annetteayzichek · 1 year
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annetteayzichek · 1 year
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Who can tell me what movie/show this is from?
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annetteayzichek · 2 years
Speaking of Lenù and Lila’s hands, it looks like there’s a moment in the intro when they put their hands on top of each other on a door. I think all the intro clips are from the actual episodes, but where is that one from?
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Lenù and Lila + kissing each other’s hands | 2x08 / 3x02
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
Is anyone else completely devastated by the fact that every time Eve and Villanelle were talking to each other and it was just the two of them, Villanelle looked like she was on the verge of tears the entire time??? The whole bar/dancing scene and the bridge scene, the vulnerable, emotion little bean looked like she was about to cry and it makes so much sense considering her character development this season 😢
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
Does anyone know where I can stream Portrait specifically with FRENCH subtitles? Normally I watch it without any subtitles at all, but I’m trying to show it to a friend whose French isn’t very good and needs a bit of extra help with the words. Thanks in advance!
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
I asked a similar question to this before but now I have more specific information and was hoping for an answer:
I saw that the Criterion Collection finally released what special features will be on their version of POALOF, and I was wondering if these are the same features that were released in the French version? I’m trying to decide which one to buy and I’m really interested in the French commentary and interviews, and like to know if they will be on the Criterion disk as well! Thank you!
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
Hey Portrait lovers! Does anyone know if the original French script for the movie is available online anywhere? I haven’t been able to find it anywhere and I’m really curious to read it!
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
I just read that Portrait will be getting a special Blu Ray release from The Criterion Collection, which is amazing news! Only the best films get the Criterion treatment. Does anyone know, maybe from past films, if this means that the commentary and special features in the French version will also be included?
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
My heart is broken for Adèle Haenel and all the women who had to sit there while a rapist and pedophile was awarded best director. Tell me again how “rape accusations destroy men’s careers.” No, they don’t. It’s 2020 and a man who PLEAD GUILTY before fleeing was showered with awards. It’s not a lottery win - people voted for him. What survivors were told tonight in France is this: your voice doesn’t matter. If you raise it, your abuser will still win. Fuck the Césars and fuck the people who voted for him.
Thank you Adèle, thank you Céline Sciamma, thank you Florence Foresti, thank you to the protestors in the streets and the other women who are saying enough is enough.
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
#lahonte #Polanski #Cesar2020 | Credit
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
Did Adèle or any of the cast of Portrait give any comments to the press after the ceremony ended? I would really love to hear what they have to say.
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
The disgust and disappointment that Adèle must be feeling tonight...she deserved all the awards, as did Céline and Noèmie, and I refuse to accept that worthless pedophile as the winner of anything. La honte, ça c’est sûre...
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
Another question to my fellow fans of Portrait of a Lady on Fire (since I can’t seem to stop thinking about this beautiful film):
Someone mentioned that when they saw the scene on the beach with Sophie running back and forth between Marianne and Heloise, they found it funny and amusing, but I don’t think it was meant to be that kind of scene.
I guess my question is, how do you interpret the contrast between Marianne’s physicality and helping Sophie by pushing her with Heloise’s calm, proud stance where she’s basically looking down upon Sophie as she runs. It’s clear that she is not actually looking down upon her in a negative way because when Sophie falls down, she is the first one to offer her hand to help her get up. So, what do you all think of Heloise’s interesting behavior in this scene?
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
Wow I had no idea that Noémi and Adèle are so tall!!! Now I’m really glad that Céline didn’t choose actresses of different heights because one of them towering over the other would not have given us the same effect of equality that we got in the film.
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annetteayzichek · 4 years
Fellow fans of Portrait of a Lady on Fire!
I have a question about how you all interpreted a couple moments from the movie and I would love some input and discussion:
When Sophie is having her abortion and starts to feel pain, Marianne looks away. Heloise keeps watching and then instructs, or maybe even commands Marianne to watch. What do you think was happening there? Why could Heloise watch and Marianne couldn’t, and why did she feel the need for Marianne to watch?
My other question is about the scene in which they’re in bed facing each other and talking. Heloise says she’ll remember the moment she first wanted to kiss Marianne, and when Marianne asks her what it was, Heloise wants her to figure it out herself and tell her. Eventually, Marianne says:
“When you asked if I had known love. I could feel that the answer was yes. And that it was now.”
Do you think that Marianne is talking about herself here or about Heloise? Could she feel that the answer was yes for herself or for Heloise? Maybe this is meant to be ambiguous on purpose but I’d really like to know how you all interpret it.
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annetteayzichek · 5 years
Wicked UK Final Cast Show
I know it’s been over a month since the Wicked UK cast change, but I’m definitely still not over Alice Fearn and Sophie Evans’ last show. I literally just listen to their final For Good all day every day and wish I could see it live again.
Does anyone have a video of their last For Good? I know some people managed to record parts of the show on video, and I would love you forever if you shared it <3 
I know you’re out there somewhere....PLEASE HELP!!!!
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annetteayzichek · 9 years
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