposed to a stressful event or something potentially triggering, this would be worth writing down to see if its a recurring pattern REACH OUT TO OTHER ALTERS this can be done in a variety of ways, but the easiest way would be to leave a note in a place itll be seen. for example, a sticky note on a mirror (if you live with other people and cant do this, try leaving a note on your phone in a frequently checked app) i would advise saying something along the lines of "hello, i am (name) and i would like to communicate with you. i suspect we have a disorder called (DID/OSDD) and we share the same body and mind. please write back to me in (location, can be a notebook or app etc) and tell me some about yourself if you feel comfortable" but you can say whatever works for you. i just think the main points to cover are having DID/OSDD and introducing yourself as well as asking for an introduction in return START WORKING ON COMMUNICATION this takes a lot of practice, so i always say its better to build up early rather than late. we have a whole post on it that can be found here REMINDERS AND THINGS TO REMEMBER if you do not remember your trauma, do not dig for it. it isnt safe to try to remember trauma without professionals help. if you happen to remember, thats one thing, but dont intentionally seek out triggers to try to remember denial is common and not a sign of faking, if you were faking you would know and would not be in denial. being wrong about having DID/OSDD (if you are suspecting but not sure) is not the same as faking no two systems are the same. you dont have to look exactly like some other system you know or online to be real its normal to not know everything right away. you wont know all your alters immediately, you may not be able to access (and you may not have) your innerworld, you probably wont remember all of your trauma without professionals help, etc. its all normal its totally ok to keep information about your system private. there is no need to share with anyone you do not feel completely safe and comfortable with switching at any frequency is normal, there is no "correct" amount to switch. any amount of alters is normal, there is no "correct" amount of alters. any level of amnesia is normal, there is no "correct" level of amnesia apps like simply plural and bots like pluralkit can be incredibly helpful for some systems, but there is absolutely no pressure to use them if you do not feel comfortable - hund
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annoying-xthing · 4 months
As a faggot system I can confirm this is very true
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annoying-xthing · 4 months
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